HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-01-14, Page 6""--.•,44:60.447 '"
Page 6 The Huron Expositor • January 14, 2009
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Letters to the editor
• Local Christian Heritage Party member says
Prime Minister should have 'stuck to his guns'
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To the Editor: Liberals and the NDP together only
won 114. Only by uniting with a party
Tony McQuail wrote a recent letter that is dedicated to the destruction of
in which he made a number of state- Canada can the coalition outnumber
ments I believe must respond to. I the Tories on any given bill.
want to make it clear that I am not What Tatty is not telling us is that
a member of the Conservative Party, three polls (Ekos, Compass, Ipsos-
and am often disappointed at Stephen IF Reid), all done late last week clearly
Harper's behaviour. Nonetheless, I show that Canadians are not at all
would rather have the Conservatives 4f happy with the Liberals and NDP
in power than the proposed coalition. t; and would by a strong majority (60 to
First, Tony says we did not elect the T'63 per cent) prefer another election to
Tories to govern. While Tony and 1 the coalition taking power.
would like to see proportional repre- Further, while Harper and the To-
sentation as the method whereby we ries have sought the support of the
elect MPs (and MPPs), the fact is, that Bloc on specific bills, the NDP and
under our first -past -the -post system, Liberals have effectively brought the
we did elect the Thries. Anyone who Bloc into the government and have
casts a vote for any candidate also all but given them the final say on
casts a vote for the party with which anything the Liberal/NDP coalition
that candidate is affiliated -something wants to do.
we all need to remember at election Tony repeats the Coalition party
time. • line that it is because the Tories are
The fact is, -Harper and his party doing nothing to
won 143 seats in the last election; the help ,cthe economy v.,
Toronto reader says Expositor has
been his 'anchor' since 1952
that the Coalition must act.
But this is blatantly false on three
grounds: it is now clear that as soon
as the last election was over that the
NDP and Liberals were plotting to
overturn the election results; also,
only recently the Liberals voted to
support the Throne Speech, which
laid out the general economic plan
the Tories would follow; finally, the
Tories have done much to stimulate
the economy -cutting corporate taxes,
cutting the GST, stating they will
hold the line On spending, etc.
What sent the other parties over
•the edge was the Tories' proposal to
cut the taxpayer subsidy to political
parties. , •
My party has opposed the subsidy
from the beginning. Greed and a lust
for power they could not attain at the
voting booth were the motives behind
the Coalition putsch.
Tony also repeats the party line that
60 per cent of Canadians did not vote
for the Tories. But if you take out the
votes the Bloc received, Harper did
get a majority. By the way Tony, Jack
Layton only got 44 per cent of the votes
in his own riding: in Coalition -speak,
"more people voted against him than
voted for him!" Can we expect Jack
to step down as MP and leader of the
party or is that different?
The only disappointing thing about
Harper's behaviour is his caving to
the Coalition to preserve his govern-
ment and asking the Governor-Gen-
eral to prorogue Parliament. •
He should have stuck to his guns,
dissolved Parliament and taken his
case to the people of Canada.
. - Dave Joslin
Christian Heritage Party
Huron -Bruce
k -
• „
You are invited to attend these area churches
Congregation of the Parish of The Holy Spirit
The Reverend Karine A. Farm
Jarvis St, Seaforth 519-527-1522'
Sunday, January leth
Worship & Sunday School 9:30 ain.
Coffee Hour following
Morning Prayer Fri., Jan. 16th at 10
Parish Council Sat; Jan.17th at 10:30 a.m.
An Associated Gospel Chu
126 Main St, Seaford);
519-527-0982 4
Sunday School AH Ages 9:4 *At
Sunday Worship Ila.m,
Youth Group & B&G Club Wed. 7 p
Pastor Mark Kennedy
14Victoria Street, Seaforth
Sunday Mass I !a.m.
Saturday Mass 5 p.m.
Sunday Mass 9 a.m.
Dear Editor,
I have been a (hapd-me-on) reader/subscriber
to the expositor since I left McKillop Township
(.n.1/2 lot 16, conc.5) in 1952.
The Expositor has been an anchor for me and
enabled me to stay in touch with many friends
and neighbours and relations and my rural
roots over the years
My letter - after decades of silence -- is in re-
sponse to Tony McQuail's opinion piece in your
Dec.24th edition -- what a refreshing,thoughtful
reading of our situation in the current economic
debacle and what an encouaging admonition to
• all of us to rise to the challenge of making a bet-
ter sytem -- a better world for all of god's chil-
I also appreciated your editorial and Dan
Schwab's opinion piece - they fitted so nicely
with Tony's thoughts - we've been through tough
times before and we know that we survive only
by taking care of each other.
I was disturbed to read in your Dec.3lst edi-
tion the item on page 17 by publisher Dave
Sykes about cutbacks at your pa-
Personally, I'd be 't y happy to pay
much more for my subscription to see
the Expositor survive and continue to •
serve the local and extended commu—
nity for years to come.
I'm too old and far away to start
a fundraising drive for the paper but
would be happy to contribute to such
an undertaking.
Jack Murray
Farm Succession & Business Planning
Yntrot Session
Welcomes YOU
Sunday 11 a.m.
Nursery & Sunday School
54toderkh StW.
Seaforth mit
444e ;0 47-4‘4.44
Pastor Steve Hildebrand
Worship Sun.,Jan. 18th at 11 a.m.
Adult &Youth Sunday School 10 ant
Come worship with us
Elevator & Ear Buds Avaiable
SOUP'R SUNDAy Jan. 18th
. ,
- ••
, 4 -
• E •
59 Goderich StVV.Seaforth 519-527-0170
Organist Susanna Lyman
Worship jan. 18 at 11:15 a.m.
Rev. Linda Moffatt
Nursery & Sunday School
Robbie Burns Night & Potluck
at 5:30 p.m,Jan. 24th
Monokty 9anuary (9,2009
6:45 p.m. registratibin- 7:oop.m.
$io per person
Mitchell Community Centre
Wellington St., Mitchell
•frtidthy 9anuaT 27,2009
10:00 a3n. -2 p.m.
$io per person •
Lunch Provided
Atwood Community Centre
Main St., Atwood
noires Nigps
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head Office Exeter, ON NOM 1S1
235-0350 • Est. 1876
Farm & Commercial
Joe Chaffe, R.R. 5 Mitchell 348-9705
Larry Gardiner, R.R. 2 Statta 345-2678
Jack Hodgert, R.R. 1 Kirkton 2294152
Michael O'Shea, R.R. 3 Granton 225-2600
Morns Willows, Mitchell 348-4829
..1 1 . • fl'
Wayne Mover
David Moen
Jason Unisc
Barb Worden
• •
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