HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-5-1, Page 4Health Restored by
The ]Fruit Treatment
Fourteen years ago, Mr. James S.
Delgaty, of Gilbert Plains, Man.,
was a nervous wreck. His system was
shattered by Nervous Prostration,
and he was reduced in weight from
170 to 115 pounds.
He wrote an May 15th, 1917,
"Every medicine I tried proved useless
'until a friecbcl induced me to take
'Fruit-a-tives,' I began to mend at
once. After using this fruit medicine
for three months, I was back to normal.
I have never had suck good health
as I have enjoyed the past six years,
' We are never without a box of `Fruit-
a-tives' in the house:"
Writing again on September 27th,
1923, Mr. Delgaty says, `I stand by
my letter to you in 1917—I still
recommend 'Frutt-a-tives .
"Fruit-a-tives" is a complete fruit
treatment—being made of the juices
of fresh ripe fruits and tonics.
25c. and 50c. a box -6 for $2.50—
at druggists or sent postpaid by Fruit.
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
The Exeter Advocatt•
Sanders & Cree,,h. Proprietors
Subscription P-i;c a—In ad, arc'. Si ea
Per year in Canada; S2.0 in the
Unite! States All subscriptions eat
paid in advan e +'1•' •barged.
THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1924
in Gait l Local Doings
1Trs� erg, 1 i le of Lyndon! spent
S'wiclay with'ete . and 'Mrs,'`Henry
: Kraft.
Mx. B. Gassman of Detroit wee
itimg friends in 'town.
Mr, and Mme, Harry. Harris .left last'
we<ek.:fee ,their shone vn Sar n a, after:
spending tier wiener an town,
MrSalH Elie ie i -siting .in Saimaa..
Mesta, Otto and, Rhinard Wiliest
and Mafead Neither left Monday for
' gatl?er's Day".alnd "Go Ito Sunday
Schoci )ay-willobserved May 11
ixt the'�gelkkal'.Chhurch. A very ap-
propriate•program le being arranged.
Nearly` , a Fire.sseeerhat might have
been .4. srerioue' Are. . occurred an Sun-
day about noodle s'.eihen a spark from
the chin3.aey, of ;Mr. C. Steinhagen's
house .ignited the shingles or the root .
Luckily it was n,otiiced iii time other-
wise the building undoubtedly would
have been destroyeid.
Mr. end Mrs. ,A]Jien Bills of D e troct
spent ,the week -end with the tatter's
parents, Mr. and 1Trs. Railer.
ells .. •Thelma Elsie spent east week
vi,sitin ; friends 3n. rZuriioll.
sir, Levi Hamacher left for Detroit
on. Monday,
Miss Rose Rader of Detroit is zZs-
idng her parents here,
Mount Carmel
:etre Thomas .Pierce of London and
\lis' Agin s. McDonald of the. 14th of
Mcvilliveay, were. happily married et
Londoilean Tuesday; 29th' April, at St.
\Tart's I2:.' C church, by Rev, Father
Brady the pastor.
The social held in the .hall on, Friday
evening was, : well attended. All re
wort a "good time.
After spending the holidays with
their parents, 'the fallowing returned
Monday—Misses W. Guinan to Tor-
onto, G. McKeever to London, W.
:iiaddest and Rose Doyle to Chatham.
Miss Geraldine Harness and Mr.
Mack McDonald attended the Pierce
—.McDonald wedding at London on
Miss .Lucy Patton. of Detroit arriv-
ed home last week:"
\Ir. Leo O'Rourke of Jackson, Mich.,
is visiting at his 'homey near here.
The death of the late. Daniel Mc,-
Phee, formerly of Shipka, took place"
at Ontario 'Hospital, London, Saturday
April 2ttth, aged 46 years. The fun-'
eral took 'place here and Monday at
10 a,m to the .R. C. cemetery, with 1
Requiem Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. '
ashwood Corcoran. He is survived by two
brothers, Johan and -Peter of Shipka, I
-__ and ane sister, Mrs. Dr. Manard of I
Mrs. T. Burkhart of Cleveland vis-
ited in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Shenk .and family vis-
ited in Stratford on Sundayi
Mr, and Mrs. G. Oestreicher at-
tended conference in New Hamburg
last week,
Mr. Jacob Schroeder is attending the
Funeral of his sister at Fish:ervilie.
