HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-4-17, Page 1THIR TY -SIXTH YEAR.
EXE i;Rt* O;,ITARX(), TH_HTTRSI)A APE. 17, 1924
' g begun to peck CANADA CLUB RE -ORGANIZED. ! Ma Welliaagton Jahns is confined toeecatll,alo s have
Our Comer at"
Sthe,d tslyehis tame owing to valavess.
The Canada 'Club, which: flourished White we have been having fine wee
r� k You will al- An .expersestead-Itusiba d is one who •far several years
„salt you watch the sloe ,prior to the days o£ thee, ..tt haws been a bit cl. sly.
ways be ,axne of thlelhamds, remembers his wife's birthday, but.ILot strew, in vvar-tire, but for a few years
which one it as, . , has been in a dormant state, was cant Some of the farmlers in the neigh -
Clean up, the lawns and back yards IThursday ,eventing last re -organized a` borlrood have commenced seeding.
while the wife • is cleaning up the According to divorce court statistics a meeting held in the Club Rooms I'm
douse. the Wedcihig bells peal only eight.the Dickson-lvlcOonell Block, Exeter, Neither Mrs. Fitton ator Mr. Rowe,
times for every r epeal at which some twenty-six were pres- who, are in hospital in! London, have
A -man allay be down but he. isn't out . , n y^ ' amt. Mr. t C. H. Sanders and :ALr. 1. been gate so well during the week.
until he begins to, blanie• hits wife for
Wall all the advance of m+ed_el.1 it.• Complier were appointed chairman i Special Easter services will be held mace of Strathroy, accompanied by her
wail failure
science ma one seems tet be able to� and secretary respectively, of the in the Trivitt Memorial Church next little granddaughter Hellen Grieve.
Workmen are getting ready to re-
mo ale the building ow•tied by Mr. John
Taylor, on the corner of Main and Ann
streets for veneering purposes.
Miss Grace Whyte of Herniate, who
hes been. visiting her sister-in-law, .M1lrs.
Josephine Whyte and nephew 1 caro d
has gone to Stratford to visit her aunt
airs Pawker.
Mrs. J. Grieve, returned Monday ev-
ening from a visit with her son, Lat-
•take the pia oh out of comms. i meeting. The chairman oattined the 1 Sunday a.,cl special and approp •:ate who will visit here fora time.
About all fame is good for is to
N- --- condition of affairs, reported on the musisr will be rendered ray the cho• r.
1 Mrs. Rous•om, who has been; spend-
,e. a cucumber pr w x a a h her parents, Mr:
rice a Mole - <licates Gass off horse ower. It was'inavred b A Stewart, sec- TGtx=n Haul on Tuesday' afternoon to and Mrs W. J. Bissett, left Saturday
ed in Canada in February, aard�three f o.ndod by N. J..Doue and adopted that receive instructions r g r for her home in North Bay. Mrs. Bis -
were opened. Women g'ea>erally will take talo •e in- the club be re -organized, The fait. growing and picking of the cucumb•e .;. t sett, who has been, quite ill, is slowly
terest in politics wbleuv politics ,s put lowing officers were elected,— Hon air ' I. E, Gardianer attended the fun- rmpr'j ng•
The. quality called modesty didn't on dismay 'in the shop windows. Pres., I, R. Carling; Pres., C, tiI
a d , oral of his brother Hadwin last woes... �►
exist until people found something to
write bo k member that a knock neatly always in- year was necessary ssa,y to un, the clubA ma• severe weeks with
serve as an alibi aro: case you wish to People who feel that way should re- equipment i and estimated that $$300 a
The o es met in the 1
were c s k>! Y J
c vv to
. heartbanks
Ih rt -fot t
Y p
z' r
c e adsn,
Sa;n ers ; Vice -Pres., N. J. 'bore; Sec-
are salaamed of. My bonnie +aver the gals tank, Tr sacs., T. S. Woods; 'Managing Com-' death its trhe he Yxear room was f of a,°11114 7shocery
The height of its contents to see, mittee, Dr: G. S. Atkinson, E, J. t
match to assist her— : s •c and Jas. Jec n e11, The or .g- dLts. Dar. and errs, Henry Martine, a song
Chants ictal y -laws were continued, subject I S U M1S
She lighted a Ch -r t' tostore ]n Detroit, presumably by ban- Martine -1n Stephen, on April 12, to
Matrimony has its drawbacks but it b
Selves—hi U s borne, on, April 11, to , r
end Mrs, John, Selves, a daughter.
