HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2017-02-08, Page 1212 Huron Expositor • Wednesday. February 8. 2017 Merchandise Antiques & Art Collectibles Place your Classifieds ad using our online Self Serve! Go to: seaforthclinton goderichgbend .adperfect.com Online only and print/online combos available! Save $$$ placing .an ad yourself! Wood, Coal, Oil etc. QUAIJTY %LARWOOD Ready Cut; Oak, Maple & Walnut. $20/face cord. Delivery or Pickup (Aubum) Call 519-524-3493 'A` Real Estate/ Rentals Apartments 65 PRINCESS ST. W Clinton. Adult living. 2 bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, heat and water included. $7501 month. First and Last required. Available April 1, Call 519-482-5784. Apartments Retirement Duplex for Rent - Available Immediately $1100/month plus hydro Includes: A/C, In -floor Heat, Laundry & At- tached Garage Contact Brenda today: (519) 525-9154, bcampbell @ tcc.on Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM house in Seaforth. Quiet street, all appli- ances included. No pets. No smoking. Ref- erences preferred. Available March 1/17. Contact 519-525-9843. Education/ Employment General Help Wanted Employment Wanted Swine Technician Seeking a responsible individual to do darty chores and care for young pigs 7kg to 30 kg. Job can be flexible in hours to suit your schedule. Brucefield area. Call Scott 519-524-0103 or email swe @ tcc.on.ca General Help Wanted FULLTIME FARROWING Technician needed on a farrow to finish farm in Seaforth area. Experience an asset, willing to train. Must have valid licence. FA resume and 3 references to: 519-522-0952 or email: tysonarts66 @hotmail.com PART-TIME help needed on dairy farm to do milking and relat- ed chores. Looking for mature person who is reliable and works well with animals. Call John 519-318-7416 or Evan 519-319-4671 General Help Wanted SC000NDERWOEIID BROS. CONCRETE LTD. Help Wanted CONCRETE LEAD HAND Motivated Individual required to help with Interior Work. This job consists of Forming and Pouring Detailed Curbs, Short Walls and Floors. Experience with light carpentry work will be - an asset in this position. Successful candidate must be Reliable and have Own Transportation to our yard in Mitchell. Willing to pay Excellent Wages for the right person. Please forward resume to: Schoonderwoerd Bros. Concrete Ltd. P.O. Box 880, Mitchell, ON NOK 1 NO Fax - 519-348-4819 schoondbros@cyg.net Legals Legals Legals Legals MUNICIPALITY OF HURON EAST (VANASTRA) WINNIPEG ROAD AND TORONTO BOULEVARD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. 08184, CONTRACT NO. 2 Sealed tenders, addressed to the Public Works Manager, Barry Mills, Municipality of Huron East, 72 Main Street South, Box 610, Seaforth, ON NOK 1WO, will be received by him until: 3:00 p.m., Friday, February 24, 2017 The work includes approximately: • 3200 m3 of earth excavation • 1500 tonnes of Granular "A" • 4300 tonnes of Granular "B" • 350 tonnes of Hot Mix Asphalt in 2017 • 360 tonnes of Hot Mix Asphalt in 2018 • 525 m of curb and gutter • 350 lineal metres of storm sewer (300 to 600 mm dia.) • 325 lineal metres of various size watermain (150 mm dia. to 200 mm dia.) • 320 lineal metres of sanitary sewer (200 to 250 mm dia.) as well as other work incidental thereto. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the undersigned upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $40.00. This fee includes all taxes. A certified cheque in the amount of $30,000 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Engineers and Planners 62 North Street Goderich, ON N7A 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2641 Fax: (519) 524-4403 www.bmross.net The Municipality of Central Huron is now accepting applications for the following position: EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 1 Full time position available' - 40 hours per week Applicants must have proven extensive grader and heavy equipment experience and possess DZ licence. Other duties include but are not limited to assist in maintaining storm sewers, municipal drains, bridges, signs, roads, sidewalks, and road side trees, responsible for snow and ice removal and maintain proper health and safety. Employment to commence immediately. Applicants are asked to submit a detailed resume in confidence to the undersigned by 12:00 p.m. Monday, February 13, 2017. Human Resources Box 400, 