Mrs. Miller has returned after
spending the winter with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Shore. at Woodbridge,
Miss Finlay is visiting at the home
of of J. C. Reid,
lir, and Mrs: Statlebaaer of London
and Mr. and Mrs. V,. Heywood of Ex-
eter spent Sunday with \Ir, and Mrs,
P. Iir'if t
Miss Rose Guenther of London vis-
ited her patents here on Thursday,
Mrs, Hopkins of St. Thomas spent
the Easter holidays here with her see -
ter. Mrs. Wm. Stade.
Miss .Marjorie J•ennieon of Grand.
Bend spent the week -end with Laura
M. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker of Thed-
ford visited in town on Sunday.
Bliss E. Richmond spent Sunday at
her home in Blyth.
Mr. Gordon Callfas of Sarniaa visited
in this 4 ,unity - on Sunday.
• Miss Olivia Weltin has returned, af-
ter spending the winter tri Port Huron.
Mr, and Mrs. L. Morenz, are visiting
14illiffilleiIinF11 reilielleill;!Ellliiell111111L4tlllpIIllRlil;ll lillllll1121lg
To Sell
Farmer's Wives
If the roads are bad,
many a prosperous farm-
er's wife postpones buy-
ing something she ac-
tually wants for herself
or family, until she can
get to town.
Later, the teams will be
busy., She won't be able
to get to town.
Experience shows s h e
will buy now, if you :give
her the chance. Call her
by Long Distance. She
will feel complimented.
Know your stock, so you
can ` answer her ques-
tions readily.
A little experience will soon
show you how it works.
Don't judge by one or two
attempts: Try a dozen, in-
telligently. Others do it
.successfully. Why not you?
Every Bell Telephone'is a -
Long Distance Station.
We are pleased to state that Mr.
Coria Regan is improving alter, his re- I
rent illtiess. - Is
Dr, and Mrs. elitton and babe of
Granton, accompanied by Miss less-
essHall, visited .the. latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed, Hall on Sun -Say.
Mr. Wm. Barry of London. is spend-
ing a new days with his mother, 11Irs.
Ellen Barry, Khiva,.
Misses ssses B. Carey left on Saturday Is
' for Simcoe, M, Glavin, for Durham. el.
Carey for St. Josepb to take charge'
i of their schools.
Mr. Patrick Sullivan is all smiles
those clays at the. arrival of a baby s
girl at th.e_r home, April 26th.
Mr. Wm. Kestiewas taken to the
hospital, in London on Tuesday for
medical examination .
Mr, R. N. Rowe has sufficiently re
covered from his recent illness as to
be out around for • a short time each
Mr, G. j Daw„Estipped, two loads of
horses to Montreal this week—one on
Saturday and one on Wednesday. Mr,
Andy Easton wenn with the load on
Satttt day. He is\ .baying another load
for Saturday of this week.
"The. Help -a -Bit" class of James
Street Sunday School,' together ,with
their teacher, Mrs, Amy, held their
monthly meeting at the home; of Miss
Ruby Davis on Wednesday ,eveninr
last. A sociable time was sep,ent.
After two serious operations in
in Brantford General 1-lospital, Miss
Stella Gregory has sufficiently iecov-
erecl to leave the hospital, and is vis-
iting friends in the city before going
tb the home of her brother in Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sprague of
Newberry, Mich., are visiting old-time
friends in and around Exeter. Mr.
