HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-25, Page 6Page 6 The Huron Expositor • February 25, 2009 Opinion More health studies needed a From Page 5 thing has to come before any other thing, including money. - People are tired. People are so dis- illusioned that they have given up on having anyone actually take their problems seriously. They make their complaint, only to be told they are the only ones complaining and that everything is in line with the guide- ' lines set by the Ministry of the Envi- ronment. .. If these levels are within the guide- lines then you people had better start your research all over again, because I know you would not tolerate , for yourself, or your families, what you .are putting residents through. Every new wind farm brings more distress to people, and yet you can- not wait to have our whole landscape dotted with these machines, from east to west. You show absolutely no consider- ation for people, domestic animals, wildlife and birds. As I write this, my dog is pacing, barking and whining `because this vibration is driving her mad. How do 'I know that? On the days when the turbines are not running or are very quiet, she is perfectly normal. - With all due respect to those in the world, who are living in con- ditions I cannot even imagine, this :vibration is a' new form` of in- dustrial torture, taking place right =SEAFORTH 519=527-0120 EXETER 519-235-2121 Y•vt *et SYrta:tp..Veww,ow^tor, Cur .+andClIt•C. !?.treg:sxeetGaS+eCrryrrksx. CASE lil linommumammavr �iit effects Qf turbin pillow? I tried to sleep with my head at the foot of the bed, hoping the vi- bration coming through the walls wouldn't be so strong if I moved from it. It didn't help. Nothing helps, and I can't shut it off! This has to stop. I implore you to talk to the residents in this province living on.wind farms. Don't discount what they are telling you. If they are having problems, only to be told there is nothing thatcan be done, because all of your guide- lines havebeen met, then what are they to do? Where do they go when they are dismissed? My husband and I have nothing left to lose now. Our house is worth- less as it sits. We put a lot of time, effort and funds into our house to up- date it since we moved here, and for what? How can you even begin to support these companies that promote ;,the idea that living in a wind farm in- creases land value? hive me a break! You know better, and yet here we stilt are, listening to you tell the masses how wonderful -these wind farms are our own home.; and - how many jobs you. are going to Do you know create. how it feels to I ask you, how in any .of these jobs try :to:sleep with are long term? What happens after a, deep hun- the roads are built and the turbines ming coming -up are up? How many real jobs, lon through your term, have they- created? I am su VAN RtEsEN FINANcla SERVICES INC. iN'i'at L.0�3.r �r,a sorvu C• • FAi4te planning + Retirement .Tanning • Wealith Acciuuulafitm • that/less Suc essfoti_panning You are invited to attend ST. THOM S ANGLICAN CHURCH A Congregation of the Parish of The Holy Spirit The Reverend Karine A. Farmer Jarvis St. Seaforth 519-527-1522 Ash Wednesday, February 25th at 1:30p.m. Sunday, March 1st - Lent 1 Worship & Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome these area churches 7 ST. ROMAN CATHOLIC you have the research from some- body to back you up. Was that a gov- ernment initiative to work out the job creation numbers, or did some- one help you with that? I am going to stop now. I am wide awake, .which, is the norm in this house now. Chances are you are ;all having a restful sleep. Lucky yout To the people of this province read- ing this, please do your research. Please standup for your rights. Read. the fine print in your newspapers: Don't be caught unawares. 4There are no health studies orenvi- ronmental studies being done. They; are just being whipped into place., without due diligence, and now our Premier has decided to take out the role of thenunicipahties. Instead of working with them to solve issues, he is' rolling over them:- And hem:-And it prompts my question once again why is the protection for peo- ple and the environment virtually non-existent in this program? I hope somebody can answer my question, because it is much bigger than I can comprehend. Sincerely, inteiMiw a good ex ■ w fop any From Page 4 A ,4 CHURCH WEI COMES YOU 14 Victoria Street, Seaforth 519-527-0142 Saturday Mass 5 p.m. Sunday Mass 9 a.m. St. Patrick's, Dublin Sunday Mass 11 a.m. Fr. Chris Gillespie BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth 519-527-0982 Sunday School • All Ages • 9:45am Sunday Worship 11 am Youth Group&B&GClub Wednesday 7 p.m. Paster Mark Kennedy EVERYONE WELCOME NORTHSIDE UNITED Welcomes YOU Sunday 11 am Worship Nursery & Sunday School Ash Wednesday Service, February 25th 7:30 p.m. IN 54 Goderich St. W. Seaforth 527-2635 -2635 pwww.cavannorthsldeuntted.ca EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Pastor Steve Hildebrand Worship Sunday March lst 11 am Adult & Youth Sunday School 10 am Lent 1 Come Join us! Elevator & Ear Buds Available Watch for Drama Club Start-up FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St W Seaforth 519-527-0170 Guest Speaker: Richard Madge Organist: Susanna Lyman Worship Manch Istat 11:15 a.m. Nursery & Sunday School All Welcome Keri Van Riesen Chi' CLU CH.FC. K:HARTEREP FINANCIAL CO:YSULTANT f Gel Your Money Working So You Don't Have Tol Steven Preszcator INSURANCE AND INVFSTMI NT ADVISOR ' Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Companan Notice o tom: k. Y't• ANNUAL MEETIN The 133n' Annual Meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre at 2:00 p.m. on Monday. March 23rd, 2009, for presentation of the Annual Report; to elect Directors and to transact any business that may rightly come before the g•_..+: Y� � ? 3., � � '! •.il. Gam, a - ;,{-..�. Nominations will be received for the election of two Directors for a three year term. The Directors whose term of office expires are Jack Hodgert and Larry Gardiner, both of whom are eligi- ble for re -election. -A -{- Article 21 - Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Director must file his intention to stand for election in writing with the Secretary Manager of the Corporation in per- sons at least five dd in advance of an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting. called for the purpose of electing Directors. LarryGardiner Sharon Doxtator PPrsident Secret/Manse • told they were feeling caught of guard or unprepared.. And, I gained an appreciation for those who are able to be clear and eloquent on the spot because I'm certain I was nei- ther. So, I muddled through the inter- view and after reading the story sev- eral days later, was satisfied that I didn't come off sounding like a com- plete idiot. While I'll still say no the next time someone asks to read my stories be- fore they're published, I will better understand the impulse to ask. And, while I've always taken the responsibility quite seriously to be accurate, balanced and fair, there's nothing like being even a minor sub- ject of a story to reinforce its impor- tance. It's an exercise I recommend to any journalist. **04'-/E4fit'A *41A4041 4,44"r` NO CHARGE RECESSION COUNSELLING For those laid . or losing th r obs, can't pay their bilis or contemplating bankruptcy For an wointment call... CHRIS MMORGAN Ph:ID II ti se 4 '441-iarr�lton St, a 6-§146V24 iT-474:1,477.1r-r-.