HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-06-24, Page 3e tort
Close to 400 attend Seaforth meeting on wind turbines
-S,u c a n $ qn d e r l m a r k "We all had trouble sleeping and
we were all so grouchy," she said.
A Ripley woman, who lives near Wylds said that while he was sup -
her are's wind turbine project and portive of the wind project when 12
has been fighting to have her com- turbines• went up a mile from his
munity's health problems acknowl- home, his family started getting sick
edged theprovincial government, and at first he never suspected the
by g
congratulated the residents wind project as the cause. of St. But, after � having his home tested
Columba!' for questioning;two pro- by electrical consultant Dave Col -
posed wind projects before they're ling Wylds' family moved into a mo -
"We've suffered extreme health
built. tel for six months. They moved back
last July but because Wylds' wife
problems and we're • so proud of •you Brenda was suffering so much,. he
as a community that you're corn-
Ing together to find out the truth," ended up buying another house in
Sandy MacLeod told the close to 400 Kincardine.
in attendance at an informa- He stayed on his farm but his
people health kept getting worse.
tion meeting ..about wind turbines Thursday night in Seaforth. "I went to the hospital with ulcers
"You're taking the time to do the on my feet because I could. barely
right thing for your health and your walk and when they took my blood
community. Well done," she said. pressure, it was 217 over 124. My
The wind turbine information family doctor said, ' 'Get out of that
night, organized by Huron East house or you're going to die,'" said
Against Turbines (HEAT) also in- Wylds, adding that he now lives in
eluded presentations by Ripley -area Kincardine with his wife.
electrical consultant Dave Colling "The biggest problem is to get pea
and Carmen Krogh, a retired direc- ple to believe you," he says.
tor of pharmacy at Edmonton Gen- All three said they've been told by
eral Hospital and a medical journal real estate agents that their proper -
writer ties are unsellable.
MacLeod, along with Helen For- "I hope everyone in this room calls
(Huron -Bruce MPP) Carol Mitchell
ester and Glenn Wylds, explained who has been zero help to us," said
the health problems they've suffered y� lds.
since the Ripley wind project was y
erected two years ago. - Rob Tetu, a HEAT member, added
"We lived for 32 years on our prop- that Mitchell told his group during
erty and never had a complaint. I . a recent meeting that real estate
became sick three, months after the values were actually going up in the
turbines started," said Forester, who Ripley area.
described symptoms such as tinnitis, "She also said, 'Give me one name
sleep disturbances, anxiety, stress, of a person getting sick,'" he said.
heart palpitations and hypersensi- Colling, who has been doing tests
tivity to noise. on electrical pollution on Ripley-ar-
MacLeod said she recorded her ea farms, said symptoms from dirty
trouble sleeping night after night on electricity or stray .voltage usually
the family calendar and dealt with develop within two months in hous-
her daughter's digestive problems es near wind farms.
and family's stress until she was He showed charts from four Ripley
concerned that her marriage might homes near wind turbines which
not survive. showed electrical pollution in their
Carmen Krogh
"What's disgusting about it is there
are 39 kilometres of collection lines
in the Ripley project. They buried
30 kilometres and where they took
it above ground, that's where all the
problems are and they won't bury it,"
said Colling.
Colling said he's also tested homes
near a wind project in Shelburne
with the same results.
He said electrical pollution causes
a condition called electro-hyperse
sitivity whose symptoms are dizzi
ness, tinnitis, burning sensations
fatigue, headaches, cardiac palpita-
tions and pressure =on the -chest.
Colling said the Preneb Nationale
Academy of Medicine. ie recommend-
ing the halt of the construction of
wind turbines within 1.5 kilometres
of residences and added that people'
living within 700 metres of wind tur-
bines are getting sick in Germany,
France, UK, Wisconsin and Nova
He also said 100 university profes-
sors in Germany signed a manifesto
in 1998 stating that mote and more
people are living unbearable lives
near wind turbines.
"How can we force people out of
their homes and nobody does any-
thing?" he said.
Krogh, a director of publications
and editor-in-chief of the Compen-
dium of Pharmaceuticals and Spe-
cialties (CPS), said she started to
research the health effects of wind
turbines after experiencing "horrible
effects" when she was exposed to a
wind turbine.
"I experienced vibration in my
body. My head was painful and in -
See MEDICAL, Page 9
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Glenn Wylds, Helen Forester and Sandy MacLeod speak about the difficulties
they've experienced livinfg near wind turbines in the Ripley area. f
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