olifers people a unique opportunity 'to
get acquainted with one another. Oh, bring hack my Bonnie, to ins. to revision later. Theeleven sur -1 Althou',ls there was no disc:ease in•
e been,
\dving members f the old club, d' income :,a thebudget, Hon. J. A; R bl)
i mm rso cu and? core c u a
The an•�erag+e individual has about one We have approached twice in
sixteen new- menvbers signed up cn, will rjtove tthAait the exemptioncen child -
the opening night, and many others a ren beincreased £r•orn :300 to av500.
This is approximately 3 500 square the proposed referendum an the O.
are expected to join. They can do to apply tc 1923 income. and ,subsequent
inch es. The ,political grat ter is said T. A. One party wanted something so en. application, to the secretary - `i comes.
to have a little more, in the paper "slamming" ',temperance treasurer, Mr. 1 $, Wc,ods. The init-
ialand they had .no soarne,r gone than are.
face for new members was freed at
"How's this?" asked the lawyer. other party canoe along with a lengthy $',andall club least were made lray-
SYou'vc manned six beakers in your article, from temperance headquarters able quarterly is advance.
will to be pallbearers. Of course it's with news on the temperance ques-
all right but wouldn't you rather tion To both of these requests we
choose some friends with whom- you gave the sante answer: "It will ,only • SUDDEN DEATH,
are on better terms ?" "No, judge be inserted as an advertisement which A a ery sudden death occurred here
that's all right, Those fellows have' must be paid for at; the regular rate.' ,salt tll,amclay eveninglast h Mrs.
carried me se long, this 'might as well Both sides will get a fair chance to
finish the job, Y b give their views through our columns,
Michael Eacrett passed peacefully away
but in the a,bo e mariner only.—Ex.at the age of 79 yea, -,s, 4 months end
There is said to be one 'editor i=n 9 days. Mr. Eacr ett had been vie-
he.aven. idow he got there is not cos- SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. : +tun of heart honors for a number stf
itively known, but t is. conjectured years, but had been iher usual health
that he passed off as a minister and Tlcere is a general need all over the up 10. her sudden taking off. She was
stepped 1. =expectedly. When the province: for increased accommodation sitting le etly in a cba?,r at the sup -
dodge was discovered,theysearched in the high schools. London has the p r table and without a moment's
the realms of felicity all teir length subject ;perpetually before them, trod- warning n collapsed and the end carne
and bredtit far a lawyer to draw up anear
erich is -voting can a bylaw to extend Kingston, airs.
Eecrema.ceaisnan r beng
e necessary paper for ejection, but,. the school at a- cost of $58,000, that .
ey couldn't fiend tone, and of course, town laving had the government grant Adal.ne McDonald. On the marriage
ththe editor held the fort. to her atovv betett his
C`iis At 20 the son thinks he knows more
than his father. At 30 he lessens his
npinion of himself, and thinks his fath-
er has fair judgment. At 35 hebe-
�ta6ves life to be a reality, and father
in of mastermind. At 40 a full
97 per cent. of men meet with reverses
and begin to lose their accumulations.
At 45 years 97 pen cent, have last all.
Alter 50 only one in a thousand re-
cover their financial footing. This is
the age of caution; a man should apt
spe:•unte, far he has all tolosel and swa-
thing to gain He looks for-ecur-ty
not high ratteof intenest, At 65 years
it is claimed that 95 .per cent of .neon
"are dependent upon their daily earn-
ings or Their children for support.
