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Pogo 10 The Huron Expositor • February 1 , 2009
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Susan Hundertmark
The stands of the Sea -
forth arena were packed
with close to 400 fans
when two top-ranked
women's ringette
teams, the Richmond
Hill Lightning met the
Cambridge Turbos in an
exhibition fundraiser for
the Seaforth Ringefte
League- on Sunday af-
ternoon. In a fast -paced
game, Richmond Hill
beat Cambridge 54 in a
el Leading scorer Huether leads Eagleinto playoffs
Dan Schwab -v Over, the freshman is focusing his vereaux, a defenseman, and Bray- other defeat by Glencoe District
efforts on the upcoming playoffs, don Connolly, a defenseman and High School 2-1.
beginning with a home game on forward, are "both leaders on the , But Geiger says he was missing
Feb. 12. team," Geiger says. six players during the games be-
, Eagles head coach Steve Geiger Other players from Seaforth on cause of commitments with their
says what Huether lacks in size, he the Eagles' 21 -player roster include other teams, adding that he's proud
makes up for in skill. Grade lis Matt Huether, Brandon of the way the team played against
"He's a smaller guy but he's Van Dyk, Brandon McGavin, and bigger urban schools.
quick," says Geiger. "He's got great
hands and can put the puck in the
net. He's a good all-around player."
Two other Lakers 'AAA' players
from Seaforth suit up with the Ea-
gles. Grade 11 students Connor De-
The St. Anne's Eagles boys' hock-
ey team is heading into the Huron -
Perth playoffs with a rookie leading
scorer from Seaforth.
Centre Ray Huether, also a player
on the Huron -Perth Lakers `AAA'
major bantam squad, netted nine
goals and 14 points during the
eight game regular season with the
Now that the regular season is
Grade 10s Kalen Devereaux and "Overall, we're pleased with that
Travis Jansen. effort," Geiger says. "It was good to
Geiger says they've been a key see how we stacked up and it was
part in earning the team its regular good preparation for playoffs."
season record of six wins, one loss Geiger says his team is confi-
and one tie. dent about its chances in the post -
At the end of January, the squad season. But he says because teams
traveled to London for the. Purple can be eliminated from the playoffs
and White tournament at the Uni- after a single game instead of a se-
versity of Western's Thompson Are- ries, there are some opportunities
na. for -upsets.
The Eagles won their first match A new format for the league has
against the Oakridge Oaks 5-1, fol- only one 'AA' school advancing to
lowed by anoth- WOSSAA, whereas it used to be
er victory over two.
Medway High Geiger says while there are a fair
School, 5-1. number of veteran players on the;.
They won squad, the many rookies have done.
their, third a lot to contribute to the Eagles',
match against success so far. •
Catholic Central "Everybody is buying into the
High School with system we're running and they're
a score of 4-1, all doing the best they can to get
earning them a to practice and to games," Geiger
first place spot says. 4e,*)4'
in their division. He says the fact the Eagles were 1,
The Eagles the only team to beat South Huron
• then lost 2-1 to in the regular season, it gives the
H.B. Beal Sec- players an extra boost of confidence
School, if they have to meet them in the
followed by an- Oayo
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