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' 17, 2009 Page 13
St. James and St. Columban athletes race to the
finish line during Huron -Perth track & field meet
Shayna Melody, Sadie Jansen and won gold in their
I{aeeidy Eckert.
pan Schwab
St. James School athlete Shelby
Janmaat earned a first place finish
in the senior girls' 100 metre dash
during. the Huron -Perth System
Track and Field Meet at St. Anne's
Secondary School in Clinton on
June 9.
Going up against runners from
several schools across the region,
Janmaat- also placed second in the
triple jump event and third in long
jump. Shealso helped lead the
senior girls' relay team to a first
°lace finish, along with teammates
race, with run -
Eckert finished second in the se- ners . Danks
nior girls' 200 metre dash and third Klaver, Nancy
in the 1500 metre run.- Louwagie, Kay-
Melady took second in the senior len O'Rourke and
girls' 400 metre dash and fourth in Bridget O'Reilly.
the 800 metre run. O'Reilly also
Michael Kramers, another ath- took second in
lete from St. James School, finished both the 100 me -
second in the senior boys' 400 me- tre dash and 200
tre dash . and fifth in the 100 metre metre dash.
dash. The interme-
His teammate Timmy McGrath diate girls' re -
earned a third place finish in the lay team also
intermediate boys' ball throw and came first in
Logan Lammerant, also from St. their race, with
James, took fifth in the senior boys' runners Chris -
1500 metre. ✓ tine White, Kai -
Other St. James School athletes ley Hill, Dawn
with notable finishes include Dar- Pletsch and Sar -
by Oster, who took third place in ah Barbosa.
the senior girls' shot put and Hol- Barbosa also
dyn Lansink, who finished fifth in took thirdin
the junior boys' ball throw. the running
"Everyone displayed sportsman- long jump and
ship and tried their best at all the Pletsch earned
events they participated in,". says third in the 200
coach Jill Dolmage. metre dash.
Relay teams from St. Columban The junior girls'
School had a strong showing at the relay squad, con -
event, with fourseparate teams . silting of Stacey
e ' r►g gold. Louwagie, Jayne
Thet.St. Columban School senior White, Melanie
boys' relay team, with runners Nolan and Kris -
Kaden Cronin, Nicholas Van Ba- tin Looby, won
kel, Michael Duddy and Eric Bar- gold . in . their
bosa, raced to a gold medal finish. race.
Barbosa also placed third in the Nolan also took
100 metre dash: first in the stand -
The senior 'rls' rela team also ing jump, second
in the running
long jump and
third in the ball
' throw. Looby
earned a second
place finish in
the 200 metre
Her teammate
Jake Cronin,
earned the
bronze medal in
triple jump and
Kevin Ropps
took third in
the 100 me-
tre dash. Noah
earned a sec-
ond place finish
in the running Jesse Kinsmen of St. Columban School gives the thumbs up
Stephanie Kroonen, from St. Columban School, is all concentra- long jump• to his teammQtes on the sideli during a race.
tion during the shot put event.A k Dan Schwab photos
Kassldy Eckert
eared a second
place finish In the
200 metre dash
and third In the
1500 metre run.
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Total I
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lune 2008
during the long jump event.