HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-06-03, Page 20Page 20 The Huron Expositor • June 3, 2009
Career day aims to empower teenage girls.,
Being an avid user of social net-
working websites on the Internet
such as Facebook and . Twitter could
actually increase a young person's
chance of landing a job, keynote
speaker Melissa Schenk said dur-
ing a career day for girls in Seaforth
Schenk, a weather anchor at A -
Channel News in London, told the
13 -16 -year-olds that .the popular
websites are spawning new types of
jobs open to Internet -savvy youth.
"Bloggers and social media co-ordi-
nators are jobs that weren't around
even a
says. "New online jobs are emerging out on Facebook before calling them
everyday." sometimes. Instead of connecting by
Schenk showed the teens a job word of mouth, we're connecting by
posting for a social media co-ordina- word of mouse. That's the new first
tor that asked applicants if they had impression."
experience using Facebook or Twit- That's why it's important, Schenk
ter. warned the girls, not to ` post any
"Are you experienced with build- photos : or 'information online that
ing social communities? Can you can damage their reputation.
crank out news releases, editorials, She says A -Channel News in Lon -
and web content on tight deadlines? don reports on about one or two sto--
Hav you been a one-person video ries a month where employees have
crew?"the job posting read. lost their job due to information they
Schenk says social networking posted online.
websites can also help job -seekers • "Make yourself more desirable for
develop contacts and references with employers," she told the group of
those already established in the about 50 girls, who came from Sea
working world. forth Public School, St. James School,
the owner of her own marketing Clinton Public School and St. Anne's
and production Secondary School. .
company — MS2 Schenk showed the students a
Productions video she created that helped land
Schenk says she her among the top 50 finalists out of
has hired people . ' 35,000 people worldwide for the Best
that were referred • Job in the World contest earlier this
to her through year:
"You're prob-
ably not thinking
you can get a job
online, but people
are watching," she
says. "Employers
check applicants
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The Municipality of Huron East is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA)
to determine the most appropriate method to extend municipal sanitary servicing to the_ community of
Egmondville. Phase I of the study, which was completed in late 2008, established a need within the
community due to deficiencies identified with existing on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems. The
second phase of the study was initiated in January 2009 and included consultation with agencies and a
review of various servicing alternatives available to extend municipal servicing to Egmondville. Several
servicing options have been selected by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) for more detailed
analysis and are being presented to the public for additional review and input.
The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process established for
Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document.
Schedule B projects are approved subject to the completion of Phases 1 & 2 of the Class EA process.
The purpose of the slcreening process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated
with the proposal and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts.
As part of the public consultation program developed for this project, a public information -
meeting has been scheduled to advise residents of the current study investigations and to receive
additional input from interested parties.
ion(la .June 15'1'. 2009 (u' Seaforth Community Centre: 6:3(1 8:00
For further information on the proposed servicing project or to submit comments, please contact the
consulting engineers:
- B. M. Ross and Associates Limited
62 North Street, Goderich, ON • NSA 2T4
(P) 519-524-2641, (F) 519-524-4403
Att: Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner
(e-mail) kvader(a)bmross.net
•` r t_ s 1 1 •
This Notice issued June 3`d, 2009
Jack McLachlan, Clerk -Administrator
Municipality of Huron East
The highly -publicized competition
asked for 60 -second videos explain-
ing why the applicant was best suit-
ed for the job — a six-month stint as.
caretaker of the Islands of the Great
Barrier Reef in Australia.
She first learned about the contest
when A -Channel ran the story dur-
ing a newscast that aired before her
weather report.
"When opportunities are thrust at
you, you have to eat them up," she
said. "There are opportunities pre-
sented to us every day. Wanting to do
something and actually. doing some -
Melissa Schenk
thing are totally different things.
The moral of the story is, you're go-
ing to have to work for a long time,
so I hope you enjoy what you're do-
For the remainder of the fifth an-
nual GirlsUnlimited Career Day, the
girls spent their time in workshops
learning about a variety of jobs from
about a dozen professionals. _
Some of the "career coaches" in-
cluded a paramedic, radio DJ, civil -.
engineer, electrician, environmental
technologist, wedding planner and
ballroom dance instructor, graphic. -
designer and plumber.
"We tried to have some non-tradi-
tional jobs girls to showcase," says
Leanne Metcalf,
co-ordinator with
the Foundation
for Education
Perth -Huron,
which hosted the
event. -
"There are a
lot of events out
there for boys
to get into the
trades and a lot
-of times girls
aren't aware that
-. they can do that
too," Metcalf
said. "This is just
to empower them
and get them to
go for what they
want to do and.
not what society
tells them they
have to do."
Metcalf says
as a follow up to
the event, she
hopes the girls
and career coach-
es will establish
a long-term re-
source network
among each oth-
er. t.
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Bayfield, Hensall, Zurich
July 6th - August 14th
Monday - Friday
Drop off between 8:00 - 9:00am
Pick up between 4:00 - 5:0Opm
Cost: $17.50 / day
$75.00 / week
$10.00 / half days
Pre -registration Dates:
June 3rd Zurich Arena -5 - 7pm
• June 4th` Hensall Arena 5 - 7pm
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Questions - call Carla 519-236-4351
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