Huron Expositor, 2009-05-13, Page 11e5 -)NS
ounty council su
it is vital rural areas 'continue to receive meclia coverage, says countycouncillor
legislation hands out large fines tor Warden Ken Oke led council in a mo -
offending motorists, Siemon said it ment's silence in memory of the late
is unreasonable to assume a motorist Jack Coleman, a formerwarden who
is going to betravelling at 90 km/h -passed away on April 30.
outside of urban centres and imme- Oke noted though he never served
diately bring it down to 50 knn/h once alongside Coleman, "I still have fond
inside the boundaries. - memories of him," and his "carefree
"I think it's more of a speed trap," he ways.
said, noting he'd
like to see post-
ed speed limits
that gradually
decrease on the
way into urban
The county's
roads depart-
ment has been
instructed to re-
view the issue,
and bringa re-
port back before
New to county
Council wel-
comed Barb
Hall into its fold
as the county's
Those caught selling new housing
tobacco to underagers can face stiff manager.
fines, though warnings are some- Councillors
times handed out on the first- of- learned Hall is
fence. a former Goder-
Demaray argued the practice ich resident who
should stop. has 22 years. of
"If this goes to court, it's entrap- experience in
ment and the county is leaving itself the field.
wide open to entrapment." Council also of -
The issue will be further discussed ficially endorsed
at the board -of -health level. the appointment
A whole `pother level of Barbara Wil-
Coun. Bill Siemon (Huron East) son as county
wants to see new speed -limit signs clerk. •
posted around Brussels and Sea- Warden's
forth. notes
Noting newly -introduced racing Huron County
_ The Huron Expositor • May 13, 2009 Pop ill
ews,�v 3»14,."
s focal broadcasters with CRTC
s.tteryi death
praise i,u radio reporters for doing
their job, and noted it is incumbent
Councillor► Neil Vincent .wants to for them to get "the news out."
keep the local in broadcast news: Entrapment
In pitching a resolution to Huron Coun. Max Demaray (Howick) said
County council, Vincent noted it is sending underage teens out to catch
vital that rural areas continue to re- variety -store clerks selling cigarettes
ceive media coverage. without first asking for ID amounts
As such, says Vincent, it makes to entrapment.
sense to support a broad- Demaray said the
cast company -based lob- county should not sup-
bying effort to ask the port a program that
CRTC, which regulates. '1 think our has students, which is
the medium, to remove run through the ,Huron
restrictions on charg- heritage rCounty Health Unit,ally to "lie and cheat like
ing royalties to satellite depends on that."
and cable TV providers Coun. Bernie Ma -
that use local content. neves being
The broadcasters cLellan (Huron East) cause came to the fore-'s defended the practice.
" ,
front of the region's I think there s merit
not all about in the method that they
attention this use," he said of the pro -
when the A -Channel the bottom use,"
which employs
announced it would line,'—Huron County youth
be shutting down its
Windsor operation Coun. Deb Shewfeltwho attempt to buy cig-
and - Wingham station. arettes at area variety
The broadcaster also a{ stores.
axed its popular mornin
In seconding Vincent's recommen-
dation, Coun. Deb Shewfelt (Goder-
ich) said the cause is a worthy one.
"I think we should all get behind
them," he said. "I think our heritage
really depends on news being broad-
cast ... It's not all about the bottom
Council endorsed the resolution.
Coun: John Bezaire (Central Hu-
ron) noted there were some health -
unit staffers that were perplexed to
learn of the new medical officer of
health's appointment via the media
rather than the county.
In addressing the complaint, Chief
Administrative Officer Larry Adams
noted the announcement was put on
the county -wide Internet -communi-
cations system.
However, reporters were present
when Dr. Nancy Cameron's appoint-
ment was announced during a meet-
County Warden Ken Oke gave
Linda Rearms
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Rob Smyth
Ih tign ('onatitant
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