HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-03-11, Page 14^ori;,,: •. Page 14 The Huron Expositor • March 11, 2009 37. MORTGAGES ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL BROKER #10300 "THE MORTGAGE PEOPLE" 1ST 2ND AND.3RD MORTGAGES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES'. PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CoNrACT`FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851- GRAND REND RESIDENTIAL - GAGES - Are 'banks giving you staticz/ Than call - Mortgage Network, 86 Albert St., Clinton, On. 519-482-- -' 7675, 1-866-623-0589. .170Your key to getting a low mortgage rate up to 1.5% less than bank posted 5 yr. rate 37-39xtfcc 41. TO GIVE AWAY FREE CLEAN CLAY.. You truck it - I'll load it. Mitchell. Phone 519- 276-7171. 41-11 x3c REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE 42. DEATHS ten' Rooms, ... _.. ludet, ie a gi,46tiote, 17 Main St. Seaforth Delivery Available Tef1ora 519-527-05 5 5 www.bloomsnrooms.com Bring in your "gently used vases. containers and baskets. HILLYARD Nellie: On Thursday, March 5, 2009 at Mitchell Nursing Home, Nellie Hillyard of R.R. #2, Dublin .and formerly of Timmins,- in her 85th Year. Dearly remembered by her family and all that loved her. Family will received friends at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth on Friday from 7-9 pm, where the funeral service was held on Saturday, March 7 at. 1:00 pm. Rev. Karine Farmer will officiated. Me- morial donations to a charity of one's choice would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. Con- dolences at.www.whitnoyribeyfuneralhome.com 11-42-1. 38. AUCTION SALE CHARDLOBB uction Calendar LINTON 519-482-7898 Sat. March 21 at : 10:30 am Case IH MX200 tractor w/MFWD, JD 1560 no -till drill, Rock Picker; tillage and planting equipment, Triple K 6 -fur- row plow etc, to be held for Brent Daw- son. Go .east of Exeter. 5 miles to County Rd 11 turn left go 2.7 km to line 17 turn left second farm on the right #7100. Brent Dawson 519-229-f426 days 519-229-- 6928 19-229-6928 nights. See www.lobbauction.onca f•rfull li t sic 46. IN MEMORIAM ANDREASSI: In loving. memory of Angelo An- dreassi, February 15, 1939 - March 15, 2006. The hands of time keep turning Three years . have slipped away But .in our hearts and memories You . are with us every- day Forever remembered and loved Cathy and Families 46-11x1 38, AUCTION SALE CONSIGNMENT AU.CTION. Of Tractors; Implements; Lawn and Garden; Feed; and Farm Related Items at the Jacob Auction Yard in Mitchell i, lrf.�� r.• ADVANCE NOTICE: Our Annual Spring Auction. Call now to consign a full line or single pieces to this well attended auction. Consign now to take full advantage of all advertising...;_�r�cfi. x• 'f=� Call 519-348-9896 or 519-271-7894 before Mar. 19 for full advertising. A(JCTIONEER$ oug yr P',�r� ,�"i .,�,ta�'��.�)• � >F r j�•�,; David. 519=27:1-7894 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LARGE AUCTION -At the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 llerbert St. In Mitchell SATURDAY, MARCH 14 AT 9:30 A.M. Including: New leather and suede sofa and chair sets; several dinette suites; Lazyboy recliner; Krochler sofa bed; bedroom 'suite; oak drop leaf server; large appliances; hoosier cupboard; oak parlor tables; harvest -style table with drawer; usual clean housewares; small appliances; 27' Royal lectable dishes; size Beswick horses; Beswick cattle; 8 place setting of Johnson Bros. Rose Chintz pattern; sets of Roya Albert Brigadoon and Burlington pattems; 10 place setting of International Sterling Prelude pat-. tern; 11 Ross Butler livestock prints; Black Horse Ale trays; tin Kist 1,0 cent bottle sign; leaded glass windows; lots of 'country collectabfes; two Wool area rugs; tools and much more. Selling at approx. 11:30 a.m. a 2004 Grand Caravan 6 cyl with only 25,000 km (e -tested and certified) from the James Baker Estate of Bright. Note: For more details see jacob,ontarioauctioneer.com. Double ring auc- tion. 10% buyer premuim except for car. - Prop: Edna Struke with addOons. Doug & David Jacob 519-348-9896 42. DEATHS W TSON James D.: At Seaforth Community Hospital on Thursday, .Marth 5, 2009, James D. Watson, age 71, of Seaforth. Beloved husband of Betty (Fish) Watson. Dear father of James -(Cheryl) Watson, Brian Wation and Patricia (Bruce) Saville, all of Stratford, Loving grandfather of Brent, Scott, Alicia and Shane. Retmeinbered by brothers and sisters-in-law David (Linda) Watson and Robert (Barbara) Watsoit, all of Seaforth and Iris Watson of Alberta. Predeceased by his parents james and Angelina (Roseli) Watson and a brother Richard. There Was no funeral home visiiation or service. A private family graveside service will be held at a later date at Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth. tvlernorial donations to the Canadian Cancer So- preciated as expressions of sympathy. Arrange- ments entrusted to the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, Seaforth1519-527-1390). Condolences at vvoiv.vvhitneyribeyfuneralhothe.com 11-42-1 SUTHERLAND: Peacefully at Seaforth Community - Hospital on Sunday, March 8, 2009 with her fam- ily by her side, Mrs. Carole Sutherland of Clinton in her 72nd year. E3eloved wife of George Suther- land. Loving mother of Cheryl & Gerry McLaugh- lin, Seaforth, Vicki Sutherland & Paul Van De We - tering, Port Elgin. Cherishedgrandmother of Mike and Brad McLaughlin and Nic and Kelsey Van De Wetering. Dear -sister-in-law of Joyce Bradshaw, Guerntey. Loved niece of John Ritchie, Austra- lia. Predeceased by- her parents James & Freda Bradshaw, brother Colin Bradshaw ancl by her aunt Anne Ritchie. Al Carole's request there,will be visitation or funeral service. Cremation has taken place.. As expressions of sympathy memorial 'do- nation6 to the Seaforth Community Hospital would be greatly appreciated. Funeral arrangements en- trusted to FaiconerFuneral Homes, Clinton. (519- 482-9521). 