HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2017-02-08, Page 88 Huron Expositor • Wednesday. February 8. 2017 Goderich Harry Potter festival goes viral 4)Organizers call the response "insane" , and "amazing" after selling out of almost 6000 tickets in five hours Justine Alkema in, we said, 'One more ticket Postmedia Network sold!' We thought maybe in our wildest dreams we might On October 13-15, mug- sell out just before the event" gles in Goderich will see the Then, on January 26, they town transform into a wiz- sold out oTall 5792 tickets in arding world with larger just five hours. popularity than its organiz- "It was an amazing experi- ers could have imagined. ence," said Swartz. Harry Potter and the Swartz said about two Transfigured Town Festival hours into the rapid sellout, organizer Nathan Swartz they were able to pin down called the response to the the likely source of their suc- festival "insane': cess - an article on Narcity. Tickets for the 2017 event com/Toronto called "This went up for sale right after Ontario Town will be Trans - last year's festival ended in formed into the Wizarding October. Between that time World of Harry Potter" had and about a week ago, they gone viral. That article is now had sold around 350 tickets. at over 150,000 shares on 5792 tickets were up for sale social media. which is the number on the 'We're so glad he posted that front of the "Hogwarts Express" in so many ways," said Swartz. train in the famous story. Many fans who heard They thought around 6000 about festival too late were tickets was a good number unable to buy tickets which after checking the Huron went for $15-$20 each. County Tourism fact sheet After those tickets sold out, which noted other Goderich they received hundreds of calls festivals have been this large and emails from disappointed such as the Celtic Roots fans. They scrambled to Festival. research any way to make the Swartz said that during festivalincludemorepeople. those initial three months of "We thought, how can we ticket sales, he and his work do this with parking and partner, Daryle Henry, were accommodation as a factor?" excited every time they sold a said Swartz. "We got ahold of single one of the 350 tickets. others who had done events "I'dbeworkingatmycom- in Goderich before and puter and my partner Daryle knocked on every door we Henry would be working on could think of. Then we his, and we had this ongoing thought, let's go for more; let's running joke where every take another 2000 people:' time we saw a ticket sale come More tickets were made available on Tuesday, January 31 with 1000 for sale at 9 a.m. and 1000 for sale at 6 p.m. However those were gone in minutes and even seconds to the dismay of thousands of fans who were ready on the hour to snatch up the rickets. Some fans complained on the event's Facebook page that there were not enough measures taken against bots and scalpers, despite the purchase limit of five tickets per buyer. We [...] want to give back to town of Goderich that Amanda, Darryl and I are all residents of and help bolster the community in the shoulder season. — Nathan Swartz, festival organizer Swartz said they don't know if bots swept up the tickets or not. "I don't know if we can know," he said. "We've inquired with Eventbrite (where tickets were sold) to see if and what if any answers they can give." However he did mention ATTENTION 11111111/ADVERTISERS! EADLINES illoy,,awtoviiduela14414 ADV :RTI SSI NSG &EDITOR AL C :2:0a an da OFFICE HOURS: Mon. --,Thurrss.ral — 5pl• Fri. Sam 4pm SD CLOSED AC TUEAYS If ir 11 mon Expositor r,„ 0 8 Main St., Seaforth PH: 519-527-0240 www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com ea orthhuronex • ositor.co it's possible that demand for the event was simply much greater than the supply. Tickets for popular concerts, for example, sometimes sell- out within seconds. "The exciting thing is that a fan fest in Goderich can have the same problem as the "Tragically Hip and Adele. So in some ways it's a good problem, but at the same time if it is hots and scalpers, that's so annoying." Local fans were in for a pleasant surprise when 1000 more tickets went for sale the morning of Friday, Feb- ruary 3 at Cait's Cafe in Goderich. While those tick- ets gave locals and exclusive opportunity for tickets, those also sold out within a num- ber of hours. The event will more than double the population of Goderich. For that reason, they may close the entire Square to vehicles during the event. Swartz and Henry are hold- ing the festival as a part of their a for -purpose business called Dads And Dragons which is referred to on their website, dadsandragons.com, as a "geek culture site" A for -purpose business is similar to a non-profit, however they use funds to cover their own salaries and expenses, and the rest of the money they raise goes to charity. In this case, the festival will support the Huron Food Action Network where Swartz used to work and other causes that are unan- nounced at this point. This is the second year Dads And Dragons has put on the festival. Last year, how- ever, the festival was much smaller with only 1300 people in attendance as it was the first year and gained much less attention. They knew they wanted to make it larger in 2017, but had no idea it would become this large. He said they hired another temporary staff member to help with all the extra work, and they also have "one cou- rageous volunteer': Many more volunteers will help out with the festival itself when that time comes. Swartz also said his wife, Amanda, has helped all along the way. She was the one who came up with the idea. The pair was visiting the Huron County Museum looking at the museum's steam engine which resem- bles the "liogwarts Express': While they stood and looked at it, the idea came to Photos by Darryl Coote/Postrnedia Network From left, Keara Flood, Alice Wilson, Maya Wilson, Anik Watson and Megan Furlong at the festival in Goderich last October. They came to Goderich from Stratford dressed as their favorite Harry Potter characters to experience what it'd be like to live in the world of the famous books for a day. Amanda, and she suggested Dads And Dragons start a Harry Potter festival in Goderich where they (and Henry) live. As for what to expect for the festival itself, there are lots of goodies in store. First, there will be a quidditch tournament put on by Quid - ditch Canada competing for the "Goderich cup". Thiswill be uni- versity teams playing against each other, and attendees can watch; however there will also be a time of "pick up quidditch" for attendees to try their hand at the game. There will also be a vendor component at GDCI with Harry Potter themed goods for sale. Harry Potter themed bands will be there including the Lovegoods, Tonks and the Aurors. All kinds of stores in the Square will be involved; last year they had around 26 par- ticipating in festival activi- ties. Swartz said a few that stood out last year were CIBC, Cravings, Cait's Cafe and the Culinary Poet. CIBC had an interactive "dungeon" in their base- ment, Cravings and Cait's Cafe sold butter beer and other confectionaries, and the Culinary Poet transfig- ured their entire store front to be a "magical store': The festival will be partic- ularly beneficial for local businesses. Last year, many businesses in the Square sold out of certain items. "Everyone underesti- mated the number of attend- ees and the effect that would have on businesses," said Swartz. This time around, Swartz said that local businesses will be much more prepared. He said last year, Goderich Mayor Kevin Morrison said that his restaurant was as full at the festival in October as it would be at an event on a mid-August day. And this year, over seven times as many people will be visiting town. Swartz said that "Goderich Tourism and BIA Manager Susan Armstrong have been super helpful. They've given us great advice and have helped us with planning and the whole process." For those who missed get- ting tickets, there will be more opportunities to attend a Harry Potter themed event in the future. First, tickets for the 2018 festival will go on sale right after the 2017 festival finishes. "We will definitely have another festival in 2018, and it will definitely be in Goder- ich," said Swartz. "I don't know if can get any bigger; we'll see how this festival goes. But it will certainly be better. We just keep learning from what we do right and what we do wrong and will keep smoothing it out." Also, Dads And Dragons has partnered with the Harry Potter Society of London, Ontario to run a convention with lots of Harry Potter leanings on March 10-11, 2018 called "Dia -Con Alley" As for the upcoming Goderich festival, Swartz said, "We just want to have fun. We want people to enjoy harry potter like we to enjoy it and to have a great time. We also want to give back to town of Goderich that Amanda, Darryl and I are all residents of and help bolster the community in the shoul- der season." it