HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-25, Page 12.! - Page 12 The Huron Expositor • February 25 2009 PLACE IT! SELL IT! 5195270240 Canada's largest classifieds network ca c.Iassified extr C.E. Coming Events 01. Articles For Sale 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04. Antiques & Art 4A. Crafts & Hobbies 05. Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles- Catnpers & Trailers Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies: 08. Computers, Videos, Etc: 09. Automotive 10. Pets 11A. 11B. 11C. 11D. 11E. 11F. 11G. 11H. 11J. 11K. For Sale Gener Wanted To Buy Wanted To Hire Employment Wante Livestock "' Farm Product Farm Equipment Farm Services Farm Land Farm Real Estate t_f< 12. Real Estate For Sale 13• Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16• For Rent - ri,)., 0. 17. Apartments For Ren 18• Houses For Rent - 19. Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23. Commercial Property: For Rent 24. Wanted.To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted r.' 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opportuni 29. Tenders COMING EVENTS BLYTH FESTIVAL - pres- ents AbraKlDabra! Fun and foolin' for the entire family. Monday, March 16, 6 p.m, Blyth Hall, $6 pp or $20 family of 5. Visit Blythfestival. corn 519-523-9300. CE-09x2cc. CHAP+AP - the new blood pressure moni- toring program. Come get your blood pres- sure taken at Seaforth Community Fam- ily Health Clinic, 32B- 1 Centennial Drive, Seaforth, Wednesday, February 25 from 9:00 a.m.. - 1:00 p.m. No appointment needed. Call Nadine at Town and Country Support Services 519-482- 9264, CE -09-1 2009 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER, St. James Catholic Church, Sea - forth, Friday, March 6, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. Speaker Fr. Chris Gillespie on theme - In Christ, there are many members yet one body. All welcome, CE -09-2 THE TAOIST TAi CHI ,SOCIETY invites you to an Open House, Demonstration and In- formation Session. Tai Chi offers you an op- portunity to improve concentration, ease tension, stretch r` and strengthen tendons, improve breathing, develop a sense of balance and improve.. your health. Join in at - Clinton on Wednesday, March 4 at the Betty Cardno Centre, 317 • Huron St., at 7- p.m. or Goderich on Friday, March 6 at the McKay Centre at 9 a.m. For in- formation call 519-482- 1337 or 519524-2381. CE-09x2ce f • • .. • • . ' , ! • • • ' •' •. •a• r - • e r ! 4 • I ' COMING EVENTS COME ' JOIN US for Ash Wednesday Ser- vice at Northside Unit- ed Church, Seaforth, Wednesday, Febru- ary 25th at .7:30 p.m. Theme is. Spirituality of Bread. CE -09-1 SPAGHETTI , DINNER, Clinton, Betty- Cardno Centre, - Friday, Feb- ruary 27, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Adults - $5.00, children under 8 - $3.00, Donations of medical or school sup- plies gratefully accept- ed. Tickets available at the door or call 519- 482-7224. CE -09x1 cc . SATURDAY, MARCH 28, Van Egmond Foun- dation Annual Meeting, Van Egmond House. Meeting 3 p.m.; Potluck 5 p.m. Guest speaker Bill Farnell, Wingham. New members wel- come. CE -Q9-5 1, ARTICLES FOR SALE 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE • THREE - DRAWER Dresser/Secretary, needs some refinish- ing. -Call 519-238-6946 . after 6 p.m.01-04x6nx- ecc DOUBLE D COMPA- NY Billiard Specialist & Games Room. New, and .Used Snooker and Pool Tables, Moving recovery and set ups welcome. Cues, cases, - lights and all acces- sories, shuffleboards, pub and poker tables reconditioned, slot ma- chines from casinos for home use. Showroom 4 McGivern St. W. Walk- erton, 519-881-2113, /Duffy. 01-10xtfcc WINDOWS AND . DOORS Call for a free estimate. Sales, Service and In- stallation. Bluewater Windows and Doors, 394 Huron Rd. "God- erich. 519-524-1520. www. bluewaterwin- dows.ca E-mail sales Obluewaterwindows. ca 01-02xtfcc PEDIC PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS 300 Suncoast Drive E. Goderlch 524-6064 Pillow Top MATTRESS SETS $39 starting as Iow as 9. "Best priced bed3 in Huron Count" 300 Suncoast Drive E. Goderlch 524-6064 HOT TUB/POOL TA- BLE - 2008 model, fully loaded, 40+ jets. Cost $7,895. Sacrifice: $3,950. Pool table, ev- ery upgrade,1 " slate with accessories. Worth $4,295, sell $1,200. 519-722-4077. 1r06x4Cc 4 r t •' • 1 a• classifiedextra.ca PLACE Rl SELL IT! A 927O24O • ♦ • ! •> 7 • •• • • 30. Employment Wanted 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading plea- sure we have -available at the Huron Exposi- tor office eightweekly_ newspapers: The _ Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal. Star,_- The Lakeshore Ad% ance - .. (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), • Kincardine News, The Huron Ex- positor, - $1.25 each. Lucknow - Sentinel 1.00 01-01-tfnxe, 'tai-�; }4 a,'r. .]� 7C}.'..Jtf.f.Lr'S'�,.`�e-• 04. ANTIQUES & ART -ANTIQUE TABLE, SQUARE, 1901, $125. Large -round 4', - solid oak coffee table, excel- lent condition, $300. Call 519-238-6946 after 6 p.m•04-03x6nxeco 5 CARS FOR SALE • • 1995 GRAND VOYAG- ER, new brakes, good tires. $500.00 as is. Phone519-522-1880. 