HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-3-6, Page 3is g 0 tea and the choicest of Red _Rose Teas is the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY T-1 Surnames and Their Origin HARMAN 1Variatiore- - Harmon, Harmer, Hard- ing, • arding,'• Hard*ln,.: Hadwin Urmynson, Hermann, Herrman, Armand. Racial Origin --Anglo-Saxon, also Ger- man, also French. • Source—A given flame. The family name of Harman is un- usual in the great number of varia- tions of it that are to be found through- out northern Europe; and which have come into the United States from sev- eral different countries. As a family name, of course, it de- veloped from a given name, that of Herman. At least, that is definitely. certain so far as the English and thee French forme are concerned. But the peculiar nature of Herman as a given name leaves room for the possibility though not the probability, of a differ- ent development in Germany. The name is a compound of two old basic Teutonic words: "eor," a word denoting divinity in pre -Christian • days, and "man," signifying humanity. Thus the word came to denote "divine humanity," which was the nearest method the old Teutons had of signify - Ing "brotherhoad of man" or "the gen- eral public," and it came to be used dater to denote a soldier, or "guardian the people." Afterward it came to ,be used as a personal name. The an- dent "eor," of course, is the basis of the modern German "Herr," meaning ':variously "Lord," "Sir" or "Mr.," and et is regarded possible though not like- dy, that in some instances the German forms of Hermann, Herrman and }Ierr- mann developed from this. rather than ;the given name. Armand Is the French form. Tho e+,, rest of the foregoing variations are all ,English. Those familiar with their Roman L4story will recognise the Latinized Perm of the given name in Aeminius. the given name was widespread in medieval England as Armyn, Urmyn led Harmer, as well as Hardkin. Try This on Your Doc, A printer received' .an inquiry from a surgeon who wanted bide on several thousand letter -heads, different sizes, grades and colors, and he wanted the form held staneling, The printer wrote baek; "Am in the market for one operation for ap- pendioitis, one, two, or live -inch incis- ion, with or without ether; also with or without nurse. Quotations must in- elude puiting appendix back and can- celling the order if found sound. Suc- cessful bidder is expected to hold in- cision open for sixty days, as. I expect to be in the market for an operation for gallstones, and I want tosave the extra cost of cutting." A proper uuderstanding requires a recognition of the fact that the mean- ings as well as the spellings of words suffer subtle changes in the course of. time. "Cb41d,"' for instance, was often a title in those days, and even to -day we put various shades of meaning into the words son, "sonny," and brother In addressing people colloquially. All of the foregoing variations, with the exception of Beaufiz and,l3eaufitz, which are not nearly so common to- day, have meanings which are obvious. The word "bairn" is• in use to -day in Scotland, the descentant from the same Anglo-Saxon word which gives us "born." It means "child." Parents often call their children "son," "child;' "brother" and the like. In manyinstances such names stick, within the family at least. •In the mid- dle ages communities were smaller, and speech was, less formal. Hence they sometimes stuck as regards the entire community, and when the bear- ers hi turn grew up and had children the latter came to be known as "Fair- child's -sons," "Fairbairn's sons," etc. Later, shortening --influences elimin- ated the ending "son." "Fitz," as has been pointed out be- fore, was the Norman-French equiva- lent of the Anglo-Saxon "son," and was formed through the influence of Teutonic tongues on the Latin "lifts Indeed, even after the Normans came to England they often spelled it "ills" instead of as they pronounced it. The names Beaufitz and. Beaufiz mean "fair child" or "fair son." But they are rarely met with as family names in this country to -day. FAIRCHILD Variations -- Fel rbatrn, Fairbrother, Falrson, Beaufix, Beaufitr. Racial Origin—Angio-Saxon and Nor- man-French. Source --Titles or nicknames. The most puzzling of all family :tames to theme of modern times are :the ones which aro founded en words sf relationship. With the exception of "son" used as an ending, we wander ',ow such words as child, brothor, father and the like could' be used to Wen1Zn0ta or differentiate one family Crone another. 1c GIRLS! A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR 5 -Cent "Danderine" So Im- proves Lifeless, Neglected Hair. An abundance ot xunuriant hair full of gloss, gleams end life shortly tfoilows a genuine doning up of. neg- flected scalps with (=dependable "Dan- derine." Falling h a i r, igtching 'scalp and the dandruff is •corrected • immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is suickly invigor- ated, taking on new "strength, color *ad youthful beauty. "Danderine" is aal1elightfu1 on the hair; a refreshing, r tiniultating tonic --not sticky or . reaag! Any drugstore. � CHILDH000 INDIGESTION Nothing is more common in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to dan- gerous disease. Fully nine -tenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigtstion. There is no medicine for little ones too equal Baby's Own Tablets n relieving this trouble. They have proved of benefit In thousands of homes. