Huron Expositor, 2009-05-13, Page 12r•
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ron Hurricanes
wim Club rices
ainst 40 s Weren't clubs across Ontario
The Huron Hurricanes Swim
Club had 10 swimmers compete in
the Division 3 Team Champs event
held in Brantford, Ontario on April
This event draws competitive
athletes from 40 different swim
clubs throughout Ontario.
All swimmers worked diligently
with coach Stephanie Judd for
months to prepare and qualify for
the Division 3 Team Champs.
Scott Ferguson is 21 years old
and is an active member of both the
Huron Hurricanes and the Special
Olympics. Ferguson competed in
four events and achieved personal
best time in 100 back.
Nick Vaessen, 18, has been swim-
ming with the club since Grade 7.
Vaessen represented his club well
at Team Champs by shaving off
time for all the events swam.
Dani Heinbuch has been with the
club for seven years and competed
strongly in four events while nurs-
ing a serious shoulder injury. She
narrowly missed finals for her 200
Vaessen and Heinbuch are excel-
lent team leaders who often assist
coaching the team.
Derrick Murray, 16, in his third
year with the Hurricanes, achieved
personal best times in three events
and a regional qualifying time in
his 100 freestyle. He also achieved
a personal best as the lead swim-
mer in the 200 free relay.
Robert Norsworthy, 16, competed
strongly in five events and achieved
personal best times in every one.
Vaessen, Norsworthy, Ferguson
and Murray swam in the 15 & Over
200 Free Relay and took 3.5 sec-
onds off their previous best time.
Laurissa Scru-
ton, Lauren
Brewster, Sarah
and Claire Mc-
Fadzean swam
together for the
first time in the
13-14 year old
200: Free Relay
in which individ-
uallythey swam
their personnel
best times.
Brooklyn Ver-
cruyssen, 15,
has been with
the Hurricanes
for three years.
She competed in
five events and
achieved her per-
sonal best time
in the 100 -metre
Claire McFadz-
ean, 14, achieved
personal ' best
times in her 50
free, 200 free and
200 breast.
Brewster, 13, in
her second year
with the Hur-
ricanes swam
in the 100 back,
200 back, 20Q,
50 freestyle and the 200 relay. She
took time off all of her strokes.
Laurissa Scruton, 13, is in her
second year �f competitive swim-
ming. She swam her personal best
times in 100-m freestyle and 100-m
Sarah, 11, started with the Hur-
ricanes in the "I Can Swim" pro -
Members of the Huron Hurricanes' swim team.
gram, moved up to the novice (pre -
competitive) group, and this is her
first year of swimming competi-
tively. She competed in five events
and swam her personal best times
in two of them.
As a team, over the course of the
competition, 26 personal best times
were achieved and the club was
well represented at a very competi-
submitted photo
tive meet.
The Huron Hurricanes is an
amazing swim club that has both
competitive and non-competitive
swimmers. Members of the club
train at both the Vanastra Rec-
reation Centre and the Goderich
Warmer weather has lawn bowlers preparing,
to begin another season on the green$
Winter seems to be coming to an
end finally. Summer can't be far
So, let's start thinking ng of warm
weather, fun in the sun and rekin-
dling old and new friendships with
another summer of lawn bowling.
4popi Apk,ogimeeting was
held on Monday, May 5 at 7 p.m. there will be cards or more bowl -
at the club house with . 33 in atten- ing.
dance. Our club will host the open- The club will host the District
ing weekend on Monday, May 18 four's playdowns on May 30 for
starting with bowling at 2 p.m. and men's and ladies' four's. This tour -
potluck supper at 5:30. nament will be followed on Friday,
All members and associates are June 5 for the Bridges Tournament
MPILP* . with only one t dr&tvV ` this
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That's all for now. So, let's hope
for some consistent warm weather
and let's get bowling.
If anyone wants to join our club,
please contact Neil at 519-527-0678
or Rick at 519-527-0194.
See4 f ou 9D the; greens.;