Huron Expositor, 2009-01-14, Page 20A
The Huron
Expositor • January 14, 2009
Nursing students heading to Dominican Republic to
provide medical care for up to 400 patients a day
-Dap Sehwab
When four Huron County nurs-
ing students begin treating ailing
residents in the Dominican Re-
public during a nursing clinic this
spring, they'll be relying on skills
they're currently learning in Sea -
Nineteen students have enrolled
in a registered practical nursing
course offered by Georgian Col-
lege, in partnership with Health -
kick Huron, that began Jan. 6 and
is running until the end of this
Four of .them - Tanya Thompson,
Holly Al, Theresa LaPorte and Tina
Pokrywka --. have volunteered to
raise money to pay for travel costs
and medical supplies to be used at
an eight-day nursing clinic in the
Dominican Republic, from April 27
to May 5.
During their time there, the stu-
dents will perform wound care,
administer medications and make
home visits to residents in the com-
They will also visit schools and
hospitals, sharing information
with health partners within the
With assistance from local medi-
cal groups, the nurs-
ing students will see
upwards of 1,500 pa-
"They say we may
see up to 400 people
a day. I might see 20-
30 people a day," says
Thompson, who's from
Clinton. "We only have
one translator for 22 of
us so we need to learn
as much Spanish as
we can."
They will also dis-
tribute vitamins, par-
asite medication and
medical supplies.
Each student is re-
sponsible for rais-
ing the funds to pay
for her own trip at a
cost of approximately
$1,625. They are ask-
ing the community for
assistance in provid-
ing financial support
or other supplies, such
as vitamins, school
supplies and tooth-
brushes. 4
Some items the group needs in-
clude diabetic medications, Tyle-
nol, anti -biotics, antacid tablets,
eye -drops and insulin.
41-'3? ` f ? Submitted photo
Four nursing students from the Practical Nursing program in Seaforth, including Tanya Thomp-
son, Holly Al, Theresa LaPorte, Tina Pokrywka, will be going on an eight-day educational trip
to the Dominican Republic. _ -44i0fi
Financial donations are eligible
for a charitable tax receipt.
The group has held fundraisers
during the holidays selling Christ-
mas candles and chocolates, col-
lecting a total of
• colour photocopying • businesscards • flyer design, printing, inserting, & mailing
• contact Max Bickford at 519-527-0240 •
about $600.
They are
planning a spa-
ghetti dinner
for February or
March with a
date and location
to be announced.
To donate,
contact Thomp-
son at ball_Tan-
can also be
dropped off at
the Clinton Fam-
ily . Health Team
building at 105
Shipley Street in
During the
trip, Thompson
says the group
is expected to
spend some.
nights sleeping
in a "shack" and
can't be prom-
ised hot water.
Still, she says
each of the wom-
en are enthusi-
astic about help-
ing to improve the lives of people
in the city of Consuelo, Dominican
"It will definitely be a learning
experience," Thompson says. I
want to do physical hands-on care
with people. I have a lot of empa-
thy for people who don't have ac-
cess to health care."
Thompson has worked as a dialy-
sis technician in Goderich and .as
a health care aid at the Seaforth
"I've workedin hospitals and
nursing homesand now . I want
to see what it's like in the Third
World," she says.
The trip is being organized by
Rayjon Share Cate, a charity for
development and aid in the Do-
minican Republic, Haiti and other
developing countries.
Barb Carriere, manager of con-
tact studies at Georgian College,
says that while nursing trips have
been offered through the college
fot a number of years, it's the first
time students from the Seaforth
class will be attending.
She says the four students will
receive course credit for the hours
they work during the clinics.
Any questions about program can
be answered by Carriere at 519-
376-0840, ext. 2021 or by Laura
Overholt, manager of Healthkitk
Huron at 519-600-2273.