HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-5-8, Page 8EXETER A..]]IIbCATE� T'►i.IJRBI1 Y, Exeter Markets CH 1NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat . ............. 1.00 Oats ..1 .45 Barley Manitoba's, Best Flour ........ ...... 3.35 ram.. y Flour ...3.30 Pty Flour 3.00 Feed Flour ,, 1.85 Bran 1.50 Shorts 1.60 Eggs 21 Creamery Butter 35 Dai -y 13u -r• .e: . 30 Lard 18 for 20 Hogs ,...... ,., 7.50 W. R. Goulding A. T. C, Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church, Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music in the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER. Potatoes We are buying .potatoes at $1,00 a> bag trade, after going through our grader. JONES; & MAY The meeting of the Women's Insti- tute is postponed until May 20th and will he held at Miss Connor's. FOR SALE -All steel range (Uni- versal) suitable for large kitchen, in perfect order. 11 White Leghorn hens, good win- ter layers. -C. Wares, Ana St., Exeter. CHICKS FOR SALE. Barred Rock, White Leghorns, R.C. Rhode Island Reds, and White Wya.n- dettcs.-Garnet Heywood, Exeter. FOR SALE -Frame House and 3 lots of land on Market St., Exeter North Ape' to Mrs. Jas, Wanless, or Mrs, Lancelot Hardy, Try Bone Meal for your Gardens, Onions, Potatoes, Etc. We have an- other Fertilizer especially adapted for the sante purpose Harvey Bros. FOR. SALE OR TO RENT. 200 acres pasture farms, Lots 19 and 20, Con 5, Stephen, the property of the late Eli Snell. Apply to JOHN C. SNELL, Exeter PEAS AND der beans rand for sale. -John BEANS -White Won - American Wonder ;yeas Triebner, R. 1, Exeter. Mr. Frank Taylor has rented Mr. Thornton Baker's stables, to the rear of Taylor's Tire Shop, and has heavy, and light horses for sale or exchange. Look over the horses he has an hand. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE,. Well built, attractive and modern Bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MRS. GA.t11BRILL Certified Violin Teacher Has vacancies for a few students only. 14Irs. Cambrian is represented by ih.er pupils in many Churches, . Sunday Schools, and Theatres- several as professionally paid performers. Auto for Hire DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Charges Reasonaaie Phone 142 A, T. HARNESS - EXETER G S.•ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. • DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal Calleg.e of Dental Surgeons of Ontario' , and Un= iaversury of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, AIi1it� wry District Number one, Landon„,Ont, Main Office -Dickson Block, Mj Sts-eet, Exeter ,Ont. Hours 9 to 5,30 p.m. Phone 34, Exster. AT ZURICH 'Tuesday only. Phone 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Cleaning, Pressing Repairing Also Tailoring MENS SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only • 50c Dry Cle,amed and Pressed 82.00 Dyed and Press+ed $4.00 LADIES' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressedsed 82.00 Skirts Pressed SOc We also Make and; Trim Suits with First Crass Trimmings for 820.00. I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL Cartage Service Our Express Service from Lon- don to -Exeter is now operating. Ljieey ran ''coIncaJOn R. W. Fuke Insurance Broker LIFE, ACCIDENT SICKNESS. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY, FIRE • INSURANCE. A shairegof your bu mess would he appreciated Local Doings Malay flawe,rs are blooming in the woods. • Mrs John Dign.'3n still 'continues iln very poor health. Mr, F. E. Willis is out again after several weeks' illness, Mr, Frank Gill is improving slowly after sevieral days illness. 