HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-3-20, Page 3Ss elley'e "Ozymandias of HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE Egypt." Thee name of Percy Byngli Shelley BOUT LAC is one of the. greatest in English liters- !SAY tore. His finest works are "The Oen-, ei" and "Prometheus Unbound," but the best-known are lois "Ode to a Sky- lark and "Ode to the West Wind." Shelley was drowned while yachting - in the Quit of Spezia, His bodywas , washed ashore a fortnight later, and, in accordance with the quarautine laws of Italy, burnt on a pyre in the presence of Byron, Leigh Hunt, and Tselawny. The Hollowing is one of the finest sonnets in tlie,language, and to -day has peculiar interest: I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stgne Stand In the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those pas- • sions read `Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal theee words ap- pear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and des- pair.' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level Bands stretch far away." EIIIATIC PEOPLE CAN FIND RELIEF By Enriching Their Bl iod With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Rheumatism attacks people when the bloat; is clogged with impurities, thus setting up an inflammation of the muscles and joints. Cold or wet weather may start the tortures of rheumatism, but it is not the cause, az was once supposed. The cause is thin or impure blood. Rubbing with lint- * monis or applying hot applications may give relief, but that is all; the pains are soon back again. You must treat the trouble through the blood to feet rid of it. The value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in eases of this kind is proved by the following statement.I Miss Margaret M, Cullen, writing on behalf of her grandmother, Mrs. A.1 11icEwen, Ormstown, Que., says:—"My 'grandmother, new 85 years of age, was,' some years ago, a great sufferer from rheumatism. She tried many reme- dies, but found none that did her any , good until she began using Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These she used for', some months until every trace 'of rheumatism disappeared. Since then' she has taken the pills at intervals, and they have kept her in the best of health. It is marvellous how well and active my grandmother is. She cooked the dinner for the threshers last fall, and she gives the coedit for her good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, She is anxious that her experience with this splendid medicine be given for the benefit of others." If you are suffering from any trou- 1 le due to poor or watery blood Dr. Williams, Pink Pills will help you. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by waiting The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .,n "If it had not been for Tanlac I would still be a sick, dia- coura►ged woman, for n °thing else . seemed to do me any good," says Mrs. Edward Gibbs. All' the advertising in the world and prove from the very first, gained, 29 all the wales° efforts combined could not have made the great success for TANLAC that has been attalted, un less this reconstructive tonic possess- ed merit of the greatest degree". Over 40 Million Bottles of Tanlac have been sold and the demand to -day is greater than ever before. That TANLAC possesses merit and has brought relief to hundreds of thousands of persons is attested by the great number of testimonials that have been received by the company from people in every state of the Union and every province of Canada. There are over 100,000 suck statements on file with the companyea11 ringing with sin- cere praise for TANLAC and what it has accomplished. - Here are excerpts from a few of the 100,000 statements on file: Mrs. Edward Gibbs, Lancaster, Pa.— "Por 2 years indigestion deprived me of nearly all the pleasure of living. If it had not been for TANLAC I would still be a sick and discouraged woman, for nothing else seemed to do me any good." Mrs. Mary A. Benson, Seattle, Wash.: "Following an operation my stomach and nerves seemed to give way and I became almost helpless. As a last re- sort I tried TANLAC. l began to int. lbs., and to -day am feeling fine." 0. I+ i. 11{oore, Kansas City, Mo.: "Illy stomach seemed to pain me constant- ly, food seemed to do me no good, I would bloat up erith gas, lost my strength, and could not sleep or rest, I was on the down -grade all the time. Tanlac corrected my troubles and put me in excellent shape." Thomas Lucas, Teterboro, Ontario: ':Well, sir, buying TANLAC was the beet investment I ever made, for it built up my health and strength to where I haven't a complaint in the world." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaake, De- troit, Miele: "For more than a year our three children, age 2, 4 and 6, had been so peaked and lifeless that we were worried about them. Their stomachs were upset, appetites poo; the color had left their cheeks, their nights were restless and during the day they would just mope around, tak- ing no interest in play or anything else. They began to improve with the first dose of TANLAC, and to -day there are no more healthy children in Detroit." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 40 million bottled Bold. Accept no substitute: Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills, Surnames and Their Origin BAYARD. Varietlons—Baird, Beard, Bird. Racial Origin --English. Source ---A nickname. Here is a family name derived from an adjective which to -day is applied almost exclusively to horses, but which in the Middle Ages was in rath- er wide usage, denoting a color. To -day you'd hardly refer to a "bay" dress or a "bay" complexion, though you would speak of a "bay" horse. Fifty years from now the word may die completely, unless the horse finds ! a new excuse for existence and avoids the doom with which the automobile is threatening him. The medieval English for "hay" was "bayard." A man might have been called "Roger 1e Bayard" or "Ude 1e Bayard" either from the color of his hair, the general impression of his complexion, or perhaps from the color of the cloth- ing which he uscaily wore. Baird is a fainly usual contraction of Bayard, though the family name of Baird sloes not in all instances trace back to the other. Likewise Beard and Bird are often logical develop- ments, though, particularly in the case of Bird, it does not follow that Bayard is always the original form of the name. No Man's Island. A house, consisting of one room, which stands in two states, three coun- ties, and four towns, at one and the same time is the proud possession of a dance -hall proprietor in the U.S.A. This unique building stands en a tiny Island on the borders of Vermont and -New Hampshire. Although the building was once used as a dwelling -house, it le now given up entirely to dancing. Standing in the middle of the dance floor, the visitor finds himself in nine different places at once. Beneath his feet is the meet- ing point of the boundaries of the. two states, of the countries of Grafton, Cale- donia and Orange, and of four towns, sae _4.yegarte, Newbury, Bath, and Haver- hill. t - Locally the place is known as "No /Ian's' Land," and is very popular as a summer dancing pavilion. But the Aver is slowly eating its way into the centre of the little island, and it seems ' likely that before long it will bore a way right through both islet and liouss. Meantime, the proprietor thanks his lucky stars, that only one of the towns, HaveglrilI, sends along ilio tax polled -ter. Small minds . are captivated_ by trifles. Every man's face is the led$er of his good and of his evil accounts. of the skin and scalp Is, as .riffle- tion that lire bars been - suecasafuny treating by mall 'and In our otfleas hors for over 80 years, If afflicted. wjte us, tis idelning. your ease fully. We also treat at hoods T'itnptes, Blotches, Blackheads and oilier non- contagious at4In- troubles: Superfluous Rale. Molex, Warta, etc., permanently eradicated by. the only method-5lecirolyeis. • Write for Booklet "F" }lscott Institute Lintnted Wescott -Bldg. 6109 Couwe St. T"orenio SKINNER Racial ©Agin --English. Source—An occupation. There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained through a study of nomen- clature of the industrial as well as of the social conditions in ringland dur- ing the Middle Ages. Virtually every occupation of any importance in that period has been preserved to us, in one or more family names, and if you find an ocoupattion or profession which has not so been commemorated, it is only because the occupation did not exist at the period of family name formation, or because it is known to -day by a comparatively modern term. Thus we have no fam- ily names "Doctor" or "Physician," though we do have "Leech," We have no family name "Automanufaoturer," though we have "Cartwright" Tanning and leathermaking, how- ever, were among the most important industries of Medieval England, like the various branches of the textile in- dustry, particularly those handling woollen fabrics,. "Le Skynnere" ("the skinner") was quite naturally the surname most of- ten conferred by his. neighbors on the man who made his living by stripping skins from the carcasses of animals. A Poor Husband. Hubert "I am wedded to my art." Shubert—"Your wife seems to be a great sufferer," GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To. guard the baby e, against colds nothing loan equal Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a re- cognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that ho will thrive and be happy. The new sales tax will not increase the price of Baby's Own Tablets, ae the company pays the tax. You can still obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer ,at 25 cents a box; or by mail., post paid, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Money Left to Monarchs. Not man.y men have chosen to leave their fortunes to Members of the Royal Family in the matter of the late Lord Farquhar. -Under the terms of his will, Prince George receives $10,- 000 and Princess Maud oar Lard Car- negie, $250,000, while other royal bene ficieries are the King and Queen, Queen Alexandra, the Princess Royal and Princess Arthur of Connaught. ' The largest gift ever willed by a subject to a British• soyereiign was that Of $2,500,000, which fell to Queen Vic- toria on the death of one John Camden Neild, who died in 1862, ' The son of a London goldsmith, Neild succeeded to $1,250,000 on his father's death, but