A motion was introduced lin the
Dominion parliament to do away with
Capital punishment in Canada and was
defeated by 92 to 29. It was pot a
party vete, 'each member voting ac-
cording to his own view, in the matter,
Premier Ring, and Mr, Mieighen, lead-
er of the opposition bath voting with
the majority. It would seen that the
-0"aabalitton of capital punishment is
growing more in favor all,th+e time, but
as examples of what might hap-
pen were it .abolished let us look at
two of the most p.rtoreinent nations
of the world andssee; what is happen-
ing, Britain, a capital punishment
country. with a, populationof 48,000,-
000, had 200 murders in a year; Unit-
ed States, with a"population of 11(1.
000,000, in which cap,tal Punishment
.,r tnaas been abolished im many States, had
A horse belonging .to Mr. George
Coward of town, while lett tied at the
station. Wednesday morning became
friglitencl', broke the halter -shank and
ran away. It made a lively run out
station street, thence south and cast
on Huron and was captured an Mr.
Jeff. Fisher's lamin Usborn,e Tp.
Strange to .say no damage whatever
to either horse or 'outfit,
Mr, R. W. Fake, who, has been em-
ployed with Mr. J. 4. Stewa t for
the past fifteten years, and who through
a breakdown in health, is being forced
t o out -doer life, has taken aesicies
with several vary favorably known in-
surance companies, and is now in a
position to write all kinds of insur-
ance, We hope that Mr. Fake meets
with success sn his new work, and that
an they, for a he will greatly mp: ovae :an health.
withheld for a. year ,or• two: St. Alarys
School Board' has asked the council shoat time, resided in. the town,lti:p ,of GRAND MASTER VISITS CLINTON
an ad
for $18,000 to build adirtnon, hay- Hay on the 2nd concession,, and then
'Mg been warned that if more accom- , moved to Exeter. They continued t•t A doee•.n .a: more of the members of
modation were (not provided their goy• reside here for many years, atter is h'c_. L ba'non Forest Lodge, Exeter, were. in'
ernment grant would be withheld. The t'r'e) moved to Bra.... _id an'. lead•a Clinton on Tuesday, attending the big
town m t buil has been adigh school
that Nine years agoerr home in that l+ey city
:eturrn,ed7•too Ex- Masonic
iipfui, the Grand Mastewhen r of Ontario, Most
Woe -
they ,must build a nary„ high sclroal,
and Mitchell built one 'last year. The eter and this has since been then Bro. mope was present, together with
Exeter Board of Educatsom, t.• asking, bane. The deceatsed �-as a lite :ora; other distinguished visitors. In the
for only 55000 to extend the present member of the Methodist Cbu:ch rad afternoon the Goderich and Clinton
building Comparatively this is a when health
permitted was faithful Lodges exemplified the work of the
very ,moderate request, l bout in attendance and other clutie- F alit and Third Degrees, respectively,
that devolved upon her as a ct.0:c!, and in the evening a banquet and
THE BUDGET. member, A loving wife and devoted le,ngtby toast list were given.
mother are terms which inadequately I
Hon. J. A. Robb, acting minister of express the great place 'she. filled :.n NOVELTY IN RADIO CABINET.
finance on. Thursday last preseauted the lives of those whom God had given
the budget in the House of Commons. her to watch over and care foe A
It proposes a cut in the duties an . Year ago last Christmas she and her
implements and a reduction of the !worthy husband celebrated the dia-
general sales tax from six to five per mond wedding anniversary and th,e
oent, while this tax has been remo.v- gathering was an epoch of deep inte:-
ed 'entirely from some articles. est and satisfaction to all the mem-
An, effort has been made to reduce bars of the family. Besides the bus -
the tariff and also, to•remove or reduce band, who is 'totally blind, and who
the sakes tax on Ball machinery of basic will miss ;nee most, she, is survived by
imdustriei of paoductiont. I three sons and four slaughters—Richard
In, regard to farm implements?the and Sylvester of Brantford, and
tariff has been reduced on all the i Ge vrge, of Edmonton; Mrs. W. A,
Turnbull and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers
of town, Mrs. Kaufman of Brantford
and Mss Allis: of Toronto. She also
leaves three -brothers and four sisters
ers, grain ,crushers, ,etc„ to about two- —Joseph, of Hay Tp., Charles and John
thirds of what it was before. F'ertiliz- in Alberta, Mrs. John Gould of Hay
ers are free. It is proposed to a -e- Tp,, Mrs. Robert Campbell of Ingersoll,
move the sakes tax from all the fore- Mrs. Louis Aldworth of Bayfield and
going items; laIso binder twine and fer- Mrs. Mathews of Flint, Mich. The
tiitrers. To offset the lessening of Funeral which will be private, will
the duty the manufacturers are to take, ,place to. the Exeter Cemetery,
receive free entry on pig Giron, bar iron, this Thursday afternoon; at 2 o'clock.
