HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-3-13, Page 2Your Guarantee
is the name
It insures tea that is fresh,
fragrant and pure -7 Try it.
Winter days are dyeing days, Old
Mother Winter covers the drab and,
dreary fields and trees with a radiant'
white dress. Just so does Mother;
cover up the dull, faded colors in only
partly worn garments that have filled
the rag -bag, and restore them to a
freshness and wearability that helps
immensely in reducing the family
clothing bill. But the results of
Mother's work is more lasting than
that of Mother Nature, because she
uses the fadeless dyes.
In dyeing any kind of material, it is
always more practical to use the best
dyes. All fabrics dry at least two
shades lighter than they appear when
they are in the wet dye. It is safe to
,•e a sample first, dry it, and make
slakes in the dye after you have de -
oiled which color you like best. If
you are dyeing a deep shade on a:
light colored material, it is best to
.13uild up the color, getting all you can
::he first time, and then beginning over
again with a fresh dye bath. This will
help to prevent crocking.
If you are buying new material to
IIye, buy the light shades rather than
white, for any material that has been
dyed will take color more readily the
,second time. Natural linen color
makes a wonderful base for old -blue,
or rose.
*Yellow velours dyed red give a rare
orange. The old-fashioned damask
•table -cloth with a faded red pattern
:.lyed blue will come out blue and plum
or violet. It will make lovely sofa
pillows. If checked ginghams In tan
:end white are dyed blue, they will
come from the bath in unusual com-
bination of blues that will look pretty
for upholstering the wicker porch -
(Copyright Thomas Allen).
Kirby tapped gently on the glass.
The lights inside flashed on. From
one view point he could see almost
half the room. He could go to the
other side of the blind and see most
of the other half.
A man sat down in a chair close
to the opposite wall, letting his hands
fall on the arms. A girl stood in front
of him and pointed a paper -knife at
his head, holding it as though it
were a revolver. The head of the
man fell sideways.
was on his way downtown when the
taxi caught him at Fourteenth and
Welton.` The cattleman jumped out
from the machine and touched the fat
man on the arm as be wee waddling
"We want you, Hull," he said. 1
A shadow of fear flitted over the
shallow eyes of the land agent, but
he attempted at once to bluster. "Who
wants me? Whadjawant me for?"
"I want you—in that cab. The man
who saw you in my uncle's room the
night he was killed is with me. You
can either come with us now an talk
Kirby tapped on the window pane this thing over quietly or I'll hang A nice soft ball can be made for
again. He edged up the sash and .
stepd ' t th on to you an, call for a palicemati. baby out of old stockings. See that
they are sweet and clean. Then cut
knocked out Cunningham with the
butt of yore gun,"
From Bull's red face the color fled..
He teetered for a moment on the balls
of his feet, then sank limply to the
cement bench in front of him. He
tried to gasp out a denial, but the
words would not come. In his throat
there was only a dry rattle.
He heard, as from a long distance,
Lane's voice addressing him.
"We've got it on you, Hull. Come
through an' come clean."
"I—I—I swear to God I didn't do
it—didn't kill him," he gasped at last.
"Then who did—yore wife?" de-
manded Olson.
"Neither of us. I—I'11 tell you -all
the whole story."
"Do you know who did kill him?"
Kirby persisted,
"I come pretty near knowin', but I
didn't see it done."
"Whe; then?"
i "Yore cousin—James Cunning-
(To be continued.)
pe zn o e room. It's up to you. Either way is agree -
eagerly, a warm glow in her shell- Beads of perspiration I them into bits and stuff them into an
drink more water. I must eat some pink cheeks. "Well?" she inquired. I the fat man's forehead. broke dragged unworn part of the leg. Sew it up on
fruit, or spinach or head lettuce every "Worked out fine, Rose" ing. ' from his left hip pocket the familiar each side, and then roughly outline,
day,"well and good. said. I could see the whole thing•'" bandanna handkerchief. With it he in colored darning cotton, a puppy -
But that is not the usual outcome. Still, that don't prove anything, dabbed softly at his mottled face.; dog face on the front,
Eating fruit or drinking water is too the other man put in, He belonged. There was a faint, a very faint, note'
normal a method of correction to coat- to the staff of a private detective of defiance in his voice as he ans-1 r
agency with which Kirby was dealing. TO WASH CLOCKED STOCKINGS.
mend itself to the average person as veered.
