HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-5-1, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY \VEDNESDA'Y Wheat .....................:1.00 Barley 55 Mon total's Res 't Flour ,,,,..,., 3.45 Fam'.ty Flour • ...,... . ,3,30 Paz Iry Flour ,,.,, 3.00 Feed. Flour ......... 1,75 Bran ... 1.50. Shorts 1,60 Eggs .. 21 Creamery Butter a.... 35 Dai -y Butter t .. 30 ta 33 Lard 18 to 20 Hogs 7.00 W. R. Goulding A. T. C. Organise and Choirmaster James St, Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music tin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Bax 57 EXETER. DWELLING FOR SALE.—A com- fortable cottage on th'e corner, of nii11 and Carling Streets, in good state of repair; 2 lots of land, a niunber of choice fruit trees, and small fruits of all kinds. For particulars apply to Mrs, S. Johnston, Exeter. COWS FOR SALE—Three freshen- ing cows. Apply to Lloyd England, Crediton. ---r FOR SALE—Number of Houses for saleor to rent. Apply at The 'Advo- cate Office, IV1HOLM FARM FOR SALE—Choice Seed Potatoes Cobblers and Dooley. Baldwin Ap- ples and Bred -to -lay Barred • Rock eggs for hatching. L. V. HOGARTH. Phone. Creditor 18r31. FARM FOR SALE Being Lot 25, Con. 1, Usbarne, con- taining 101 a. -es; 45 acres plowed and 35 acres inagrass; all well drained and Fenced. There is on the premises a bank barn 70x70, drive shed, henhouse and fratnedwelling, For particulars apply to Ben. S. Case, Exeter P. 0. HOUSE FOR SALE. ' That desirable property on William Street, belonging to the estate of the late David Johns. For particulars ap- ply to Miss L. Johns,'or Messrs. Glad man & Stanbury, Exeter. \ir. Frank Taylor has rented Mr. Thornton Baker's stables, to the rear of Taylor's Tire Shop, and has heavy, and light horses for sale or exchange. Look over th ' horses he. has on hand, NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY Auto for Hire DAY. AND NIGHT SERVICE° Charges Reasonable Phone 142 A. T. HARNESS — EXETER Insurance ACCIDENT, SICKNESS FIRE, AND AUTOMOBILE. I am continuing the Insurance Susi.• nese in the above lines, and solicit your business. E. J. Christie G S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal Calleg.e of Dental Surgeons of Onta,rial, and Un- iversity of Taranto. Late Dus'trict Dental Officer, Mint- 8ry District Number one, London, Ont. Main Office—Dickson Block, Mai Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Exeter, AT ZURICH Tuesday only. Phgone 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors As we are just starting in the Tailor- ing Business we are going to give -to the pubiie a bargain, and this is what the bargain 's going to be,—We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast color; never fade Indigo Dye. This suit is regular $40.00 and for two dollars we. are going to give you an extra pair of pants of the same cloth. But ut Crile bargain is limited.; Six suits is all 'rill be sold at this !mice. So 'don't delay. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL Cartage Service Our Express Service from Lon- don to Eae.ter its now operating,..:. Livery ;,h. connection. 1 .I ,H BAGSHAW. is Ir EXET'ER AI1171.1[4TE, 'TurJR31111'; .R.: W. Fuke Iasurarj ce Broker LTEE, ACCIDENT SICKNESS. • AUTOMOBILE "LIABILITY, FIRE -INSURANCE. A share of your bu in,ess would be appreciated VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MHS. GA.MBRILL Certified Vi,oliin Teacher I -las vacancies for a few students only, \Mrs. G;ambrill is represented by liter pupils in many Churches, Sunday Schools, and Theatres-, several es professionally paid perfantiers. WANTED. — Life Company with Head Office at Waterloo 'Contemplates opening an Agency at Exeter. One represtentative wanted for this local- ity. Good opportunities for right man. with 'Dstric1Office supervision and ,gasistanc•e, Write P.O. Box 175: Waterloo; Ont. FOR SALE.