bar steel, - and other raw materials used
larger implements, such as, mowers,
binders, reapers, cultivators, harrows,
rakes, drills, manure spi,eaders, plows,
threshing machines, hay loaders, weed-
st100 murders in a year. Thus 11 tv 11 inthe manufacture of farm +rnpluements
be seen that capital punishment has if
deterring effect on the human race
a lessening the crime ' o! murder.
'Ebe.rc are two classes of people, those
Who: respect the lane and thosewho
fear the law.
A novelty in radia cabinets has been
on exhibition, in htr. W. J. Beer's wia-
ciow during the week, the maker being
Rev G, M. C]tidley pf Thames Road.
The cabinet or case contain',ng the
radio receiving set is made entirely
of plate glass, making the working of
the set visible from any point. The
manufacture of the cabinet involved a
great deal of :painstaking labor, espec-
ially when. it as knawn'that the seventy
o•r so holes in the. glass were bored by
the maker with the end of an old file.
The catSie is well worth: seeing.
Word has been received here of tine
death of a former old-time iesident
of Exeter in. the person. of Mr. Robt.
Smaie of Kylemore, Sask. rhe paper
if that town speaking of his death, says
—"There passed away at leiylemere on
April. 3rd an old and respected resi-
dent, Robert Smalle, aged 80 years. A
largely attended funeral service was
held in his home LantApril 5th, and was
conducted by the Rev. R. aleNanghton
Early Thursday morning last, April who bore testmony to the Christian
L�y� 10th, the death occurred at ' Victoria character of the deceased.. The inter -
'S Home, London, ,of one of the oldest meat took place at Wadena; cetnetery,
residents of Exeter, in the; person of Mr. Smelt: leaves a widow, three sons
John. Hawkshaw, in his 92nd year. He T1'ro alar_ and Fred of I�yle,mave, and
bad been caned far at the home{ for the Robert of .Roblin,' Man., and six daugh-
1,a4st two years and was given/ every tern, Mrs Jamzes Elliott of Kylemore,
atterttioo twring his stay there. Death Mrs. Jack Elliott of Kuro•ki, Mrs. 1-1.
was due to old age. The. late Mr. Mrs.
of Dauphin, Man.., .firs. Wm. Box
Hawkshaw was born in Ireland and of Brandon, Mrs. C. Atkin and Mrs.
came to Canada over seventy years C Robertson, both of Oates -ie." The
ago, settling with the family in Bid- lee Mr Sn.aie's wife was Catherine
.dtilph Township He was twice. mar- Ounaferd sister of Mr. William Duns-
ried, first to Miss Lucy 1R:allins, si,s ford of Exeter,
ter of Dr. J, A. Rollins; and from that
union there survive four daughters Mrs R. N. Creech leaves this morn. -
and one son, Mrs. McTavish, Mrs. C. -ing to, spend a few clays in B-rantlord,
Cryer, Mrs. F. 'McTonell and .Mrs. A. Mr, Tlros. Hawkins of Vvindsor vis-
I-Lmrks oath, all of Detroit, and T. W. ited with rehltiv+es and friends in town
afterhe of Hof histan. Some years this vv,ith
after the death of hill first wile he
monied Miss Elizabeth Kent, who died :vIr. and Mrs, Kali er and ' Mr. and
in, D,ecenrber' of 1922. To this mar -
Frank Mallett visited int Stratford
mage there survive one sone and an.e on Sunday, •
daughter, Fred of Toronto end Mrs.