The wyoming man smiled It h lk t k' th
a remedy for constipation. He must proves my theory is possible. Know-' I dunno as I, When ve got any call to go en was ing si s oc logs at
have something strong (and usually ing Olson, I'm willin' to gamble he with you. •I wasn't in Cunningham's are clocked in a contrasting color, do
nos 1 d f its re an' rooms. You can't touch me—can't not hang them up to dry until a piece
the common agents employed and let that drawn blind shut him o 'It won't cost you anything to make leg between the clocked portion and
taker soon becomes a regular devotee m e low, even tones. 'arm payin' for the
or the pill habit. Far better for him must 'a'known there was aclothes- ride." i precaution will keep the stockings
to make up his mind that nothing line en the roof, From the street you "If "you've got anything to say to from being ruined by discoloration;
very terrible happens if the bowel can see a washin hangin out ,there me, right here's a good place to on -1 from the embroidery.
evacuation is occasionallymissed' any old time. In his place I d shop- load it "
, ped up to the roof an' got that line. t The man's will was wobbling. The
that individuals differ; that there are Which ,is exactly what he did, I'll bet, cattleman could see that.
people for whom clearance of the bow- The line had been tied to the posts "Can't talk here, with a hundred
els every two or three days is normal. with a lot of knots. He hadn't time people passim' What's the matter
Have a y p , man? What are you afraid of .
east A ill or a dose o ss. a didn't
sit still on the fire escape prove a thing on me." of material has been inserted in the'
ff from r
since one dose calls for'another the what was goin' on inside, He was one sure of that," Kirby suggested in his
After Every Meal
It's the longest -lasting
confection you can buy
--and it's a help to di.-�
ge.btion and a cleanser
for lige mouth
and teeth.
11111rIgIey''s means
benefit as well as
Help to discourage the
blinders, docking horses'
cropping dogs' ears.
The automatic stoker
5 per cent. of the cost
ighty interested observer. Now h
the rest of the stocking. This simple
dais bowel habit if ossible ` to untie it. So he cut the rope. It's
The next time you are vainly en-
deavoring to extricate a rusty screw,
save time and effort by heating the
cultivate it, encourage it, but do not been sliced out since bye a piece pf We're not Bolo' to hit you over the poker red-hot and holding it on the
try to drive it by taking pills and rope o a different kind. ,
How do you know that s been done
purgatives or you will soon be the since?" the detective k d
worst kind of a constipated human
Those who are fond of graham
should try graham breakfast mush,
made by stirring graham flour into
boiling water, salted to taste, until
moderately thick, then allow to cook
slowly for five minutes, stirring occa-
sionally. Serve with sugar and milk
or thin cream, as preferred.
Graham Pudding—Two teacupfuls
of graham flour, one cup of molasses,
same of sweet milk, one teaspoonful
,f soda, same of salt, half cup of
chopped raisins, one tablespoonful
allspice. Stir thoroughly, turn into 440G. Nainsook, crepe, silk and
pudding pan and steam one hour. Serve; muslin are good for this model. It is
with your favorite pudding sauce. I especially suitable for stout figures,
Very much resembles suet pudding,' affording comfort and ease.
head with the butt of a six-shooter.". screw's head for a short time. Apply
Hull flung at him a look of startled the screw driver at once while the
ase . « terror. What did he mean? Or was' screw is still hot and you'll find it will
fair question,"Kirby nodded. 1 there anything significant in the last come out easily. _
don't I'll find out about that when I sentence? Was it just a shot in the I
dark? '--
"I'll go on back to the Paradox. If
you want to see me, why, there's as
good a place as any."
"We're choosin' the place, Hull, not
you. You'll either step into that cab
talk with the landlady of the Wynd-
ham. If I'm right you can bet that
cut rope has puzzled her some. She
can't figure out why any one would
cut her rope down an' then leave It
Minard's Liniment for Dandruff.
It is the part of wisdom never to
neglect the straining of broths made
"If you can show me hers rope was or into a patrol wagon." from boiling meats before they are
cut that night, I'll say youre right," Their eyes met and fought. The used for soups or gravies. Small par -
the detective admitted. "And if you shallow, protuberant ones wavered. ticles of bone are always likely to be
are right, then the Swede must 'a'ell t ain't worth chewin' the present and, as many of us know to
been right here when your uncle was rag 'over. , I reckon I'll go with you." our cost, can work havoc if not re-
kiiled. He steppedg
"May have been," Kirby corrected. into the cab. At sight moved in time.
"We haven't any authentic evidence of Olson he showed both dismay and.
yet as to exactly when my uncle was surprise.heDrHe had heard of the taking.
killed. We're gettin' the time nar- the Dry Valley man had been making.
rowed down. It was between 9.30 and'
ofs which starting be journey
We know that." I geance? A. glance at Lane's face re -
How do you know that?"the llro-, assured him. This young fellow would
fessional sleuth asked. Aceordin to be no accomplice at murder. Yet the
your story you didn't gets into the chill at his heart told him he was in
apartment until after ten o'clock. It for serious trouble.
might 'a' been dons any time up till He tried to placate Olson with a
The eyes of Kirby and Rose met. • hand. The Scandinavian glared at
They had private information about him.
who was in the rooms from about 9.55 The taxicab swung down Four -
till 10.10. ( teenth, across the viaduct to Lake
The cattleman corrected his state- Place,and from it to Federal Boule-
smile and made a motion to offer his
and :10.05. During that time Hull Hull moistened his lips with his
may have shot my uncle. Or Olson tongue and broke the silence. "Where
may have opened the window while we Bolo'?" he asked at last. •
him, sstepped uncle ontoethe helpless,window there again, 1 "Where ewe can talk without beim'
an'slipped down by the fire escape..
overheard,Kirby answered.