—Seed Potatoes, coley,' first-class Apply to Arthur J. ®'Neill, Lot 15, Con, 2, McGillivray, or °R,R 1 Claude bcye,, Ont, ` FOR SALE—All .steel range (Uni- versal) suitable foe large kitchen, in perfect order. , 11 White Legliorn hens, good win- ter layers,—C. Wares, Ann St„' Exeter. PREMIUMS HERR The Premiums for th e Horticultural Society have arrived, and those.sentitl=, ed thereto are requested to call on I the, secretary to procure them. J. G. Statabury, Sec'y, FOR SALE. Grey -Dort Special; good tires and car in Al shape; also,'23 horse power gas engine, cheap,—Foote & Pollen; Exeter, FIELD CROP COMPETITION IN OATS. The• Secretary of the Exeter Agri- cPltural Society will receive entries for the Competition in. Field of Oats up to the 15th of May. Entrance fee $1.00 and membership in the Society, BUSINESS CHANGE, There must be at least 25 entries, R„ G, SELDON, 'Sec'y, 'Vlr• L. E. Nix of Toronto has pur- chased a half interest in the Exeter CHICKS FOR SALE. Evaporator business, owned by MT. A. D. Capp of Dutton,, and purposes Barred Rock, White Leghorns, P.C.,moving there with Mrs. Nix shortly. Rhode Island Reds, and White; Wyan- The business will be rue under the dattes,—Garnet Heywood, Exeter. name, of Clapp & Nix. The apple crop promisees to be a good- one this year FOR SALE—Frame House and 3 and everything points to a busy sea-- tots of land on Market St., Exeter son. for the firm this year. North. Apty 4o Mrs. Jas. Wanless, or Mrs, Lancelot Hardy. PEAS AND, BEANS—White Won- der beans and American Wonder peas, ..(!or sale, -Jobst Tri filer, • R. 1, E-ke't, r n Local Doings Mrs, S. Sweet has about recovered from Ryer recent illsaes's. Mr. 0. C, Ward thas\tmo•ved into Mr. P, 1-Iern's:.new aousie on Victoria,. St. "Babe” Siebert, who had, his' early training in hockey in Exeter„ is being sought for professional hockey, Mr, Gilbert Freckleton has moved into the dwelling recently vacated by the late C, H. Barney ton Simcoe St. The new -roof hats ,been' put en Mr. W., T. Acheson -es hotel ddring the week after a long delay on the part of the k workmen, Mr, Ed. Harness last week purchas- ed the dwelling on Andrew street be- longing to the estate of the late Tula Het 11'akins. All the matin roads are snow in 'excel- least condition for motoring. Some pf the side lines and concessions are in need of dragging to fill .int the ruts. Ma•, J. J. 'Meaner ]has been busy ::hip- ping out his "rotted" flax which -he. has held since 1920, during the past week. The flax mill at St. Marys latus bought the crop and, will finish it up.—Clinton New 'Era. Mr. Frank Taylor is moving this week into the house 'owned,, by Mr. F. J. Delbridge and lately occupied by Mr, L. D. Fulton, on, Union Streeet, Mr, Taylor has also leased the McDonn ell barn for his horse ex -change. Mrs. Eli Coultis, who has been in Vietoxia, Hospital, London, for sev- eral cayi, underwent surgical examina- tion on Monday, when it was found that an operation would •be of no benefit, and little hope fs held out far her recovery, • • The household effects and real es - MAT 1 18.24 tate of Mr, ;Michael Eacrett were sold by public auction on Saturday last and good prices were realized. The dwel- ling was purchased by Mr. Walter Harness of town, -the price paid being $1605,00. Eacrett wii11 now make his home, with his sdaughter,.'Mrs..Wm. Turnbull, Try Bane Meal for your Garden• s, Onions, Potatoes, Etc. We haw. an- other Fertilizer especially adapted for the sante pill -pose v Harvey Bros. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 200 acre;pasture farms, Lots 19 and 20, Con. 5, ;Stephen, the property of the late Fli Snell. Apply to JOHN C. SNELL, Exeter NOTICE' OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween us, the undersigned, trading un- der the name and style of J. G. IYo'ung Sr Son, •as Hardware merchants and Tinsmiths, in the Village of Credi'ton, County of Huron,, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing tot he said partnership are to be paid to Herbert F. Young, at Crediton aforesaid_ and all claims against the said partnership are to be Presented to • the said Herbert F. Young the same w ill be settled. -.Dated at Crediton, this 12th day of April, :1924. Witness : John G. Young Henry Eilber, Herbert F. Young. Farmers & Dealers • Get our prices for Blatchford's Calf ,teal, thoroughly STEAM cooked, The best known milk substitute far calves, and at our .prices the best value in calf meals. -Begin feeding now and get results, We :supply both farmers and dealers, EXETER CREAi4IERY CO., Ltd N.x,eter and Winchelsea Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a,m,—"Ways to God in Common Life," 7 p1n,—"The Lesson of the Lily!' . Rev Ar A. Trumpet., Rector OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN C Tii•,C)61 Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a, m.