Chas.' Livingstone of Stratford. In' Mrs R. G. Seddon acrd son 'Wallace
the early days 'before there was a rail- tr ill spend Eafter with Mrs. Newman
taria Legislature. way through Exeter Mr. Hawkshaw in Kingston.
Clinton is to hold ..,aicelebration •
ot, drove. the stage to London,, and later he
conducted the Commercial Hotel in Airs .T. S. Woods and daughter Vias
snorts on. Maly. 24t1•h .and; Mitchell is to
hold horse races, r_a,eter for many years. He was a.,,:Mariom returned Saturday from a visa
'';. ' al a
admirer o'fast hearse and in his ditty :in Oakville.
Tia .. M. Saa.dels factory atter lye- kelrt m �y acocl, onesrs
, 1, ' Hawkslia•v Me. Wm.'Lae-Son,'of.'Tonomta Dental
iris; run with light farce .for two ci. teas an won teary mannose of 11•tete College etiuned torte'Wednesda.y to
three tivecks, re -opened .on Monday regwiarMasenac,Lods atge tenitaoai tol in Ins tht. drlier uties -.,Sarna'13a:stea- holidays.
with a full staff engaged. . of the order, In religion be was of
titeEmgl�sh clnnrch faith, azld in ttolitics Mr and Mrs. G. W Davis were vis-
il.ni Wm• Galydirta who Ines -the a• Conserva.tive. He was a pl .' ----i, -tors •
vvit1 14 e and ars, A: 'Parrett
furniture anal undertaking b,us:n.esa with in L don on Sunday.
his father, Mr, li •E; Gardiner has well -unformed; and `°highly respected off..
re,s,iclent, aitliowgh_ fo. marry of his ivlss. A. iD:easing 'incl. Mrs. John
ii,ecn successful ssful in securing itis .,. int- + y, Payne visited aver derlak�er's license which he received tater. ears he was confined to • his =er Sunday with, Salva-
leat week, houn,e_ through illness. .The remains •tion frieaids ,in Goderioh,
were lx owglit li,ere on Thursday even,- a
h- iing an coruv�eyed to the Trivi;tt Mern- Mrs I.,oiwwse Westlake of Sanders St
Tholast of wattthe e w of Men's i sleet anal Church, w?,.e.re the ..",er?lee 400k it Spending a few days in Mitchell with
hips 'for ,:the winker wars held .in the
James Street Church on Wednesday place On Faiday.afterntopas interment her daughter, Mrs. Fred Parsons.
evenin last, when : a e numbe:' being later made in bxete. cemetery. t returned to the
Mrs. McLellan has
were dies present, Aylmer Christie read Among those from a distance who
mh 'c Vlrs: N. Slieerc
p Y . a'tnendecl the funeral were—Mr. a cl home of lues- deo,g 1 a, ,
a,eferendm. er On why there
rtPyles wand Charles Mrs. Cryer,i Mr. and Mrs, Northsvarth after spending Seattle. menials in Stayner.
Fisher gave papers on Church='Union +anid Airs: F. M.cD,ouveill of Detrcipt; Mrs Mr, Chas; Coward at to•vvn; left yes
p T. W. Hawvkshaw of Hamilton, Mr. and a
,a{'nd' thisewas followed by discussion terd:ay (Wedaneadey} morning for the
1' Sha v of Toron o M"�..
_ Mes, r.ed'Hawk v t , Ispend'fhe summer.
nell questthe ;aansvvemed by Rev. Dam. West, where he will
rieily on the sa.nue •ma't'ter. Vocal set Livingstone. and Mr, and Mrs. T. 71.
