HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-01-14, Page 11PLACE IT! SELL IT! The Huron Expositor • January 14, 2009 , Page 11 519-527-0 ssifie C.E. Coming Events 01. Articles For Sale 03.. Garage/Yard Sale 04. Antiques & Art :4A. Crafts & Hobbies , 0 Cars For Sale M. Trucks For Sale .w 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Ren 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, AT Etc. 7-F. Snowmobiles & Equipment"}* 7G. Rec. Vehicles- Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine4- 7J. Service Parts Repairs `i. 7K Swimming Pool & Supplies 1okk��et-A* . 08. Computers, Videos, Etc. 09. Automotive.` 10 Pets ' r" 11A. For Sale . Genera 11B. Wanted To Buy -;11C. Wanted To Hire t-110. Employment. Wanted 11E. Livestock. sY 11F. Farm Product "11G. Farm Equipment 111-1. Farm Services 11J. Farm Land 11K. Farm Real Estate COMING EVENTS ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF HURON COUNTY Join us on January 24, 2009 for the Manulife Walk For . Memories. This indoor fundraising walk runs between 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. at Sea - forth Public School. For more information or 'a pledge sheet please call the Alzheimer So- ciety at 519-482-1482f or register ,on :line at www.walkformerrlories. ca CE -Q3-1 VOLLEYBALL: Adult, non-competitive every Wednesday (started Jan. 7), 8 p.m.10 weeks for $5Q.00.Call Ken De Corte 519-527-2166. CE -03-2 BAiRD'S CEMETERY Annual Meeting, Janu- ary 28: Time: 2 p.m., Brucefield United,•.. Church. Everyone wel. come. CE-03x2cc -L TUESDAY TUNES old time fiddle music and dancing at Seaforth Community Centres every Tuesday after- noon starting January 13 to April 21st, 1-3:30 - p.m. 519-345-2152. CE -02-3 CAMP ROCK REVIS- ITED. Tribute Bands Jonas Brothers, Han- nah Montana and Demi Lovato, Vanastra Rec- reation Centre, Janu- ary 24, 2009. Show starts at 1 p.m. Tickets $20 each available at Vanastra Recreation Centre. CE -02-4 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE HOT TUB/SPA 2008 - 40+ jets, 2 pumps, wa- terfall, with cover. Nev- er used, still wrapped. Cost $7895,sacrifice.,, $3950. 519-572-5557. cc } 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE JOHN DEERE 1032 walk -behind snowblow- er, electric start, 10 hp, 32' cut, in good condi- tion. ondition. $500.Phone519-, 527-1138.01 -03-tf DENS AND FRIENDS Annual Storewide Moving and. Blowout. Clothing (Mexx, Osh Kosh, Flowergirl/Brid al, discounted gifts. Beanpod, Bradford; Boyds,Tuskers,etc. Free Willowtree Val- entine4< promotion. 106 -i=.4 . Courthouse Square,Goderich. (Closed Mondalys.) 01- 03x3cc ELECTRIC hospital bed with Tempurpedic mat- tress, sheets included. Also a wheelchair, toilet seat, walker and tub/ shower seat. All very clean and inSccellent condition. Call 519- 524-7542.Q 1-03x3cc IT'S EASY BEING 'GREEN!' Use Nellie's All -natural Laundry Soda and Dryer' Balls. Available at: The Win- throp Store, Dauphin's Country Store, St. Jo- seph's Country Store and Windstone Acres. For more "green' solu- tions visit: www.wind- stoneacres.ca (519- 527-0113). 01-02-3 ' COUNTRY ACCENTS QUILT SHOPPE: 8698 Bog Line Rd., RR 4, Thedford, On. Phone 519z296-4738. Annual January Sale Jan. 6-17, 2009. Hours: Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m.- 5 p.m., Sat. ,14 a.m.- 2 p.m. 50% off selected fabrics, books and patterns. 25%. off all other fab- ri OTT Utes, books, patterns,notions,15% off batting (by the case).. Special pric- ing on our new long arm quilting machine 'Tin Lizzie 18 LS' and in stock Brother sew- ing machines. Block of the month pick up dates Jan. 28, 29 and 30/2009. 01-02x2cc GE XL 44 propane stove (black) for _sale. Good condition. $375.00. Call 519.348- 9008.0 1-03x2cc DOUBLE D COMPA- NY Billiard Specialist & Games Room. New and Used Snooker and Pool Tables. Moving recovery and set ups welcome. Cues, cases, lights and all acces- sories, shuffleboards, pub and poker tables reconditioned, slot ma- ch(rtes from casinos for home use. Showroom 4 McGivern St. W. Walk- erton, 519-881-2113, Duffy. 01- l0xtfcc 12. Real Estate For Sale 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 23. R 24. 25. 27. 28. 29. 30. Mobile Homes Vacation Properties For. Rent Apartments For Rent Houses For Rent RoQr a For Rent Room& sBoard Lots For Rent Commercial Property For Ren Wanted To Rent Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted Wanted General Business Opportune Tenders Employment Wanted 31. Service Directo 32. Babysitting , 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements' 37. Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Deaths 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47 Cards of Thanks 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 3 IN 1 single' pPrips- tal table/poker table/ bumper pool table. Call 519-522-0266. 01- 02x2 WINDOWS AND QRS Gall for a free estimate. Sales, Service and In=_ stallation. .Bluewater Windows and Doors, 394. Huron Rd. God- erich. 