Sprague is a son of the late Obed H
Spra'ngue, who for many years lived
to Usborne Township an the. Hunter
line, and who took an active part as
magistrate in the :enforcement of the
Scott Act, in the leigh'teeis Tee pres-
ent Mr. Sprague 1 eft theses parts over
fifty years ago, and it is over thirty -
aye years ago since he visited the
scenes •af his boyhood ,days.. White
here he is visiting Mr. James Handford,
his brother-in-law, and Mr. Richard
Ouihton, an old-time friend. In con-
versation with the Advocate Mr,
Sprague expressed his great surprise
at the advancement and changes that
have taken , place in Exeter, and he
stated he had visited few plates, either
in Canada or -the ;United States, that
would compare favorably with it for
its size. He had remembered it when
the Roach Hotel, Balkwill Hotel, and
many of the old-time stores and places
of busines: were in existence, and
whici: have long since been replaced
with more modern structures. The
sands of time ,,have been, quite lenient
with Mr. Sprague and his visit here
ispea most pleasant and enjoy-
able one
Mr. and Mrs.- J, W. Stewart of,near
Farqubar had a narrow escape frean
.serious, or probably foetal injury ton
Tuesday evening • last sartly after 7
o',:lock, They were driving down Main
treet, and a horse which was being
led by elr, Stewart behind, the buggy;
became frightened at a passing auto-
mabile, reared up and juntperl on the
buggy. Both rig and occupants were
meet, Mrs. Stewart --was picked sip
and assisted into Dr. Hyndmanis office
when it was found that she was not`
eriously hurt although her elbow was
omewhat bruised and she received
other slight bodily injuries, Mr, Stew
art •escaped without a scratch. ,A
basket of eggs far 'market was badly
- Elilrlville
Stephen,—Bell--A very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized at the home of
Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Bell on April
• 16th, at four o'clock p.m:, when flea:-
lea-second daughter, Miss Cora Mae Was
' united in marriage to Mr. Charles H.
Stephen, sop of Mr. iaindl Mrs. Charl-
es Stephen of Stephens Township. The
ceremony was performed in the' pres-
ence. of a;elatives of the contracting.
patties by Rev. Livingstone.. The
bride was beautifully attired in blue
crepe -de -chine, trimmed with pearls,
and she Wore a tulle tveil, (trimmed with
pearls and orange blossoms. Miss ,Vi-
ola Belt, sister of ,the bride, played
Lo'hengrin's wedding march. After the
ceremony was performed all repaired
to- tthe dining rooan, which was testae_
fully decorated with pink and white,
wind partook of a sumptuous wedding
dinner, The bride was the reciuplent
of a large array ofebeau.tiful presents,
among them same handsome cheques,
a couch and sewing machine. Guests
were present from 'Buffalo, Detroit,
Windsor and 'Sarnia.
37r. T. A. Hawkshaw of Hussar Alta.,.
is thegust of his mother, Mrs. Thos.
2'fr. Ed, Hawkshaw, who for some
months .been in Chatham, returned to
town oo: Saturday.
Mrs. A. C. Douglas and children ha.^e
gone to ,l•Iawkesbury, where 'hey ex -.
pact to remain until':mi;d-summer; with
Mr. Douglas.
Mr. Wilson, who .far some months
has beeni conducting a harness'', shop
in a portion of the Queen's Hotel, has
moved into Thos Flynn's premises.
Brokentshire—Baker:=-A'pretty spring
wedding took place at 2 o.'clock Wed-
ru .sday of last week at the home of
M:- and :Mrs Reale -Baker, Richmond
street, London, when their only daugh-
ter, Eualie Fay, was married to Arva
Everett Brokenshire, - son of Mr, and
Airs. Silas- Broken:shire of London,
formerly of Stephen. Rev. G. T.
ycr,atts • of, \1Telli,ngton, street Methodist
Cb arch, officiated, and :tee• tved,:ng
music wars payed: by Mrs:. (s: f.:Baker.
of Tordeutoe Mies.,; Aiisan Baker of
Hamilton, the brides•• niece, was lie
only ettendente J, eBrakenshire;: of
irJindsat was heee broth'ets best man
he groom's gift to the, bride was a
's trine of l>ea 1's w -th
cf la, n
7n :the late afternco-i Mr enol ''Mrs
T3- :t ket£sdi',tel•1eit as 'theLr: vedc1 ng; trap
tG peen s least aiid- ;1
ote'their t etuna w'
rctide int L;oneor ;..,`
Mrs. James Stewart .and Miss Greta
Harness are here from Windsor.
Mr. Wm. Thomas of Vancouver, B.
C., is visiting his ;uncle,',Mr. Geo. East-
Miss V•erda Box returned on. Satur-
day from a visit wit„h her sis ter Mrs
Norman Ford in' Detroit.
