HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-04-01, Page 6Letters to the Editor Field Figure Skating championship to be h : Id in 2010 To the Editor, The Seaforth Lions Club will be holding a news conference at the Seaforth Lions Park later today to announce the First Annual Interna- tional .Field Figure Sksating Champi- onship to be held in Seaforth on Feb. 14, 2010.1 The hometown of World Champion figure skater ,Lloyd Eisler is the per- fect venue for this event. The first step in planning this cham- pionship will be to dam Silver Creek. Once Silver Creek is dammed, we will flood the ball diamond. Events will be held on the infield, left field, centre field, corn field and way out in ..right field. My committee of one did a very thorough case studyfor this event and it will compliment the other two international events already held in Seaforth in August each- year: the world class Walton Motocross and Come Home to the County CPGA Golf Classic. The community is solidly behind this event. Hugh Bracken, of Brack's Blades, Scissor and Hoe Sharpening has offered to sharpen all skates for free and provide his famous 30/30 warranty - 30 uses or 30 seconds. Rob Robb, local localvor and G AS- tronome will be providing samples of his famous .Huron County bean soup. (No open -flames please.) R.W. Fisher, local CNIB client has agreed to judge this event. Regular updates regarding this international event will be posted on the Seaforth Lions Club website www.seaforthlionsclub.c/dam. ' Happy April Fool's Day. - - Sincerely, Herb McGowan. special _ events - coordinator Seaforth Lions Club Seaforth food bink thankful for Farms. to Foodbanks pro r m To the Editor-: On behalf of the Seaforth and: District Foodbank, I would like to express ourprofound gratitude to the United Communities Credit Union team for initiating the Farms To Foodbanks program in -Huron -Perth. Our Foodbank received 4750 lbs. of potatoes, 34$0 lbs. of apples, 40 lbs. of sausage and; 590 lbs. of hamburger. We have a - few bushels of ever save by Here are ut: iris building clinics." some things to and boys think who complete apples left to distribute. It was :wonderful to- ha the homegrown: food to give to our clients. During 2008 we -served 2,271 clients,' including 822. f ' es and .906 children. Our numbers in 2009 are rising rapidly as .the. -economic . situation worldwide continues: to, . decline. The Seaforth and district cox unity has been incredibly generous and to you we give our..he .will build a achoul, felt thank you for your goodness. We know you will continue to support our mis- sion of feeding the .hungry. - Thank you again; Sincerely Maureen Spitted Chairperson; Seaforth and District Foo oxide opportu • "nary school are 50 per cent less an education to allpeople, there _ are likely to be infected with HIV/AIDS. 80 million children across the world This means seven million cases of today who are out of school. HIV/AIDS could be prevented in the These -kids desperately want to go next decade if every child received to school. It means making friends, an education. giving them the chance to do _ some - A s' a year 1 thing in their life. They get a meal, of schoo 'ng in- a uniform, the normality of routine creases a wom- where they can build self confidence an's wages by and self esteem. 10-20 per cent. Good quality education can offer Education is a : psychological support and healing, human right' and and can protect children from physi- was enshrined . cal harm, exploitation and violence. in the Universal ; - They learn life skills such as land Declaration . of mine and HIV/AIDS awareness, Human Rights good hygiene to prevent. diseases, in 1948. and other knowledge that they can 'yet. despite pass to . their families and communi- the promise of ties. • You are invite to attend these area churches ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH A Congregation of the Parish of The Holy Spirit The Reverend Karina A. Farmer Jarvis St. Seaforth 519-527-1522 Sunday April 5th Palm Sunday Worship and Sunday School at 9:30 am Everyone Welcome I S`f. JAMES ROMANCATHOLIC CHURCH .. WELCOMES YOU 14 Victoria Street, Seaforth 519-527-0142 Saturday Mass 5 p.m. Sunday Mass 9 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S, DUBLIN Sunday Mass 11 a.m. FR. CHRIS GILLESPIE BETHEL BIBLE - CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth 519-527-0982 Good Friday Service 10bo am Easter Sunday Service 110 .elm Pastor Mark Kennedy EVERYONE WELCOME NORTHSIDE UNITED Welcomes YOU Palen Sunday April Sth Nursery & Sunday School ' HOLY COMMUNION ELVIS GOSPEL TRIBUTE -7:30 pm Everyone Welcome 54 Goderich St. W., Seaforth 527-2635 ga www.cavannorthsideunited.ca for This summer ,the Hero Honda teams- be`' wor -king with local contractors:- to build a school. for a community :which badly heeds it.f.We will be flying firo Thronto to .Puerta Plata, Dominican, where we then drive to Sosua, on the northern coast of the' country. • This. trip will make a. positive im= pact on the world, and. our. lives. But it comes with a cost, that is . $3,600 per person. That,means we are rais- ing $7,200, to coverfood, accommo- dations, transportation, a translator, building materials and local contrac- tors. In addition .tothat, we'd like to fill a suitcase with school supplies, toi- letries, toys and clothes to give to the people. We are collecting : donations to support our trip, our dream, and our chance to cause change. Please , Help us make; a differ- ence. Cheques can be made out to Absolute Lead- ership - Develop- ment. Donations can be made by contacting Nata- lie at 519-263- 5048, RR3 Kip - pen NOM 2E0 or Genelle at 519- 263-5742, RR1 Varna NOM 2R0, or dropping by the office at Cen- tral - Duron Sec- ondary School. Sincerely, Natalie Klaver and Genelle Reid EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Pa#tor Steve Hildebrand Palm Sunday Communion in. Sanctualy April Sth 11:00-a► Adult & Youth Sunday Service at 10:00 am Good Friday Service in the Sanctuary April '10,11 a.m. Elevator & Ear buds available Please Come and Join Us KIDS CHOIR Thursday 4:00 - 4.45pm FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St. W Seaforth 519-527- 0170 Guest Speaker: Mary Jane Bisset Organist Susanna Lyman Worship April 5th at 11:15 a.m. Good Friday Service 10:30 am Hotcross buns and fellowship to follow Nursery & Sunday School NlyVelcpumaiir ., Wednesday to Friday..10 am - 5:30 pm Sitturdat 9:3O am - 3 pm PROM & GRADUATION DRESSES in all the latest styles & colours Specially priced from • See our New Arrivals for MOTHERS & SPECIAL OCCASIONS o Large selection of in -stock designer dresses 5 ..�O Specially priced up to Off Selected In -stock FLOWERGIRLS' DRESSES & WEDDING GOWNS 4- 1 For all your form wear needs. Great selection & prices with small-town service L & FORMAL •WEAR 44 Victoria St. S., GODERICH 519-524-9975 a • T w'*1410u11rlT,TINP^N,1r, }r'*w *Aa.&.,E Lots of other imswre (7 specials r: -w' IMAP-41110','i1410, VIONNI'VE4w00-2.**41-.rods•le /-#,..-.'_-ar-s ra'-14 ,