HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2017-02-15, Page 44 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, February 15, 2017
SeaforthCanada must rescind its torture protocol
Huron Expositor
n the face of it, it encourages other regimes opposition to torture is office he has said he would
PUBLISHED WEEKLY — EST. 1860 sounded crystal to continue their terrible welcome. But it means lit- defer to the anti -torture
P.O. Box 69, 8 Main Street clear. "Canada will practices. tle if not reflected in policy. views of his defence secre-
Seaforth Ontario NOK 1WO , never use torture or be The order creates an incen- As Sukanya Pillay, execu- tary, James Mattis. But that
phone: 519-527-0240 party to that," Defence tive for countries that engage tive director of the Cana- means the U.S. is potentially
fax: 519-527-2858 Minister Harjit Sajjan said in torture to continue to do ; dian Civil Liberties Associ- only one adviser away from
www.seaforthhuronexpositor after meeting his counter- so "to curry favour with the ation, rightly points out, embracing torture if Trump
part this week in Canadian intelligence com- "Canada has to now take changes his mind and over -
Washington. munity," wrote Robert Hol- care that we do not con- turns former president
But the reality is Sajjan's mes, the former president of done or inadvertently col- Barack Obama's ban on the
POSTMEDIA comments are as clear as the B.C. Civil Liberties lude with torture." practice.
mud. That's because the Association. This is particularly All the more reason, then,
minister would not That is unacceptable. And important at a moment for Canada to send a clear
say what his commitment when the Liberals were in when the new U.S. admin- message to the U.S. — and
never to be a "party" to tor- opposition they knew that. istration has expressed the world — that it will not
ture might mean in Then, they urged the Con- openness to revisiting its accept information obtained
NEIL CLIFFORD practice. servative government to ban on so-called enhanced through torture.
Advertising Director Some might argue we issue a "clear ministerial interrogation techniques. Any policy that condones
nciifford@postmedia.com already are. Under a formal directive" against swapping President Donald Trump torture, or worse, creates a
policy put forward by the information with torturing has been clear that he sup- market for it and thereby
Harper government in 2012, regimes. But more than a ports the use of torture and contributes to its use, is a
Canada can use informa- year into the Liberal gov- firmly believes that it betrayal of our values and
SHAUN GREGORY tion obtained through tor- ernment's mandate, Public works, though most mili- our obligations as a signa-
Multimedia Journalist
ture in "exceptional circum- Safety Minister Ralph tary and security experts tory of the UN Convention
sgregory@postmedia.com stances" involving an Goodale has so far refused suggest that it doesn't. He Against Torture. Sajjan is
"immediate" threat. That to rescind the directive, vowed on the campaign right to unequivocally con -
means that if another coun- even while admitting it trail to bring back not only demn torture and complic-
try passes on tips it raises a "troubling set of the torture tactic of water- ity in it. But to do so in
obtained through torture, issues." boarding, but "a hell of a lot words is not enough. His
NANCYDEGANS Canada can act on them - a Troubling, indeed. Saj- worse." government should now
Media Sales Consultant directive that some believe jan's stated categorical It's true that since taking act accordingly.
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Iis a rock solid feeling
when the friction of my
fingers rubs across my
arm, not by choice, but more
because it's a requisite in my
The skin of a human being's
exterior is their largest organ,
and while working in the
media it follows an equivalent
anatomy- it supports survival
in the public's eye, this is
where you truly must have
the thickest of skin to be
employed as a journalist.
If you don't, the Facebook
and Twitter keyboard warri-
ors who thrive on negativity
and Internet warfare will eat
you up and spit you out.
Those layers of structure can-
not be in any way shape or
form, brittle. The skinners, I
call them, they search far and
Shaun Gregory
wide while spending numer-
ous hours online looking for
an individual's pelt.
The attacks can come in a
wide array of sarcastic
phrases or comments, which
are sadly sometimes in a
form of bullying or even
worse as verbal assaults.
As the Net has gradually
morphed into a more social
outlet, these commenters have
evolved and the numbers always follow, "all publicity is
expanded - the Urban Diction- good publicity."
ary refers to them as trolls. However the younger breed
The younger groups of peo- of kids do not look at it like
ple ranging in age from 15-29 that, they are being knocked
are found to be the most at down and unfortunatelythey
risk according to the Govern- are not journalists with the
ment of Canada. They call it capabilities of dealing with
Cyberbullying. such setbacks. It hurts their
Seeing as-rk-n the local pride and potentially could
reporter I've had my share of emotionally break them.
it come my way as quite likely So for all you bullies out
most people dealing with the there, call us public servants all
public have as well. the names you want, but leave
When 1 first started jour- the rest of the world out of this.
nalism school it kind of This is Shaun Gregory AKA
bugged me, then my teacher the guy who is hoping we as
explained the logistics Internet users can keep a
behind social media criti- close eye on Cyberbullies
cism and it made me totally and educate them on how
shift my frustration to posi- this affects the people they
fives. Hey, at least they're are doing this to, signing out
reading my stuff. from my small hamlet on a
I remember the quote to cold Sunday afternoon.
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