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Pop e **Huron Expositor • March 18, 2009
Rural communities in Sweden face same proble
From Page 1
Larsson is currently studying the
Canadian Community Futures pro-
gram, which was the basis of the Eu-
ropean Union's LEADER program,
both programs of rural community.
"In this area, the HBDC has been
doing a good job and has been around
such a long time that I'm looking at
how they manage .with change in the
community," he said.
He said Dalarna County and Huron
County are both rural, with the same
problems of isolation, geographical
distances, lack of transportation, a
lack of services and a loss of business-
while Swedish communities usu-
ally tackle community development
with funding from the county, which
is funded ` through income tax, I,fars-
son was interested to find out how
the HBDC lends money to small busi-
nesses. *_ t� -- -r.V
"Rather than business development;
we. tend to put pressure on our poli-
ticians on the municipal and county
levels to improve the structures of ru-
ral areas," he said.
In Sweden, the three political levels
are Parliament, county council and
municipal council, with the European
Union presiding over it all.
Larsson will be presenting to the
European {[Inion how the Community
Futures model has potential to help
local people decide how to use federal
fundin., �,,. ' �
1g. J�r
"The experience of Community Fu-
tures can be a part of the knowledge
base on rural 'development in . Swe-
den," he said.
Larsson said the' Dale Research
Vote. for your United Communities Credit Union Board of Directors 'in --branch from
March 23 through .April 3, 2009 inclusive as allowed by bylaw.
The 3rd Annual Meeting of United Communities Credit Union will be held April 14
(Woodslee Region) and April 15 (Heartland Region). Members are invited to submit
questions for the AGM prior to April -1, 2Q09 .by email at agm_questions@ myunited.ca.
Please include your full name and phone number in your email.
''1��'xirir4:i-" s?;'Y "`c i air.+ •c %--iY,iy
Visit your _local branch or check online at www. onememberonevote.corn for
candidate_profiles, video interviews.ond tull.AGM details.
Board Nominees
Richard Banwell,:
Self Employed
.Chartered Accountant
(Woodslee Region)
Clarence Bo Y
Retired Principal,
Elementaty School
(Heartland Region)
Susan Rusk
Self Employed
Property Appraiser
Woodslee Region).
Luke Schilder
Owner of Poultry Farm,
Huron County
(Heartland Region)
Donna Lee Taylor
Retired Business Owner
(Heartland Region)
. tip .4,•
Institute was be-
gun in 1981 by
the county council
to improve the sci-
entific prospects
of the community,
looking into com-
munity develop-
ment, social sci-
ences and issues
of aging.
"It is driven
from underneath.
The community Gwen Devereaux, left, and Dr. Claudio Munoz, right, give.
says there is a Swedish researcher Lars Larsson a tour of Seaforth's Gate -
situation and can way Rural Health Research Institute. s .-- q - *.ee
you help us from _
Institute operates with a _
the academics," he said. similar to the way Gateway is con -
With county council as the main pro- nected to the Centre of Excellence for
viders of healthcare in Sweden, Lars- Rural Health in Kentucky.
son said the county has also set up a "Maybe -there could a se a -world class
fund.for professional. training and re- research program on rural health in
search for healthcare :professionals. rural Sweden, rural Ontario' and :ru-
"We have a Centre for Clinical Re- ral Kentucky," he said:
Larsson told Gateway representa-
tives, including vice . president ` Gwen : .
Devereaux and Dir. Claudio Munoz
that the research institute . in Dalarna
started out with funding from county.
council but now has, more than 200 4
search established which 'is very much
like what you're doing. Doctors and
nurses can apply for research funding
and do it at the hospital," he said.. to
representatives of Seaforth's Gateway
Nichol said he could really see Gate- different funders.:
way benefitting froth more informa- "You -need to be willing to find all
tion about how Dalarna Research
r.r A t4 t `� w 1 1 �� i k r i , . •+ r .Y
You are invited to attend these area churches
A Congregation of the Parish of The Holy Spirit
The Rigid Karina A. harmer
Jarvis St. &Worth 519-527-1522
Sunday, March 22nd Mothering Sunday
Worship and Kid's Zone Sunday School at 9100 am
Join us for Simnel Cake
Everyone Welcome
Sat. Mar. 21- Stewardship & Christian Ed Ministry
Teams meet at 9:30 am & Parish Council at 10:30 am
14 Victoria Street, Seaforth
519-345-2972 ext. 22
Saturday Mass 5 p.m.
Sunday Mass 9 a.m.
St. Patrick's, Dublin
Sunday Mass 11 a.m.
Fr. Chris Gillespie
An Assotiated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Sunday School • AU Ages • 9:45am
Sunday Worship 11 am
Youth Group & B & G Club
Wednesday 7 p.m.
Pastor Mark Kennedy
Pastor Steve Hildebrand
Guest Worship Leader -
Rev Nide Vandenney
Worship Lent#4 March 22nd at 11:00 am
NO Youth Sunday School
Elevator & Ear buds available
Confirmation Class starts Wed. March 25th
Sat. April 25th "An Awesome Adventure"
Welcomes YOU
March 22nd
Sunday Worship 1100 am
Nursery & Sunday School
12 54 Goderich St. W.
.cavannorthsideunit • .ca
59Goderich St W Seaforth
519-527- 0170
Guest Speaker: Mary Jane Bisset
Organist: Susanna Lyman
Worship March 22nd at 11:15 a.m.
Nursery & Sunday School
All Welcome
St. Patricks Day Potluck SupPer
Saturday March 21,:t44,19
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those. It's hard -
work in the begin-
ning but it gets
going when you
are established,'
he said to encour-
age them.
Nichol said
that ``while ` Huron
County arid rural
Sweden have very
similar issues, it's
interestingta note
the differences.
"We use busi-
ness development
to improve com-
mtities but they
don't touch that
at all. .We have
to(nd)o 'through
why we'd be in-
volved in health-
care but they've
been doing it for
20 years since
they think that's
what communi-
ties should be do-
ing," he said.
Nichol said
the similarities
include the fact
that whether it's
Stockholm or lb-
ronto, rural com-
munities have
some tension with
their urban coun-
"If you're ru-
ral, you have to
fight for it," he
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