actuals were .given by Messrs. Frank *well of Sti- tfo:d, Mrs, Schosenbu-g Mr, Ernest .• Pearson, who visited
'Taylor, Walter Cuitbush, Chas. tiodbolt and 'D.. J. A, Rollins of. Eaceter, Ow- with' his uncle, Mr. Wm, Andrew, 'lar-
and Es1,i Heywood. A lunckt was set- ing to illness :M1'IrrT,.tW. Hanvkishaiseof ing the ,•w•�e�ek,.left Monday for.his home
To -morrow is Gadd Friday and a
public holiday. •THE NEW HIGHWAYS ACT. -
Clarence Simmons has taken a posi-
Th.e amendments to the highways act tion with Harvey & Harvey. •
mow before the legislature provide that
townships which a'bollisb statute labor
must appoint a road superintendent,
and that the government will pay half
Seaforth will hold an, Old. Bays' Re-
tina= this year, Aug. 2nd, to 6th
his salary. It will also pay 30 per cervi. Wingham has cancelled the project
of the amounts spent on, reeds by the for an Old Boys' Reunioatt this year.
township. The superintendeant doe firs. J. B. Pryde has been quitei11
not have to be anu,eangtineer, but must during the ,past week, but is improving.
he -a qualified man, . `-
eased gatfaealiee
VI alt;Nitr4# +.i ,�3�ayt..
HERE you will find 'eye •glass coni -
fart. If you +prefer spectacles we will
adjust the nose plec,e and the bows to
fit your falcial ciianacteris'ti:s. We
are skilled in the profesaiion of. Optom-
etry and can be trusted to snake an
exact inquiry into your eye condition
and to prescribe for you. the glasses;
that will restore your sight.
Main St, Exeter ved by the Young ladies, Hamilton was.; unable to be :present, to Hatniota, \2ant
St, Marys has a tax rate of 44 mills
Clinton 44 mills and Giaderiich 45 mills.
Parkhill is reviving their bowling
club, after being some years out of the
The wolf bounty has been reduced
from $$40 for 520 per head by the On -
Phone 70
Taylor—Walper—At the manse, Grand
Bend on April 12th, Edna, A. daugli
ter of the late Christian and Mrs
Walper, to Lloyd Taylor, sem; of J
J, Taylor, all of Grand Bend.
McDonald—In Blanshard, on April 4th,
Archibald McDonald in his 73rd year.
Hawkshaw—In Victoria. Home, Lon-
don, o:. April 10th, John 1•iawk.s'"art,
of Exeter, in his 92nd year.
Let Us Help You
To See Better
A Iarge percentage of headaches is
caused by eye -strain. •
A great many people have come to
us with complaints of severe head-
aches, which we have completely re-
ev ed with suitable and properly fit-
ted spectacles or eye glasses.
We can help you.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Remember The Advocate ' has a
newspaper clubbing list that includes
any daily•or weekly newspaper or any
monthly journal We save you the
trouble of sending for them, and in
A Special
A Special
30x31,4 — 5000 mire Tire at
31x4 — 5000 mise Tire at
30 x 33 Ace Fabric at 57,75
31x4 Straight Wall
32x4 Straight Wali
32x414. Ford Truck
33x5 Ford Truck
.$ 9.50
30x3% — 5000 miles — at 511.75
30x33 -- 8000 miles, 6 ply 513.00
30x3Y Supreme Special, 6 ply 515.00
Other Sizes of .Tires and Tube; at approximately the sante prices,
Thorn Baker,
Exeter, Ont.
$11.95 $16.95 $19.85 $23.95
We are going to snake it very easy for you to have your new
coat for Easter. Came to this store and sere our big weekend dis-
play an Thursday and Saturday We have ,priced all our Coats
so, they will sell right in the midst of the season,. Be fair to yew --
self and see our coats before yoi buy.
Silk and Wool JACQUETTES
Hats Caps Shirts Neckties Shoes and Oxfords
You will find a complete range of attractive. Men's Wear in this
store, and our prices will save you money
Kelogg's Corn Flakes, 10c. pkg,
Sluedcled Wheat 1.2c. pkg.
Thompson Seedless Raesin,s 121s4c.lb
Clu•istie's Soda Biscuits. 15c. pkg.
Man's. Size Plug' T, '& B.
Plug Tobaccoes, 2 fox
Laundry Soaps 3 for 20c, :
7 bars Castile Soap for 25c.
3 pkgs. Ammonia Powder 1 or 25c
Tasty Cheese 24c. ib.
Smoking Tobacco , 69c,
25c.; and 2 for 35c,