HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-25, Page 9'Z•t3 ' ttl atV'�# .v . n6i* h :' t+4e:. , key*: •tib .46300,4, osAY.h. :T+ Ps �� , .• 11si�is Y.r" `> � �. ii•3•a•..V i:c* }�,; 3 A I�sa •it ��ee���� i•t:. •ai6- C-i}.�'i is>:.r:.M• i•+4t•,),..• • S.i.••. .�I.Jat..4.. .••:.t: 1•. :.aY_ fie... .._ �}i .�«►f..: i News ,.J 111�...» • The Huron Expositor • February 25, 2b09' . Page Unsigned letter voices concerns about Seaforth Sean ttunder n ..irk 41111111.10.0 Huron East councillors were un- certain about how seriously to take an unsigned letter voicing concerns about the overnight closure of Sea - forth hospital's emergency depart- ment received at their Feb. 17 meet- ing. But, Brussels Coun. David Blaney said the letter shows that the public doesn't understand how little control the municipality has over what hap- pens at the hospital. "The letter indicates very clearly that the populace doesn't . under- stand that we don't have any influ- ence with the hospital. I don't. know how to address the problem but it has to made clear that we do what we can," he said. The letter, which predicts that the • overnight closure of Seaforth's ER is "only the beginning of lost service in the hospital," urges Huron East to "engage the services of a profes- sional who would be knowledgeable in staff management to look at . what has gone wrong with the way staff- ing has been handled" at the hospi- tal. It also states that if :the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance had tried to close the ER overnight in Clinton or St. Marys "there would have been such a public outcry that the Alli- ance, would have been quick to re- verse their decision." "As a matter of fact, I think the Alliance has it all figured out - they know which community will allow them to wipe out medical services without a fight. Was staff shortage the 'perfect excuse - onewhich the public would 'swallow without ques- tion?" said the letter signed by "a concerned citizen." "1 hope Huron East has an effective plan in place to reverse this horrific turn of events. May your efforts be successful," it said. "The letter indicates that we're not din our job but we're probably do- 3 Y� and wind tines doing p4 Y Ing more than most councils in the A resolution from Prince Edward same situation," added Blaney, County asking the provincial and Blaney added that the municipal- federal governments to study` the ity is spending $2 million on a new health impacts of low ..frequency building for the family health team noise and electromagnetic distur- shows how much the municipality is .bances caused by wind farms left trying to help support local health- Huron East council supporting On- tario Premier Dalton McGuinty's re - Mc • op our. Bill Siemon said cent comments denouncing NIMBYs he didn't read the letter since it was ("not in my. backyard"ers). unsigned and he thought council "I'm quite happy to go along with shouldn't deal with unsigned let -the province's new green energy act," ters. a$ :. said Deputy -Mayor Bernie MacLe1 Mayor Joe Seili said he is frustrat- ed by the whole situation. "The more you try and inform people, the more you get kicked. We could have sat and done nothing all along," he said, adding that he re- cently heard that Huron County's ambulance services learned about the decision to close Seaforth's ER from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m..before council did. He said he wants to see the Alliance put it in writing that all four mem- ber hospitals will remain viable. "We need to start pushing that and I will be asking that at the next healthcare partners ;;meeting," he said. p MUNICIPALITY OF HURON E At -44w CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL SSS FOR SERVICING OF THE COMMUNITY OF EGMONDVILLE The Municipality of Huron.East is undertakinga Municipal Class EnvironmentalAssessment (Class EA) to determine the most appropriate method to extend municipal sanitary sewers to the community of Egmondville. Phase I of the study, which was completed in late 2008, established a need within the community due to deficiencies identified with existing on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems. The next phase of the study will investigatevarious alternativesavailableto extend municipal servicing to Egmondville and to determine potential impacts associated with each option being considered.. Information sessions will be held during the course of the study to give members of the public opportunities to provide input into study investigations. the planning for this project is following the environmental screening process established for Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document. Schedule B projects are approved subject to the completion of Phases 1 & 2 of the Y Class EA process. The purpose of the screening process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated with the proposal and tq,plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts. The process includes consultation with the public, stakeholders and review agencies. This notice is being issued to advise of the start of study investigations. There will be additional opportunities for public input and involvement as the study progresses. Public input and comments are invited for incorporation into the planning and design ofthis project and will be received until March 27 ,2009, at the address listed below. Any comments collected in conjunction with the study, will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public reco• rd. For further information on this project, or to review the Municipal Class EA process. please contact the consulting eni seers: B.M. Ross and Associates: 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (519) 524-2641. Fax (519) 524-4403. Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner (e-mail: kvader@bmross.net). This Notice Issued February 25th, 2009 Jack McLachlan, Clerk -Administrator Municipality of Huron East i • 1, • • •. • . . • .. . • • • ' • • • -• • 4 I •• • - • 1 • • • • I • • • - • •- .a 4 4- • • lr • • lana He added that he didn't' agree with. studying the affect of electromagnet/ is disturbances from wind turbines. "If they're only going to do that for wind turbines, why aren't they do- ing it for power grid lines because they've got the exact same .problem. with that and if you're going to live with one, you should be able to live with the other," he said. Brussels Coun. David -Blaney said most of the complaints about wind farms are based on hearsay rather than science. "They run to things like cows are going to run dry and they shake the earthworms out of the earth," he said. .: "Unless we're really careful, I think - we're going to- get ourselves into a situation where we're saying it's good to have green energy but we're not going to do' it here," he said, adding that the resolution is just an attempt to block the use of wind turbines. McKillop Coun. Bill Siemon said he thinks regulations have set . up distances from wind d turb ines that are "liveable." "The province has said they're not going to take frivolous complaints," he added. MUNICIPALITY OF HURON EAST MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT=S FOR REHABILITA .FPSUMMERHILL ROAD BRIDGE THE PROJECT: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The Municipality of Huron East is planning to- carry out wodc on Structure M23, which spans a tributary of the Maitland River. The structure islocated along Summerhill Road approximately 1 km east of Beechwood Line, northeast of Seaforth (as illustrated on the accompanying key plan). The rehabilitation project would involve the replacement/ repair of deteriorated bridge components, including the replacement of existing curb & railings with solid concrete barrier walls. At this time, it is anticipated that the bridge rehabilitation would be completed during the 2009,, construction season. The affected section of SummerhM Road would be closed during the constriction period. , THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING PROCESS: The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process set out for Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document. The purpose of the screening process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated with the project and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts. The process includes consultation with the public, stakeholders and govemment review agencies. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT: The consultation program developed for this Class EA includes several opportunities for public involvement. For the initial phase of the program, public input will be received until March 27th, 2009. Additional opportunities for comment will be provided as the process proceJds. Any comments, collected in conjunction with the study will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. With the exception of persorbi information, all comments will become part of the public record. IR For further information on this project, or to review the Class EA process, please contact the Project Engineer: B.M. Ross and Associates, 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (519) 524-2641. Fax (519) 524-4403. Attention: Mike Corby, Planner (e-mail: • mcorbyebmross.net). • Barry Mills, Public Works Manager This Notice Issued Feb 25t postz� K`+r i� eft MunicipaliN n Sastr • "-*+�� 1,41 44«t bi MhLKwrr�� I,ii►w*%.ti r *v. r.TP.Swirwt+od*ra,.�.s41,4,6411.41• s Orbs tes••t'ai •••••aani‘mommalolOraaasimallIIIIIISSOW 116. • t 4'• • .41 41, • 1