HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-3-20, Page 8r rw EXETER Ail'!TUfy ATE, T'QUR-Sf.AY, MAR. 28 1924 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY ... 100 Oats.48 Barley .. w55 Manitoba's Best Flour 3.45 'Faml y Flour ......... .... aaaaa Pastry Flour Wheat 3.05 Feed Flour ..,.,.... 1.75 Bran 1.50 Shorts ,.. ....as aa.00 1.50 New Laid Eggs e . . .25 Eggs, helda a.gs e._.:.... 22 Creamery Butter 49 Dairy Butter ...:. 40 to 43 Lard .............. a 18 to 20 Hogs , 7.50 W. R. Goulding A. T. C,. Organise and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music in the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER. Dr. Kinsman's Office will be 'opened again for regular practice oci. Tuesday, March 24th, 1924_ RADIO SNAP. A three tube set, with tubes, "B" batteries and phones— $100.00. It won't be here long at this price. Everything in. wireless. W. J. BEER. HIDES WANTED—Highest cash price paid for Hides,—Kirk Bxas•, Exeter. Local Doings R,ev W. E. Donnelly of town de- livered hi; decture.,an Scraps ai the Orange Ha:11, Woodham, on Friday ev- ening last. .D,r. G. S. Atkinson has bought the residence of Mr. John Horgan on Andrew Street, anal will take posses- sion on May. 1st. Earl, the yoking sou, of Mr. and Mrs Victor Heywood of U'sborrne, after suf- fering from a severe attack of pneu- monia, is h,ow on a f,r way to recov- ery, Miss K, MacFaul was unable to pre- side at the :organ in the Trivitt Me- morial Church Sunday evening owing to illness. She has since somewhat im- proved. A party was given at the home of Isaac .Dunsford on. Friday evening .last in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Smith who are leaving this n'eighborh'ood s h ortly. Mr. David Richards, Huron street, is suffering from an attack of gangrene "in one foot, and, at is feared he :will have to undergo an op trouble, erafia¢n far the A St, ,Patrick's entertainment was beld in Man: Street Church Monday night. A program was given and lunch served. Mr. C. i'. Brooks, who has been, off duty for three months, is again in charge of the mail wagon Pram Past Office to ,statim,. A. move is on foot, to re -organize: the Canada Club, and there is every pros- pect that it will be a,ccom.plishaed, They I wibl occupy their old quarters over the Dominion Stares. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Haist of Cr diton anntoun.c•ea the marriage of their daughter Clara Anita to Mr. Roy E. Iia tz of Shipka, the marriage to ,take place in April. ! f Goderichis submitting a by-law for $58,000 for addition to the Collegiate lnstiltute, In addition they ask for ,511,000 for 'Collegiate, purposes fox the year and $20,000 far Public School purposes for the year. 'BOWLERS MEET FRIDAY NIGHT. 1 The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Bawling Association will be held in the Maisons Bank on Friday evening 1 of this week, at 8 o'clock sharp. All members and ,prospective members are requested Ito. be present. Mrs. John Hinds, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Fletcher of. I SOLD `BUSINESS. the 12th concessioof Usbtorne, is at. Mr. Thos. Joinies, who has; been, buy - present suffering from a severe at- ing pigs here for al. number of years, tack of pneumonia, and being a very has sold the business to Mr. Wm, Pass - old lady little hope is, held out for her' mare of town, he. having taken mosses - recovery, The Boy Scout meeting on, Friday night took the .form of a skating party DIED 1N WASHINGTON, and hockey match, after which Scout Master Thomas Pryde entertained the Last week Miss ;.Martha Lewis, ,MMa,'n, boys to a supper at his home, follow- Street, received the said. and un,•expect- ed by an hour's; chat and games. ed news of the death of her - sister, Twenty-five scouts were present. Mr. Mrs. D. B. Stimuli of Waf!tesburg, TENDERS WANTED. G. S. Howard and Mr. Jahn Pryde Washington,, who passed away in Wel-- helped to entertain) the boys. la. Wallla Hospital on Friday, March Tenders will be received oy the un' hath• Mrs. Stime]l ha,d enjoyed her dersigned up to non of March 28, for The municipal cauacal of Hay Tp„ usual health up to a short time. of her ref Fore termsExeter terangcond tion l with many school trustees present, hell death, when she was taken' i1,1 and was grounds.pply to. Secretary,R. G. Seldom a special meeting an March 10th, whet at once removed to the.htospdital, where owing to small pax in the `Township she. sank rapidly and the ;end soon and a numbet having been exposed to came, The deceased was well and fav- APPRENTICE TO DRESSMAKING the disease, it was decided to orderoa,;ell known in this .section being a wanted. Appy to Miss Tom, Exeter. that every child between the ages of daughter of the late Mn and Mrs, five and sixteen years, and every George Lewis, and was born in the school teacher