HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-5-22, Page 1THIR TY: SIXTH YEAR. GIIMMISMar .41•1011.3•10.1111.1••91100:101112•110, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 22, 1924 SANDk.RS 8c CREECH i'Pky. Any kind of work' you don't ' paid for. Anybody can be a leader while there are followers whose heads are useful Our Corner 1 After all, perhaps' the proper' study "Well, I'll be bobbed," isi.what most of the young ladies; are saying these days, "A man choosles hats wife—" begins a pltiosophical ,editorial. This should get a laugh fnom tthe ladles, A Washington tedittor rejoices that tha warm weather enables ;hittni to dis- play the ,fancy suspenders (that his wife presented hien with Christmas,. Hon. Geo. Henry says an, investi- gation nvestigation into the comstructira'n of high- ways funder Hona Franck C. Briggs, "to say the least shows gross careless= nese," The removal of the duty of 33 per per cent. on motor cars glc fig into Great Britasn, (hats) resulted &the Unit- ed Stattes cars ,being reduced 20 per cent. in England. Andy Gump says, --"If the bachelor life ,of sleeping ih>;1ha11 scorns, eating at 7T—a lunch counters aid Etna in pool rooms spells happiness, give ane mar- riage and Misery.' The Advertiser camera meant •evident- ly was seeing things ,when he snapped two lambs at the ,Hobby, Fair in, Lon- don and publishing the picture( calling them "tiny goats." It's a case of the Advertiser man be;,ng made the goat by the boys in, charge. Premiier King's budget proposals on Thursday last were approved by par- liament aa a. vote of 165 to 53. Three Liberals—Euler of North Waterloo. Raymond of Brantford and Marler of Montreal; • and one Progressive, •Ell>aot of South Wateriaa voted with the Conservative opposition. Investors in )gil syock of the Drury Petroletun Company with head offices in. Detro,2t and. oil. ,wells; 4 Texes, are sitting up a fight Ito recover money 5ted, Middlesex, Lambtan and Huron grave many heavy investors. Some large amounts were put in by people,,of this neighborhaotad and it is to be hoped that they are successful in recoveranug mulch if lnio,t all of it. The statement that Premier Fergu- son will cut out (thq printing of many of the blue books ,being,vssued is wel- come news, particularly those thattare issued many months after they are of any use. Reports that do not come off the press soon after'the happening are of little tialue ad anyone, anal the saving to the Province will be many thousands of dollars annually. The. fallowing tis the ;statistical sum- mary of the Soviet Government's Bloody Assizes tins Russia,—Executions of bishops, 28; priests, 1216; school- masters and professors, 6,775; physic- ians. 8,300; officers, 54,650; is,oadiers, 260,000; police officers 16,500; police in the ranks; 48,500; land owners, 12- 950; 2-950; "intellectual". citizens, 355,250; workmen, 193,350; peasants) 815,000. A believer in newspaper advertising' says.—It's amusing but true.—Let a wide-awake.,, hustling merchant, who knows adea...tisdng pays, put a list of low prices in the pap and his cam- peti tors who "don't believe an adver- tising" will tumble over themselves) to post a adt of lox' gavels int - ther r win- dows on which are ,daubed signs tell-, ing of goods they have at the same price. Funny thing abo . t government financial book-keeping. The Ottawa government claims a surplus, or reduc- tion of national debt by $30,000,000 while. Rt, Hon. Arthur IVIeighen, leader of the opposition, cllaims that the Gov- ernment has increased the debt by 540,000,000. Wonder how it is ,done ? It is said figures dot'nuot lie, but they they seem to have. different interpre- tations. If they can bev juggled to meet any coatvec>lience, look