05-09x1 1995 collo IR CCJRt1L.- LA, 5 speed, 240,000 kms., fair condition, selling as is. Best offer over $590. Call (519) 527-2016 after 6 p.m. or leave message. 05- 08x2 09. AUTOMOTIVE WANTED FOR PARTS - 1993 Mazda B2600i 4x4 truck. 519-371- 0669. 09-09x3nxcc 10. PETS SMALL MINIATURE POODLES for sale. Four black pups avail- able. Call 519-345- 986.1 fl-Q8x2c c 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. Lost: & .Found 41. To Give Away 42. Deaths 43. Births 44. Epgagements4•,. F 45• Marriages n 46. In Memoriam 47. Cards of Thanks canoe tf1_ DEADUNE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS iS FRIDAY AT 5PM • For other papers Deadline is FRIDAY 9:00 AM All rates plus GST '= 25 WORDS - One Week $8.25, two weeks $7.75 ea. week, three weeks $7:25 ea. week. Additional words 20 cents. An additional $2.00 will be added if billing is: necessary. In Memoriams - $8.25 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words $8.25. Each additional word 10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: ; ; - Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich, Port Elgin & Wiarton. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional $4.50 plus GST. : N; . { THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID CALL 527-0240 MONDAYI0 FRIDAY4 9:00 AM TO &IXPM;w 11J. FARM LAND WANTED GOOD FARM LAND -for 2009 season and . longer. Phone Adam Braecker 519-527-2110.11 J DZx4 FARM LAND: Wanting to rent Or share crop Short or long term. Call Rob at 519-301-6767. 11 J-09x5cc 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GRAND BEND RETIRE To Our Best! Over 1400 sq. ft., gas heat,2 gas fireplaces. Newer kitch- en, screened -in deck, large TVs, $118,000. Joan 519-238-6719. Cathie 519-238-1636, Broker Don 519-238 2020 12-08x3cc 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT HENSALL 1 a Z bedrooms from $550 and S650• Includes mage, Stora heat, hydro and water. Laundry fadlitles Onsite. 5 min from Exeter. Toll free 1-5194514388 www.skyNneonline.ca TWO BEDROOM apartment, 2nd floor, Main St. Seaforth, $400 + utilities, fridge and stove included. No Pets. Available March 1. References. Phone 519-527-0794.17-09-2 • 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT SEAFORTH One bed- room apartment for rent in duplex, $400 per month plus utilities. Available immediately. -Call 5197527-0897. 17- Qazi TWO - 2 bedroom apartments on Main St. Seaforth. Heat, fridge and: stove included. One $400/month .+ hydro; 1 - $450/month + hydro. Available now. Phone 519-527-0151. 17-07x3 - CLINTON: Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, heat included, 3 ap- pliances. Option to buy stackable washer and dryer. Patio. Very ;.quiet adult building. No smoking or pets. 1st and last. References. Mail delivered, recy- cling bins, composters, community clothesline and great neighbours. Must see! 519-482- 5585. Available April 1/09. j 7-a7x4cc CLINTON: 2 bedroom apartment. Available in January. $445 plus' utilities. Call. 519-345- 2.036 or 519-482-7761. 17-50xtfcc A TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent in Dublin. No pets. Phone 519-345-2322 or 519- 345-2792. 17-48-11 A ONE BEDROOM DOWNTOWN, fridge, stove, heat included. $420 per month, hydro extra. Available now. 1-883-271-7860. 17- 234f 18. HOUSES FOR RENT NO LAST MONTH DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR MARCH AND APRIL MOVE -INS ref 1 %v EXCELLENT VALUE FOR YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY 18. HOUSES FOR RENT BAYFIELD, 3 bed- room brick bungalow, 1 block from beach. References required. $750/month plus' utili- ties. Major appliances included. - 519-565- 2019 or cell 519-902- 7721. 18-09x2 23. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT ✓ O4;-.41 T-; FNM JR CLINTON: Commercial space for rent, approx. 1000 sq. ft. Call 1-866-722- `,1s 0922 23-06xIf pc 26. HELP WANTED THE HURON RE- SEARCH STATION is seeking college or university students to work as research as- sistants from the end of April to August 31, 2009. Please send your resume by March 12, to the Huron Research Station 911# 70257 Airport Line, R.R.#1 Exeter, On. NOM 1S4 26-o7x3cc 26. HELP WANTED EARLY MORNING driv- er wanted for local To- ronto Star route. Must have a reliable vehicle. Please leave name and number at 1-866-315- 1644 and your call will be returned l26-08x3cc FULL-TIME POSITION on farrow to finish hog farm near Seaforth. Re- liable, motivated per- son. Farm knowledge an asset but willing to . train. Competitive wag- es. Call 519-522-1795 or fax resume to 519- 522-0952.25-05-tf -} 28. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY THE HURON EXPOSI- TOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money - for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments, 28-49xtf :30. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORR WANTED: Book- keeper specializing in agricultural and small business. Reasonable rates. Contact. Ron at 519-348-0964 or email rmpennings@hotmail. c,�orn 30-3�'xt�c� • a.. IP • • ,- « t • • l • 1 4 , a •