HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-2-21, Page 6Absorbents in the Stable. 1 How to Start Beekeeping. 19-- ,Approximately one-third ,of the• Bees can be kept profitably almost, excrement voided by animals•. is liquid.. anywhere. in Canada and each T. ch year Y S The -liquid voidings of cows, accord- the, number' of beekeepers gradually ing to analysis,, contain in one ton 20 increases.. Anyone can keep bees, but ^---•�'" pounds •of nitrogen and 27 pounds of it is advisable that persons having tui'' e..•----- 1 potash. The'solids voided contain in unusually- high nervous temperament'.ament' SCHOOL LESSON FEBRUARY 24 of the Judges, Judges. chs 2-16. Golder Text — heal l.. peas) their backsliding, l will love th rxn e..�. Y 14:.4.. �.r I one ton e e- t 8 pounds of nitrogen 2 pounds nrd those who are badly affectt.d b} ' �, potash and 4 pounds of phosphoric the poison of bee stings should n The Perlod. Taking the rice of coxamer- attempt it, The returns from bee - acid. g P ' 1 will I g eV t. Toronto otl I.ddress� communications to a�p,rPno AIR YOUR POTATOES. tr►ici, 73 Adelaidm t e>E ' ' r air o . to • t''' basis for. compo- -keeping are as certain as those in any t un - • of soda 15 per cent.)„ $94 of potatoes, ( P . (QNTINUATioer of onto Sioav— The victory could lie only in clever . litre- ....... Thousands of bushels d HOTBEDS. phosphate(16 er centJ, and $50 for. culture that yields as•high returns for beak of 3u es contains both the story tegy and 'with.picke men. He chi:' ear, - , p are lost to Ontario farmers every y SOWING SEEDS IN of p per entper the small` amount of capital invested. be d8 which occur pre- potash) of the period ;after Joshua,' and an a way to test and: pick ache me due to two diseases ant 1 When using the manure -heated h muriate oalueof these ments would or the time required. interptation •of the story.. It, tells us wanted., uentl and are reventab,e with pro- rovrina the early plants,.no ton, the v quently P }bed for g e a 'sd for :nitro en, Anyone intending to .start beelteep '.both what igappeneil, and why it hap -1 V: 5; $, lverl/' •glue that lccjo uDl -T- be sown for several dy be. 22 cents per goon g ,� of .bee 1 y . le his wee-'; perprecautions, • . 'seed should In phosphoric acid and 5 ing must have a fair knowledge ened.:• 'It reyeals`•the' hand of God• man who •did not la, asic. b placed 7xf cents fox phosph z ,h t d yet merci pons but who stooped, .lifted .the. j reg some provision fo t get tial far xazeis as a of the pile. tabors approxi or nitrate other business . And I do no think k • the centre P � for acid there is.any :.other branch of agii-i - f mately $fib f Hosea These diseases are chilling injury, after the manure has been s behaviour and what the bees reijuire. in thechistory, the us ax? ' in t e, allow of. his hand and '• cents per pound for potash. le It water h hollow or "field frost," as it is sometimes the bed. If a good grade of manure • will g g is peep t: of t e bed will heat very From the above calculation it A thorough knowled a of modern fill dealing ;of God with h galled and breakdown: The firs has been used h methods is not necessary to make a is a long and changeful Yecorci. end aside The ether an hechose p awled on, all sli ht t first and it is not safe to seen the liquid manure is worth can oil ° and 'el xsese, `:of: times` of conflict these two diseases caused by g violently a 1d start• indeed this knowledge ' defeat d i victory' The fours; bowing on }lis .knees and hands. i h chilling o ie potatoes a sow seeds f come roug .: years "es -which e e a •. dugfrom theground or are in storage, heating is over.erfehce, The wider one's experience air t are P arded as ° unxahmentr or° Seem enemy. f h h e and as worth $176 for e nitrogen, or the be ableapplykn 1 li b 'th d oniPassion - Y at temperatures near the freezing' the temperature has fallen to about for the potash and 30 cents # ed a tom tl and to do the right ex his .faith , , d reighty-five de ees o a , a 'total value of $2,16 Per F P yways when in their distxes5 they Y point cif water, thirty-two degrees, are I eighty or gr I phosphorus thing at the right time The business to God, he raises 'lip' for them, a de- did conquer. ' • affected. Often the tubers are nor-heit the bed is ready 'to plant. ton.It is obvious that it is very im- of beekeeping is one of details and liverer..