HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-02-04, Page 23Correspondence The Huron Expositor • February 4, 2009 Page 23 'No one minded' that haggis was not a part of Robbie Burns Day celebration at Queensway Queensway volunteers, Lillian Beer, Francis Kinsman and Donna Smale came through for the residents Jan. 24 during the Alzheimer Walk For Memories when they walked on behalf of residents unable to participate. Robbie Burns Day was celebrated at Queensway Sunday, Jan. 25 when our student Cassie gathered residents in the sunroom for Robbie Burns trivia questions. One resident played a number of Scottish songs on the keyboard with others singing along and everyone contrib- uted their knowledge about Robert Burns, his songs and poems. The traditional Hag- gis wasn't a part of the program but no one minded. Monday, in acknowledgement of the Chinese New Year, Chinese food was served at the noon meal. The highlight for residents seemed to be the Fortune Cookies which foretold a number of funny and unlikely events for resi- ammism.dents. In the after- noon, several resi- dents gathered for a bingo in the sunroom with staff calling the numbers and assisting. Church was held in the sunroom on Tuesday with staff leading the devo- tional assisted by resident volunteer Fred Buchanan, who led in prayer and resident volunteer Marjorie Freeman, who played the hymns on our keyboard accompanying the singing. Fun & Fitness Valentine's Day event scheduled for Feb. 14 at Cavan United Church After a few sunny • days in Winthrop, we are back to more snow. As I write this on Friday I wonder what Wiarton Willie is going to predict. Rev. John's sermon at Cavan United Church was titled "When Religious Things Go Bad." Greeters and collectors were Larry and Susan Wheatley. Coffee time was looked after by Joyce Ribey and Irma Pryce. Don't forget Coffee Time Fridays at 10 a.m. at the church. Other upcoming events are the annual meeting after the service on Feb. 8. Note we have switched service times with Northside - their service is at 9:30 a.m. and Cavan's is at 11 a.m. on this Sun- day only. Another event is a Box Social at Cavan on Feb. 14, Valentine's Day, at 5:30 p.m. Brian and Sharon Pryce have returned home from Calgary where they visited Sharon's broth- er, Brian Marks. They surprised Brian on a spe- cial birthday. Valeria: Bolton has returned from visiting her mother and other family members in Manitoba. She reports the temperature was colder than here when she arrived. The family of Beatrice Camp- bell gathered at the home of Bob and Ruth Campbell to help her celebrate her birthday. Pres- ent were Brian and Carol Ann Campbell and Sheila and Vince Nicol of London. Recently "Employee Miletones" were handed out at MDL Doors, near Brussels. Connie Alcock received a 15 -year award. Barb Storey and Don Dodds recently received the Huron County Pork Producers award on be- half of the Huron County 4-H Swine Club. The club was revived this year with 10 members. Sympathy of the con,,nunity is extended to Jer- ry and Sandra Zwep and boys on the passing of Jerry's mother. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Nothing lasts a lifetime anymore except people. Card party to be held at Dublin Church on Feb. 13 Heartfelt sym- pathy is ex- tended to Joan Stapleton on the death of her sister; Donna Jean Masse of Goderich. Welcome, to our parish family Emily Marie Maloney, daughter of Chris and Angela Ma- loney, who was baptized at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Jan. 25th. If interested read the Youth Ministry News in our bulletin. Y9uag . �, ; 444 11 • lin at 7:30 p.m. February 19th. On Friday, February 13th at the Dub- lin Church Hall from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. a Valentine Card Party will be held. rat ford 11: 1 1 1 1 1 :551 Huron St. 273-6780 Show Schedule for February 5th 4th Now In Town Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 pm, Sat/Sun Matinee at 2 pm Taken Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 pm, Sat/Sun Matinee at 2 pm Inkheart Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 pm, Sat/Sun Matinee at 2 pm Hotel for Dogs Nightly at 7:00 & 9:15 pm, Sat/Sun Matinee at 2 pm He's Just Not That Into You Nightly at 8:40 & 9:16 pm, Sat/Sun Matinee al 2 pm g ab.uG Iuesuays www.stratruracsnelnas.colti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MCL,14 SOU MD FULL DJ SERVICE Book YOUR REcEpTIONS, Buck & DOES EARLY! John McLEod 414 CIirITonl 519-482-9984 by Ruth Campbell Jane & Mike JAMIK'S MUSIC DJ SERVICE & SINGER For more information • Call 519-527-2100 or. 519-440-7597 Brodhagen Community l Centre VALENTINE DINNER ~DANCE Friday, F-eb. 13th Live mucic by Riverview Social Hour 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. $20 per ticket For tickets call 519-347-4127 519-345-2746 group gathered Monday, Wednes- day and Friday morning through the week giving everyone a good workout for body and mind. Thursday Coffee & Current events group met to go over the weeklyand daily papers to catch up on happen- ings in our world. The weather and ongoing deep freeze was certainly a topic of conversation and everyone is impatiently awaiting Spring. In the afternoon knitting group met in the sunroom to continue work on their knitted dishcloths for next fall's Craft & Bake Sale. The Tuck & Library Cart travelled the hallways Friday for residents' reading and shopping convenience. Sunday afternoon residents enjoyed a tea party with Sharon as they sipped their beverages from our good Chi- na tea cups. set up on the, jack table- cloths. CLINT EASTWOOD GRAN 6:459:15 www.movielinks.ca long distance ?1-800-265-3438 (fib THE BEACH IS t>, Storni damage to our transmitter site has been repaired and we're back better than ever. We want to extend our thanks to all our loyal listeners for their patience and understanding. Your first choice for local news, weather, sports and great music along Ontario's West Coast. 104 !1 FM 1049thePacit (;a **Ji:. f_*A***,.'4f-:: 4; 1.