shall either be oaccin- Township of Stephen, but left these ated as coon as possible, or shall have Street,s, how - t be desirable. property eon ateWilliam a certificate of vaccination. issued ever,visitedarts yhere ears amalny t nesigo. She athe last late David Jahns. For particulars ap- within the past five '.ears_ A11 mem- visit being about three years ago, Mrs. hers of Any family liv;,ng in the town- Stimell was of a bright and cheerful ply to Miss L. Johns,'ar _Messrs. Glad- ship shag„ have the privilege. of being disposition and was esteemed and re - man & Stanbury, Exeter. vaccinated at the expense of the -- Board of Health at the rate of 50c, spected by a large circle of friends Gi:L wanted to go to London, for per vaccuiation, both here and where she resided so inter - general housework. Must be able to nasna years. Her remains were inter- coY, and be experienced. No washing. C}•oiler W. Davis, aged Z7,' a former red at Waitesburg. Owing to ,Ll health good home, high wages with increase r.esident of •Exeter, and of whom men- Miss Lewis was unable to attend the ifrom time to time ahtd permanent pos- tion was made last weak as being ar funaraL , ron to cato time girl, References re- rested at Cland:ebaye on charges of! k RECORD SURELY, quired.—Post Office, Box 672, London,Lorgery and wile desertion, was taken Sion this week. The sale includes good wilt, scales and other equipment. HOUSE FOR SALE. Ont to Chatham for trial, where he ad - Ont. Eighty-five years of age, sixty-three mitted in police court that he had made years a Mason, and blind for man an awful mess of things, confessed to .- ;poss�essed of all his fa�;ul- forgery, wile desertion and bigamy iea-s—yet p y HOUSE TO RENT. nevis, ua October ,last left Lucy ties n fair physical condition, and al - Frame house in good condition, good Briliin•gs, the girl with whom he went mo.sbright and cheerful, able. so put on e water. Two acres of land. Apply at through i form of marriage. He. is t any work in a Ma,sonic ery Lodge word perbect—that is Very Worshipful Bro. Michael Eacrett, of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Exeter, who occupied the. Master's chair at Past Master's Night in that Lodge Monday evening and • exemplified the work of the Second Degree Ina most excellent: and pleasing manner, It was a partic- ular pleasure to ,him on this occasiaon because he is a real, Irishman ,and was celebrating St. Patrick's 1)ay in con - terra -1g a maga ilicent dicgree on a worthy candidate. Bro. Eacrett was made. a Mason in, Wytheville Fraternal Lodge No. 82, State of Virginia on Tan,. 14th, 1861,. He; is now an honor- ary member (of three Brantford Lodges and of the. locaal. Lodge, where he, is a bright and '.shining light. Long may he live to continue the good work', this office. FOR SALE — Brick dwelling in Exeter North, 2 storey, electric light also good barn, good well and cis- tern; 5 lots of land. Apply on prem- ises to Mrs. F. Witwer. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. `Well built, attractive and modern bautgalow,GLADMAN 1oc&aSTANBURY G, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental. Surgeons of Ontariiai,, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milit- ary District Number one, London, Ont. Main. Office—Dickson Block, Main Street, Exeter Ont. Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH 'Tuesday only. Phone 79 USED AUTO PARTS in GOOD CONDITION for ALL HAKES OF CARS at. Less than. Half Price of New GARAGEMEN ATTENTION Special Bargain prices on all New Accessories WRITE US AT ONCE WHITE AUTO WRECKING CO. 749 Simcoe St., London, Ont. Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors As we are just starting in the Tailor- ing Bus.ness we are. going. to give to the public a bargain, and this is what the: bargain is going to be.—We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast color; never fade Indigo Dye. This suit is regular $40.00 and for two. dollars we are going to give, you an extra pair of pants of the same cloth. But this bargain is limited. Six suits is all will be sold at this police. So don't delay. Trucking Oda: . Truck makes ;..a regular trip• to London each week. Consult us for Truck Work and „Genaeral Deis -very . BAth'a HAW tk EASTON the Sora of a wealthy English merchant, a graduate of an exclusive British University, and speaks six languages f.i•uaitly. He served four years during the late war with the Royal Field Ar - till ry and participated to battles on all fronts. with the exception of the Italian. Ii_e was remanded for trial. BANQUET TO MR, J. J., KNIGHT. On March 10th the manufacturers and shippers of Guelph tendered Mr. J. J. Knight a complimentary banquet at Wyndham Inn. It was in the form of an official farewell to Mr. Knight, �t3aa was recently promoted to Ham- ilton, and