• • s * . es l • ° PracATION, appearances, but soil of the bed should be loos-. portant to conserve `all liquids voided P ' erer.. Ch.2:16-18.. `This Lord rale -i 1. The Next Generation .Vital faith mal to all external app The one that requires specialists. To gain i when cutopen show brown or grayish- ed and made as nearly level as pose by animals. This can be done in prat- ,the knowledge required, it is advis-ea uP ?tsd xpl This is the at hap-. o a personal Matter. We faith cannot live e u ag Yi eno d on inherited vlettte;• The faith of our bloc areas in the flesh of the stem, sible. For crowing lettuce or radishes tice by using absorbents of some kind able for leas on active beekeeper ricto summary explanation of All that• haP� k o should be planted paned:: The people 'sinned, the lax lathers must 'be living still, fix ixs; it end shout an eighth of being inch be- to maturity the seed which permit the return the land of spend at least one season with a good was angry with them . d- ea-ve:.ihem. the morals' of 'the individual and of little g soil until this initis 4 40 for the. nitrogen, it contains an � � ofxest, of ea and o ` • rfnk was riot � the, •elan for a eat f tl flex they are. a ds in the so n to $ slue o through of practical e t calamitz b # 11 them are rs••• to d good la or the task a total v present. task • •ii would be used la e " It is a P $136 f Po f th evil pres or transit Potatoes subjected for pax-� plunge a thermometer through the $6.76 per ton, while the solids the better beekeeper one becomes. 'It s and thein • del•xveranee as on an • the pursuit of the g d y j ours! F manor soon as . th 10 cents..P deed , Al B the cl?oseii three hundred, :an .by, cods as small as three or our , soil into theis essential to to ow - wrought y'. e divine c in God Gideon would end' flesh th 1 f the bed They this valuable fertilizer with ne i e beekeeper 'f all possible. If this h hand f' their 'enemies Tn the' tion are not to decline Joshua Heath the skin, the some -i directly in a sox a ee eeper i at possi e. into the an o 'nation, what withered at these places. Others should be sown rather thinly in rows F loss as passible. cannot be done much may be learned their distress they repented and cried and lila elders' were good men, who show a blackeningin the interior parts about four to six inches apart. This Onepound each of well dried peat, made so deep,an impress upon the na by attending short courses in bee ; to him for deliverance. He had can of the flesh, which may extend for a. will allow of thinning the seedlings; throughly dried sawdust, and dried keeping at any of the colleges, read- passion upon them and delivered them. tions) life that "the people served the considerable distance into the t soilwhenessary. will absorb, t' 1 5, 4 The agents whom he employed were Lord all the days of Joshua." Then for eye d fi bef liquid. It f obex; and stirring the net f •leaves a sax , respec ive y, }ng good books on the subject or visit- the stem end. When cooked, sec If the are an -pours in neighboring bee yards as often th men who were both warriors followed great neglect of personal tubers, instead of being White and; early transplanting, they may be cult to dry peat thoroughly under our g . gYand judges; leading in war an ruling faith, family training, as possible. ecce. And, as with Moses and ligion. Naturally and inevitably there h' plants to grown d 1x� ds o aqui is i - ' hbo ' d d 1' and family re I f thehotbed, but and get gaol in P Lord 1' d" t o which mealy, are blackened and soggy, much' started in the soil o o climatic conditions to � When ready to take up the business with ,Tosliva, so flow "the was soon deve ope a genera ro to the chagrin of the housewife. it is better to. start them in shallow dry sawdust is equally difficult. For-� the first consideration is one of lo- with the judge; and delivered them out knew not the Lord. the Breakdown of potatoes may be of boxes or fiats. Flats slightly less tunately, good dry' straw, the absorb cation. A good location is one that of the hand of their enemies. Goin-` 2.'2'he Salt of the Earth. From two types—the one a superficial dying, than twelve inches wide and eighteen) ent most generally available, is also will produce a fairly continuous sup- pare Ps. 78: '32-39. Lvantage ground of his farm, a middle of areas of the skin, and the second a inches long outside measure, and , one of the best absorbents. !ply of pollen and nectar from early �' It may be argued that all his is too aged man observed the spiritual aril des internal discoloration of the flesh.: about two and one-half inches deep, Tests show that one pound of straw spring until fall, with at least one mechanical,- and that it does not per- moral decline of his people. And; true ;� p hepondered