HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-11, Page 14Page 14 The Huron Expositor • February.11, 2009 42. DEATHS 2‘) Rooms h.sii,ge,,vovs, gt4e.002, 17 Main St. Seaforth Delivery Available Teletiora 519-527-0555 www. bloomsnrooms. com Bring in your -gently used vases. containers and baskets. 46.1N MEMORIAM DIETZ, Mervin: Feb. 13, 2003 In a quiet heavenly garden Where breezes gently blow, Lies the one we loved so dearly,' And lost six years ago. Time cannot stop the heartache, Or even stop a tear, We may not show our sadness, • EverydaVroughout the year. But in our hearts is where we know, We- are wishing you were here. - Nor na, Sharon & Phil, Sheila, •Janice, Darwin & Nancy, Douglas & Sandra, Darrell & Marianne, Ja- son & Robyn, grandchildren and great grandchil- dren 46-07x1 cc 46. IN MEMORIAM WESENBERG, Fred: Feb. 4, 2008. A year has passed since you were taken away, We miss you Fred Every single day. We.know you're at peace And in good hands, Well see you again These are our plans. - Sadly missed and thought of often by Helen Wesenberg and Family 46-07x1 MOORE: In loving memory of Ken Moore who left us suddenly one year ago, February 13th. No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. We think about you always, We talk about you too, We have lots of cherished memories, But we wish we still had you: - - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Lois, Brian, Barry, Laura, Darlene, Phil and families 46-07x1 .t45ttk�:y� a 47. CARDS OF THANKS BENNETT I wish to thank all my friends and family. for all the phone calls, visits, cards, meals from Ruth Anne, clearing side- walk and laneway by Ken, Rob and Curtis, all the trips to London by Karen, Mary and Kevin, and to Christine from Seaforth Bake Shop for all the treats. Thanks everyone. - Bill 47-07x1 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 4:00 ..... FRIDAY A.MRTISING DEADLINE 4:00 FRIDAY r•••••.arw•. • WED. FEB. 11 8-10 a.m.Walk for Wellness Program, Seaforth arena. 1-3 p.m. Parents & Tot Play & Skate, Seaforth Arena 1-4 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard at Seaforth Arena 4-6 p.m. Knitting & crocheting circle, Platinum Oak • THURS. FEB. 12 10 a.m. Walk for Wellness Program, Seaforth Arena Hall 10-11:30 a.m. Move and Groove, Seaforth Co-operative Children's Centre 5r11 ' 734 • FRI. FEB. 13 • 10:00 a.m. Rural Responsefor ealthy Children Morning Out Program, Bethel Bible Cborch, Seaforth(''d."."41`; 10-11:30 a.m. Play and Learn Brussels Community Centre ?'', 10:30-11:30 a.m. Preschool Storytime, Seaforth Library ``_ • MON. FEB. 16 8-10 a.m. Walk for Wellness, Seafort Arena Hall. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Alphabet Soup, Gre Central School 1:30 p.m. Senior euchre at Seafort Legion • TUES. FEB. 17 8.10 a.m. Walk For Wellnes Program, Seaforth Arena • WED. FEB. 18 8-10 a.m. Walk for Wellness Program Seaforth Arena. 1-3 p.m. Parents & Tots Play Skate, Seaforth Arena 1-4 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard Seaforth Arena 4-6 p.m. Knitting & crocheting circle Platinum Oak • THURS. FEB. 19 6-8 p.m. Wii Games Night, Seafo Library. Ages 10 and up want of S►alis ,este line the EXPaMeir at 818427- , or mail the IMbrmation to Community Cilbndar, The Huron EXPOOtcw, itairfilkSesforth, Ontario, NKK 1WO well in advent* of tiro scheduled • dam ;Frani lrtc draw, thn., name of event and location only. Space for the Community Cater is donated by The Huron Expositor. • ( S s • ,Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact 'Your Local newspaper MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in. Ontario MUST be verify with www.omvic.on.ca you're don't private in the business' 1 BE YOUR OWN BOSS - Find out how at The Canadian Franchise Association's Discovery Day: Niagara Falls, March 7, 2009 & Hamilton, March 8, 2009 - 10 A.M. 4 P.M., attend FREE if . pre -register at www.cfa.ca. HUGE RV SHOW - "35th ANNUAL" CampgroUnd Operators & •Suppliers Feb. 18th & 14th, l Oam - .9pm; Feb. 15th & 16th, 10am 5pt i. Admission $12.00. Agriplex Building -London. An opportunity for a $5,x.00 cash draw for anyone who buys a unit © the show. 1,-519-652-3773. MARITIME DRILLING SCHOOLS entry-level training for land and off- shore oilrigs. Excellent wages, bene- fits and opportunities to travel the world. March 2nd -March 21 st/09, March 30th -April 8th/09. Contact: 1- 866-807-3960, www.mdslimited.ca. TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER in Medical Transcription. Learn from homet Earn from home! 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