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immaculate Conception, Que., writes: "My baby I was a great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tablets soon set her right, and now 1 woould not be without them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr: Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NEI. O.S I [1i3ESTION Some of Its Causes and How Ile- lief May be Obtained. Many people suffer from nervous in- digestion. ndigestion. ` The commonest causes are worry, over -work, lack of exercise, or a general run down condition of the system. It ip a disease o1 the nerves rather than of the digestive organs, and is corected by giving needed nour- ishment to the nervous system and building up the blood. The treatment consists largely in rest, recreation and the use of a true tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In addition, the patient should follow a careful diet, and avoid coffee and stimulants, these being.unsuitable for nervous people. As one's nerves rely for nourishment upon the blood, the latter must be built up and made rich and pure,which isjust what Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills do, It there is loss of weight and pallor, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are especially helpful. Mrs. Adolphus Villeneuve, R.R. No. 2, Apple Hill, tells as follows how she obtained relief:—"I was so bad with nervous indigestion that I could not digest anything I took, and as a con- sequence was a great sufferer. I doc- tored for four months, but seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I lost strength to such an extent that I could hardly go about. Then my mother came to see me, and urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I followed her advice and got a supply at once. Atter taking a few boxes I felt my strength returning, and I con- tinued their use, until at the end of a few months I could eat anything I de- sired, had regained my old time health and strength, and was in every way a well woman. I am so thankful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me that I always advise their use when any of my friends' are run down or ailing-" You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60o a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Upper or Lower? The masa, says the Epworth Herald, had just informed the agent that he wanted is berth on the train. "Upper or lower?" inquied tits agent. "What's the difference?" asked the Man, "A difference of fifty cents in this case," replied the agent. "The lower is higher than the upper, The higher price is for the lower. If you want it lower, you'll have to go higher. We sell the upper lower than tile lower, In other words, the higher the lower. Mast people don't like the upper, al- though it -is lower on account ofits being higher. When you occupy an upper you have to get up to go to bed and get down when you get up. You can have the lower if, you pay higher. the upper is lower than the lower be- cause it is higher, If you are willing to go higher, it will be lower. But the poor man had • fainted. The cruelest lies are often told in silence. Keene Mineol'e Liniment In the house. Our SMP Pearl Ware Wash Board Is so strong, tough and durable that a full-grown man or woman can •stand on it without doing the rubi-5 race or any part of it the leas. harm! The enameled suir- face won't chip, flake or peel off. Think of the wear there is in such a wash board! There is the same wearing qualities in all articles in SMP Pearl Ware. Try out the rash' board and be convinced. Jsk for S Pearl Ware sr aR,usn SNE2,Ti Mi P.TAL PRODUCTS Cr> syr+erso MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG ..,EDMONTON VANCOUVER. CALGARY 66 Oh, what young thing, This playful colt that leapt the pas- ture bare! It rushes forth expectant of all ',hinge; Thrilled with the magic of its sudden bound Into the freedom it had thought to gain, While chafing restlee at its mother's side. Behind those small, confining wooden bars. The Col Graduate a ld dL venturesome arse Fi n d s A Volstead Chance. "Out West is a movement of the hand toward the hip -pocket still con- sidered a hostile sign?" "Gracious, not Volstead changed' that." Its -trots awhile ecstatic at the change To freedom from the bondage of the past; With head and tail erect it sixirna the balm. Looks up and down the road, and fee beyond The world lies waiting to be won or lost, Waiting to see how fine a beast it tri; And then the young colt learns it is alone Thrown on its own resoureex at a bound, Around the turn a strange, discordant noise; Nearer it draws—In panic flees the colt! Where now its courage, joyous confi- dance? On, on, it files before this throbbing hum; No sense to turn aside from out the road; Scared little horse, some