HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-25, Page 5The Huron Expositor • February 25, 2009
Shelburne -area `NIMBYs' say they're
from vibrations from nearmib
to yell out loud that you don't de=". ask?
To the Editor,
It is 2:16 a.m. on this holiday
Monday morning. and the vibration
level in our house is so loud again
that I cannot sleep and my dog, once
again, can only find slight reprieve
by going • outside. It started just af-
ter midnight and hasn't let up. We
are being very patient.
is want you . to try to imagine your
home being invaded by loud noise
and/or humming vibration, night
after night. What would you do for
your children, or your pets?
How would you feel if your sig-
nificant other or your elderly par-
ents had to go through something
like�thi night after might? At some
point I think you would have to find Y
a way to stopit: .:a{1�
Lt wsome point it would drive you
r }
"u our biggest investment, our prop-
� A ' -` .But sometimes Join the right
serve this. That nobody deserves Very simply it's because we feel ert y .,-. g •. -_
line. We tried to bee,Pagee quiet to protect ;i ; . s. .t „
this. And yet, here we sit, week af- ' we have to We have crossed that~ = 04,44
ter week, putting up with it.
No more. We are one of many fam-
ilies that have, and continue to be,
negatively affected by these wind
farms that you still consider the
jewel of your crown. I hate to guess
at what makes a group of men force . j
terrible living conditions onto resi-
dents, with nary a thought.
You call us NIMBYs. I believe "ev-
ery one of you : is 'weak. If you can't
stand up for what you know is right
and look after the people of this
province, - then your, wile purpose
has been a sham. fis
I know my husband and I are one
of very few who are speaking public-
ly about this now. is that, you.
ospital staa;pto e
'■ ••
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To the Editor,.
How wonderful to be appreciated!
Heartfelt thanks to the Seaforth Community Development Trust who,
on behalf of the citizens of Seaforth and Huron East, recently provided the
entire staff of the Seaforth Community Hospital each with a $20 Seaforth
BIA gift voucher.
It was a generous and thoughtful thing to do. Your support and under-
standing at this time is more important to us than you'll ever know.
g �-
"A pat on the back, though only a few vertebrae removed from a kick in
the pants, is miles ahead in results. Bennet Ce
is AcY A.
Pauline Linton
Mitchell, Ont:
`= selves. The wind=:was blowing a
Feb 1�i, 1884 'ay
Curling has been the favourite • from the barfis which saved them
sportpastimewith the orvillagers from being destroyed also. The
of . Hensall during the past week. property was insured in the. Mcl=
A number of very interesting and lop Mutual Co., but Mr. Dale's loss -
keenly contested games were played apart from that will be heavy.
under the captaincy of Messrs. Thomas Leeming of Leadbury has
Thomas Dick and James _ Wright, ,.;fid tt John Sholdice of Tucker -
two of our most experienced and smith a fine young Shorthorn bull.
enthusiastic.cu'rlers. ,
A.G. Van; Egmond, the earliest set-
HarryHorton of Chiselhurst has : tier of this neighbourhood, died at
done it at last. He has tied a knot his home here, Friday morning last,
With his tongue which he : cannotat the age of 85 years. • The deceased
untied with his teeth, and that knot was a son of the late Colonel Van
is matrimony. His bride is Miss Eli- -Egmond and was born in Pennsyl-
za Jarvis of Tuckersmith. vans, He was six years of age when
Mr. A.G. Van uiE and has put- the family came'to Canada, settling
• � Waterloo. Some years later
chased the bldings formerly used first at Wate y
byMessrs. Gray and Scott, for a they moved to Harpurhey and then
planning mill, and is having them to E gm . =r
removed to his own place to be used „IA,. :. February 16, 1934
as storehouses in connection with
'`4 Members of Seaforth Badminton
the new woollen factory which he Club were enjoyably entertained
contemplates erecting. by the Mitchell Badminton Club on
February 12, 1909 Friday evening. Mitchell won.6 out
Duringthe gale which was blow- of 7 games in the ladies' doubles,
ing on Tuesday evening, the resi- with Seaforth taking the mens' dou-
dence of George C. Dale, Huron ble 4 tout of 6 games. Seaforth won
Road, Hullett, two and a half miles the -mixed doubles, 4 gamest out of
west of Seafroth, was completely
destroyed by fire. The fire started r Y -.l. Mr. E.B. Goudie returned on
shortly after seven o'clock, suppos- Tuesday from a business trip to
edly from the furnace, and with the Peterborough where he made ar=
high winds blowing, it was soon a rangements to have a pasturizing
mass of flames. The fire made such machine installed .at Silver Creek
�.roitr� -` �,. -:i, r .`-�,t •.±„ :d+1ty*;
rapid headway that nothing was Farm. •
saved, and Mr. Dale and his fam- The Women's Hospital Aid Asso-
ily were fortunate to escape them- ciation is presenting an operetta
f - *- • 1. • -* '` ' i re ''4 ;;,. dt Fes° AR -c `fT>i. , 'J' ,1 f•:
"Sylvia" in Cardno's Hall on March
8th and 9th.
Dr. F.J. Burrows, medical officer
of health has advised that the test
of local dairy herds authorized by
the council is being completed. The
fourth herd was tested this past
week and every animal was found-
disease free
Thermometers hit a new all time
low on Priday morning of last week
when the official temperature was
36 degrees below zero, according to
George Baird, Brucefield, govern-
ment meteorological observer in
the district.
4•: February 13, 1959
*`Any doubts theatre goers may
have had concerning the possibil-
ity of the Regent Theatre reopening
here were dispelled last weekend
when the seats - all 306 of them
were removed and taken to London
were they have been sold.
At the Ontario Weekly Newspa-
per Association annual convention
in 'Ibronto last week, A.Y. McLean
was elected a director of the asso-
A modern public address system
has been installed recently in St
James Church here. ' f
.. The system was presented to the
congregation by the members of the
Holy Name Society. The installation
was supervised by Edward Daly.
The finance committee of Seaforth
council is to study a proposal to pro -
vide pensions for town employees.
The proposed advanced by a local
agent Eric Munroe, would provide
payment of pensions to all town
employees at age 65 .except police
and firemen:
February 15,1984`
Some property owners in the Sea -
forth area wish that snow would
never fall in the winter,, because
with snow come a few snowmobil-
ers who- trespass and damage pri-
vate property.
Greater participation by students
and senior could solve some volun—
teer problems, four summer sports
groups decided on Thursday at a
follow-up meeting of the fall recre-
ation conference.
Seaforth is in the final steps of
implementing a Heritage Conser-
vation District Plan for the :.main
street business area. -
Six "Bionic Beavers" will be in-
vading Huron and Perth counties
after both Boards of Education ap-
proved purchasing three computer
systems at their regular meeting
last week. The boards are making
the purchase after the Ministry of
Education offered to give a 75 per
cent grant on the cost of them. Both
boards were offered the same deal -
three powerful processors known as
a Lexicon ttnd three Icon microcom-
puters - two black and white and
one colour. ys .
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