'The A. J. 11IcDonell Sale Stables will be offered for sale on Saturday. :rainy of the towns and villages cont- menced the summer weekly half -holi- day this week. The C. N. R, tis instal,hng telephone service between stations in places on the railway to he used instead of the telegraph. Joseph e1eighen, father of Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, former prem- ier of Canada, died last, week in Ottar. wa, and was buried in St. Marys. Several of the farmers in the neigh- borhood of Goderich are going In for reforestratiort-having purchased trees from the government,.. at moderate price. Seeding is naw over and is a little tate, but a few years ago no seeding was attempted until about the 18th of May, and yet the crap that year was one of the tiniest :inethe history, of the province, Messrs. E. ;\L Quance and L. E. Day have _been elected representatives to the: Oddfellows' Grand Lodge which nieets in Guelph; and .Messrs., W. W, Taman and E. A. Howard• to the Dis- trict Meeting. Application for high school exam- inations must be sent in by all stu- dents desiring' to write this 'year be- fore May 15th, it has, been announced: All those writing junior matriculation, middle school and upper school iexams. are therefore being warned 'o have the necessary papers filed as .early',as pos- sible. WANTED. - Life Company with Head Office at Waterloo contemplates opening an Agency at Exeter. One representative wanted for this local- ity, Good opportunities for right man. with District Office supervi,silon and sssistance. 'Write P.O. Box 175.. Waterloo, Ont. Farmers & Dealers Get our prices for Blatchford's Calf Meal, thoroughly STEAM cooked. The best known milk substitute for calves, 'and at our prices the best value in calf meals; Begin feeding now and get results. We supply both farmers and dealers, EXETER CREAMERY CO., Ltd Exeter and Winchelsea Plants For Sale GERANIUM STOCKS. ASTERS SALVIA DUSTY MILLER HELIO'THROPE PETUNIA FERNS VINCA DRECENIA ZINN? •4 FOLIAGE SILVER LEAF AC-ERTIUN CANN\.A CABBAGE . CAULIFLOWER TOMA'T'O BEGONIA' GLADIOLI Bulkrs All kinds of .plants for»Han,ging Baskets. 1Vindow' Boxes and Hanging Baskets Med to order. L. DAY & SON, Florists UNION ST.. EXE TER • Trivitt Memorial Church 11 ani. -"The Fetters of Life." 7 .p.m.-" I'he Christian, Certainty." Rev A. A. Trumpet, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURChf Rev. James Foote, B. A., RBiri1ster MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a,m.-"The Heartsand Handp which Weave the Future." 7 pan.- +`The Germination and Growth" of a Church Basis." ! Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. MAY 8, 1924 Carrs are rated accordm ' to their horse -power. We .would suggest that drivers he rated according; to - theiir borse nese. Mrs, S. Fitton, who has been inVie- eerie. HostdtaL London, four several weeks, following tan operation, was brought Monte. on Saatur•da5 last, a.nd. stood the trip by motto, well: She ;s slowly improving. Mr. D. D. Crittenden, a resident of Blyth for moi -e then 40 years, and tv,ell known in Exeter, having married an Exeter girl, Miss Penhale, has moved with his family to St, Thomas. He was presented with an address and goid- head•ed caire by the Sunday, School of the Methodist Church. FARMER -WARD. A quiet wedding took place at St. Peter's Cathedral, London, on .April 30th, when Margaret Mary Ward of Collingwood, was married to Dr: Roy J. Farmer of '1oront•o; formerly of Exeter, son of Mr. and, .Mrs. John Farmer Princess avenue, London. ,The bride and groom will Eve. in Toronto; where the latter is ,now practising. Seafortb, Clinton, Mitchell and Stratford are grouped tor intermed- iate lacrosse; while Clinton, Mitchell �,( Seaforth.. end St. Marys are grodped in, tine junior series, e" =�. ;�- -.,. .. sem,..,.:_.., ..,:• �..�:��=�►��� PHONE 32 ENGLISH. AS SHE IS WRIT. - Town Commissioner Bissett last week received the. following letter posted at Hay the writer, eventually having the welfare of . the;, town at heart,..- "Notil'acion With Regards to a Dangerous Hole In the Ground Right In Front of the Door Way of The Land Lady's Place Now I think this should be attended To at Once as The Ter -trent Pays her Rent and Deserves her Dues and Better Treatment Now Wes Please See to, this and have It filled In as the Top of the 'Sistern ha; Fell •In and leaves a Ba,d bole which Is very Dangerous at night To any Person. going In or Out." "Bitten, By One That Saw the Hole There," YI' The Board met in the office of the k secretary - treasurer, on ivionday ev- ening, May 5th. All present but �. tile. Dearing and Mr. Rowe. Thea pre- ':?.Nvi.ous minutes *ere approved. The Chairuaan for the finance cam- ab mittee reported the :interview with the Q council re. -recur: g the necessary funds for 'the proposed addition,, stat -:i ing that the council• would submit the natter to the people. The building and grounds committee W, reported a setter from the depart- u4 meat of education sug esting orae i\ changes and asking for plant of whole building. Mr. Fuke .had answered the leiter and was awaiting 4 reply AThe scholarship committee was auth- orized to announce the usual scholar- cbips. I'be secretary was instructed to \• have the teachers advise .her by the second of June if they will consider re .engagement. The insurance committee was in, structed to secure renewal, ion new in- surance to the same amountas before, The H. S, and P. S. principals' re- ports were received, accepted. and. fil- ed, The securing of necessary fuel was left with the fuel commettee. K. MacFaui, Secretary. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Airs. G. A. K. McLeod has Se,, -forth to resider. rM. McArthur of London few days with friends .here. 'Mr. Russell Frayne of Brantford is here awing to theeillness, of his, sister, Miss Lena, Miss Lilla Johns has retainer from Sarnia and opened up her home on William street. Mrs. H. Hopper and daughter, Lil- lian, of Wingbam, visited over Sunday, with lelr. and Mrs. C. Birney, Mfrs. Dean. and two children, of Limerick, Sask., are here visiting with i es. Dean's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Hynd- man, , ' . Young Creech of Detroit is oiet:nsg at the home, of his grand- mother, Mrs. Jaames Creech, for a few troy;,, gone to spent a Mrs. S. Campbell, who has: been vis- iting with her daughter an Hamilton for some time, returned to hes home here last week. Mr. Chas. Knight of St., Thomas and 'Mss 4. E. Brown of. Toronto are heie to attend the funeral of the late Mrs, Frederick Inight, Messrs, W. 1•I. Dearing, Harry Sweet of town and Alatrizo Hodgins of Cred- itoan left on Satifrday for the Ofd Coir ; by with cattle for ntilr. W. T. Colvin. MrR. H. Horn of Watrous, Sask.. an. 'Exeter 'Old Boy, wno tient west twenty years ago, and le ;engaged in gralr. buying, is v;,sitmg inn, town. with Mrs. .Hem and eit,l•e oabe, :vis, and Mrs. E. Irwin of London, ,. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. ir.: we:r1 of ,Strat- ford, Strat-ford, and ear: Reg. Bisset of Chatham et.,.nd -1 the funeral of the late Miss Muriel .13.issett on Wednesday, .;:I:. and Ws. Frank Quaal;'and child- . en. Lf .horndale spent: several days ts,z wee;, with Mrs. quail's parents, u1•Ir JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH ev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor MOTHERS' DAY 10.15-Moranang Fellosyslnairp. 1L00 -"Our Debt to 'Motherhood." 3.00 -Mothers' Day Rally iu Sunday Sch 001 M e,r's': S. rition"• oda 'tel'• from h: Boman e , Braes ';:13,u sh" •f Brossyl3oiiy Welcome, and es George Easterbrook. Mr. W. Th< . i.s ., empaian/ed thezn horn,e. 'erre sur , who was itinjg' her i parry .. c.: and Mrs. I. Armstrong, 'left Thur,uter fou ,ler norne in Tor- onto, her mother accrampaaying her. to her home where she, •will visit for ,x time, Mr.' Maurice Senior, after finishing a his third and final year'sr examinatiion,s, jn law at Toronto, spent a few days. with hie parents here, retuning Mon- day to. the city +o work in the office, of :,is 'brother: '1 , H •Serpor. Mrs. 'Senear and daughter, .iv1rss ;1B1a¢iche, JONES& MAY PHONE 32 ' Clearing Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Spring Suits and Coats BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS' Every Spring Goat and Suit for Ladies and .Misses must go at once, so we offer the entire balance of .our stock of these lines at greatly z e- duced prices, Came early and .ee•ethese bargains. Bargains in Tapestry Rugs 21 fine quality tapestry rugs, good patterns, sizes 234 wards by 3 yards, and 2% yards by 3 yardset worth up to $25. This is a splendid opportun- ity to get a good' bedroom or small living room rug very cheap. All at one. price, only $14,75 for early May selling. 