day you'll aa- derstand. —Grace Stuart Orcutt. In Other Words, Pay in Advance. "The Perfect Remedy" Graduate of National Temper. Once Hospital tells , of re- . mark -able Cases Where Tan - lac Has Proved Effective. "From my Iong experience as a pro - tensional aurae, 1 do not hesitate to say 1 consider TANLAC the most ef- ficient and natural stomach medicine and tonic to be had. It is undoubtedly Nature's most perfect remedy," is the far reaching statement given out for publication recently by Mrs. I. A, Bor. den, Seattle, Wash., a graduate of the National Temperance 1ospital of Chicago. "I have used TANLAC often In treat ment of my patients and my experi- ence xperience has been that for keeping the 'stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels functioning properly, and for toning up the system in general. tt bag net equate Tells of Case. ".About a year ago I had a lady patient who could not Veep a thing on her stomach fifteen minute's, not every water. I prevailed on her to try TA1'k LAC and after the sixth bottle Ishii' could eat absolutely anything she wanted without the slightest bad' attain effects. '`"1 had another patient who sImply could not eat. 1 got him started on TANLAC and by the time lie finished three bottles he was eating ravenoase ly and had regained sufficient 'strength, to return to work. "These two instances are typical ot my experience with TANLAC. My confidence in TANLAC is unlimited." TANLAO is for sale by all good drag. gists. Over 40 million bottles. told. Accept no substitute. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pular. And That's So. Management is ass vital a factor in as of any other business organization, os of any other business organization. Without good Management they can- not establish and maintain that degree of confidence in the soundness of their operations which is absolutely essen- tial. A friend's gains make you richer than your own possessions; his ac- complishments please you more than Classified Advertisements FOR SALE IV OOLGROWERS, YOUR O'W14 T v wool manufactured or exchange ed for yarn or blankets: Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. L T ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAI and light sewing at home, whole or spare tune; good pay, work sen any distance, charges paid, ` Sen stamp for particulars, Nation's Manufacturing Co., Montreal,. your own achievements; and the more Despair and confidence both banish friends you have, the richer you are, fear. and the more you can do.—Amos R. Automobile tourists are likely to •wells: meet with amusing experiences in their travels round the country. The Morris family drove into a small West - are town some time ago, dog tired. "Let's go to a hotel to -night," said Billy. "I'm too tired to get this tent off and set it up!" "All right," Mr. Morris replied, Accordingly the party sought out the one hotel in the town. "Can you give us two: adjoining rooms?" Mr. Morris said to the proprietor. "Yeah, I guess I can," was the reply. "They'll be two dollars • apiece or four dollars for the two." A minute later, laden with baggage, Mr. Morris and Billy reentered the hotel, followed by Mrs. Morrie and Alice, the little girl. "Show as to our rooms now, will you?" said Mr. Morris. "Yes. sir. They'll be two dollars apiece or four dollars for the two of them," the proprietor replied. "Sure, I know," Mr. Morrie agreed. "I've got my hands full now; 1'11 pay you in the morning." "All right," the proprietor answered nonchalantly. •"I'll show you to your rooms in the morning then." What the Package Does. Tea growers have found from experi- ence that it is necessary immediately to pack tea in air -tight metal -lined chests, to preserve the flavor and good- ness of the leaf. Equally so is an air- tight package necessary for the small lots of tea for individual consumption. Bulk tea iso always inferior tea because it is exposed to air. The "SALADA" air -tight aluminum package is the .most efficient way of preserving tea known. • Quick Growing Trees for the Prairie. Many of the species which can be used on the prairies are very rapid growers, for example, cottonwood, wil- low, Russian poplar, and Manitoba maple. It is safe to say that wood largeenough for fuel can be grown from any of these trees within six years. --Forestry- Branch Bulletin No. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order, E CZEMA of the skin and scalp le an afflic- tion that ,ve have been successfully treatingby mail and in our °facet here for peer BO years. If efdictod. smite its ex- plaining your case fully. Wo also treat at home, Pimples, Blotches, Blackheads and other non- contagious skin troubles. Superfluous Hair, Stoles, Warts, Oto.. permanently cradloatad by Um only method—Eleetralysis. Write for Booklet "F" Iliscott Institute Limited Hiscott Bldg. GID College 8t. - Toronto Largest Unexplored Arei. One of the largest unexplored areas be the United. States lies in a triangu- lar space, between the Colorado and tile ; Ban Juan River, in southeastern I iitah. Isere an area as large as some of the smaller Eastern states still re- mains practically unlulowu to white men.. .