HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-06-10, Page 2• Page 2 The Huron Expositor • June 10, 2009 z�. THIS SPR/NG, KEEP YOUR #43NE). $0 $0 $0 FIRST MOWN DOWN DUE AT SECURITY • PAYMENTS PAYMENT DELIVERY DEPOSIT PURCHASE FINANCING Offers vary by model. Not all combinations apply. See dealer for details. With ON -THE -ROAD PRICING, all you need to do. Is chooise your rrhkle and go. F SERIES IS THE BEST SELLiN' PICK-UP ON THE PLANET With ON -THE -ROAD PRICING Own for Yes you can lease for $279 a 0% $499 0 O.99 Twice a month financed per month for 48 months over 60 months with $0 down. with SO down. $0 Security deposit. Offers include freight and air tax. 61MP0 - 4.6L/100KM CITY•• 32MPG - a9L,/1o0KM CITY" 52MPG - SAL/100KM HWY-• 49MPCI - 5.8L/10oKM HWY" On t..4 Hew Fusion Hybrid Fusion fi • I-4 • Automatic Introducing The New 2010 Fusion Get of PURCHASE FINANCING APR UP TO 36 MONTH' on most 2010 Ford Fusion. # $ FIRST MONTH PAYMENTS' FORD ESCAPE IS CANADA'S BEST SELLING COMPACT SW'. BEST- SELLING COMPACT TRUCK !!7 c. ANADA" 2009 Escap. XLT with Automatic WiTH ON -Ma -ROAD PRICINI Own for $213@ O!f Twice s month financed over 60 months with $0 Down. Offer Includes freight and air tax. YOU GET THE MOST FUEL-EFFICIENT N yip E m + O%Pu PURCHASE FINANCING MIDSIZE SEDAN IN CANADA on most 2009 Ford Escape. 2009 Ranger RegularCatb FEL Or Get Own for $12,499' offer excludes freight of $1.300. $6000 DELIVERY ALLOWANCE% on mosf2009 Ranger SuperCab YOU GET Q#FiRST MONTH. DUE AT PAYMENTS' Q DELIVERY' on most 2009 Ford Ranger. This spring, visit your Ontario Ford Dealer and keep your money. ontarioford.ca ,�y / ' Drive one. Bead Fne0bent fine-01sn(fled tem ICO)to lee 20009 atpalictoaigrota (atria Men*.IXrin;the Int -0 Event one ampecarthelan did Frit inalhipayment 0%APR W'fiaselnancrig kirwb60month, %Odorrnwent. SOdueatsiog.aSOseareN & mewl' apply to the pixtose fraxe or Iowa seled 200) NA fad *tides. 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Reola(abrHfor Al.199 $ares peat* m Al amour t d aldose once (eller Mem Mance d $3,500 dedfded) OFla ecMiies fictft 00.7009, Or lit tense insurance re ac PPSA abmsbalon lees and al *dale Wei diecere the S6A00 in ddrvey *nonce on the Gzh pund►e mho femme a teed al new 2009 Ranger Solt&models(edudna. mcdels)." Basedon2008hemid Mat WesfigoesfaMalesandrestrekclosesteanpe4las.thedatamenthedietsyears87/ttragh2001aBasedan2008carbinedsaesfigoesbrom%b ids Mordent Cenultartshhc tAtiaAssotiadondtrerihatandMond* SaliaoklelsWangs WANO.awl (Mau Ndreeltdda tes' Assiodeb3nM. " Based on estenaled fuel consurvtion helm HAM 48/100bnabani 5,40)0bntoy fusionaubnhate1141/I001an*and Sa/100bnhwt (egg thtedllimAedderti esdFinenS*abblein(endo-seedealerlaMaakanfusionSaheiabilyaiddfiverydales.FurleorsrnpteralrrgsbasedanifarKport(anodeap wllestmelte&Akualhrel=si,,UO►myverybasedonloadeorhdlore,vehiclebadrganddriri; iuOris. Fake Gass per RL a (a (US$I hrenmedhale per RL P is (anodal lx (Canada) See Dealer kirMak turned tirneellen Olen are subject b charge wheat notice. Ontario FMA P.O. Bar 2000. Oakvie Ontario t615K PLEASE NOTE CLASSIFIED at ADVERTISING DEADLINES ARE ON FRIDAYS AT 4:00 PM News Huron County accepts quotation for new car A motion to accept the quotation of $26,862.84 from J.L. McCutcheon Motors Ltd. for a new car for the Hu- ron County clerk was passed without comment at Huron County council last- Wednesday. The .motion was one of several passed as the committee of the whole - day one report was adopted. The new car will be a 2009 Chevrolet Impala LTZ. Recognizing the OPP Huron County Warden Ken Oke would like to. see the county provide a small plaque to the Huron OPP in cel- ebration of the Ontario Provincial Police's 100th anni- versary this year. Oke told county council he had attended an OPP awards ceremony at Oakwood recently. "They provide security for the area and we should give them a small recognition of their service," he said. Gateway `taking off' A recent meeting between the Gateway . Rural Health Research. Institute in Seaforth and the University of Wa- terloo was pronounced "a tremendous success" by Hu- ron County Warden Ken Oke, who attended the day -long event in Seaforth recently. Oke told councilors at the county's June 3 meeting that a meeting was held to entice universities, like the Uni- versity of Waterloo and McMaster University, to partner with the research institute. "To our surprise, they came with the idea to get Gate- way to accept them. It looks like Gateway is going to take off in a big way," .he said. Warden race begins Coun. Dorothy Kelly (Morris-Turnberry) put her name forward to run for next year's Huron County warden at county council's June 3 meeting. Television rally After attending a recent rally to support local televi- sion stations, Coun. Neil Vincent (North Huron) asked Huron County council to send a letter of support. "I'd like it if each and every one of us could lend support with letters to the Heritage Minister. The local television stations get the local information out. They're asking that regulations be changed to allow royalties to be charged to satellite and cable and that would allow a number of local stations to exist," said Vincent. He said a petition is also circulating to support local TV stations. by Susan Hundertmark &•- OPTOMETIIY NOW OPEN 34 Goderich Street (across from YPD We welcome all new and existing patients to join us at our new Iocation. for more IaimmatlM call 519-521-1240