HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-03-11, Page 9News Farmers describe last year Os `not so bad' to riding's MP and MPP Cheryl Heath It was a not -so -bad year. That was the news delivered to Huron -Bruce MP Ben Lobb and Huron -Bruce MPP Carol Mitchell, last Satur- day, during the Huron County Federation ofAgriculture's annual MP/MPP Luncheon held at the Betty Cardno Centre in Clinton. While giving praise to both members of parliament for government programs, like the province's investment in Buy Local strategies and the federal government's replacement of the unpopular Canadian Agriculture In- come Stabilization (CAIS) program, there proved to be still a number of issues on the hotplate for both levels of government to consider. While Lobb had to leave the meeting early for a fam- ily funeral, Mitchell found company in other politicians including Huron County Warden Ken Oke, Bluewater Mayor Bill Dowson, Ashfield Colborne Wawanosh Reeve Ben Van Diepenbeek and Huron East Mayor Joe Seili, Howick Reeve Max Demaray and Morris Turnberry Mayor Dorothy Kelly, among others. In addressing the roundtable, Huron Bruce's -MP noted he has had the opportunity to meet with both farmers and ag groups since being elected in late 2008. In praising the Conservatives' Jan. 27 budget an- nouncement, Lobb said there is now an "economic -action plan" in place that will benefit all engines driving the economy. Lobb pointed to the federal government's recent chang- es to the navigable waters act as an example of his gov- ernment's commitment to removing barriers to develop- ment. Lobb noted the ruling will aid a lot of farmers who have had to grapple with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, along with the Ministry of Natural Resourc- es, while undertaking simple projects along drains, cul- verts and streams. As it stood, if an area held water for 10 days, it fell un- der the feds' jurisdiction. "This isn't to cut corners environmentally. This is a common-sense solution to a problem," said Lobb. Lobb also pointed to the government's $50 -million in- vestment in increasing slaughter -house capacity and funding for AgriFlex as two positive moves for agricul- ture. "These are difficult times but there is definitely some silver lining in the clouds," he says. Farmers needed HCFA president Wayne Black said one pressing ques- tion facing farmers is how best to draw new faces into the fields. Black, citing statistics that reveal the average farmer is 52, urged the governments to look at strategies that will allow young people to take up the vocation. Part of the problem, said Black, is the banks refuse to lend money to upstarts since they lack a history and ag- support programs don't help them either because they lack a record of yields. Other barriers, noted Black, include high capital costs and increasing "attacks from various activists" towards certain farm sectors. In urging the governments to work towards responsible and -user-friendly farm programs, Black reported that all too often aid for those seeking to retrain is aimed at the white collar and skilled -trades sector. "Not everybody can be computer programmers or engi- neers," said Black. : The Huron Expositor • March 11, 2009 Page 9 SEL model shown The well equipped 2009 Ford Fusion SE Purchase for sii6 Olio, crxcluctus froight of $1,300. Purchase finance for PLUS YOU GET NO EXTRA CHARGE $450 0 IN ACCESSORIES including Navigation Systems, DVD Headrests and more Tike: twico a month financed for 72 Months with.$3,260 down payment. Offer excludes froiyht of $1,300. 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