—Sunday School and B•%ble. Classes. '^ 11 a.m.-Services as Uusal 7 p.m.—Services as Usual Boy Scouts' meet Friday evening. TAMES ST: METHODIST CHURCH Rev, W. E. Donnelly, B, A., Pastor 10 a,m.—Manu g Fellowship. 11'am.�"the.::Imier, Real:Self.','• 3::'trm ,=Sunday:. School:•,' 7 `rxn -=` torgi:ve and Forget," •Cotrimuniors :Day Everyb i:y WOlt" 55i fid ,•. . ;.•! • SELF ,DENIAL WEEK. The Salvation Army is preparing foe their Self Denial Week. Where the Army is concerned self -den ai:t means only paying back a little for mitch re- ceived. The need of money fo tarry on the work is great, and you can help. $100 takes care of an infant for s+x months, provides two weeks' ho•spi.ta:n care for four months, gives 100 men three. meals and a. bed, or educates a bay or girl for four; years in a'Miss- ionary Boarding School. The Army spends money. in looking after families who are in need through misfortune, crime, ar many other causes. They do a, wonderful work',among the:'needyn Be prepared to give when they call' en you. .Mrs. (Dr.), Hewitt of Toronto has been visiting relatives here during the week, • Idiss Irna Sweet left Monday morn- ing to resume her 'teaching duties near Ingersoll. Mr. C. -C. Pilon rafter ,two weeks' with his fanny here, returned to Detroit this ireek, t Mrs R. Singleton of Glencoe visited ,over Sunday with her grandfather, Mr. ivI Eacrett a Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nash, of Wingham visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell.. Mrs. Trurnper and children return - f ed from a visit :n London the latter part of last week. Mr. Bruce Medd has taken a position in, V 'alkerville, having completed his i year at the O. A.; C. Mrs. F. A. Mia,y and son, Warren, left this week fol cu few weeks' visit with relratives in Toronto. Mrand !Mrs. Harvey Hill of Landon visited this week with the la'tter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos., Bissett, Us- bnrne, Bev. Foote, Rev Chidley and. Mr. H. Strang went to Woodstock Mon- day to attend the Hamilton -London Presbytery meeting. Mr, J. Bell and Mrs: Bell and Mrs. A. l', Ke•tchera of Exeter( attended the. marriage in Seaforth last week, of Miss Anna. Matilda Bell to Roy C. Ander- son. Mrs. E Kaufman,; of Brantford auct Mss 'Ailie Eacrett of 'Toronto, who have been bier,$, visiting their father, Mr. M. Eacrett, returned Monday morning. MissDorothy Kuntz returned' Mon- day evening to her teaching duties near Essex, and Miss Margaret Kuntz left the sane teven;ing to•resume ;her studies at L.ondom Normal. Mr,s Frank : Johns and son of Tar- anto sante a few days with Ivir. and 1VIrs, Well. Johns, They returned to Toronto ton Suanday 'with Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Hope. and family, who spent the clay at the same home. Mrs, H. Aitotn,•toff.Au urea, -/Mr :Leslie• ,Attars of 1,wcknoav?Imrs,'1Rlabt.'SteVen son and daughter, Miss' Reins ;of ,Varna and Mr. -Geo, 'Stevenson af,,Walkertgn., County Engineer of Brune, were, vis- itors with Mr 'god Mrs. W H: John= stoat thi - ttyeek,':' f PHONE 32 WV �t"• i1A • u• $* •.fit, F!'P�0W3g y \ raell,�-.,•." - ice- -rn alt 0.- ;y.- Wc-r:�� \=eq ;;=-ice ��^Z s.• �� ii="�rTiS%..:w"-`.17/�"ei�a\�%"`-`'�il.%i.,i�'a\�tiw®�Cc-e.w`\\�1S� Clearing Sale• of. Ladies' and Misses' Spring Suits and Coats BARGAINS . BARGAINS . BARGA1Nt' Every Spring Coat and Suit for Ladies. and MJsses must go at once, so, we "offer the !entire; balance of 5•ur stock of these lines pt greatly i e- duced prices. Come early and : ee these. bargains. Bargains in Tapestry Rugs 21 fine. quality tapestry rugs, gcod patterns, sizes 2% yards by 3 yards, and 2% yards by 3 yardsy, worth up to $25. This is a splendid opportun- ity to get a good bedroom' or small living room rug very cheap. All at one price, only $14.75 for early May selling. 1 Sines' 3 yards by 3% yards„ and 3 yards by ,4 yards in above also at reduced prices, Ladies Wool Crepe Skirts $4.75 Ladies' and Misses' all wool crepe skirts,.; collars sand, navy and grey, in rise new .pleatted•styles' very special value at $,4,75 each, House Furnishings New Rugs, Window Blinds, Lin,aleums, Congol,eum Rugs, Curtain Nets, Curtain Poles, .Wall Papers, etc., at money -saving prices. Clearing . of Silk & Wool Dress Crepe Good quality Silk and Wool Dress Crepe—colors navy, black, brown and toast, regularly 8$,75, cleaning at $1,95. yard. • .