HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2017-01-18, Page 3Wednesday, January 18, 2017 • Huron Expositor 3 Tuckersmith Coun, and the Mayor of Huron East bumps heads again Shaun Gregory Huron Expositor It's apparent Ray Char- trand-wfio represents the With all of recreation being in the lime TuckMayo of Hu ward and the Tight the last couple of years, why would Mayor of Huron East Bernie MacLellan are not capable of you pull committee members out when seeing eye -to -eye. It has become a habitual we are deep into strategic planning of proceeding at Huron East our rec centres?" council to see them voicing those differences and the — Tuckersmith Cohn., Ray Chartrand asked the January 10 meeting in which the two politicians rebutted mayor in a prepared speech on a request from the mayor that potentially may have "With all of recreation with the possibility of mem- removed Chartrand from the being in the lime light the bers deciding to depart from Vanastra Recreation Centre last couple of years, why the committee. Committee was no different. would you pull committee Kyle said the other two However this would only members out when we are recreational facilities have happen if the table agreed deep into strategic planning two councillors assigned to on such requests. of our rec centres?" Char- their respected committees From attending several trand asked the mayor in a and they only have one - strategic plan meetings in prepared speech. -Chartrand. Seeing how the hopes of finding answers "1 really don't know why they already are in shortage to the hot topic of recreation, you even bother asking us of political bodies, the con- Chartrand feels the sudden for feedback as to what com- cerned Vanastra resident need to modify committee mittees would interest us or could not fathom why this members "makes no sense." what our intentions are, potential change was going Most of these specific because in all due respect on in the first place. quarrels began at the you are not willing to listen "We all agreed to stay on December 20 council meet- anyways." for the balance of councillor ing when Chartrand over- From the VRC Committee, Ray's term because we heard a conversation from Becky Kyle, made an appear- thought he was going to be Seaforth's Coun. Nathan ance on the delegation and on this committee until his Marshall regarding how he pleaded with council to keep term was over," said Kyle. was apparently being moved the committee the way it "We are now in the position to the Vanastra Recreation was. If not, she cautioned of rethinking our decision to Centre Committee. that this might affect others stay on this committee." Shaun Gregory The Mayor of Huron East, Bernie MacLellan told his fellow councillors that his recommendation to move them to different committees is so that they become more valuable to the municipality. Later on in the meeting, MacLellan explained to Chartrand and VRC repre- sentatives that he too once developed a strong relation- ship as a board member, but was forced to relocate to a different position. Instead of complaining, MacLellan said he accepted the change because he knew the alteration would only ben- efit him and the community. "There is merit that once the councillor has sat in dif- ferent positions over their terms, they get a better Seaforth teen is hoping to get noticed at the CMTC Shaun Gregory it had been up, the Huron Expositor GoFundMe page, which is the largest social fundrais- From the support of the ing platform, had reached community, Seaforth born $1125 of the initial $1200 and raised Carly Schelken goal. One person donated has almost reached her $650 for the cause. financial target, which will This covers a hotel for the give her the ability to attend week, meals, and other the Canadian Model and necessities while being on Talent Convention in theroadawayfromhome. Toronto (CMTC). From as far as Paris, Lon - After an in-depth meeting don, L.A. and New York, 50 with Jan Hawley, the Huron agents will land with one East economic develop- initiative - searching for the ment officer, they came up next star to sign. with plan for a sponsor- Schelken has been on a ship - a GoFundMe page potentially Life changing so ded like a worthy idea, journey since last October, due to the "pricey" four-day this is when she earned a convention. spot at a 100 -person audi- Worthy was an under- tion in London Ont. statement as the first day The participants compet- the fundraiser was posted, it ing had the short time frame went viral with numerous of 30 seconds to impress shares on Facebook and their judges. Twitter. "They want(ed) to do it "It feels good because I like that because that's the had posted it and by the real world," stated Schelken afternoon, I had $800," said in a recent interview at the Schelken, adding that the Expositor's office on Main hefty donations came from Street. roughly seven donors. "First impressions matter, On January4, the fifth day so if they don't feel you on uourresy or Henee i.aunn With the help of the community through a GoFundMe page, Seaforth's Carly Schelken will be heading to the Canadian Model and Talent Convention in Toronto. the first impression, then her interview" you're out." Receiving that call meant Studying each person as she was eligible for the 25th they walked in and out after annual CMTC in Toronto. their auditions, Schelken Previously applying for attempted to absorb as acting, singing and mode - much information as possi- ling at the London Ont. ble. They called her up, audition, Schelken decided although Schelken termed to focus on acting and mod - the experience as "nerve eling for the larger and more wracking," the stress paid important try -out. off, and she nailed it, a week This event runs from May later the organization left a 11-14, for more information message saying they "liked go to the website, cmtc.com. Tuckersmith Coun. Ray Chartrand is unsure of why the Mayor of Huron East would request councillors to move to different committees when they are nearing the end of the strategic plan. Especially since he is currently part of the Vanastra Recreation Centre Committee, which is one of the three facilities being looked at. understanding of the overall everyone remain where they workings of the municipality currently are. and it makes for a better "We could have a motion councillor," MacLellan told where we scrap the whole council. entire thing and throw it out While also articulating and the mayor just doesn't the benefits of such make the decisions who changes, MacLellan admit- sit(s) where anymore," the ted to being disappointed in mayor said. VCRC's concerns seeing as The end outcome involved he previously told one of the three councillors, clarified members he would be more Brad Knight, CAO of Huron than happy to discuss any East. information concerning the Chartrand remained with related changes within the VRC, Marshall continued committees. on with the Seaforth Arena Through email these con- Committee. And to make versations were communi- room, Seaforth councillor, cated and the mayor said Bob Fisher left the SAC. nobody acted on his invita- "I think the process was tion. Throughout MacLel- fine, I think you need to real- lan's response, he empha- ize for these appointments sized that he would not have to be made, it's slightly better any hard feelings if council if one person takes a look at were not interested in his the whole picture, which suggestions. Bemie's done," stated Knight He then recommended by phone January 12. OFFICE HOURS The Office Hours for The Seaforth Huron Expositor are as follows Mondays - 9am - 5pm Tuesdays - CLOSED Wednesdays - 9am - 5pm Thursdays - 9am - 5pm Fridays - Sam - 4pm Seaforth iiiron Expositor 8 Main Street, Seaforth ON PH: 519-527-0240 www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com 11111