• How to protect goods from the at- teens of worms has always been a hard problem for packers' of dried fruis and cereals. A new process ex- hausts the air in a steel drum in which the food is placed and then• fumigates the contents with carbon disulphide. Exhausting the air . dis- tends any living tissue that theremay be in the fruit or cereal, whether •corn or egg. That opens the pores. and separates the : cells so that when the gas is turned on it fills the spaces and poisons the . insect or kills the egg. Misunderstandings !ray separate friends far more widely than either time or space. Ask for Minard's and take no ether. Mother! Give Sick Baby "California Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative to Cieen Liver and Bowels; of Baby or Child., Even con,tipa- ed. bilious, fever - Joh, or sick,00lle Babies and Child- ren love to take genuine "Califon nip lig Syrup.' No other 'aaativo • regulates the ten- der little bowels so nicely. It sereetene the stemma and starts the liver and bowels acting without grip- ing. Contains no narcotics or sooth- ing drugs. Say "Calitornia" to your druggist and avoid counterfeit's! In- sist upon genuine "California Fig ASPI IN Beware of Imitations Unless you sec the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaeldester of Salicylicaeid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." WET FEET lead to colds. Avoid chills by rub- bing with Minard'es Liniment The great preventative. C For Invalids Delicious, strengthening beef -tea and doxenai of other tasty and nourishing dishes nosy be easily and quickly prepared with CUBES le tine of 4,110, 50 errs 100, Does Your Blood Need Iron? URINL IA"? f FOR fOUR E7 E,�',, ... Refreshes Tired Eyes Write Murine Co .,Ch !co go,forEye Cs reBook should be taken at once for speedy relief of backache, headache, „rediae, rine,,. Lack of ambition. and numerou, other complaints due to Improper kidney and liver action. An honest remedy sold for 09 years. At your dealer. or direct from WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO. 'Toronto, Ont. How to Make the Teat That Tells, APALE face, a nervous, irritable disposition, a lack of strength and endurance—these aro the warning sig- nage that Nature gives when your blood is getting thin, pale, watery and starving for iron. Iron is constantly leaving the body, especially toward the period of middle age and you must make up for this iron deficiency if you want to escape disease and be strong and well. . Vifllen the iron in your blood runs low efgns' of old age -creep into your system. In such cases ordinary iron- containing foods seldom supply a suf- ficient quantity of thin important ele- ment to make up for the waste. There- fore, many physiciansnow prescribe a concentrated form of organic iron-- Nuxated Iron•—which contains Iron like the iron in your blood. If you are not sure of your condi- tion, go to your doctor : and have him take your blood -count, or erne make. the following test yourself: See haw long' you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired; • next take two five -grain tablets et Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. All good druggists sell Nuxated Iron, on the distinct under- standing that if you are not eatisiied your money: will be refunded. i Thick Lustrous Hair Kept So By Cuticura At night touch spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment.m Next morning shapoo with a suds of Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepid water. Keep your scalp clean and healthy and -ourhair will be luxuriant. Soap25r.. Oiatmaat2SeaiS5c. Tatam2Se. Sold throughout theDamiaion. CanadianDepot: Leman,, Limited. Mtn. Paul SL, W. Mo,trcal, �Cuticura Soap shaves without mug - • WOMAN SUFFERED FOR MONTHS Weak and Nervous, Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkharu'e Vegetable Compound Webbwood, Ont.—" I was in a very weak and run-down nervous condition, always tired from the time I got up until I went to bed. Sleep did not rest me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Como pound to me and others told tele about et, but it was from my sister's advice that I took it: It did not take long until.I felt stronger, headaches left me and my appetite came back to rne. I am a farmer's wife and, have many things to do outside the house such aan�ii milking, looking after the poultry, and other chores. I heartily recommend the Vegetable Compound to all whohave the same trouble I had for it is a fine medi- cine for women."--14Irs.LOUis F. ELs - Slant, Hillcrest b'arm, Webbwood, Ont„ nother Nervous Woman Rads Reef Port Huron, Michigan, ---"I suffered for two years with pains in myside, and if I worked very much d was nervous and just as tired in the morningg as whet I went to bed. I was sleepy all the da and didn't feel like doing anything,and was so nervous I would bite my finger nails. One of my friends told me abou Lydia. E. Finkham's Vegetable Com. pound, and it helped Me so much that,I soon felt fine. "—Mrs.CHARLBs Bnnreun, 60144th St., Port Huron, MIoh. Women who suffer from any feminine ailment should try Lydia E. Phakhallete egetable ConapoTind.