The cab ran up the steep slope to
All he'd have to do then would be. to Inspiration Point and stopped there.
walk .into the Wyndham,replace the
leave for Dry Valley."
rope on the roof, an' ext mornin, IThe men got out.
"Come back for us in half an hour,"
The detective nodded. "If be cut then front cattleman nd ld the below them lay the
the rope. Lemme find out from the dy whether it was cut that Be -
beautiful valley of Clear Creek. Be-
elyond it were the foothills, and back of
night 1 them the line of the Front Range
'Good. We'll wait for you at the l
stretching fromtPike's Peak at the
j sou up o 'ne w yoming une. txrey s
with much less work. My recipe for I The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: Small Ten minutes later the detective join and Long's and Mount Evans stood
pudding sauce is: One heaping table -134-36; 38 Medium 38-40;Large, 42-44;ed them in front of the drug store out like giant sentinels in' the clear
p g p g ' ' g 'where they were standing. The hard •
spoon of butter, melted over hot Extra Large, 46-48 inches bust meas- eyes in his cold gambler's face were sunshine.
water, mix in two tablespoonfuls flour, lit un for once. I Hull looked across the valley nerv-
rub well together, then slowly add a
pint of boiling water, beating con-
tinuously. When well cooked, flavor
end pour over pudding.—Mrs. R. 0.
STIPATION. An man's liable to make a
Mutton and Macaroni. getinto a secondstorey of, a building. „ y
lie woke up. Her clothes -line on the mistake.
ure. A Medium size requires 2 yards
of 36 -inch material.
Pattern mailed to any address on
"I'll say the man from Missouri ously and brought his eyes back with
has been shown," he said. "I let on to a jerk. "Well, .what's it all about?
receipt of 15c in silver, by the Wilson the dame at the Wyndham that I was Whatjawant?"
Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St.-' after a gang of young sneak thieves I know now why you lied at the
in the neighborhood. Pretty soon I inquest about the time you saw me
Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt drifted her to the night of the twenty on the night my uncle was killed,"
of pattern. „ 1 third—said they'd been especially ac- � Kirby I did told lie. Maybe I was mix-
' tive that night and had used a rope to! ' Y
t t f b 'Id' taken.
There are people 'so constipated that
they are never clean. They have an When the cold mutton has lasted so roof had been cut that very night. She i "You didn't make a mistake. You
unclean skin, an unclean color, and an long that the housewife dreads putting remembered the night on account of deliberately twisted your story so as
unclean odor. They pass their days it again before her family, let her try its being the one when Mr. Cunning- to get me into my uncle's apartment
in a condition of poor health and their it under this guise. Cut the 'cold meat ham was killed. Could the boys have forty minutes or so earlier than 1
into cubes. To two cups • of meat have ; used it to get into the store an' then was. Your reason was a good one. If
lives are soured and stunted without
their actual knowledge of the reason.
Such people find constipation a real
curse. A diet of spinach and other
greens would go far to sweeten `and
brighten their lives.
Far more people are there who are
eo obsessed by the fear of constipa-
tion that they never allow the bowels
to perform their normal function. crumbs on top with euough extra but- ed to be absorbed in speculations of in venomously. "You bet we have,
They must be forever dosing them- ter to brown them. Serve in the dish his own. The detective was reason- you rotten crook. I'll pay you back
:,elves with this pill or that salt, per- in which it is cooked. ing from a very partial knowledge of proper for that deal you an' Cunning -
haps because of some inordinate fear the facts. He knew nothing about the ham slipped over on me. I'm gonna
brought it back? I thought likely." r 1 was in his rooms at the time he was
"Bully! We're one step nearer titan shot, that let you out completely. So
we were. We know Olson was lookin' you tried to lie me into the death cell
in the window from the fire escape at Canon City."
jest outside." 1 Hull's bandanna was busy. "Nothin'
The detective slapped his thigh. 'ft like that. I wouldn't play no such a
lies between Hull and the Swede. trick on any man. No, sir."
That's a cinch." 1 "You wouldn't, but you did. Don't
"I believe it does," agreed Rose. stall, Hull. We've got you right."