being of a miserly disposition, he lived in poverty. After his death he was found to.have left the whole of his property, with the ex- ception of a few legacies, to "Her. Gracious Majesty Queen Victeela;, beg- ging Her Majeaty's• most g ar1(us ac-. ceptance of the same for her sole use and benefit." Another man, who remembered the sovereign in hie will was, Sir Ernest Cassel, who, on his death in 1921, left property to the value of thirty mil- lion dollars. His London residence, Brook House, Park Lane, may one day become a home of the Royal Family, for Sir Ernest directed that in the event of the death without issue of his daughter, the house and its contents should be offered: as a gift to the then reigning sovereign. Payment forarticles advertised in this column should be made with Do- minion Express Money Orders ----a safe way of sending mosey by mail. Plumber's Harvest. Teacher—"Now, Bobbie, tell us when is the harvest season?" Bobbie — "Front November to March." Yeager --"Why, Bobbie, I am sur- prised that you should name such bar- ren months. Who told you tiiey were the harvest season?" Bobble -"pe, He's a plumber. Keep Mlnard's Liniment in the house. He that parleys s half surrend- ered. The best prophet of the future is the past. GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUT/FU'L 35 -Cent "Danderine" Does Wonders for Lifeless, �• Neglected Hair. A gleamy lows of luxuriant hair full of gloss; lus- tre and fife short- ly follows a mu- ; ire toning .up of t, neglected scalps with dependable J "Danderdi ne " ��_ Falling h a 1 r, itching scalp and the dandruff ' is corrected immediately. Tbin, dry, wispy or fadiug hair is quickly invig- orated, taking ea new strength, color and youthful beauty. Tendering is dclightful'en the hair; a refreshing, tstinaulatiug tome, -- flet sticky or reasy!, Any drugstore; Mirror Magic. The primitive man looking at bit own reflection In a still Doul beheld it phenomenon he could not explain,. He saw something which was, not him- self, but which must hese closely' res fated to himself that there was no joke in 4t. What is known as sympethetie magic always regarded; a close connec- tion as existing between a. person and his "ooun'terfeit presentment," We know better now, but who is there who can see a looking glass' accidentally broken without experiencing a secret feeling of uneasiness? The smashing of the mirror destroys the reflected image—his' counterfeit self or a surface which has borne it, as it has also borne the images of other members of his family. There- fore he himself, or some member of his family, whispers the lingering voice of despised, forgotten, but in- herited• belief in sympathetic magic, ' is in danger, Ail of ' hich+ accounts for the superstition that if you break a looking -glass there will be a death in the family within the year, God's Little Things. , I love the little things of God— The loamy scent of fresh -turned sod, The fleecy white clouds in the sky, The pasting of the south winds by, Tile darting flash of bluebird's. wing, And all the sights end sounds of spring. I love the days when anmmrer fades, The scarlet tinge in forest glades, The wild grapes, purple on the vine, The crier) air, heady as, old wine, The hint of snow in graying sky, To warn. as that old winter's' nigh. —Hazel Blair, 3 Mother! Give Sick Baby "California Fig Syrup11 Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowels of Baby or Child. Even constipat- ed, bilious, fever- ish, or sick, colic Babies and Child- ren love to take genuine "Califor- nia Fig Syrup." No other laxative regulates the ten- der little bowels Bo nicely. It bowels, , sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting without grip- ing, Contains no narcotics or sooth- ing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! In- sist upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. Youngsters to Match. Mistress—"Maggie, I think I'll take one of the children to church this morning." Maggie --"Yes, ma'am." Mistress—"Which one do you think would go best with my dress?" Infantile mortality has gone down from 160 per 1,000 at the beginning of the century to 80 per 1,000 to -day. Elderly People i Need More Iron nn the :iced To Give Added Strength, Vitality, and Greater Pow- etr of Resistance Against Disease. IRON is constantly leaving the body, especially toward the period of middle age'and you must make up for this iron deficiency if you want to escape' disease and be strong and well. When the iron in your blood runs low, signs of old age creep into your system. If there is not enough iron circulating the blood -stream becomes thin, pale and watery, the body weak and run- down. In such cases ordinary iron - containing foods seldom supply a eufacient quantity of this important element to make up for the waste so that many physicians now prescribe, a conoentratod form of organics iron— Nuxated Iron—which contains iron like the iron in your blood. Actual blood tests show that a tremendously large number of people who aro weak and ill lack iron in their blood. If you aro not sure of your own condition, go to your doctor and have frim take your blood -count and see where you stand or else make the following test yourself Seo how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired; next take two five -grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three, times per day after meals for two weeks. Then teat your strength again and see how much you have gained. By enriching the blood and creating new ,red blood cells Nurated Iron strengthens the nervosa rebuilds the weakened tissues and helps to instill renewed energy and power into She whole system. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, Notated Iron is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black nor upeet the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee suc- cessful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed by all goo:ytZuggiets. 00 THIS CATARRHAL DEAFNESS' Many have had surprisingrelict from Catarrhal Deafness Heed Noises Ringing in the Bore rind kiead Golds by using Leonard "Sm ='* 0.eooth{ng,pcnctrating- O1 tk at e ."r yeffective, just.Ambit back of= the ears and inccrt in nosrtila' • �- Tor sale everysn here GI 05" Inferestiirk• dosnrip:res y' folder aontupm rsrrt,ee A.O, .EO Nl,':R.sh,la G. ` z✓ 5i:l Ata„li. . CLIT Nearly Educated. It was Kenneth's first day at school' and when all the pupils Were seated he raised his hand and said: "I can spell cat and count up to seven and write my own name, so you won't have to bother to teach me much." Mk for Mlnard'a and take no other. A Drawback to Matrimony. • A little girl in Ayrshire had been puniethed for not being able to recite her geography lesson. Her mother went to the .lady teacher to reprimand her. "Was it you who punished our wee Jeanie for her geography?" she de - pleaded. "Yefe I punished her," wee the reply, "WelI1," continued the mother an- grily, "her Auntie Leez2e had nae geo- graphy, an' she got a man.. I had nae geography, act' I got a, man; an' there's, you w3' a' your geography, an' you havena got a man yet! I don't wasat my lassie to get geogeephyt" Sr f t;-:. Beware of Imitations! Too Shy to Say "No." "How on earth did young Robin get married?" asked the fat woman. "Why, I always thought he was so terribly shy. "He is.," said the acid -faced werran. "He was probably too shy to say 'No' ". Classified Advertisements OOLGROWERS—COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. 0NDERFUL DISCOVERY. Charges batteries in 10 minutes. Gallon free to Agents. Radiolite Co., St. Paul, Minn. New Eyes But you can Promote E ala " Gisan,llealihyCenditien YOUR EEESUaeMurine Eye Rerned, 'Night and Morning." Beep your Eyes Clean, Clear and Maltby. Write for Free Eye Care Book. Maio EysPamir Co..Oeast Ob iniusenClare,,s Apply Minard's to throat sold chest. Also inhale. Minerd's gives quick relief. "KING OF PAT Unless you see the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twenty. three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago . Neuritis -Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Handy boles of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists 'also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylieacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the "'Bayer Cross." For Lasting Fragrance e Use Gamna Talc There is nothing better than Cuticura Talcum for powder- ing and perfiiining the skin. It appeals to the most fastidious because of its fine, smooth tex- ture and delicate fragrance. 4sap2Se. 0lntmeat2Sculne. Tanen 25a. Sold throughout theDominion..CanedienDepot; Limps,Uafte4, 344 St. Nal St., W.._Montreal. Cuticura Soap shaves without snug. 1 00047,4102* 200600005/050,64504101 Constipation Banished A druggist says: "For nearly thirty years 1 have recommended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigei's Curative Syrup, for arresting and permanently relieving constipation and indi- gestion. It le an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work. 30 drops thrice daily. Get the genuine at your druggist. 0420066e.2 et ee .90,24seeeill HELP FOR YOUNG WO"EN Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkhar'sVegetabl Compound Helped Her Viking, Alts.—"Prom the time I was; 15 years old I would get such sick feel - 'lugs in the lower part of my abdomen,. followed by cramps and vomiting. This kept me from my work (I help my par- ents on the farm) as I usually had to go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would have to walk the floor. suffered in this way until a friend in- duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I have had very - satisfactory results so far and am rec- ommending the Vegetable Compound to my friends. I surer am glad I tried it for I feel like a different person now that I don 't have these troubles."--- ODELIA HoroSeeRG,Box 93,Viking, Alta,, Letters like this establish the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. They tell of the relief fromsuch pains and ailments after taking it. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from na tive rootsand herbs,: contains no narcotic or harmful -drugs, and today holds tkre record of being they mostsuccesaful relrestsy for female in this country, and-daousands of 'vol- untary testimonials prove this fact. If you doubt that Lydia E,Pinkhanz'a Vegetable Coen ound will help you, write to the Lydia Il'. }:'inki am 1VIe da i' One Co., obourg, Ontaric for Mrs. Pinkham's private tart -book -and learn Snore about it, c.,