HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-18, Page 2a .....r,,,......r..."�.. ,�...•.Ar•i.iW..., Page 2 The Huron Expositor • February 18, 2009 News County council approves 1.79 per cent levy increase Cheryl.JIeath MEMINIMEN0 The levy is set. Thanks to a motion passed by coun- ty council Feb. 4, ratepayers will see a 1.79 per cent levy increase on the county portion of their property tax- es for 2009. The relatively small increase was made possible, reported Warden Ken Oke (South Huron), thanks to a spe- cial day -long committee -level. meet- ing, Jan. 9, designed to hash out all .r of the figures. Indeed, county -department man- agers were directed to start at a zero increase and ,justify anything over that. "We spent the whole day," says Oke. "We hacked through it pretty good." mimommwmimwmr Yawanosh MMutual nu r n T inancia tatenlen e er AUDITOR'S REPORT To the pp data West Wawanosh Muoudirarroe We have audited the balance sheet of West Wawanoe h% ust insurance Company as at DeceMiler31.200e end the staisments of income, comprehensive income, retained santinQs, aowmufaled otheroo :. AI�MMlMr Inman, and cash flows for the year then ended. These 11n*'!d& dstsmaerts ars 1110 dim 4 hent Otic responsibility onsitility is b express en opinion on these Mancini atilamaiitit dMid teat our audit. Wileinduclid our audit In a000rdence with Canadian gen6Rally aces led . Those Stencillyds ',quipped we plan end perform an audit to obtain neasonabie aasurenos wfwiber lM►tinancial Malentsrt e frees IMM oiellilli.inisetsitallnirlt An wilt indudss exansinlno, on it teat bask, widsnos supposing the meow* and 410flosueves in the financist statements. An aalit.Oita *lodes areeelitq the aoaour*g s n.es mild* by M Mie se wstassalna the overall *vandal statement Orimantation.to qtr 4014411.0sOse inanciel stsAmorale Mend fokly, in atN imstiiIiii050001, O Insist* nalVie O tp•nyas Si tr a nb f 3i, 2. ON *Edit **le dls end Ns dash low e* yowl*, ontled `b, r ovoefones c , J . .r ompany WEST WAWANO1t MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ' STATEMENT OP COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (1.088) for the Year Ended December 31 2000 • Net as r s for year Other oompreh nsiv incon,e (toes) Move in unrealized gains (losses) on r allebla for -•ate securities Ftescierediciallon adjustment for loss (pain Included in fr ome - 417.411 . r (1,SIUS) Mown* Rax effect other oomprehenshre Income (toss) fbr year Comprehensive Income (toss) for year Uoioneed PobiC Acaoun encs Jowly it WEST WAWA10SNN MUTUAL Mut/ NCE eAt.AMoe SHEET Os Of besembsr 31 {1,41070lT) 404,743 (245.459) (42.039) (287.498) 2....1_11/14.911) $ 117,245 okommiummems WEST WAVIN4011 MUTUAA. INSURANcli COMP STATEMENT OF METANNTIO 441 Per doe Year d Deasii .r f1 2004 2007 Reid sernlese beginning year Hof beam for #iarrwd Nllm11$ Mill or Vow ASSETS CaeninvesIrnilds • Aoemed Investment boort. Proodures Dus from re isure's Reinsures stere o1ppovNion for unpaid claims no 4 Due from PaC s M0OWSion other accounts mambo income Woo recoverable osstsrred pa Cape* mete Fubxe axon* woo nate s MAN worrjrn 14�As!';�TS 441,020 270,01131 MANN $3,100 $ 44,201 ISO x•.381 0.144,200 040,226 a �te 1.400230 X 2 I 1144,142 1«3 1.5911,1111 627,0241 114118 $87,741. $A1,► 344.440 0.40,566.001 • 111,102•070 • ;17.!!11 15,�7'tf 1 14746.227 404,743 AJA140. WSW WAWANO! MUTUAL. itiSURANcE COMPANY STAIMasesT OI' UMULA'i R COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) for lie Veer Undid Oseriovi 2041 2047 Accumulated other comprehenslw Income' beginning of year Other comprehensive Income (foss) for year Accumulated other comprehensive Income (loss) '7,7404436 q ; 5,461 .300 00340 339,507 24,573,583 ends of year itDisc Jars an lnispre)i asrt of Mese fM SflU d • stagy 1s $ 44,209‘044 are set integre' port of Meso financial statements 404,743 ..,,..r`�,,•T�,JF'��IKJ.TS.�7f ,.•IH.♦.,.• •.. i.., N.t.... .. , TT WEST WAWANOSN MUTUAL At► m ANY` STATEWIT Of INCONIE 9043 (4200.1 Fora s Y.ar Ended De beer 31 ION Pfierailemsyslim Ibitatoinos oresd plifcr, rjf (11Xese♦e) in unearned premiums Siem preleitiMM earned Payment plan service fees Total underwriting revenue Climes and expenses Otey claims incurred Aditteting Lees: Reinsurance recoveries ,z4 Net claims and adjusting Canvnissions Salaries, fees, travel and training Inspections and prevention Advertisnp end prun otbn Reguletory assessments efaiistkel services Postage and telephone OfIce supplies ()coupon Amortization of capital assets Toilet expertise* Underwriting fain (loss) 4L. hwasehnsoot income Rshond elpressikrel OW Income Won lases Leer Moen* twos (arrant income tears FlAtir• taxes Wit Oar , :. 