519-524-1520. www.bluewaterwin- dows.ca E-mail sales @bluewwaterwindows. ca 01-02xtfc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading plea- sure we have available at the Huron Exposi- tor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore -Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, Thee Huron Ex- positor, $1.25 each. Lucknow Sentinel Q 1.00 01-01-tfnxe 04. ANTIQUES & ART ANTIQUE TABLE, SQUARE, 1901, $125. Large round '41_, solid oak coffee table, excel- lent condition, $300. Call 519-238-6946 after 6 p.m.04-03x6nxecc 7F. SNOWMOBILES & EQUIPMENT 1986 340 YAMA- HA snowmobile with electric start. $800.00 obo. Phone 519 -522 -0225.7F -03x2 11F, FARM PRODUCT HAY: First and second cut 6' large square bales. Also straw. All stored inside. 519-345- 2880. 11F -D2-2 tia 11G. FARM EQUIPMENT 40-20 JOHN DEERE Diesel with frontend- snowblower. 430 John Deere Tractor, 2 cylin- der . stationary engine with starter. 830 John Deere tractor: Call 519- B46-5173. 11G -03x1 11J. FARM LAND ENTHUSIASTIC COL- LEGE Graduate work- ing on the family farm would like to . rent or share crop some land, for the 2009 or longer season. All modern equipment and good land stewardship will be used. Any arrange- ment considered. Ref- erences available. Call Kyle or Ken De Corte 519-527-2166 or 519- 95-1126. 11J -03x3 WANT TO RENT good cash crop land. Short or : long term. Paying. top dollar, Phone J&J Hugill, 519-233-7467 or 519-525-0509. 11J - 50x8 12. REAL ESTA1E FOR SALE CLINTON: Modern 4 bedroom home for sale. Large country kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, 2 full baths. Quiet neigh- bourhood. Large lot, garage. $189.000. Call Mortgage Network, 12-30xifcc Clinton, 519-482-7675. APARTMENT - FOR SALE: $128,000: Ma- glehill Retirement Vil- )age, Clinton. Second floor with walkout to patio. Two bedroorria, ensuite, powder room, five appliances, win- dow coverings, stor- age space. Controlled entrance, . elevator, craft/hobby room and entertainment room. Private sale. Call,S19' 482-9454. 12-•12xtfce i f j DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS "- IS FRIDAY AT 5PM For other papers Deadline is FRIDAY 9:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week $8.25, two weeks $7.75 ea. week, three weeks $7.25 ea. week. Additional words 20 cents. An additional $2.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - $8.25 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thaftks & Birth Announcements 25 Words $8.25. Each additional word 10 cents.. We are also able to place word ads in the following . papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, _ Kincardine, Zurich, Port Elgin" & Weirton. By placing an ad in The Huron: Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional $4.50 plus GST. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID CALL 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY_ 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT HENSALL • 1 i Z MiIrN11s front ONO aid S660• Wilda.r��i sieve, Nosti Wire see waist • Laandoy tas#itiss 5 min MIS EMI UN free I-51S481.33U wwwskyli ieonline.ca CLINTON: Two bed- room apartment, newly renovated 2 bed- room,1/2 bath apart- ment in Vanastra.New appliances, new floor- ing. Available Feb. 1, 2009. $600 heat included. No cats or dogs and no smokers please. Contact 519- 482-3500.17-03x3cc CLINTON: Two bed- room, 65 Princess St. W. Adult living, fridge and stove, water and heat incl. No pets. First and last , $650/month. Available Jan. 1, 2009. 519-482-5784. 17- 51 tfcc CLINTON: 2 bedroom apartment. Available in January. $445 plus utilities. Call 519-345- 2036 or 519-482-7761. 17-50xtfcc APARTMENT FOR RENT, Seaforth, Main St:, one bedroom. Available now. $325.00 + utilities. No pets. 519- 52Z-1138. 17-48-tf 4 • 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apart- ment and two bedroom apartment for rent in Dublin. No pets. Phone 519-345-2322 or 519- 345-2792 or 519-345- 2314. 17-48-0 A ONE BEDROOM DOWNTOWN, fridge, stove, heat included. $420 per month, hydro extra. Available now. 1-888-271-7860. 17- 23-tf 18. HOUSES FOR RENT • 25. WANTED TO BUY -WAITED ash and pine kgs, wood lot, marked and valued byan indepen- dent certified tree marking • company. Phone 519-574- 0600. 19-5740600: 25-48x1 occ 18 HOUSES FOR RENT NO LAST MONTH DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR DEC. AND JAN. MOVE -INS NEWLY RENOVATED r0> Townhouse .,.:litetudesi. 'Fridge/Stove, .W/D Hook-ups $645.00 + Utilities ( really Managed) ., 1.,q CALL FOR AN APiNTMENT 519-482-a' EXCELLENT VALUE FOR YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY THREE BEDROOM home near Walton, large . yard. Available immediately. $550 per month plus heat and ,, hydro. Call 416-578- 9105 or email harry@ chiovi s- .om 1 1412 _.... 19. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT in house, Blyth Rd. Wal- ton, $300.00 per month plus utilities. Large yard/deck, access to kitchen/taundry. Call 519-525-8328.19-03x2 �• • " R.' I. h K w 4,? .i 26. HELP WANTED SOW FARROWING TECHNICIAN full or part time - all aspects of nursing sows and piglet care in a clean, comfortable work en- vironment. Experience or trainable;, Ideal for a person who likes animals. Please fax re- surne to 519-345-9934 or email robinsons® vistavillagenetics.com Contact Bob Robinson at Vista Villa Farms Ltd. 519-345-2317 (day- time) or 519-345-1333 Lageninusl 25-03-2