Kirby made no comment. T._Ie seem- The rancher from Dry Valley broke
one cup of cooked macaroni, two cups
of tomato sauce, one cup of cracker
crumbs, two tablespoonsful of butter,
salt and pepper. In a well buttered
enamelled ware bake dish put a layer
of macaroni, bread crumbs and tomato
sauce, then a layer of mutton with bits
of butter, pepper and salt. Alternate
until the pan is filled. Sprinkle bread
that nature, in resentment that maxi relations of James Cunningham to his put a rope round yore neck for it. I
Ifo longer sways his body on all fours, The Rueful Kangaroo. uncle, nor even that the younger Cun- sure am. Why, you big fat stiff, I
will refuse to allow his scavenger sys- The kangaroo slipped on the rringhams—or at least one of them— was standin' watchin' you when youce,
tem to function.
This dread of constipation is decid-
edly overworked and capable of caus-
ing serious damage to the victim un-
less good judgment is in control. If Standardization will come by educe- trained ones, were of slight value in
the patient who happens to miss the tion, coo -operation and legislation. this case.
daily evacuation of the bowels simply "Will you take the key back to the
Chief o? Police?" Kirby asked him as
says "I must attend to that I must Minard'x Liniment Htaia Gots ,�
moth feat iinward fle had been in his uncle's apartment the'
i -Ie sat down unexpectedly,
w' ' evening of- his death. He did not
know that Rose had been there.
Which made the kaaga rue. Wherefore his deductions, even
though they had the benefit of being
' they separated. Better not :tell him
who was with you or what we were
"I'm liable to tell him a whole lot,"
the detective answered with heavy.
irony. "I'm figurin' on rennin' down
this murderer myself if any one asks
"Wish you luck," Kirby said with
perfect gravity,
Kirby was quite right when he Laid
that • Hull 'would go with :them. He
Dye or Tint Worn, Faded
Things New for 15 cents.
A Thousand
Cooking Uses.
For soups, sauces, gravies, savoury
dishes, meat jellies, beef tea, and
restoring the flavor to left over dishes.
In tins of 4,10, 50 and 100.
Don't wonder whether you can lye
or tint Successfully, because perfect
home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia-
mond Dyes" even it you have never
dyed before. Druggists have all col-
ors. Directions in each package.
I +S IJ E. No,. ',10-e'ge,
After Dishwashing!
is simply wonderful for keeping
the hands beautifully white and
soft and smooth. Positively pre-
vents redness and chapping. Use
it at once after washing dishes,
and note the improvement of
your hands.
Keep a bottle handy by the kitchen sink
check -rein,
tails, and
feeds fires a
of locomotive
'Isis for .compiet'home
direct from ttte mane. •
faetnr.r at his oar.
lnasgn t helumber.mIU.
.work. hardware. tabor.
Iving room. dining moon.
,k1tchen hath 4 .
tither plans. some with pan.
tries, dining alcoves. grade
and Inside crflarentranc s.
(lel free Aladdin Catalog.
Aladdin catalsgcontalns
seven different plans et
this house; some with In..
set porches. grade and
Inside cellar entrances..
two and three bedrooms.
Large living room, dining room.
kitchen, pantry three bedrooms,•
clotIea closets. bath. Send.open
staircase and rear porch. 'Fog,
bedroom plan with grade eel.
Sar entrance at came price.
Butch Colonial with lull roil.
logs first and second doors.
14• x 22' living room. ldrge din.
ing ryom, kitchen. three bed.
rppoath bath Unen and clothes
Jowls. g'a'le ttliar canonic
Dutch Colonial for wide
Inside lots or narrow cor-
ner lots. Full ceiling•
helthtsentire second door.
sawing room, columned
and inset front entrance.
Pries Includes all lumber cut to fit; highest
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dows. doors. glass. paints, hardwtm nails,
roofing, with complete instructions and drat'.
Ings. Frrirht paid to your station. Permanent
Romes—NOT PORTABLE. Many styles toj
choose from. Writs today for FREE Money.
Basin: Aladdin Catalog Ne. • A281.
The Canadian Aladdin Co., :Limited.
Aladdin Bulldans to onto_OCt..
You will see this shield -shape trade mark
in hardware stores everywhere. You won't
see it on cheap, inferior goods. It goes
only on household utensils of the highest
quality, yet selling at moderate prices,
because of the tremendous quantities sold
each year.
Choose cooking and baking utensils that.
carry this trade mark. Choose SMP
Enameled Ware, with its very hard, smooth
surface. Heats faster, cleans easier, im-
parts no metallic flavor, causes no danger-
ous acid re -actions. Ask for
. i XARE
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of
pearly -grey enamel inside and out. Diamond
Ware, three coats, light blue and white out-
side, white lining. Crystal Ware, three
coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal
?Wog !rY
;;Tonuad�L. r".i+Wtabl*a+Fw#