fifty representatices of the Guelph industries were pr:esen.t. An appreciative address was presented to Mr. Knight, together with a handsome cabinet of silver. The mayor, aldermen and railway superintendents of the div- ision were present. Rooms for Rent—Suitable for business or living quarters. Apply -to C. L. Wilson. PASTURE FARMS TO RENT— Lot 11, S. Boundary Hay, and WM of Lot 3, Coat. 6,, Hay; also 60 acres on N. B. Stephen, which is shwa 'to hay. Apply to John. Ford, Hay P. O. Farmers & Dealers Get our prices for Blatchford's Calf Meal, thoroughly STEAM cooked, The best known milk substitute for calves, and at our prices the best Value in calf meads. Begin feeding now and get ae.su'tts. We . supply both farmers and dealers. EXETER: CREAMERY CO., Ltd. h,xeter and Winchelsea Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"The l Man and, the Hour." 7 p;m.—Pontius Pilot.' (Third in the series of the men who cruci- fied Christ.) - Rev A. A. Trumpet, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Ghtlitell Rev, James Foote, 13. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"The Religion that .appeals to Fear." 7 p.m.—"A Pardon which came too late." Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST: METHODIST CHURCH R' v, W. E. Do neliy, B. A., Pastor .Savn4ay, March 16Th 10.15 a art: '>ogztmtyg . Class. . 11 am•,''Morning Warship' "The Chnetien's Scale of Values" 3 n.tn —Sunday School.. 7 lene.-"Sarvaang :the Fragment5:17 A warm-hearted welcome to all: Mr, Wm. Fraser spent Saturday in London. Miss Edith Davis is visiting her sis- ter itt Ingersoll. Mr. W. J. Heiman spent a few days of last week in London. The Misses Lizzie and Mary Carl- ing were in London Friday, Mr, G. W. Davis returned Satur- day from a business trip to Toronto,. Mrs. John Jones visited her sister, Mrs. Harvey Hill, in London Last week. Mr. Albert Ford and daughter, Mrs. Haas, returned last week to Buffalo. Mr. Hugh Spackman spent several days with his sort, Cliff., in Guelph last week. , Miss 'bfargaret Kuntz was home from London Normal with her parents over Sunday. ldfs Wylie.' hags returned to Toronto after a visit with her sister, Mrs. J A, Stewart. Mrs. Billings after a few weeks visit with friends here, returned to London Thin sday •hast. Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson of Detroit spent the week ,end with their son, Dr. G. S. Atkinson. Mrs; G. A. Hawkins left Monday for New Hamburg to. visit with, her sis- ter, Mts, H. Becher. a Mr, Borden Cunningham of Huron' College, Londono, visited with his par-: eats here over Sunday. Mr, Thos Boyle of To•ronto visited with old :friends and relatives here the latter part of the week, Mrs. S. Fitton visited her son, Ger- ald in London;. the latter part of the week, 'talking with bier liable Jeal,. Mrs, T. O. Southcott is in Brant- ford owing to her 'sister, ivfrs, Hutton having fallen and broken her ankle. f those ase from a distance artteuZid- in, the funeral of the late Thomas Sweet, were, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle of Toronto; Mn. 20d. Mrs. Wianr terbottome Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Sweet, Misses Vera Sweet and' Greta Isaac, Messrs. John and Elijah Coilwi1l of London: Mr. Wm. Isaac of East 'Wil- liams Tp., near Arkonaa; Mr. Thom,:: Isaac of Greenway; MTs;; Jas. Hokin' and son, Alonzo lot Crediton; lvir• Wm.' Colwill of Centralia, and Mr.' enjd Mrs. Victor Sweet of Cleveland, Ohio.. C +s - s-•`- `lank' PHONE. 32 \.`'per :itA� •' �"���d.rFi:��.\�%-:.: `'.Yi^ .:e::/I -:7:: y JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Summer Dress Fabrics. We have just received another large shipment of beautiful summer dress fabrics. We have now the' largest and .fittest range we have ever shown, composing Dress Linens, Voiles, Ratites, in plaiun, land fancy weaves, Brocaded Crepes, Knitted Silks, Etc.e Coab early, and look th.e'se lover. Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats at $15 For early buyers we are offering a nice range of Spring Coats in plain and fancy weaves in Northway make at the very (special price .of $15. These are going very fast, and we will not be able to duplicate them. We also have a beautiful range, of Suits and dresses. LADIES' AND MISSES SPRING SUITS.—Ask 'to 'see our speeiai Suits at &25.00. They are wonder 'ful value. CONGOLEUM RUGS FOR SPRING. We wish to call particular attention to Congoleums Rugs this month. This is rapidly, becoming one of the most popular floor coverings. We baave all popular "sizes and patterns to select from, If we cannot .save you money on Con;galeum Rugs we will not expect you to :buy from ,us. SPECIAL HOSIERY VALUES THIS MONTH . Ladies' Heavy Cotton Hosiery, the well-known Triplex brand, black only, sizes, 9, 9% and 10, very special value, this month at 29 cents a pair. 10 doz, pairs Silk Hosiery, sligthly imperfect in weave, colors, black, white grey •and sand, clearing at 69c, pr. 10 doz. Black Lisle Hosiery, beautiful quality—seconds—clearing at 25c, a pain SPECIALS IN COTTON AND LINEN STAPLES 5 webs Heavy Quality Factory Cott on, 36 inches wide, extra value at 25 cents yard. 3 webs Heavy Quality Bleached Cotton, 36 ion, wide at 5 yards, for •51.00. 