at the chances to go scot free,' the Home Bank directors and Hoa,. Peter Smith have. liN THE PIC EYE !,iZ4icure b The science sof sight as the science' of light. Combine, 'the 'two with ,a+ ,senen- tifa:c knowledge of lens,power `and via ion; range and you, can partially sum up wham -,optometry can' do to benefit your sight. We can 'make foil you, a pair of (glasses that will again adjust your proper vision focus, Our price fairness is well. known. DR. JOHN 'WARD CHIROPRACTOR and: OPTICIAN, Pbone 70, Main St., Exeter of mankind is a boaxdin,g house bath tub. Don't rtdicul,e, the popular s,ong.'The music was st•olier>; fromi numerous old masters. The objection to saying it with flew- errs in ao•vie affairs is that the flower' get the caressing, The !boss is .the ioniaaover there who gnaws a cigar in order Id look fierce and profound while loafing. 'A cold bath makes lyou fetel good in- tim ♦same way that ft ,s.osie tooth makes you feel good whlen it!stops;aching.. The proof of the {pudding: is .in the eating, .and the certainty of, moonshine is usually a little unound(.itn the. cetne • tery. • Anybody can be a leader while there- are followers whoseheads . are useful only to kelepltheir hats off the',r shoulders, It used to be .that a' girl wasn't in fashion unless she had been operated onfor ,appendicitis. Now she simply. gets her hair bobbed. • My lawyer said the cereal I had Was atrong—k naw appears He must have meant '(was: durab'.e And would last for -many years: Modern imothers are missing a wonderful opportunity. The thin clothes the girlies are. wearing would make spanking wonderfully effective. Irish Father (to promising son)— Be a good boy :and study hard, Dena is, and some day yo!u, may be Presi- dent of the Irish Republic and have everybody in Ireland respecting your memory. The Hostess—"Thank you so ,much Mr, Krashoffiski for your beautiful Dialing. What do you thank of the piano?" The Pianist—"Ah, madame, I ?do not, in Ei glasb, kno 'hk!w to politely expne, s at but if it were an automobile, it is what they call it Ile America the Elizabeth of tine." How can a man say that a woman has nothing to do? In one year she gets dinner 365 times, washes the dishes 1,095 times, gets the children ready for school twice a day for 210 days, gets the baby to sleep 1,460 times, and !makes about 3001,calls. Who says a /woman has nothing} to do? The Interna. aortal Harvester Com- pany of Canada announces a substan- tial reduction in prices; of their entire line of farm implem`enttst, This re- duction as made possible by the re- moval or decrease of the, Sales Tax or such Imachi,nes ,and on, raw materials and further by the removal or reduc- tion, of the duty on materials enter- ing into; such machines. "The days are cold and dark and dreary It rains and laid wind is 'neves weary" is supposed to apply to late fall; but it seems (to ire particularly' applicable just naw, as each day sees a little. ,ratan fall;, a cc4ld wind blows continuously, and little sunshine is on tap. In fact, this week reel' have .had a couple 'of frosty nights, and same light snowfall, to show that we need not yet discard the th,eavjies' ,or let the furnace fire out, THE AD. KILLER The man who stops hist little ad. Is not ,so (very wise, be dad! Because his advertisements tell The public wbat hethas to sell, And if his ad. is 'not on deck, The people piss him up, by heck! And none of them ,will hesitate To: trade witth merchants up-to-date, To stop your ad. we' would remark, Is just like :winking in the dark— You may know what it mepin, but gee Nobody ,else earn ever sere;: So 'do not for ra. moment think, That when, you. cut .'Dept printer's ink You're. saving money on the; side, 'Tis merely business suicide. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY We, the undersigned business naen of the Village of Exeter, hereby agree to close our respective places of busi- ness usiness every Wednesday afternoon,, be- ginning at 12.30 o'clock during the months of June, July and August, except in those weeks where a PUB- LIC UBLIC HOLIDAY occurs.: W. J. BEER M.E. GARDINER R. N. ROWE RIVERS' MEAT MAMKET D. KIRK ADVOCATE PRINTING OFFICE TIMES PRINTING OFFICE S. FITTON N. HOCKEY F. M. BOYLE A. M. HODGERT F. A. KAHLER ELLIOTT & JOHNS W. H. GREGG A. YELLAND G. M. ARMSTRONG W. W. TAMAN GRIGG STATIONERY CO.. S. MARTIN & SON W. J. HEAMAN B. W. F. BEAVERS G. A':HAWKINS J A. STEWART JONES & 1tAY SOUTHCOTT BROS, H. S. WALTER DOMINION STORES LTD. Deal News C, J Dow shipped to load of horses to l4omtreal an Saturday. rday. The stores in town twill bre open on Friday night owing to Saturday beng a holiday, Mr, D. C. alcimm,ia IS oomfined to his bed through illness at ,the home of friends ,in Mitchell. Mgrs. Frank Coates of Usborne, ,was taken, to the hospital, . Londton the wee; to undergo an opera tiara. Dr. Ray Morrisons of New York, tion of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.i Schosenberg of London, well known in ,Exeter; was married in New York on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. S Johnston war's ,taken( to Vic- ttoria Hospital, London, on Wednes- day manning, where she willtundergo a similar operation to that she underwent some time ago. , Messrs W. W. Taman ,and E. A Howald went to Clinton to attend the I,O,O,F. District Meeting this Wed- nesday afterrtoon. It is expected that W. W. will be ;elected D.D,G.M. Mr. C. C. Pilon as home from Detroit. Mr. Ylaurice Harvey is home from Toronto University. Mr. S. M. Sanders 14eft. Tuesday for Chicago an business. Mrs. William Newell returned to Stratford on. Tuesday. Mrs. John uMiners cls visiting at her old home in Bowmanvtilie,. Mrs. Willis Powell and daughter; Marion, are vesiting in London, Miss C. Vosper has returned from a visit in Toron to and London. Airs Soloman Hardy is visiting re- latives aced friends in Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. T. ;Hit Newell and scat, David, of Stratford, spent Sun>lay with Mr. and Mrs. Ra N. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Inksater and daughter of Paris, visited Mr. and Mrs. W.. J. Bissett on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Fred Mallett of,Londosr, is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett. Mrsof Detroit rias here open- ing the home: of heti late mother, Mrs. Thos. Gregory. Miss Stella Gregory will return, shortly. Mrs. Thos. White, who has been visaing Miss White and airs. F: J. Wickwire returned to her none Windsor Wednesday morning. Mrs. McNally and her mother and brother, Mr. Win Glass of London, visited over the week -end. with Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson, of town. Dr. and Mrs. Porterfield tand. daugh- ter. Deborah of Munro spent Sunday at the home of Mr. meted Sathern, Miss Deborah remainingfor a few. days. LOCALS ALSO ON PAGE 4 EXETER DISTRICT W.M.S. CONVENTION A very representative gathering attended the twenty-eighth annual convention held May 15th. in Hensel]. Methodist church. About 300 dele- gates registered. Mrs. V. Mollard, Dist. Supt., presided. Devotional ex- ercises, conducted by Mrs. Kiteley, were inspiring and helpful. Splen- did reports were given by all the Auxiliaries, Circles and Bands, show- ing not only increased funds, blit al- so a growing Christian attitude to- wards missions. An impressive memorial service was conducted by Mrs. Hunter, who paid a loving tribute to 13 deceased aux. members, among whom was