Exeter Council
Monday, April 2 8th, 19 2 4
A regular meeting of the Munici-
pal Council, absent Councillor Coul-
tis. The minutes of the meeting
held April 15th, were read and ap-
Correspondence was read as fol-
lows: Letter from J. A. Tom, God-
erich, re Calcium Chloride as a dust
preventative on the roads. Action
deferred; letter from the Secretary
of the Ontario Municipal Electric As-
sociation re annual meeting, May 1st
and 2nd at Kitchener, Ontario. Fil-
ed; letter from the Chairman of the
Board of Health, Mr. C. H. Sanders,
stating that the Board approves of
the action of the Cemetery Commit-
tee in procuring additional lands for
Cemetery Ground purposes.
Messrs. S. M. Sanders and W. H.
Dearing, members - of the Horticul-
tural Society; addressed the Council
with a view to placing Welcome
Signs at either end of the Municipal-
ity and also asked foe the use of the
town teem for certain Park labor.
Per Southcott — Hooper:'that.'the use
of team and labor be grantee the
Society. They were given the priv-
ilege to fence a portion of the River
View Park, es suggested and also eto
erect the signs.
Mr. 'Walter Keddy addressed the
Council -regarding a large teee on. the
property of Mr. Manson, as being a
detriment to his house. No action.
The Auditor's report for March
was read and accepted on motion of
Southcott and Davis, Carried.
The Court of Revision to hear com-
plaints as filed regarding Municipal
Assessments for 1924, was fixed for
onday, May 26th, at 7.30 .p.m. in
e Town Hall.
The following accounts were read
and passed: W. J. Bissett, meals for
tramps, $2.8 0 ; C. L.: Wilson, auto
hire, $2; A. T. Harness, Auto hire,
$2; The Dominion Road Machinery
Co, Ltd., $7; Clyde, Heywood, team
labor, 1 8.7 0 ; Wm.Weber,; team la-
bor,- 1g°t70; John Norry, Tabor, $2.4;
Nelson Vale labor, 2.50; John .Par-
sons, labor, e5; Joseph Stacey, labor
3.25;, WenBlayney, labor 8.756o.
elackney lobo,, $2 "Chas Kadin
3zdx, 2:50 Peter
.Coleman, team
bore .5,5'0; Wm. Taylor, lahor,e'8.75
Thos.' 'Sanders, labor, $5; Harry`
Lauder, labor, 5.60; Same Kirk, la-
bor, $9; Robt, Heddgul Ia)bor, 4.8 0;
Alvin Baynham, labor,'3. T5 Bert �.
Batten, labor; 4,8 0 ; Bert Gatdhier,�'
labor', $2;. Ed. Coombes;- labor; 2.25
Ed. Heideman,- ea.,P or, $1; Fr&n}t. e`•'
Mallett, labor; '$1 8, Library, $10,
$28. Passed on motion of Southeott
—Hooper, Carried.
Adj. by Southcott.
Jos. Senior, Clerk,
Mr Alonzo Hodgins returned home
from the Old .Country ;last, week look--'
kg hale and hearty,
Mrs. Conrad Kuhn is able to be about,
the village, again after her recent elh
Mess Tre,Uis Hodgins has returned
to London, to resume her studies.
M'rs, Merton Morley is staying with
Morley, who is quite. 1'l at her home
near Brinsley.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, A. Gaiser left
for New York on Saturday, where they
expect to stay for- a year.
Mr. Maynard, manager of the Bank
of Commerce, hats moved into the
dwelling of Mr. Wm. H. Geiser.
Miss Almedia Fiokbeictier has 'return,
ed to her duties at St. Jacobs, after
spending the holidays with her parents
Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Finkbeiner. .
The. Misses Oestreicher have return-
ed to their respective schools, ,, after
spending the holidays with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, H. .Oestreicher,
Dr.' J. W. Orme, is sporting a new
Ford coach,
Miss Orme and -Miss Tenney caand Mr.
Tenney have 'retained to their home
in Buffalo, after spending Ith•e, holidays
with Dr. and Mrs: Orme there,
The. funeral, of the late Mr. Harney,
was held from the home of Mr. and
Wm. elotz on Sunday afternoon, to the
Exeter Cemetery, a number from '!'ere
attending, We extend sympathy to
the bereaved relatives,
Mr. C. Trick is aide to be around
again, after being confined to his bed
far a few dayys.
