Huron Expositor, 2009-05-20, Page 8Page 8 The Huron iExpositor • May 20, 2009 News Local residents want greater setbacks from wind turbines From Page 7 Act and it will pass. But, they haven't set any rules or setbacks. so there are still opportunities," he said. Melady said she left the Brodhagen meeting with a great sense of help.- lessness but has since discovered an organization called Wind Concerns Ontario, a coalition of 9 community organizations fighting similar bat- tles against industrial wind farms. "They have got the ear of (Ontario Energy Minister George) Smither man and we as a group have the op- tion sof joining them," she said, asking the group to contribute a toonie or a loonie towards the $100 fee neces- sary to join Wind Concerns Ontario. She said Wind Concerns Ontario is trying to expose .the myths about wind energy being promoted by the Canada Wind Energy Association (CanWea) which represents the local wind industry, "One of the myths is that .it brings jobs to the community. In reality, what's left is a bunch of turbines .and a couple of people needed to main- tain them," she said. Showing a map of McKillop Town ship and the location of the proposed wind projects, Rob Tetu said that with a 450 metre setback, five resi- dences will be within or on the edge of the properties holding the 95 me- tre tall towers' with 45 metre tur- bines. He added that if the setback were pushed back to 600 metres, 17 resi- dences would be affected and if it were pushed back to 1,000 metres, it would blanket the whole area. Murray pointed out that if the prov- ince can be convinced to set the set- backs at the 1,500 metres required in several European countries, wind turbines would not be possible in most of Southwestern Ontario. Dixon, a mother of two young chil- dren under the age of three, said her new house on Beechwood Line between Summerhill and Maple - which she and her husband built for the peace and quiet of the country - will be within the 450 metre setback of two of the wind turbines. "We're going to be victims of this and what kind of suffering will we have?" she said. Dixon said she has heard of a three- year-old girl whose family lives near a wind turbine in the Ripley area HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER Call Doug for all of your painting and wallpapering needs Seaforth 519.527.0058 (519)5256078 TIIOMPSON URETHANE SPRAY F IRILI GIASS INSULATION Call Ron At 519-263-2319 DUCHARME CARPENTRY DRYWALL TIM DUCHARME 519-527-2068 MOBILE 519-525-0138 This Spot Available Call the Huron Expositor 527-0240 tetiMef~irY R 1 who has been to the emergency de- partment of the hospital 10 times in the past 18 months after waking in the night screaming and complain- ing of earaches. But, since her fam- ily moved away from their home and the wind turbine, her complaints have gone away. Melady, who pointed out that not everyone is bothered by wind tur- bines, said her research showed that health issues of those who suffer from their proximity to wind turbines have sleep problems, headaches, nausea, exhaustion, anger, irritability, anxi- ety, depression, heart palpitations and ringing in their ears. She said other health impacts come from shadow flicker, the shadow that occurs every time the blades rotate on a sunny day and from stray volt- age. "The health issues don't affect ev- eryone. It's just a small number that are affected but the question is how many people is enough. One's too many," said Tetu. Ryan said that while the turbine blades make a "swooshing" noise, the health concerns come from a low frequency noise from the hum of the • Agricultural • Residential • Commercial • Pole Line Construction Whoa EMS Excavating Inc. •Derrick VanDriel 519-440-8296 Simon VanDriei q 519-4824783 l rc1e10rr«N Excavators, Bobcats, Dozers, Trucking,etc. Complete Excavating Contractor This Spot Available Call the Huron Expositor 527-0240 4 ,4 tii ELECTRIC R.R. # 4 Seaforth, ON NOK 1W (519) 522-1556 This Spot Available Call the Huron Expositor 527-0240 turbine. Tetu compared the low frequency noise to the pOuunding of the bass from a car stereo. "You can feel it pounding in your stomach. You can't hear it but you can feel it," he said, adding that it can travel up to three kilometres and through buildings. Organizers said they contacted Huron -Bruce MPP Carol Mitchell and Perth -Wellington MPP John Wilkinson with their concerns. Murray said he'd heard from Mitch- ell that she would be voting in favour of Bill 150. Melady said she received an email in response from Mitchell that said she was not able to attend the Brod- hagen meeting but she would speak to the municipality about the com- munity's concerns. She also said that setbacks would be determined based on science related to health and the environment. Wilkinson was not able to attend the Brodhagen meeting either. Everyone at the meeting was urged' to call or write their MPPs. "z Fy: This Spot Available Call the Huron Expositor 527-A240 WHITNEYRIBEY FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. 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