Mrs: A. M. Wilson, so well known and deeply mourned throughout the District. For twelve years she did. splendid work as Dist. Supt. and or- ganizer in Exeter Dist. She was a regular attendant at the London Conference Branch meeting and at the time of her death was Hon. Vaee Pres. ot the Branch and Hon. Supt. of Exeter Dist. These deaths were indeed a sad loss to us all. The singing of Mrs. Wilson's favorite hymn: "Will There be any Stars in my. Crown" and an appropriate pray- er brought these services to a close. The afternoon session 'opened with devotional exercises conducted by the Kirkton Aux. Mac. V. Mollard in a very capable manner gave a survey of the work done in the Dist.. She reported 24 Auxiliaries which raised $3673.56; 12. Circles which raised $945.00, and 13 Bands which. raised $561.71. The total amount. raised was $5182.31, an increase of $162.26 over last. year. She would have us ,remember that ours is a spiritual organization that has for its great object the financing of for- ces that make for the enlightenment the education and the evangelizing Continued on Page 4. BIRTHS Mack"—Ix: Exeter, on May 17th, to ,Mr.. artd Mrs: Wilfred Mack(, la sort. Thiel -At Bronson Lane, Hay Tp., on A 13, to Mr. and;aans. Wm, Thiel. a d uughter. Hopins„ .In.:Betlresda Ho;.putal,.. Lon - don. on May 21st, to Mr and Mrs. aims Hopkins, nee 'Olive bedtor-d a daughter, (;,l , f i ,Let Us Help You To See Better Your eyes taken singly may be abso- lutely perfect as far as the sight is concerned, but on account of being imperfect in their muscular 'balance they may be a very poor team and cause you a great deal of distress. We test for these muscly deficienc- ies as well as the !sight and when nec- essary relieve this trouble by lenses made specially for this purpose. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. FITTON REGI°lTbRED OPTOMETRIST MARRIAGES Jaques—Gunning,—At the bride's :come Usbarrte, on May 21st, by Rev, Kit•elv 'Mgr. Henry Jaques to Miss Tessa' Blanche Gunning, daughter of Mr and Mrs, Albert Gunning, Armstrong—Gould—In Windsor, on May 13ty, Miss Lela Gould, Baugh - ter of the late Mr. and f\frs. James Gould, to Ernest Armstrong; both .of Detroit and formerly of Exeter Jackson—MCDanald--At tthe Metho- dist Parsonage, St Marys, lon,May 14 Christina McDonald and Frederick C Jackson, both of St. Marys. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband, John Dinney, who passed away:' May 24 1923, Not dead to us,w4'p;ove him still, Not lost, but gioaue ,before. , FIe lives with us in (memory still, And will for ever 'snore. —Wife and Children IN MEMORIAM H'eaman—In Riving memory of ,our dear sister,' Mrs. Jerry Neaman, who died a year ago to -day, Mall 22, 1923, at Exeter. Peace be thy .sleep dear sister, . It is sweet to, breathe, thy name; in life we love (you dearly, La death we do ithalinane. Oft we think of you: dear sis ter And our hearts are .sad( with pain; Oh this earth wo sld be a heaven Could we hear your (vain(' again.; You are gone, but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade,, Sweet thoughts shall ever linger Round the grave where your are laid, —Sisters and rrothers. IN MEMORIAM Essery—In sad and loving memory of our dear sister, Irene Essery, who died one year ago ttoday,t May list, 1923. ! One year has passed, our hearts still some, • As time goes on we miss you more, So sad and sudden 'was, `the call; Your sudden death surprised us all. Maybe some day wtel will understand When we ntieet you ti,n,the better land. Of grief and sorrow wve,had our share But tthe parting with yot was the hardest to !bean. Friends may thunk the wound has healed But little they know the sorrow our hearts conceal. What happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memories still; But they have left ra vacant spot This word 'can never fills In our hearts your memory lingers— Sweet, tender, kind and true; There la not a day, (dear; sister, That we do not think of you. —Sadly missed by Father, Mother, Sisters, and Brother. DOM THEATRE Friday Satixrday & Monday May 23rd, 24th and 26th Harold Lloyd "Doom of Gloom" IN --- "Why Worry 99 Forget your cares and heartaches, 'Come and get a .crib -ache, Wave away your weary worries;, Laugh and roar in_galest:and flurries. For May 31st and June ?2,' Jack Pick- ford in " arrtsonis ' Finish." :Big 8 -reel racing ,picture. Other United Artists' pictures to fallow,— Mark Pickford in "Through the Back Door," "The Iron Trail" by Rex Tteacit.. "Carnival" featuring Matheson Lang the famous English Artist.. Phone LJ Delivery HARVEY'S Service Grocery PINEAPPLE WEEK PINEAPPLES ARE THREE WEEKS EARLIER THIS YEAR, ARE NO. 1 QUALITY AND ARE OFFER- ED THIS WEEK AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. THE COST OF PINES AND SUGAR BEING LOW- ER THAN LAST YEAR, MAY CREATE A BIG DEIiMAND WHICH WOULD MEAN HIGHER PRICES AS THE SEASON ADVANCES, ESPECIALLY ON THE LARGER SIZES, WHICH ARE ALREADY BECOMING SCARCE. 20, 25 and 35c. each, according to size HARVEY & HARVEY TWO STORES Before Moving Sale We are on June 1st moving 'nto our new premises, and are offering some bargains before we •move.. Batteries 6-11 Columbia Battery 514.50 6-11 Prest-o-lite Battery $24.00 6-11 Prest-o-lite Battery $19,00 6-11 " oversize Battery $26,50 WE WILL RENT l'HE :26 50 FOR 510.00 PER YEAR. Tire Casings 30x3= Dominions for ,39,00 30x3;¢ Nobby for ......... $12.50 30x33 Cord for > $13.00 30x3a1 oversize Cord for $16.00 31x4 Nobby for ....... 520.00 32x4 Nobby or Cord for: ,„ $21.00 33x4 Nobby +or Cord for ... $23.00 34x4 Nobby or Cord for ... $24,00 Gas and Oil Pure British -American Autolene Motor Oil — $1.00 a gallon,. Gasoline — 30c. a gallon,. "My Brother's Place" John Taylor A1:STEr,_ S FOR THE HOLIDAY This Store Will Supply Your Needs Slippers and Sandals $3.29 and $4.90 Silk Lisle Stockings 65c. a Pair You will ,farad it 'nay to buy your Take advantage of this special footwear for the holiday at t his) value. Black and colors in plain stone. The new sandals in patent and fancy ribbed. You save 25c. leather aid grey buck, and Flip- a pair. We also have girls' atock- peas in all the (popular styles at ings in the wide albs and light 53.29 to 54.90. shades at money saving prices. Holeproof Pure Silk Stockings at $1.60 a Pair This is an, unurural value,. All first quality and in the papuliae new :shades, including Airedale ,and Peach or Nude. , Ladies Coats and Suits All Greatly Reduced in Price $16.95 At ltlhis low price, you will Lied the newest check artd stripe coats which have been valued, up to 2+25.00 A few trimmed velour coats at bargain, prices. Sere us before you. buy. Men and Boys Dress up for the Holiday Oxfords $5.00 . Straw Sailors Good solid Oxfords in ahet pop- You will need a new straw hat alar new lasts, 55.00 a pair. for the 24th. See our display. Clothing for Men and Boys at Much Lower Prices Come here, for your ,next suit, and why not 'have it for the holi- day, We can soave you honey. CAPS! SHIRTS! SOX! NECKTIES! ATHLETIC UNDERWbAR Groceries Groceries Priced to Save You Money R oyal Yeas t Cakes 5c, Special Guarlamtteted Tea 65.c. ib. Red Salmon 25e. All Laundryy Soap 3 for 20c. Pure Leaf Land albs for 35c, Mixed' Sweet Cookies, 2 lbs 35c. Seedless Muscatel Raisins 21b, 25c. Grape Nuts 17c, Puffed Rice 17c. Puffed Wheat 14c, Shredded Wheat lac. 7 crakes Castile Soap 25c, This Store will he open Friday night on account of Saturday bairn a holiday..: J. A. STEWART