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The Huron Expositor • January 14, 2009 Page 3
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Properties near Huron Eastw�lls eligible to apply
for funding to protect local drinkiln
Susan Hundertmarls,
A recent resolution by Huron East
council to adopt a two-year time -of -
travel of water around wellheads
will allow more affected ratepay-
ers to apply for provincial, funding
for projects that will protect local
drinking water.
While the 57 Huron East proper-
ties within a 100 -metre radius of
Huron East wells have been eli-
gible for funding during the past
year, the new resolution will in-
crease the number of eligible prop -
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Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Authority communications spe-
cialist Tim Cumming says affected
property owners will be receiving
letters in the next few weeks in-
forming them they live within the
two-year capture zones of wells
in Brucefield, Brussels, Clinton,
'Molesworth and Seaforth;
Cununing says the provincial
funding has come out of responses
from landowners that if the prov-
ince expects people to make chang-
es to their property to improve the
quality of drinking water, some
funding should be available to
"That's what agricultural groups
and community groups said," he
The funding will help landowners
upgrade or decommission wells, in-
spect and upgrade septic systems,
create run-off and erosion protec-
tion, prevent pollution, enact land
conservation measures and im-
prove fuel storage management.
Cumming says some of the small
numbers of property owners living
in the 100 -metre radius have al-
ready taken advantage of the fund-
ing during the past year.
"We are pretty happy with the
first steps being taken. The appli-
cations for funding weren't 'knock
your socks off' numbers but our re-
gion had some of the best uptake in
the province," he says.
He says at least one septic system
upgrade and at least one business
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Submitted photo
Source protection technician Derek Matheson looks over a time -of -travel map
of Huron East.
voluntary, confidential, profession-
ally -done, fully -funded green audit
- were done in Huron East.
"We are certainly hoping that
with an expanded delivery area,
we will be able to build on the ear-
ly successes and encourage land-
owners to continue their efforts to
protect community drinking water
sources," he says, adding that pro-
vincial funding has been delivered
both through the ABCA, the Mai-
tland Valley Conservation Author-
ity and the Ontario Soil and Crop
• Rather than just expanding the
100 -metre radius, the two-year
time -of -travel maps are determined
by hydrogeological standards, us-
ing a model that tracks where wa-
ter travels during a two-year time
The provincial funding is commit-
ting $21 million over three years -
from 2008-2011 towards Ontario
properties affected by the Clean
Water Act.
Cumming says landowners in-
terested in taking advantage of
the funding should contact Derek
Matheson, MVCA source protec-
tion technician at 519-335-3557. 1_
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