11 --42x1cc 47. CARDS OF THANKS SALVERDA We deeply appreciate the prayers, visits and many acts of kindness shown to us in the loss of our husband, father and grandfather. We appreci- ate the wonderful care giVen by the nursing staff at Seaforth Hospital. A special thanks to Rev. Pat Cook for her support and beautiful service. Thank you to the Londesboro UCW for the lovely lunch. Finally, thanks to Michael Falconer and the staff at Falconer Funeral Homes, Clinton for your guid- ance and ervices. To the many who gave their sympathy and sup- port, your kindness was sincerely appreciated and will never be forgotten. • Ida, Ed and Joanne, Kevin, David and Jason Sal- verda. 47-11X1 ews ouncillor disputes tre41 'ice rates Ilundvrttplirk During a time of receskon and job loss, Seaforth's are- na should- not be raising its ice rental rates, ,Seaf9rth Coun. Joe Steffler told council at its Mardi 3 meeting. "We've got a lot of young families where the wife or husband or both are going to be out of a job and it's a struggle to keep going without upping our rink rates." think there should be some restraint, holding where we are and not going up," Steffier gmici., adding he'd rather see kids on the ice than playing on a computer. - Steffler said he had not be able to attend the last arena board meeting anfl wanted- to comment cin its decision to raise ice rental rates by five per cent. - Brussels Coun. Frank Stretton Said the BrUssels arena considered raising ce rates by two per cent this ydar but decided against it. - "We raised our fees in other areas but not the ice rates," he said. McKillop Court. Andrew Flowers saicl he agreed with Staler but added that costs are going up at the arena and the budget -demands the increase. "It's very unfortunate that things are going up as, well and we're caught in a no-win situation. If you don't raise it five per cent we're caught in a huge hole for the -next time," he said. Steffter said he thought Seaforth's ice rates are now $15-$20 higher than those in neighbouring municipali- ties. "If this is for economics, it might not turn out that way if our user groups go• to the cheaper ice," he said, add- ing that the 8eaforth arena could end up selling fewer hours. Grey Cotm. Alvin McLellan said the discussion abox4 ice rates should be field at the arena board, not at. coun- cil. "Thdt's why we have A board for the arena," he said.. Mayor Joe Seili added that wheth- er ratepayers pay as a user of the arena or as a taxpayer, any deficit -for the arena will be paid. "The ice maOine runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The arenas are trying .to reeoup 60 per cent of their costs and the other 40 per cent is borne by the taxpayer," he said. - Steffier said he'd rather pay more on his taxes instead of making the 25 to 45 -year-olds pay to keep the are- nas running. ' WED. MARCH 11 8-10 a.m. , Walk fc;r Wellness Program, Seaford! arena. 1-3 p.m. Parents & Tot Play & Skate, Seaforth Arena 1-4 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard at - Seaforth Arena 4-6 p.m. Knitting & crocheting circle, Platinum Oak Horticultural Society meeting, Northside United Church • THURS. MARCH 12 8-10 a.m. Walk for Wellness Program, Seaforth Arena Hall 10-11:30 a.m. Move and Groove, Seaforth Co-operative Children's Centre • FRI. MARCH 13 moo a.m. Rural Response for Healthy Children Morning Out Program, Bethel Bible Church, Seaforth 10-11:30 a.m. Play and Leah, Brussels Community Centre • FRI. MARCII 13 10:30-11:30 a.m. Preschoo Storytime, Seaford) Library • MON. MARCH 16 8-10 a.m. Walk for Wellness, Seafo Arena Hall. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Alphabet Soup, Gre Central School 1:30 p.m. Senior euchre at Seafo Legion • TUES. MARCH 17 8-10 a.m. Walk For Wellnes. Program, Seaforth Arena • WED. MARCH 18 840 a.m. Walk for Wellness Program Seaforth Mena. 1-3 p.m. Parents & Tots Play an Skate, Seaforth Arena 1-4 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard Seafoith Arena 4-6 p.m. Knitting & crocheting circle Platinum Oak If you're orgerihting a non.profit event of Interest to other Seaforth aroa residents, phone the Expositor at 519-527-0240, or mall the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK IWO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing Includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the PRE- ST. PATRICK DAY CELEBRATION SEAFORTH LEGION Friday March 13th - 5prn-??? Meal of Irish Stew & Corned Beef & Cabbage will be available. Live Music by: TOM MELADY and THE FAMILY REUNION Sponsored by -`441Ws14*eft•t, BMJ Financial Services Call Brian at 519-527-12291'fr 'coat lis-iwask