23 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 (519) 482-3997, Fax: (519) 482-9183 Email: humanresources@centralhuron.com erns and conditions of employment as per collective agreement, Local Union 636 of the International Brothethood of Electrical Workers and alt Human Resources pores and procedures of the Municipality of Central Huron. Central Huron is an equal opportunity employer. Accessibiity accommodations are available for .all parts of the recruitment process. Applicants need to make their needs known in advance. We thank appicants and advise that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. FARMS FOR SALE BY TENDER The Estate of Robert Isaac Norris invites tenders for the purchase of its farmlands in the Geographic Township of Hibbert, Municipality of West Perth, County of Perth, comprised of: 1) Part Lot 8, Concession 9, containing 43.64 workable acres more or less; and, 2) Lot 12, Concession 8, except the road widening and containing 40.64 workable acres more or less. • For tender forms and other particulars contact: Devereaux Murray Professional Corporation 77 Main Street South Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO Phone: (519) 527-0850 ext 231 Email: Imacdonald@devereauxmurray.ca • Tenders to be submitted by 12 noon on Monday, February 27, 2017 • Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted 111111111116 your moments.ca Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e-mail: obituaries ayourlifemoments.ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e-mail: milestones.sunCyourtifemoments.ca Obituaries In Memoriam Thanks Births Celebrations More Coming Events Coming Events AUBURN & District Lions Club BREAK- FAST, Sunday, February 12, 201Y, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Auburn Community Hall. Adults $8.00. Maple syrup supplied by: Robinson's Maple Products. Proceeds for Community Betterment. Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks BUCK "BRIAN" GLANViLLE During a time like this, we realize how much our friends and family really mean, to us. We cherished Buck and miss him very much! Your expression of sympathy through donations, flowers, meals and hugs will always be remembered. A special thank you to McGlynn Funeral Home, Backyard Flower Shop and Pineridge BBQ for your help! Donna, Marc, Shannon, Tanner, Stacey, Lucas and Nicolas Glanville GLANVILLE January 7, 2017 is the day our lives changed forever. We would like to thank our family, friends and neighbours for their many hugs, food, phone calls, cards, flowers and donations made in Brian "Buck's" memory. Your kindness will never be forgotten. We would like to thank McGlynn Family Funeral Home for their excellent care and guidance and also to Rev. Nick for performing a service that suited Buck's life. Thanks also to the Seaforth Legion for assisting with the Celebration of Life, it was great to see so many people come out to share their stories and memories of Buck. He touched many lives and will be greatly missed. - Donna and family, Cindy Engel, nieces and nephews HUGILL The family of the late Joyce Hugill would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for all the kindness, sympathy and support we received following our recent loss. Special thanks to the many family and friends who visited Joyce throughout the past years and especially during her last few weeks. We want to thank all the many caregivers Joyce had been in contact with over the past few years with Seaforth Manor, Seaforth and Clinton Community Hospitals, CCAC, One Care, and Care Partners. Thanks to all who brought food, sent cards and flowers and who paid their respects to Joyce. The donations to the Seaforth Community Hospital, Maitland Bank Cemetery and St. Peter's Lutheran Church Cemetery were all a wonderful gesture in remembrance of Joyce. Thank you to John and Sandy at McGlynn Funeral Home for their professionalism and guidance through end of life planning. Pastor Brill's thoughtful words of service, Cheryl Anne and Mary Paige St. Onge for their amazing gift of music, and Barb Smithers endearing eulogy of Joyce. Thank you to the pallbearers, Doug, Jonathan, and Jason Hugill, Steven Johnson, Tony Schenck and Kevin Rock and a special thanks to the Northside United UCW for the beautiful lunch. Thank you to everyone else we may have missed. - Wayne, Jennifer, Jodie, Harold and family