piadeeply as to theme The surface breakdown of potato, will be found convenient to handle will absorb in twenty-four hours from source that can be depended upon for fectly represent the ways of God, The to type, which makes its` and theywill fit into the frames with -12i/4, to 23Ys pounds of liquid. Oat straw a heavy crop. Transportation, avoid- nation that sins is not always• punish root causes of the national degenexa tubers is an injury a appearance after the tubers have been. out leaving any waste space. Wheel is found to be a slightly better ab- ante of overcrowding, and shelter n in this way, no is the repentant tion. They were prosperous enough. PP g sorbent than wheat straw. Oat straw, nation ahvays delivered. The people All round hire in Esdraelon were wave placed in storage. The txrst symptoms the fiats are used, the seedlings cans from winds are other factors to bearing areobserved bythe grower three or be taken to a warm place when they according to analysis, contains 12 in mind when choosinga place for of Israel faced this fact themselves in wheat fields, laden orchards, fruit - four months after the date the pota-i are ready for shifting and the hen pounds of nitrogen, 4 pounds of the apiary. Locality will also deter- oppression. The book of Job strug-a gardens, one of the most beautiful toes were stored, when some tubers' can be done more easily than w I phosphorus and 24 pounds of potash mine the system of management, the les with its problem of the suffering pastoral scenes. in the world, But in the bins show on their surfaces bending over the frame of the bed•! per ton. If we attribute to the plant equipment Sused and kind of honey of the righteos and the prosperity of` Gideon's heart was heavy, It was' slightly sunken, round or irregularly- The fiats can also be shifted from one; food constituents in oat straw the produced. !the wicked, and leaves it at last a literals* a land flowing with milk and shaped spots varying in size from part of the frame to another and; same value as that given to them in Whenever possible the beginner mystery in the 'hand of omnipotent honey.' But the independent courage one -sixteenth to three-fourths of an whenever necessary they can easily' commercial fertilizers, we find that a should purchase one or two colonies wisdom. Fundamentally, however, the and glory of the people had departed, to f th s history is xialit It is leaving them in weak and servile fear inch in diameter: The borders of the be transferred to cold Pram spots have a blueish or gun-metal hue. the plants are to be hardened in pre -the nitrogen it contains, 30 cents for Upon cutting these sunken spots with paration� for transplanting to the the phosphorus and $1.20 for the a knife, it is found that they are only garden or field. potash, a total of $4.14. Assuming skin, no rotting has progressed into Some kinds of plants, such as niel-that two tons of liquid manure brown layer of deadceils beneath the ons and cucumbers, do not transplant; (urine) can be conserved by using a skin, no rotting has progressed into readily, but if the seeds are planted ton of straw, the three tons so pro - the tuber. This surface breakdown in soil placed in some receptacle so, duced would have a fertilizing value is the so-called "Buttonrot" of the that the plants can be transferred to' of $15.64, or $5.21 per ton. trade, but it is not a true rot of the the garden without disturbing the Our tests have shown that 1,000 tuber. 1 roots, much earlier crops can be se -pound steers kept in box stalls aver - The pitting of the tubers becomes cured. Commercial gardeners use: age '78 pounds •of manure per day, • more pronounced as the season ad- special dirt bands extensively for this: including the bedding used, which was vanes, and with the coming of warm Purpose. Old berry boxes, clay or ten pounds per steer per day. That weather in the spring the most severe paper pots, squares 4f. inverted sods, is, the voidings amounted tei 68 pounds symptoms of breakdown are seen. or tin. cans with the tops and bottoms each per day. One-third of this am - Many tubers are found to be soft and melted off are also used. . ount, twenty-three pounds, being Dia Y when cut o en ' A good soil for starting seeds and liquid, provision was made for its ab- Hess, mushy, and others, e p ,q P ! • a supply of supers is necessary for action for seven years. Two of Gi- hopeless, for have we n_. show black centres, a condition known plants is . made by composting_ sods � sorption. This the ten punds of straw the storage of the crop, the equivalent aeon's ,brothers` had been slain by ing stories of Ruth, and Elkailah, Ind as "blackheart." Blackheart often oc-1 and stable manure, but if a compost did satisfactorily. This amount of of three deep supers being allowed them. Called of God to be the nation's Hannah, and Samuel, and Gideon. curs: in refrigerator car shipments or heap is not available, a satisfactory straw may at first thought seem to be i for each colony. Queen excluders, deliverer, he first of all, made war on ( The cause of theTh people needs in shipments where stoves cause over-! soil may be made by- mixing together excessive, as ten pounds of straw has bee escapes, smoker and a veil are also the idol worship which had its seat in:championing to -day. P : one part of well -Totted manure, two a considerable bulk,:but:it is no moreOphrah. of the' tubers. It is common l parts ofgoodgarden loam or rotted' necessary. If increase is desired a his own town of 0 hrah. Then he ,ars in our. heritage. Canada is su er- with pitted potatoes when the spring than is necessary to take up all the few complete hives should be on hand rallied the men of the northern tribes,' ing acutely from wrong use and bad weather is excessive) warm. sods, and one `part sand. These must liquid thoroughly. It is not wise to be for this purpose. There are several Manasseh and Asher and Zebulon and . distribution of her wealth. Market j y be thoroughly mixed together by stingywith bedd}n materials and it Napiitali, against the enemy. The manipulations,trade restrictions ex - The enormous loss caused by break- o elin after which the sail should is doubtful if straw can be used in manufacturers of bee supplies that Midianite army made its camp in the'ploiting monopolies, degenerating am- 1 sh v g, send out catalogues on application, valley of Jezreel Its forces fax our 1usements, self-interested politics, and down each year can be prevented. by. be sifted through a screen .before d t h' h Gideon; t afficking . the blood -guiltiness of es where tan •of oat straw is worth $2.64 for of Italian bees with tested queens in writer it -with the rigghteous.. It does go of marauding pirates. Ev•en Gideon his own vicinity. These should be in ill With the wiciced. The signs of must thresh his wheat in hiding. Mid- inodern hives. The hive in common God's wrath are not ,always present ianites, traveling merchantmen of'the use is the ten -frame Langstroth, al- and visible but his wrath against sin desert, had long coveted the riches of f inevitable. 'Noire can escape it And the rich corn fields of •Israel, watching or the ten -frame Jumbo, which is .a • is mercy to• a distressed +penitent. Interpret history as you of the people, until the time was ripe deeper hive, I will, •'the vision of faith"will still see for them to fall into. the hands of the Bees can also be bought in one, two . or three -pound tombless packages, and in it everywhere the working'; of the'spoilers." In the endless fights and P P g , hand of God. 1 skirmishes of the period, G?d� i s if obtained early enough in the season Ch. 7 2, 3. The Lord said unto brothers had lost their lives. ' The are often equal to overwintered col Gideon. ' We turn from the, general times are troubled, but here is a roan onies. No one should make the mis- statement of God's way with Israel, who still retains his deep piety, and take of purchasing package bee's until to the story of one of: the ju de. the heroiAbriliamc: curage of a true son of Joshua still he has hives and other accessories in Gideon is raised up•by t lives not in the nation oft is true; but readiness. ! liver Israel from the Midie:nitexe— , In addition to'the colonies of bees Arab hordes f thet wilder in the individual. It is a sad thine in though some beekeepers now prefer is • a larger hive carrying twelve frames, just as sure' as his wrath,so sure is like ,vultures the jealousies, divisions, +x th d' t d and the weakening morale and failing couirage s or es from eastern - who had • held the land in sub- the elation's history', but it t far. from lie char giving more attention to ventilation' placing itin the flats or bands in in the construction of new potato which the seeds are to 'he sown. storage houses or . by. remedying the � The date of starting seeds in the any other way to as gooda wan age. • and by studying these the beginner numbered the forces w is i eon; r If we desire that gains be made, the should have no trouble in choosing the led, and some of his men were afraid. ; human weakness and vice; a whole comfort of : the animals, should be con- - supplies he might require. It must The Lord's word to him was a word ,host of flMg�dianitet of susts morep destru tive sidered, though, judging by the bed-ve be borne in mind, however that the of wisdom. The battle was not to be , is "fearful and sturdy patriotism, and conseera r common sense, and shrewd braverrnef modern Gideons. 