HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-11, Page 9.0..2- s . • t - • . • • *-- -;- Thp Huron Expositor • February 11, 2009 Page 9 ew Province to fund five projects with $125,000 Much of $777,000 request seen as 'outside mandate' of provincial ministry Susan Ilundertmark 4111111111M111. - A $777,000 Communities in Tran- sition funding request from the province that was expected to cre- ate 600 jobs in County has resulted in a grant of $125,000 to- wards only five of the 22 economic initiatives proposed. "The Ministry of Eco- nomic Development said they won't con- sider some of the oth- ers because they said the projects fell out- side their mandate," says Mike Pullen, Hu- ron County's economic development officer. "It's not exactly what we were looking for but there will be ben- efits," he said. Goderich building to other possible manufacturers while the Goderich harbour expansion would create more potential for trade and export through Huron County. "We get calls from London and Kitchener asking about the capac- ity of the Goderich harbour to ship manufacturing products worldwide," said Pul- len. He said Ministry �f Economic Devel- opment officials re- ally liked the idea of a training centre/busi- ness and manufactur- ing incubation centre at the former Centra- lia_Qollege site. • "Mere, WO3 wouldlook into the opportunity to T.g. • setup training for the He said Huron trades and provide ad - County was told: to ditional space for small pursue • funding from the • scale businesses," said Mipistry of Agriculture and Food Pullen.. "It's a -longer term thing but for proposed projects like the Brus- it's clearly something that's needed sels beef plant and a farm to table to help. the whole county" incubator program.14,,,moi*.4,4,,-4,04 The project to develop an airport Aswell, he said they were told to • near Wingham that is currently ask the Ministry of Health for fund- •used mostly. by Wescast Industries ing for the Gateway Rural Health ..*Tisis also approved Since it was seen. Research -Institute in Seaforth and as a way to benefit - all of Huron the Ministry of Culture for a pro- County posal to expand the region's .cultur- The county -wide marketing proj- al sector with a Huron County cul- ect focuses .Ort.u8ing the Internet to tural plan, .a performing arts plan promote Huron County with. sev- and a training centre for the arts eral websites including - investin.;.• program. . Huron.a, an Ontario's West Coast _ Approved projects are what 'Pul- website and.a Huron manuffictur- len called °traditional economic de- ing website. velopment" such as infrastructure "This funding will al.low. us to and .facilitieSmove much quicker on core Amite- . They include a property assess- gies we already have in- place," he ment of the Volvo plant. in Goder- said. , ich, a Centralia manufacturing in- While Pullen 6ays:?the projects cubator feasibility plan, a Goderich that received Ministry of Economic Harbour expansion plan,• a Richard Development approval won't create Levan airport plan near Wingham any jobs in the short-term in Huron and. a county -wide marketing plan. County, he's hoping they'll bring in- , Pullen said the study of the Volvo vestois- tci the community. facilities Will help to market the "Some •of the projects not consid- 'It's not exactly what we were looking for but there will be benefits,' -- Huron County • economic development officer IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTIC Please note the following Important information regarding the Department of the Seaforth Community Hospital. ered were the ones that had the jobs attached. But, the big thing is to market Huron County, to re- ally'promote it," he said, adding that the provincial representatives said they 'didn't want to fund_ any projects that were too "community - specific"_ or tied to any one munici- pality "They like to see a more -regional approach," he said. He said the proposal for economic development plans in South Huron, North Huron and Vanastra was broadened to -include all of Huron County in an economic blue -print, examining the strengths and weak- nesses of every municipality and. looking at ways to work better to- gether. "A lot of this work has been done already and would pull existing strategies together," he said. Pullen said he's also hoping that economic development funding promised in the recent federal bud- get will help to fund some of 'the projects that didift receive the pro- vinciaI Comniimitifis in Transition funding. "We're keeping a close eye on - how the federal budget money Adis out and we hope it will pick up some of the other proj- ects that would have brought more • imm.edi- ate benefits," he said, adding he's hoping -that some of the fed- eral funding will come through the Huron, Business Devel- opment Corpo- ration which is well positioned to determine where the mon- ey's most needed. "We're sitting here ready to go - we just need additional funds," he said of the remaining 17 projects that did not receive provincial funding. Pullen said it will take several weeks to :finish the paperwork 'be- fore the funding arrives. • • Cif* It's hard to wri heat around: first-time Ft-onilPage 4 actual ages, thanks to healthy living and medical advances. Maybe this , situation will be happening more not less in the future. But, while men have always been -; able to bekome new dads into their • 70s, it's still hard to wrap your head around a new fix44im„2/4,- e mom at a e: 60. '4 ' ..t • Announcement John Clerninson, 'Regional Director, Jim Radcliffe, Director, Business Deyeloprnent, are pleased to announce that Phyllis Chisholm, Financial Security Advisor, has joined Freedom 55 Financial in Kitchener -VVaterloo:'9t, Phyllis brings our team 26 years -of financial services experience. She has worked in the Seaforth area since 1999 in various financial services roles. Phyllis is a resident of Egmondville where she $: lives with her husband Ross and four children, .,. '1', She looks forward to building a successful, ,....;;* f ...., practice in the Seaforth area. •...t: C 414t%frFreedom 55 Financial is a unique financial ,--",--,.:',.4:104.,,‘,,.:0.-*;-..._.,_44-F.4A„.- t-,2....... ii. •;, . security advice and planning organization, backed by the strength of London Life, a leader in helping Canadians meet their financial security needs for more than 130 years. ,-....... ' :1:.fs.,, ,,:.,-..t:.-.,:: ‘,. . .,_ „ ...„ -.-...-.-A.v, . _,-. ... ,..4..,:, .A.... .A,,,. -.,:t, Between the hours 01 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.paVeflte Will be able to access Emergency Servlces at one of the other area hospitals providing 24-hour EnergenCy Department coverage. If at:Irl,PPru, have a medical emergency, please call 9-140viw.p.tAtiw,timmtoto;titt:;tty Financial Security Advisor 519-522-0055 "*P.-',';.40trib.•`- ibIttYp?:„IY4ticttettIllitrtesiaVOr:Loneetcnnuw.trt.,ttttt.t• • dp.