HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-03-04, Page 2Page 24 :111041uroo Expo itor ..• March 4, 2009
Equipmentshared, not removed, from Seaforth
hospital, administrator tells Healthcare Part
•$idem 1'J'undett_uzlirk
Rumours that Seaforth Communi-
ty Hospital is losing pieces of equip-
ment to other hospitals within the
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
are false, site administrator Mary
Cardinal told members of the Huron
East Healthcare Partners committee
Iasi week.
She said that while the Seaforth
hospital loans and borrows equip-
ment to and from other hospitals,
the loans are tracked with the equip-
ment returning to Seaforth when it's
"I would not want to think the com-
munity felt their donations were not
benefitting this site," she said.
She said being able to borrow
equipment, like a wider bariatric
lounge chair from the Clinton hoapi-
tal, means better patient care.
"I'm concerned when people make
y statements that equipment is leaving
Seaforth that is: purchased through
community fundraising. When we
stopped doing obstetrics here, some
of the equipment went to the Clinton
site because of the women from this
community who chose to deliver ba-
bies in, Clinton and then the equip-
ment benefits then," she said.
As well, Seaforth hospital has been
using a colposcopy unit from St.
Marys since July 2002 since it was
no longer used there. -444-4
"That happens rather than having
equipment sit and be mothballed at
another site and not used," she said.
Maureen Agar told Cardinal those
sorts of rumours are a reflection of
the fact that members of the com-
munity are unhappy that Seaforth's
hospital has been identified as a
"healthy aging facility" with inpa-
tient operations moved to Clinton.
"People are upset about what our
hospital has been chosen to be. May-
be if you explained the benefit of it,
it would help. You can't do every-
thing at one hospital anymore like
they used to and that's a bitter' pill
for people to accept," she said, add-
ing that maybe a community meet-
ing being planned for April 14 can
address that concern.
Cardinal reminded Agar that the
decision to stop offering obstetrics
was made by local physicians.
HPHA CEO Andrew Williams said
that while the Alliance could buy du-
plicates of existing equipment, that
would mean leaving unused equip-
ment sitting idle .at some hospitals.
"ate want to create a specialty fo-
cus for all four of our sites so we can
have four viable sites. We have to
change with the times and create an
important role for each facility," he
He said people quickly jump to the
conclusion the hospital will close
whenever there are changes.
"We have to constantly remind peo-
ple that is not the agenda. But, you
have to change with the times and we
have a lot of organizations that were
designed in the 1950s and `60s and
the human resources . reality today is
very different," he said, adding that
more than half of the people looked
after in each community doesn't live
Agar said the public perception of
a community that has already lost a
high school is that hospital closure
would follow any loss of services.
"They. Cut back programs at the.
school and then they closed it. When
you've lost a school, you tend to be a
little worried when programs or pro-
cedures move _ out of the hospital,"
she said.
Huron East Mayor Joe Seth ' said
that school closures are not unique
to Seaforth and that the public per-
ception that Seaforth hospital could
be a closed needs to be turned around.
"I think the meeting will help. It
should be done every other year," he
The Municipality of Huron East is undertakinga MtmiCipaigass EnvironmentalAssessment (Class
EA) to determine the most appropriate method to .extend municipal :sanitary sewers to the
community of Egmondville. Phase I of the study, which was completed tllh late 2008, established a
need within the community due to deficiencies identified with existing on-site sewage disposal
(septic) systems. The next phase of the study will investigatevarious alternativesavaiiableto'extend
municipal servicing to Egmondville and to determine potential impacts associated with each option
being considered. Information sessions will be held during the course of the study to give membets
of the public opportunities to provide input into study investigations.
The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process established for
Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA)
document. Schedule B projects are approved subject to the completion of Phases 1 & 2 of the
Class EA process. The purpose of the screening process is to identify any potential
environmental impacts associated with the proposal and to plan for appropriate mitigation of
any impacts. The process includes consultation with the public, stakeholders and review
agencies. This notice is being issued to.advise of the start of study investigations. Thew will be
additional• opportunities for public input and involvement as the study progresses.
Public input and comments are invited for incorporation into the planning and design ofthis project
and will be received until March 27 , 2009, at the address listed below. Any comments collected
in conjunction with the study, will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be
included in project documentation. With the exception of personal information, all comments will
become part of the public record.
For further information on this project, or to review the Municipal Class EA process, please
contact the consulting engineers: B.M. Ross and Associates: 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario,
N7A 2T4.
Telephone (519) 524-2641. Fax (519) 524-4403. Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner (e-mail:
This Notice Issued February 25th, 2009
Jack McLachlan, Clerk -Administrator
Municipality of Huron East
The Municipality of Huron East is planning to carty out work on Structure M23, which spans a
tributaryrof the Maitland River. The structure is located along Summerhill Road approximately 1 km
east of BeechwoodLine, northeast of Seaforth (as illustrated on the accompanying key plan). The
rehabilitation project would involve the replacement/ repair of deteriorated bridge components,
including the replacement of existing curb & railings with solid concrete barrier wails.
At this time, It is anticipated that the bridge .rehabilitation would be completed during' the --2009
construction season. The affected section of SummerhiN Road Would be' closed. during the
congruction period.
The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process set out for Schedule
B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document. The
purpose of the screening process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated
with the project and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts. The process Includes
consultation with the public, stakeholders and govemment review agencies.
The consultation program developed
for this Class EA includes several
opportunities for public involvement.
For the initial phase of the program,
public input will be received until
March 27th, 2009. Additional
opportunities for comment will be
provided as the process proceeds.
Any comments collected In
conjunction with the study will bb
maintained on file for use during the
project and may be included in
project documentation. With the
exception of personal information, all
comments will become part of the
public record.
For further information on this project, or to review the Class EA process, please contact the
Project Engineer: B.M. Ross and Associates, 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4.
Telephone (519) 524-2641: Fax (519) 524-4403. Attention: Mike Corby, Planner (e-mail:
mcorby @ bm ross.net).
This Notion Issued Feb 25, 2009
Barry Mills, Public Works Manager
Municipality of Huron East