4, i ♦ % JO) { O) •, ti•.l .r MST 12,511,71E 12,314.250 (3,000,300) (2,966,643) (1112,W0) 474,1r 11,41* W9,820,201 1! 1301 1,434,WI2 9,956,726 12,733,075 i 9,050.197 1,270,515 789,524 7,200,610 2,617,204 4,293,961 -1,222,617 2,180,455 2,388.895 521,533 01,434 *0,413 50,66 46,045 36,169 114,2114,204'�,"�rs,'°� 753 7!! 724 72,1111 a 600 . 21,031 31,756 � - 1r1<1,>a0 .� 1 � .; 171,244 41,662 43,115 31MI __ }��:;� � 36,3113 10 ,212 (426.2211) (1,640.554) 902,1IM 1493.254 MOB _ate MOM 111 4M 4amtildell 480,2026 70.465 74,466 jamas • frame tat estimiy an bievis los! . CANON It Oosmottlewssament Income 'reeklniti n100411011 of ''r+al hobiol rr«. Aseounts peywt is Income time nroaMersbis IMOW . Oslbmed policy aoqulallon axpeN011 tnovMion tor unpaid ar Unmed Des b, FedflyPoissc011on. Cash i>ronidedtete Pee Issj epswelleo adho les foroemlisrl aaleMas • Me al is meimenes 3.446,13* 3,232,048 Anhises of hnrssbnsrels (4400,04*) (4.133,1!3) Vis, of cspMal assets i•1, ) (14.725) Cies praAded from (used kg) iM P w t activities J1,047,001) -21-11122) Sot increase (decrease) In cob 1110,$$7 103.253 Cash beginning of year 15444.23• 1,106,E Cash bei•ncs end •t year $ 1, 1A09,239 ! 07.1 PAT) (MAO 100,1! �pMI,dIN 1,1 041.717 411R Oft#4104 $11.0a gams) 4*1401 14,000 01111.051 (42.565) 102,440 (414,600) 0,011) 91,2_39 11010 075 lippismsnory cash flow infortnation inmost m Income tone paid Tho accompanying notes aro an Integral prat of telae financial slit rnerks $. 0,176 784,777 If you require a full copy of the financial statement including the notes disclosure please visit the company website at www.wwmic.com or request a hard copy at the head office - 1 puhampton St, Dungannon (519-529-7921). • s. i �.i. s. w. s. s, i : s $ - $ ir. •: 'w • r. a ; s..1 �r ♦ it t4 , 41-4, The hike, originally set at . 2.1 per cent, was approved after some de- bate by councillors on whether a late -breaking $97,000 -plus provin- cial allocation for Emergency Ser- vices should be applied against the levy. Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East). said he'd rather see the in- crease stay at 2.1 per cent since the county treasurer says a three to four per cent. annual levy increase each year - will ensure county operations can be maintained into ,perpetuity. While the economic climate is tough, MacLellan said he'd rather see gradual increases each year as opposed to minimal hikes followed ' up by a 20 per cent emergency in- crease in the years to come. "We were happy with the 2.1 per cent," .he said. Coun. Deb Shewfe1t (Goderich)- said council Would be acting in "good faith" to use the allocation against the budget now. Meanwhile, Coun. Neil Vincent (North 'Huron) said `though the le v j hike seems low, it is misleading since .a property_ owner's tax .bill is- based on assessment. Cour. John Orace ((oderich) said itivould be.in colt icirs best interests to keep below two per cent, a notion Coun. Dave Johnston (Bluewater) supported. "In tough economic times, anything we can .do to lessen the tax burden.. to our residents is important," said Johnston. In a follow-up question from the warden, council learned approving the lower would : mean rate- payers will ::be paying an additional 19.34 per year based on a $100,000 residential- esidential assessment as opposed. to $21.34 with the 2.1 -per cent figure. In again supporting the lower rate,' Grace said it isn't necessarily the amount of dollars but, the "optics" that call out for restraint. In a recorded vote of 15 to four, council opposed the 2.1 per cent pro- posal. • Then, in a 154 vote, council en- dorsed the 1.79- per cent increase. Councillors John Bezaire (Central Huron), Bert Dykstra (Central Hu- ron), Bill Siemon (Huron East) and :Jim Dietrich (South Huron) opposed the motion while MacLellan, Murray Scott (North Huron), George Rob- ertson (South Huron), Oke, James Fergusson (Bluewater), _Neil Rintoul (Ashfield Colborne Wawanosh), Vin- cent, Dorothy Kelly (Morris Turnber- ry), Johnston, Grace, Max Demaray (Howick), Ben -Van Diepenbeek (ACW), Bill .Dowson (Bluewater), Shewfelt and Tien. Collyer (Central Huron). Coun. Joseph Seili (Huron East) was absent. Coun. Dowson paid tribute to coun- ty staff for its work on the budget. "That. we , passed a budget' at 11 • o'clock on a council meeting day is history itself," he said. r a s i :1.1 r•. i. K •