3. A Call to Revival. The great work to which Gideon was called was practically a revival of religion. No- thing other and nothing less could defects of those 'already constructed. hot bed is governed by the date that ding used in many stables, this feuwon by men who were The following recommendations are the plants can be set in the' o en equipment purchased should be mod- afraid." When permission was given, glade: P tore is not given great consideration, ern and suitable for the purpose •it•-areat number turned back and Gi- ground. Cabbage, cauliflower and let- Everything favors a more genet is intended for; also to keep it sten- deon had but ten thousand left. 1. Provide each potato • cellar or tuce are cool season crops and the ous use of absorbents, and fortunate ' dard. The importance of a small be-! V. 4• Yet too many. We may fairly storage house with inlets for fresh air plants may be set out as early in_the ly with a good stray crop this year, ginning with , s little expense as pas- understand the story to mean that and outlets for foul air. . season as the soil can be worked 1n .this requirement can be much better sible cannot be too strongly urged: Gideon again and again sought coun- t. Provide false floors and walls good condition, but it is not safe to met than during the past: few years. Unless he has had some experience sel of the Lord in prayer. The divine save the nation. And only in so far for the bins. i set out tomatoes., melons and other It is also wise to keep in mind that with bees, do not be tempted to pur- word was spoken in his mind and as peolovple to -day can be brought to 8. Provide air spaces between bins. warm season crops until the soil is straw has a considerable value above chase • a large number of colonies, even heart God worked through the mind ; the hope. Pure religion and service of Cri s ire �ecthe �i. Never store potatoes in piles warm and all danger of frost is over. the fertilizing elements eoiatained, in ,though they are offered ata bargain. while -byand Gideon ascrthe hand ibed all hissstrategod is there y 4 soul, corrects the judment, fear the of hie c more than five feet deep without mak-1 Asa rule, cabbage, cauliflower and the sof eventually furnishes humus to It is discouraging to invest a large and skill, and his final victory, to God. vision, ennobles the motives, leads to i lettuce may be started about six the soil, thus greatly aiding in keep- sum of money in an apiary and then Here, then, he was made to see that, ;right decisions, and handles victorious ,may, �._„ , ` weeks before the plants will be needed ing it in good tilth, malting it more to lose most of the bees during the in conflict with so powerful an enemy,' faith. .h: ' i for setting in the garden or field; to- tonna o- resistant to drought, and much more first winter through .lack of ex- to a �� intoes and peppers eight weeks; egg suitable for the development of soil,pexience. ".,:::'Y,: ,,,,--.`a • plant, celery and onions about ten bacteria. 3- weeks; melons and cucumbers, four a Fall Wheat Acreage. r?tto six weeks. Skin Disease in -Livestock. µqui Farmer,i t ff 1 figures frnit Totals of Livestock Move- rnents. om M'ddleseit Ce.i" According `o o icia Sales of cattle for the eleven months POULTRY One of my animals seems to have Ottawa, the area sown to fall wheat of the year ending November, accord- some kind of skin disease. What had . in 1928 for 1924 is considerably less ing to .Dominion Live Stock Branch coy. Large heaps of brush are allow- sometimes llow I find that farm house floors are ? ! than in 1922. Up to the eml Oc returns, were 748,242 compared with! ed to accumulate d last ear, to sancta Any of the following bulle- tins, giving timely information of value to farmers, will be gladly sent anywhere free on request. No postage required. Simply tear out this advertise- ment, check bulletins you de- sire, and slip it in an envelope- addressed to— Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. ofGrain. Best Varieties arlo. Feeding Beef Cattle in Ont Co.operation in Marketing Poultry Produce. Grading and Marking Eggs, Feeding Influence on Type of Hogs. Swine Husbandry in Canada. Dairying in New' Zealand and Australia. 