Huron Expositor, 2009-02-18, Page 20• •
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Page 20 The Huron Expositor • February 18, 2009
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Public school helps raise money to build orphanage.
Dan Schwab
The amount of community sup-
port a Seaforth family has received
to build an orphanage in memory
of their mother was perfectly illus-
trated last week by the scores of stu-
dents who filled the hallway of Sea -
forth Public School.
For 50 cents, the students could
buy "Love in a Cup," a generous
helping of frozen yogurt, with all
proceeds benefiting a campaign to
raise money to build an orphanage
in Kenya in honour of Ronalee Al-
Allen was killed in a car crash on.
Highway 4 in Kippen on May 30,
2008. She was 42.
Her daughters Breezey, 20, and
Olivia, 12, introduced the idea of
launching a fundraiser at the school
to help raise money for the cam-
Olivia spoke to the school's Cubs
Care youth group, which focuses on
social awareness projects, about the
Teacher Christa Bennett, who
helped create Cubs Care, says Olivia
spoke with such passion about why
the group should support the cam-
paign that members as well as staff
immediately wanted to volunteer for
the week-long frozen yogurt sale.
It was then that the group's mem-
bers decided to offer. "Love in a
- • •
It, •
Dan Schwab photo
Skyler Holmes, left, dishes out a cone of, cherry frozen yogurt
to Bdttany Pryce during a fundraiser to help build an orphan-
age In the memory of Ronalee Alien.
Cup." was was fitting to how she lived her
"It was •a Building an orphanage seemed like
unanimous deci- a perfect fit.
sion," Bennett "She often said that she couldn't
says. "Any little ever go to Africa to work at an or-
bit we can -con- phanage because she'd never come
tribute, we're home," Shawn says.
more than happy "My mom was very invovled with
to." kids and an orphanage would be a
B e n n et t great way of always helping under -
says the group's privileged kids," Olivia says.
membership has Breezey began looking to contact
grown from five an international agency working for
in September impoverished children.
to more than 30 She came across the British Co -
now. lumbia office of Hope for the Na -
She says any tions, an organization that engages
further fundrais- in community development and pov-
ing efforts the erty reduction in some of the poorest
group plans on regions on earth.
undertaking will Building a children's home in Ki -
benefit Hope of tale will cost $60,000, but Shawn,
the Nations, the Breezey, Olivia and their siblings
organization the Makaylie, 16, and Josiah, 18, felt up
Allens are work- to the challenge.
ing with to build So far, they've raised about $3,000
the orphanage in from hundreds of donors.
Kitale, Kenya. "It amazes me to see how • many
The home people wt to support the campaign
would have ac- for my mom," Olivia says.
commodations Donation boxes are located at some
for 25 kids ages retail stores in the area, including
five to 15, and New Orleans Pizza in Seaforth.
would include Other donors have sent clothing
a plaque at the and shoes to the children waiting
site in honour of for the orphanage to be built, and
Ronalee. become pen -pals with a few of them,
Before she sending letters and care packages.
died, Ronalee Shawn says although it Might take
had taken in another year to raise all the money,
more than 150 Hope for the Nations will build the
children, from home and a clean water well as the
foster kids to oth- funding comes in.
ers who needed "Anything that does get done is
temporary shel- benefiting.the kids," Shawn says.
ter, over a span Donations can be sent by cheque to
of 18 years. the "Memorial for Ronalee Allen," at
Her husband Hope for the Nations, 2041 Harvey
Shawn says the Ave., Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 6G7.
family wanted For more information, visit http://
to find a way to ronaleesmemorialorphanage.webs.
honour her mem- com.
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