HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-06-17, Page 91 r ��r�+a•.-v MR'�L��"�ll�-Mi 1.464 .AL°r •rte-. - •. .s p... - ..-. l.w t- ♦ .t.•.. ... .i•• - News - The Huron Expositor • June 17, 2009 Page 9 Recorded vote directs fire chief to look into used tanker Susan Hundertruark A 9-3 recorded vote has Huron East Fire Chief looking into a used 1999 GMC fire . tanker at a cost of $73,500 U.S. for possible purchase for the Seaforth fire department. After looking at 15 different web- sites and a magazine called Fire Trader, Huron East Fire Chief Mar- ty Bedard presented a power point presentation to council at its June 2 meeting with a choice of 19 tanker trucks, both used and new. The tankers ' ranged from 1985 to 2009 trucks whose costs ranged from $30,000 U.S. to $201,111 Canadian. In his report to council, Bedard rec- ommended buying a new or unused tanker. "All of the used tankers I found are either too old or over priced for a used unit," he said. Deputy -Mayor Bernie MacLellan asked Bedard for a reason why the $73,500 1999 truck wouldn't work for Seaforth. said an independent dealer in Arizo- "The issue was how to get, through na could be hired for "a few hundred this budget year. The truck may bucks" to get an opinion about the only last 10 years so why tanker. wouldn't this truck work "I'll reiterate that I'm for us," he said. not in favour of put - Bedard said that sinceting a $200,000 tanker the truck was from the in' the fire hall. We're U.S., there might be missing the big picture some costs involved to here - it's a fire truck. make the tanker road- We're viewing it as if worthy in Canada. it's on the road every Seaforth Coun. Joe day," he said. Steffler said he'd want Mayor Joe Seili said to know the number the municipality would of hours the truck had have to make sure an been driven and Brus- American truck could sels Coun. David Blaney meet Ontario's strip- said he'd want someone / gent emission star - with mechanical exper- dards. . tise to look over the tanker "U.S. trucks are fight - before the decision is made to buy it. ing because they can't legally drive "I wouldn't buy a car over the In- through Toronto right now," he said. ternet from a pretty picture. We've McKillop Coun. DIA Siemon, who got to be damned sure it's in good op- made the motion to have Bedard do erational shape," said Blaney. more research on the 1999 tanker, Tuckersmith Coun. Larry McGrath 'I'll reiterate that I'm not in favour of putting a $200,000 tanker in the fire hall,' Huron East Coun. Larry McGrath GREENHOUSE GIRL GARDEN CENTRE GREAT SELECTION & GREAT DEALS on Annuals, Perennials and Shrubs Annuals Soil Products Perennials mulch Hanging Baskets Potted Containers Trees = Shrubs hloutp Qf o. f?prati n Monday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Tues. - Sat. 9a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. *Gift Certificates Available Located on H 8 Seaforth (Beside the Freeze King) Board Trustee Vacancy, Due to a recent trustee resignation representing the area of central east Huron, the Avon Maitland District School Board welcomes applications for the position of trustee. In accordance with the Education Act, Section 219 (1) specifies the qualifications necessary to be a member of a board. The person must bei) qualified to vote for members of the board; and ii) a resident in the area of jurisdiction of the board. Disqualifications are outlined in Sections 219(4), (5) and (7). The Trustee vacancy begins July 1, 2009 and will end on November 30, 2010 following the school board elections through the municipal election process. Persons interested in the position please submit an application in writing to the secretary of the board. Applicants will be required to provide the following information: why they are interested in the position; their background, qualifications, interests, experience, and concerns regarding the position; and other information they think Is pertinent. Any person expressing interest in applying for the position shall be offered a package of information to be picked up from the secretary of the board containing: Avon Maitland District School Board facts folder; Policy No. 5 Trustee Code of Conduct; schedule of board and committee meetings; committee membership lists; and the OPSBA learning centre. Please submit your application by Friday, July 10, 2009 to Chuck Reid Director of Education and Secretary of the Board Avon Maitland District School Board 62 Chalk Street North Seaforth, ON NOK 1WO Avon11111T Maitland Working the Potential Wein 411 al Over Learner* CHUCK Rk1U www.yourschools.ca JENNY VERSTEEC, Chair said Bedard should keep looking if he doesn't like the tanker after fur- ther research. "I think it's worth checking into," he said. Worried about how long it is tak- ing to choose a tanker, Seili asked if council just wasn't going to buy one this year and Steffler suggested buy- ing two trucks next year instead. However, MacLellan said he didn't think the municipality can afford two trucks in one year. "I'm just trying to spread the pur- chase out a little bit," he said. Voting in favour of exploring the 1999 truck further were MacLellan, McGrath, Siemon, Seaforth Coun. Bob Fisher, Grey Coun. Alvin McLel- lan, Brussels Coun. Frank Stretton, Grey Coun. Orval Bauer, McKillop Coun. Andrew Flowers and Tucker - smith Coun. Les Falconer. Voting against the motion were Seili, Steffler and Blaney. Notice of Open Houses for a Five -Year Review of the Huron County Official Plan TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the County of Huron will hold a statutory open house under the provisions of Sections 17 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, -as amended, to provide members of the public an opportunity to review the materials and ask questions about the proposed amendments to the Huron County Official Plan. ANY PERSON may attend the open house and/or make written or verbal representation. Five public open houses will be held across the. County in: 'r.":iur County, Your Community 094-- GIODERICH, on Wednesday, June 17th , 6:00 - 9:OOpm at the Huron County Museum (110 North St.) WINGHAM, on Thursday, June 18th, 6:00 - 9:00pm at the North Huron Wescast Community Complex- Hot Stove Louflg (99 Kerr Dr.) BAYFIELD on Saturday, Juni 20, ei:oOam-12:OOpm:at.the Historical Bayfield Town Haff (11 The Square) EXETER on Wednesday,:Juna24, 640 - 9:00011 at the South Huron Munkipal Office (322 Main $t.) SEAFORT on Thursday, June 25, 6:00 0:00pril at the Huron East Municipal Office (72 Main St.) PURPOSE AND EFFECT: You are invited to attend an Open House to review the proposed text and mapping changes to the Huron County Official Plan and to speak with County staff, about any questions you may have regarding the proposed revisions. The Huron County Planning and Development Department is required to undertake a 5 -year review of the County's Official Plan, a land use planning document that is a statement of where and how development should take place. The Plan includes vision goals and policy directions for development of the County, as established by the community in 1998 and 1999. MORE INFORMATION is available: • At the Huron County Planning and Development Department, Goderich, (519) 524-8394 ext. 3 or • On the County website: www.huroncounty.ca DATED AT THE COUNTY OF HURON THIS 20th DAY OF MAY, 2009 Barbara Wilson, Clerk County of Huron 1 Court House Square Goderich, ON N7A 1 M2 (519) 524-8394