• • WINDOW BLINDS—See aur 'special window blinds' at 85c. and; $1,00 each. AGENTS FOR, PIC TORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT' SHOES Miss Olive Creech returned to her home in Brantford an Tuesday„ The teachers who ,were away for Easter have returned to their teach- ing duties. Miss Dorrance who has been ill, and confined to her room at her home near Seaforth, was delayed two or three days in, returning to duty .DECISION RE, NEWSPAPERS. Any person who takes a paper reg- ularly from the post office, whether addressed in his name or anothers, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. If a person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arrears, or the publiaher.may continue to send it until payment is made and then collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken or not. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take ;newspapers or periodicals from the post office, or removing them and leaving them unpaid, is prima facie evidence of intention of fraud. LOOK AT THE LABEL. Advocate 11 abels were changed on Feb. 7,. We think we have every sub- scriber's label right, If you think dif- ferently, let us know,. We want to - have them all correct. If you haven't paid up, get busy, and do so, It is 'only fair that we should have our money. Otherwise you may be re- quired to. pay (if some .distance in ar- rears) a higher rate than $1.50 a year and costs of collection besides, Reanember The Advocate has a newspaper clubbing list' - that includes any daily or weekly newspaper or any monthly journal. , We save you the trouble of sending for them, and in besides. or Sale Late 1923 Ford Touring Car. .run 100'mnhes-a bargain, Cockshutt Tractor Plow, complete - a bargain, s r Phone 65 Two 4 -panel doors with jams and cssings complete. Barn timber frame 24x30. : .. . Good -5 4hp' 'gas engine: 17,1ctrnc Hall Fixture.. Foc information 're, above article POwell's Bazaar, . Exete JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer • Sales conducted in, any locality. Farm 'stock sales a specialty.Satisfaction guaranteed. Charge's moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. , Phone—IC.irkton 54r2 Address—Kirkton R. R. No. 1 DR.. H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at ,McOormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturelty Main Office,— Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR - Licenised Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Jtxe,ter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Go Farm and stock sales a specialty OSCAR TCLOPP AUCTIONEER Iotaor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctio eerin-g. Spec- ial Course taken in Regots;tered Lirve Stock, Me.rchaanddse, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in. keeping' with prevailing market prices.' Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Kopp, Zurich, Ont, DR. A. E. TENNANT V'eter'ttarySorg*. Mebaane:1Pa ' Stables, John 'St., Er,eted aately,occt isd br.13r; Vrndo=). •Plraoe 24tt.' ' The -Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on app,llnatsoa. Stray Animals—Oahe insertion 50,c,,. three insertions 81.50,. ' Miscellaneous articles ofnot more than five lines, For Sale, To Reza, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found loC,als 25c. an insertion. Local reading notiices, etc., 10c per line per insertion, No taatirca , ` less than 25c. Card' of Thatnk's 50c. Auction Sales 53 foe one insertion and 81.50 for each subsetueatt in- sertion if tinder 1Ivte inches in leatgtik Legal advertisfung 10c. and 5c. Farm or Real Esta* for sale .5.0c. each insertion fors one mouth of fot.,, insertions. Bargains in Furniture R N. ROWE THOMAS M. DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS-AND FUNERAI. DIRECTORS Ph ones, Business 20w House 20j. L R. Ocbrling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance Office, Calling Block, Malan St, Exert$) :: Dr. G, F. Rouls Cosa,, L. D, S, D.. SL DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. . GLADIV2AN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D, D. S. Honor, Graduate Toronto University Offs -+o at . Madman •StMloliusys Office. Alain -Street., Exeter.