1 Sizes 3 yards by 3j¢ yards, and 3 yards by .4 yards in above also at reduced prices. Ladies Wool Crepe Skirts $4.75 Ladies' and Misses' all wool crepe skirts, collors sand, navy and grey, in the new pleated styles; very special value at $4.75 each. Congoleur Rug Week FROM MAY 8th TO MAY 17th ONLY All Sizes, New Patterns Reduced Prices for THIS 10 DAY SALE JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES ��►ia�,.:i.�`�l"a1:�'�'<wu'� a1 �z;.:R.� s�.;,���►�za�a1i.�"-"'�"•"�'�►�_ icr�::+s�� � :•r ;yl Mrs. Harrison and her son \of Detroit visited with Dr, and Mrs, Sweet over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Piper, and Mrs. Piper of Kitchener and daughters Ethel of Chicago and Mable of De- troit, visited old friends in town on Wednesday of last week. DECISION RE. NEWSPAPERS. Any person, who takes a paper reg- ularly from the post office, whether addressed in his name or anthers, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. If a person orders his paper disconr tinned he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made and there collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken or not. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post office, or removing them and leaving them unpaid, is prima facie evidence of intention of fraud. • LOOK AT THE LABEL. ' Advocate 1 abels were changed on Feb. 7,. We think we have every sub- scriber's label right, If you think dif- ferently, let us knowe We want to have them all correct, If you haven't ,paid up, get busy, and da so. It is only fair that we should have our money. Otherwise you may be re- quired to pay (if some distance in ar- rears)• a higher rate than $1.50 a year and coasts of collection besides, Remember The Advocate has a newspaper clubbing list that includes any daily or weekly newspaper or any monthly journal. We save you the trouble of .sending for them, and in besides. or Sale Late 1923 Ford Touring Car. run 100 mines -;a. bargain. Cock'shutt Tractor Plow, complete - a bargain. Two 4 -panel "door's with jams and casings complete. Barn timber frame 24x30. 'Go,c d 5 h, p. gas edigine. Electric : Hall Fixture. For itnfarmation''re. above 'articles Powell 's' for bun, And spent ovvel - Bazaar, Exeter a, few days ma the city. Pholne 55 JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed, Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. Phone-Kirkton 54r2 Address-Kirkton R. R. No. 1 DR.. H. H. COWAN, L,D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday e Main Offic e,- Hartleib B1ock,,DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with, Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices rteaslonabie. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex • Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, 'Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty OSCAR KLO_PP • AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Regfis;Gered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and. Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich Oscar IC'lopp, Zurich., Ont., DR, A, E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDowell a .Stables, Jahn St., Exete (lubcfy +accuoiecl by Dr. Vim) Plinio 24v The Exeter Advocat Display Advertising -Made kokr, on apoication. f.. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines', For Sale, Te Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found loda1s 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per tine per insertion.) No nlotti:cle less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one inatertjon and $1.50 for each subsequent I-n- ssertion ,if under fivte inches irs length, Legal advertising 10c: azid 5c. aline. Farm or Real Estate for sale 5.0c, each insertion font' one .month of' four insertacan. Bargains in Furniture R N. ROTE THOMAS M. DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL 'DIRECTORS ;P:bo¢je;s, House 205. Business 20w 1. R. Darling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc e Loans, .Investments Insurancei `Office, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter Dr. G, F. Rouls town, L. D. S., D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN 8& STANBUitY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A, R.. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 3; Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -aver ,G adman & Stan/MIN Wise, Min Sit. $refer,