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The Huron Expositor • February 25, 2009 .Page`7•.::
Christa Sennett named YC,l!ivolunteer:of the year
Dan Schwab
When Christa Bennett traveled to
Ghana last summer on a volunteer
mission with Youth Challenge Inter-
national, the furthest thing from her
mind was winning an award.
But last week, she received a phone
call from Dave Camozzi, Canadian
program administrator for YCI, that
she was going to be named the agen-
cy's volunteer of the year.
"1 couldn't believe it," says Bennett,
a kindergarten teacher at Seaforth
Public School. "I had no idea I was
even nominated."
Robyn Agoston, YCI's Ghana pro-
gram officer, . nominated Bennett for.
the award. The two women worked
.together daily in the African country,
with a mandate to motivate . young
people to become more active in the
December 2008 democratic election.
While in the capital city of Accra,
Bennett worked with the United
Nations Development Program, the
Ghana electoral commission and a
group called YES (Youth Empower-
ment Synergy).
Along with other volunteers, she
helped create a youth -friendly media
campaign, which included recording
a radio jingle and distributing pam-
phlets on the importance a voting.
"Christa really made the project in-
credible and was the glue . that held
the team together far 'better - than
ever expected from YCI volunteers,"
Agoston wrote in her nomination let-.
ter. "Not only was she an outstand-
ing leader to the group and gave one
thousand per cent to everything she
did, Christa fundraised every
penny for her trip within her
According to YCI's website,
past winners of the award
have not only been exemplary
volunteers ` while on the proj-
ect, they demonstrated a con-
tinued and active involvement
in community volunteer activi-
ties on their return.
After arriving home from
Ghana last August, Bennett
spoke with 25 separate youth
groups and service clubs about
her experiences.
After getting a job as a teacher
at Seaforth Public School, Ben-
nett organized a student trip.
to the Me to We conference in
Toronto in October, which fea-
tured celebrities and social ac-
tivists encouraging the young
audience to make a positive
influence on the world.
She also: started a social
• .awareness group for students
called "Cubs Care," whose first
campaign collected 321 cans
for the Seaforth Food Bank:
Christa Bennett, pictured here with a group of
children In Ghana, was recently named Youth
Challenge _Ghana,
volunteer of the
A, "Christmas Cheer" campaign fol-
lowed, with Bennett and the Cubs
Care group, visiting the local hospital
and nursing home to sing carols and
read stories to patients.
"Christa really
embodies devel-
opment, youth
and the prin-
ciples of global
citizenship," Ago-
ston wrote in the
nomination let-
ter. "She deserves
to be recognized
for her spectacu-
lar achievements
and . continuing
Erin Nesbitt,
Canadian pro-
grams director
for YCI, says Ben-
nett will receive
a certificate and
her. efforts will
be highlighted in
the YCI's` annual
Since its incep-
tion in 1989, YCI
has sent more
than2,500 volun-
teers -overseas.
Bennett says
she'd consider
going back to Af-
rica someday to
volunteer again
with YCI.
"I feel so privi-
leged to have had
the opportunity
to live there, ." she
says. "It makes
me appreciate all
the blessings I
have in life."
Bennett says
she tries to ed-
Broadcasting Notice
of Consultatlon
CRTC 2009.36
Notice of consultation and hearing
The Commission will hold a public hearing on 30 March 2009 at
9:30 a.m., at the Commission Headquarters, 1 Promenade du
Portage, Gatineau, Quebec. The Commission intends to consider the
following application, subject to interventions, without the appearance
of the unties. The deadline for submission of :
5 March 2009.
• Tuclmith Communications Co-operative Limited —
Licence application for a programming service --
Kippen, Seaforth, Hensall and Bayfield, and surrounding rural
areas, Ontario
For further information, please consult Notice of Consultation
CRTC 2009-36. "you wish to support or oppose an application or
obtain a copy of the Notice of Consultation, please consult the CRTC
website at www.crtc.gc,ca under Public Proceedings" or call our toll
free number 1 -877 -249 -CRTC.
,c ., , i 1 4 • e (,i 1 t . ,
Avis de consultation
de radlodiffusion
CRTC 2009-36 Canail
Avis de consultation et d'audience
Le Conseil tiendra Line audience publique le 30 mars 2009 a 9h30,
I'adminisbatlon centrale, 1, promenade du Portage, Gatineau
(Quebec). Le Conseil propose d'etudier la demande suivante, sous reserve
d interventions, sans la comparution des parties. La date limite pour le
di plot des Interventions/observations : 5 mars 2009.
• Tucicersmith Communications Co•operative Limited — Demande de
licence de radiodiffusion d'une entreprise regionale de programmation
de video sur demands — Kippen, Seaforth, Hensall et Bayfield, et les
regions rurales environnantes (Ontario)
Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez cornulter l'Avis de
consultation de radiodiffusion CRTC 2009-36. Si vous deslrez appuyer
ou vous opposer une demande ou obtenir une cople de l'avis de
consultation, veuillez consulter le site Web du CRTC au www.Gric.gc.ca
e la section « instances publiques » ou appelez le numero sans frais
1 -877 -249 -CRTC. 8
Canadian Radio -television and Conseil de la radiodiffusion et
Telecommunications•Cornm*slon►: • ` des tel4communicsitioft coondlo9+ . ; 4
ucate children at Seaforth Public
School that any efforts they put for-
ward to help those in the Third World
will be appreciated by the people liv-
ing there.
Health Canada was recently advised that
RetroFoam has been installed in a limited.
number of homes in Ontario. This product
is prohibited for sale in Canada.
Health Canada is informing consumers that
RetroFoam insulation is a urea formaldehyde -
based thermal insulation, a type of insulation
that has been prohibited for sale in
Canada under the Hazardous Products Act
since December 1980, as it may release
formaldehyde gas into indoor air.
Health Canada issued a "cease and desist"
letter to RetroFoam of Canada Incorporated,
the Canadian importer of the insulation,
to stop all importation and sale of RetroFoarn
in Canada. Health Canada also instructed
Enerliv, the Canadian distributor of RetroFoam,
to stop all sale, advertisement and further
installations of the product and to call back
any unused product. As a result of Health
Canada's actions, RetroFoam is no longer
,!fvoile .for sate or installation in Canada.
Health Canada will be communicating
with affected homeowners to provide
further details on how they can obtain
Government support for having their indoor
air quality tested,
For more information call x4a
win w.healthcanacia*gc.ga