Huron Expositor, 2009-01-07, Page 104<f
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Page 10 The Huron Expositor • January 7, 2009
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13..eeVkfees defeat. Bulldogs in the final to
Vulders awarded MVP of final game, Lammerant named tournament MVP
From Page 1
to up the score by two before Sea -
forth replied with goals of their own
by Morgan Bennewies and Jake Fin-
layson to tie the game.
Unfortunately in the final minute
of the game, Minto scored the game
winner to defeat Seaforth 3-2.
Seaforth's second game was later
that same day against the Flesher -
ton Golden Hawks. Although Sea -
forth scored first on a goal by Jordan
Pepper, Flesherton scored tWo goals
less than a minute apart to put the
Stars behind 2-1 going into the sec-
ond period.,
- With less than two minutes to go in
the second, Bennewies scored to tie
the game and then David Metzger
scored to put Seaforth ahead.
Seaforth added to their lead in the
third period as they burst forth with
three unanswered goals (including
. an empty net goal) to win 6-2.
Goal scorers in the third included
Pepper with two goals to record the
hat trick and Logan Lammerant.
Seaforth unleashed an offensive
barrage in their third game of the
tournament as they faced the New
Hamburg Huskies AE team on Dec.
Seaforth scored two goals in the
first period on shots by Brett Wil-
Seaforth increased their lead to 4-0
in the second pe-
riod on goals by
Pepper and Tyler
Seaforth dou-
bled their goal
total in the third
period off goals
by Morey, Robert
Campbell, Kalen
Martene, and
New X-RAY Unit
PACS Phase 2
Our Goal
June 2008
Final score was 8-0 for
Seaforth. Zack Vulders
recorded the shut -out.
The semi-final game
saw Seaforth play the
Teeswater Otters on
Dec. 30. Campbell put
Seaforth on the score-
board in the first period
and, less than 30 sec-
onds later, Williamson
scored to put Seaforth
up 2-0.
Seaforth increased
their lead in the sec-
ond period with three
more goals by Lammer-
ant, Bennewes, and
Teeswater was able to
reply with two goals of
their own early in the
third period but then
Seaforth replied with
two goals to restore
their five -goal lead
(goal scorers were Wil-
liamson and Campbell)
to win the game 7-2.
The Stars faced the Blyth Bulldogs
in the tournament championship
game final on Dec. 31.
Seaforth had previously played.
Blyth in the Lucan Tournament in
mid-November and had lost 4-1 so
they were looking forward to the re-
Top row: Kevin Williamson, Brent Robinson, Mark Robinson, Jordan Pepper, Tyler Morey, Morgan
Bennewies, Ray Anstett, Kevin Melady. ltliddle row: Cody Kroph, Scott Malone, Logan Lammer-
ant, Jake Harrison, Robert Campbell, Jake Finlayson and Luke Melady.
Bottom row: Jared Anstett, Kalen Martene and Zach Vulders.
match to prove themselves.
The Bulldogs had gone undefeated
in the tournament coming into the
final. Seaforth scored first when
Metzger popped in a rebound.
The highlight of the first period
came when Vulders preserved the
lead by turning away a Blyth skater
who had bro-
ken in on a
through the
second period,
scored to put
2-0 and then
20 seconds
later, Pepper
jammed in a.
loose puck to
make the score
Seaforth ran
into penalty
trouble but
was able to
hold off Blyth
for a long one
minute and 32
seconds when
Submitted photo
Logan Lammerant takes a face-off during the final game of the 2008 PeeWee Silver •
stick toumament recently. _after the pen- .*** 30 a•*63 a • a • 44 $ **-1‘-t v$4010,$.4i)
alties ended, Pepper redirected a
pass to put the Stars up 4-0. Seaforth
then scored on a powerplay goal by
Cody Kropf to increase the lead to
There were no goals scored in the
third period, although the close play
between the two teams continued.
The game was much closer through-
out all three periods than the score
would indicate. As Williamson said
after the game, "it was a battle."
Following the game, tournament
officials selected Vulders as the Stars' ,
MVP for the championship game *for
his excellent playeevvfv,
As well, Lammerant received the
singular honour of being selected
as tournament MVP for his play
throughout the round robin games
and both the semi-final and final
Competing in the International
Silver Stick this week in - Forest,
Seaforth will face teams from Pallas,
Texas, Lanibton Shores, Pembroke,
Ont., Columbia, Maryland, Strongs-
ville, Ohio, Beeton, Ont. and Port
StaiilefOnt., all of.whom won other
regional silver stick tournaments.
"We'll just go and play our game,
which is a, fast, high tempo posi-
tioned game," says Williamson.
short two play- By Craig Metzger
Ten seconds wl•;+.•