Mr. J. G. Young wasi able to get to
the .shop this week for the first time
in many months.
The death took place in, Landon
en April. Z3rd 'of Roane ,Haugh, widow
of the Sate John Haugh, laged 94 years.
The remains were taken[ to IDrumbo on,
Saturday, April 26th, and the funeral
was held to the Evangelical' cemetery,
9th con of Tp. Of Blenheim.
Ales Boslaugh sold her household
effects last Monday and has gone to
Alta, Mich., to reside ivith her bro-
tit,et, Mr. W, Hooper, of that place,
Mr, C. Mason of Ailsa, Craig has
moved into Mr. Fulton's house, and
has accepted a position in .the; cream-
ery. We welcome hint as a citizen,.
Mr. W. Kerslake is having a veran-
;ah added to his house, thus improving
its appearance, -
Mr. and -Mrs. M. Baynham and son
of Gull Lake, Sask., are visiting the
visiting the farmer's parents here, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Baynham, prior to their 'mov-
i,n•r Ito St. Thomas. s
Next Sunday will be observed here
in the Church ,as Mothers' .Day, ow-
ing to the following Sunday, being an-
niversary services,
Mrs. J. Jarrott, who has spent the
winter with her daughter, Mrs, Alice
Jones, in London, has returned to her
home here.
Miss Ida Cochrane is taking a busi-
ness course in London,
"A little more badness,
A little less, creed,
A little mare giving,
A..little less greed,
A little more smile,
A little less flown,
A little less kinking,
A man wheat,°he's down,
A little more 'we,'
A. little lees 'I,'•
A. little 'mare laugh,
A little. less cry,
A little more flowers
On the pathway of life,
Helps a fellow along
To the end of the, strife."
He`Should Worry, •
Flo eves -a wise man - that said 'that
ne ]tadu't time to worry. In the day,
'time he was too busy and at night he
was too eteepy,—The Black and Ma
gents (New Concord, Ohio). -
...Explaining His Name.
Tack, nthose maternal grandmother
had been married three times; on be:
ing asked for whom he eras named,
said: "Why, 1 was named after moth.
er's"'firat father,"
Cannibal's widely Scattered.
Cannibals have been found In hf
toric times in both North and Sovtlt
America, Africa, India, Australia, Nets
Zealand, and the Polynesian Islands:
Must Surprise Their Stomachs. -
Toads in India, are so usse. to
snatching at ob,iectst that ,;,they have
been known to snap up and eat red-
hot .charcoal.
Question, of Etiquette
No, Roger,. in bowing •te the -iaevi•
table: 'et is not necessary;. for ' one U
lift oe's;hat.ostoTranscript. 'see see
halt= Exc vat 30-
e a e M71e a
fr`ii sm
"fel e. ,' ,tee: gehfat1�r•, fella Of
t ribe:65O r. ho' e, exeaivated is . elii'sin SC '
miles long
Small amounts saved regularly soon reach
a large total. Deposit each week part of the
money you get from your cream, butter and
eggs and watch your Savings balance grow.
Capital Paid Up $20,000,000
Reserve Fund $20,000,000
M. R. Complin, Manager
• - • G. G. Maynard, Manager
G. G. Maynard, Manager
Exeter Branch • •
Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch -
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branslie's.
"In all departments every effort is made to
eliminate unnecessary formalities and to
assure speedy and courteous eervic•e to
Deposits of $1,00 and upwards invited.
T. S. WOODS; Manager,
Big Bargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
Director of Funeral Services
Day and Night Service.
Business Phone 74w
Motor and Horse Equipment,
Opera House Block,
Night Call 74j
It pays to use
for Furniture–.Floors & Woodwork
Write to Head Office, Montreal Por Free bookie$
G. A. Hawkins, Exeter
How to Wash and
Preserve Woolens
Woolen garments or articles
r eansed with SURPRISE
gap.tel soft, fluffy, and well
wiled, ..dry woolen articles
inu.a moderate' temperature
'riot in thee sun- and':.
:-�, _,w. t�Q, not
allow them to freeze. Sun °is,
ous to
wool; freeing
446'. iiI{a
:.Y: 71':L'•i••;':ki\•.,•'!Rnfii'':1�•`..ti'..:5✓:i+..:titi'Yif�'J ..