5 webs Pure Linen, Towelling at 18 cents a yard. Heaviest quality Standard Shirtings reduced this month from 45c. to 40c. yd. Hair Net Bargains Princess Pat Hair Nets, either single or double mesh, 3 for 25c, Canadian Beauty Cap Nets, single or double mesh, 4 for 25c. Wall Papers - Special In addition: to our regular line of medium priced Papers we are placing in stock about tela patterns of Stanton's Highest Grade Living -room Pap- ers. These are the same, papers as carried by the large ,city stores. We invite you to come in and inspect these beautiful Living Room Papers. LOCAL SELLING AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT,SHOES Some of the mien who have been In. Detroit for a few months are ex- pe'ted ,home this week. Send The Advocate to your dis- tant friends for a year. It will be appreciated. DECISION RE. NEWSPAPERS. Any person who takes a paper reg- ularly from the post office, whether addressed in his name or anothers, ar whether lie has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. If a person orders his paper discon- tinued he .must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue -to send it until payment is made and then collect the whole amount whether .the paper is taken or not, The courts have decided that refus- ing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post office, or removing -them and leaving them unpaid, is prima facie evidence of intention of fraud. LOOK AT THE LABEL. Advocate i abets were changed on Feb. 7,. think we have every sub- scniber's label right. If you think dif- ferently, let us . know; We want to have them all correct If you haven't paid up, get busy, and do sol, It lis only fair that we should have our money. Otherwise you may ,be re- quired to pay (if some diastauuce iso, ar- rears) a higher rate than 81.50 a year and casts of collection besides: For Sale S35 buys a real, good Typewriter. r,mery wheel. Counter :shaft, .17 tau. puliley and Melts;. cots; plete —Bar gain. Two 4 -panel doors with janais and casings complete. Rubber tired Ba,by Buggy. Heavy Copper Boner. Washing machine and wringer. Barn timber frame 24x30. Vacuum Cleaner, Lawn Mower, both Good 5 le p. gas eaganie. Small Blazer Heater cheaap. Gncubaators, very ;che ap. Power Cutting Box. Bally buggy, cheap. r.lectric'. Hail Fixture. First class ,Couch, rug top. WANTED Old Fashioned Walnut Rocker, Foe information re, above articles Powell's Bazaar, Exeter 1 Phone 65 JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. Phone-Kirkton 54r2 Address—Kirkton R. R. No. 1 DR. H. H. COWAN, L,D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday Main Office•,— Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Pnuces reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and stock sales a specialty OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M Jones' Na- tional ational School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in ' Regietiered Lute Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with Prevail nagmarket prices. Satesfaction assured. Write or . wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klopp, -Zurich., Ort, DR, A. E. TENNANT" Veterinary Surgeon ,icDooell a Stables, Jebn St., Eretes (lately occupied by Dr. Vining)` Phone 2¢w The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on app, cations. Stray Animals—One insertion 50,, three irnsettiion s $1,50, Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion, No notice less than 25c. Card' of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 53 for one insert' and $1.50 for each subsequent .. sertion if under fiivle inches in length. Legal advertising IOc: and 5c. a line, Farm or Real, Eltalte for sale Vie, each insertion fora ane month of four insertions, , Bargains in Furniture R N. ROWE THOMAS Al. DINNE2 11.7r LICENSED EMBALMERS ANIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Business 20w: House: 20j. I. R. Carling, B.4 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance Office, Caning Block, Main St. Exeter Dr. G, F. Routs ton, L. D. S., D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office. Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of orive e funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBTIRY, Barristers, Solicitorss, Exeter Dr. A. R. IKINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S. Hance Graduate Torontcl University Ofri o -.over Gladma.n & Stsnbury's Office, Main Street. Eetta'.