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The Huron Expositor • February I 1, 2009 Pogo 3
Huron East councillors decide to tie their rerrionera
• to staff increases, starting ith two per
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S118&“ Hundvrtniark are among the lowest paid in Huron $139.97 per meeting. '''' , --r. -,, county," he sai e . 4
. 4111lNIIMIMIW • County as well. MacLellan added that senior ad- - "And,the next gentlemen -Occupy-
"That doesn't mean we should try ministration, including Clerk -A& in these seats aren't going to be
to catch up in one day," said MacLel- ministrator Jack McLachlan and that nice," added Brussels Coun. Da -
tan. - . • Deputy -Clerk Brad Knight, had for- vid Blaney.
• Up to two weeks ago, Huron East - gone raises in the past and need to Council passed a motion establish -
councillors were paid an honorarium be remembered. .. i'A"441.'4444**-0=--i!- ing the policy to, tie their raises to
of 2,500 a year and $125 per meeting "These two gentlemen are still un- the staff's raises: - .*-1:-.'s -1.--' ---.,..z.
.,.. - -/-
). .
While council remiinerati9n could
have gone up as much as 11.5 per
cent if councillors decided to .adjust
their ‘honorariums to match staff
raises.since 2006, Huron East *coun-
cil decided to settle for a two per cent
raise with the understanding that
remuneration will begin matching raise, they will
staff wage increases. make $2,550 a
Huron East council, at its Feb. 3. year and $127.50
meeting, once again discussed remu- a meeting. .
neration and whether or not. council- Huron East's
lors had agreed several years ago to mayor received
tie their increases to those staff re- an honorarium
ceive. - - of $4,500 a year
But, since administration could at the 2006 rate,
• not .find a passed motion giving that which increases
direction, councillors were left de- .to $4,590 with the
bating whether they oughtto give two per cent in -
themselves retroactive wages or just crease.
begin tying their raises to the staff's Huron East's
raises from now on, deputy -mayor re -
Two weeks. ago, council 'passed a ceiyed an hono-
motion giving themselves the two tariinn of $3,500
per cent raise that staff received for a year at the 2006
2009. , rate, which in -
"I'm prepared to take two per. cent -.creases to $3,570..
and from here on in take the cost of a year - with the
living increase," said McKillop Coun. two per cent in -
Bill Siemon. crease.
Tuckersmith Counb Les Falconer . If they had been
said he had understood from past receiving increas-
discussion that coun.cillors would a- es in line with
6.5 per cent increase to make up for Huron East staff
the raises missed since 2006. since 2006, the
"The. reason we did the five per mayor would be
cent retroactive raise for staff in receiving $5,038 a
2008 was that we. felt. wehad staff year, the deputy-.
being underpaid compared to mu- mayor $4,9W.06
nicipalities across the county," said a year and • coun-
Deputy-Mayor Bernie MacLellan, cillors $2,799.33
adding that Huron East's councillors a year, along with
at the 2006 rate. With a two per cent derpaid compared to therest of the
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Date chance —NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING — Date chane
TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East Will hold a public ince
on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 7:00 pm (previously scheduled for Feb. 17) in the Huron East Council Chambers
(72 Main St Seaforth) to consider a proposed official plan amendment under Section 11 of di e Plannm1 g Act,
R.S.O. 1990, as amended..itice-:.:4,o4t,Atip,,k .--i.- ,,,,-„..,--;%-...,..4---,--..„... ...,... ___...,-. . . •
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BE ADVISED that the Clerk/Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East considered these
applications to be complete on January 14, 2009. . . ,, _ --,
, . .
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in sumo
or in opposition to the proposed official plan amendment. ,
- ,
a • , , .- e •
• „‘ ' ,
ONLY individuals, corporations a;id public bodies may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A
notice otappeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may
be filed iiiithe iwue of an individual who is a member of the association or group on its behalf.
IF you wish to be notified of the adoption 'of the proposed official plan amendment, or the refusal of a request to
amend the official plan you must make a 'written request to the Clerk of the Municipality. ,
IF a person or public body -does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to
the Municipality of Huron East before the official plan amendment is adopted, the irrson. or public body is not
entitled to appeal the decision of the County of Huron to the Ontark; Municipal Board.
" - *
NO PERSON or public body shall be added as a. party to the hearing of an appeal unless, before the by-law
passed or the official plan amendment is adop• ted, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public
meeting or written submissions to the Council or, in the opinion of the Ontario tvtunicipal Board, there are
reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. - - --- e
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed official plan amendment can be viewed during
regular office hours at: Huron East Municipal Office or Website www.lturoneast.com
• Huron County Planning & Dev't. Dept. (57 Napier St. Goderich, 519-524-8394 3)
• .
This 9th day of Febnutry 2009. , J.R. McLachlan, Clerk, Municipality of Huron East
; ' 72 Main Street South, PQ Box 610 Seaforth, Ontario NOK MO
- --
Phone: 519-527-0160 or 1-8S8-868-7513 (toll free) , -
•Fax: 519-527-2561
Purpose and Effect: The purpose of the proposed Official Plan Amendment #5 is to change text and map designations
in the Huron East Official Plan as a result of Official Plan changes required in conjunction with a housekeeping review of
the Municipal Comprehensive Zoning By-law. . ,..• ..
The proposed text changes include: .. 1. New policies for Extractive Resources / Mineral Aggregates
;`.,.;.,'--,. --'• ,,,;4,:i7:-:.- , .: . , _ , . -r: 2. Adding Site Phut Control policies for Funeral Homes
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i 3. Amendments to the Surplus Residential Agricultural Severance policy
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4. Addition of Community Improvement policies
The proposed map changes include: Maps showing the location of the lands subject to this proposed Amendment are
available at the Huron East Municipal Office or the Huron East Website (SEE Additional Information Section aboveL
Ward Change . _
Grey • Designate various lands to Extractive Resources based on Huron County Aggregate Resource Strategy
• • Change a rehabilitated aggregate operation to Natural Environment
McKillop A Designate various lands to Extractive Resources based on Huron County Aggregate Resource Strategy
Recognize an existing creek area as Natural Environment
Recognize existing Extractive Industrial use in McKillop
Tuckersmiths Designate various lands to Extractive Resources based on Huron County Aggregate Resource Strategy
• The status of the Huronview's 'closed sewage lagoon' is being added
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• Map correction on part of Huronview lands
• Recognize the residential use of the Anglican church manse .
• Map correction to the lot south of the Legion
• Map correction to the McCutcheon Motors Ltd property
• Map correction to an existin Industrial lot and to a closed road allowance
- * . • so +too • ...+6 •it
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