HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-06-24, Page 30-
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'Jill 414
Does this look
like a Senior???
(Gerry Cooper)
Love: Your Friends???
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Murray and Heather Ducharme are
proud to announce the graduation of
7 their daughter' Tracey from the ?i`
University of Waterloo. Tracey received f
her Bachelor of Arts . ' degree in 47 tij
Therapeutic Recreation at the June 10th
convocation, We wish you continued
success in all your future endeavors.
Love Grandma Smitjes, Mom, Dad, Melissa, 0
Tony, and your little nephew Ryan! -Grandpa '
Smitjes and Grandma and Grandpa Ducharme
` are beaming from above. kLL ae
�r'iert fills lounge to capaci
Larry McQuarrie of Stratford was
welcomed by Queensway's men as
he sang and played guitar on Sat=
urday, June 20, bringing his broad
repertoire of music to the Father's
Day barbecue:
Due to theinclement weather .the
event was held indoors but although
the weather was damp, spirits defi-
nitely were not as the men and their
guests feasteddon delicious sausage
on a bun -with sauerkraut, salads,
fresh veggies and dessert.
Walking and wheeling outdoors
has been one of the favourite events
lately as residents take every oppor-
tunity to be outdoors to enjoy sunny
Diane Cronin
Don & Theresa
are proud to
announce the
graduation of.
-their daughter
Diane " from
in the Early
R e s'ou r c e
Teacher. Post
Graduate Program. She has also received -
her Early Childhood Education diploma
at Lambton College, Sarnia. Diane previ-
ously attended St. Mike's. Diane is
employed with the London Bridge Child
Care Services; London.
Congratulations, we* proud of you,
Your Family
Retirement !tome
days and fair weather.
Fun and Fitness with Mandi
keeps residents limber three morn-
ings each week as she puts them
through their paces with a variety
of exercises that can be done from a
seated postion.
Monday is looked forward to by
many residents as the day that Lori
Burt, registered massage therapist,
spends onsite.
Monday evening several resi-
dents benefitted from the Wii Game
Workout facilitated by the student
activation aides:
Breakfast group attendees dined
on blueberry pancakes with syrup
and sausage on Tuesday morning
along. -with lots of piping hot coffee.
Volunteer Donna a Smale assisted at
the program.
Church service was led by Pastor
Harty. Freilink of Exeter Christian
Reform Church with Freda John-
ston as volunteer pianist and Kay
Mock assisting residents. In the
afternoon several residents benefit-
ted from the sensory program.
Music Therapy with Lisa benefit-
ted residents on Wednesday with
the Chime Choir chiming out a
number of familiar tunes. Lisa also
worked with a number of residents
individually, gearing her musical
therapy to each person's unique
musical tastes and abilities.
Euchre players gathered in the
afternoon for some friendly compe-
Thursday morning Coffee & News
drew residents to the unit dining
room to peruse daily and weekly pa-
pers and discuss issues and events.
On a lighter note, horoscopes are
read to counteract the rather de-
pressing world news.
Home's lounge
was filled to ca-
pacity for the
Friendship Fri-
day program
held Friday
evening with
music by Marie
Flynn. Marie's
rollicking style
on the piano as
she played the
old tyme favou-
rites made the
hour pass all too
- Miller/WWeeks
Th and 1VIarg.A✓1rller along with Terry and
Dianne Weeks are pleased to announce the
forthcoming wedding of their children
Barbara. Lytn-
;June 27 2009
The wedding will take placcat the home
of Barbarres patents with reception to
follow at Varna
Nelson and. Linda. •?Pullman
35th W eddin5 Annivers4r8
Saturtiatu�ne 27, 2009, 8r.*
Oriute 144 Sea f orth
Link f'roviAul
Best Wishes O48 please.: •.
•,f i •'!:t�:: ..fit �. :'t{i
50th Wedding Anniversary
Marion & Lavern
Saturday, July 4, 2009
2:00 — 4:00 p.m.
Duff's United Church, Walton
In lieu of gifts, best wishes or
donations to the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation or Duff's
United Church would be appreciated..
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