'TThetCrnMBo Machines. Hardy Roses. Storage of Ice. Modern Orchard Practices. The Maple Sugar Industry. Fox Ranching in Canada. Bees and How to Beep There. Rabbits. The Strawberry in Canada. Poultry Keeping in Town and Country. Bush Fruits. Weeds and Weed Seeds. Fortitizors for Field Crops. List of 099 Publications. Post Office Province --rte Save the Woodlot. It is a shame the way some farm- ers arm ers neglect their woodlots... Trees that blow down during storms are allowed to remain as they fall, to rot and de I better do . - late and litter the woods, sometimes not exactly level, whether' Ans.—Report at once to the nearest tuber, the acreage for all Canada was 774,300 in the same period y , th to basement floors 767 200 in 1923 with and the cattle billed through number- • I preventing the growth of new trees ors or compared wx and harboring rodents that do serious It to have the incubator level t disin-- 110 300 res In Ontario the area 19 Sales ey are concrete Veterinary Inspector. You -might also- acres the wooden floors of upstairs rooms. rite " to the Veterinary? Inspector 877,500 acres in 1922, a decrease of ed' 157,496 compared with 194,17 in: damage to orchards and crops that w ! 22. .Sales of calves totalled 235,340 are nearby. These brush piles are pays General, Ottawa, ,for a list of ism- is acres. ' ' compared with 247,554 year: a es as heatwish tendsnv to move turc all and s 'with which is vers full iri-. sown 702,100 acres compared: withfirst-class places for forest fires to,' fectants, g<of hogs totalled` 879,460 compared with we wish an even temperature all over structions as to preparation and used 763,100:acres in 1922, a decrease of,start: ld h machine.A level machine is less 000 7 Alberta it •is esti 1713,345 and billed through were 95,- .sli'3L_. 542. Sales o ' Fallen trees in a woodlot. immediately. be cut up and dispa the eve k recently issued bulletin by Dr.: 61, acres. .n , - suhjeet to vibration than one which I ted that the acreage sown is 49 500 345 compared with 54, f r 'on all four g 99 000 acres in 1922,1 sheep of. The stump is. not setting squa ely can be had free from 'compared with 606 420 and billed George Hilton, Chief Veterinary n-; ma is and lambs numbered 423,593 sof these trees shoo? ISpector, whichcompared with , be blasted out and hauled away. Dead ' the Publications Branch, Department a decrease of fifty per cent: In Brion' through 22 769 compared with 33,657.thatare standingshould be cut, In some incubators I have used, the legs have not been machined se carefully of agriculture, Ottawa, will also fur- in Columbia, 15,600 acres were sown It will be noticed that there has been' trees chine set level nish you with necessary information.! in 1923, being 200 acres more than in a'decrease. in every case last year, ex- as they -are of no good - to thrs • orest, h t k the ma but slow the growth of the little trees. Perhaps the greatestknowledge a legs. ISSUE. No. 7—'24. •1922. enoug to e I find wooden shingles are... a great ' $. ' cepting in hogs, by. shutting mit the sunlight, the food help is fithic placing an incubator. The farmer is going will b ' even of the little trees. 'her at one end- than the i:f only an low": It will be but a t � Th thicker "hit h 's to know that he does d Fort In Germany, They are Breakingan. whenever a tree is cut time when hecanprobably man can have i all previous -records, two small trees must be andduring a on high" again. now. under the legs until thea machine is � ' William and Port Arthur u_inb • planted to preserve the forests. This exactly level. There is no satisfae=' shipped from elevators 296,871,361 is part of the German law. We wish rain Shipments for the a m close of,novigation, December 24, were the condition I have just stated there 1 until the na otherd can be gradually shoved shortI not k h d 192 or destroyed, I September for substitute for the spirit level in ! us a similar law was in 'force in $ Y year fro S e • placing an incubator, u a i b bels of g P b to but dish of Schools crop water1 d the placed in mi e • of the d Ontario Three -Month s If every woodlot would be e`pt in. machine is the next best method. Be sere that the legs are not sprung BY L. STEVENSON, B.S.A., SU•PERVIEING DIRECTOR. lemen Essex (Essex) ; Belmont (Middlesex in shifting the machine. They must, The three-month schools in e -Ancas- rest squarely under each corner tio, taxy -agriculture and domestic science, and Elgin) ; Exeter (Huron) ; prevent a jar every time the care- or the rural young people of Ontario ter (Wentworth) ; Fergus (Welling tater walks ;around the machineor.'have this winter been increased to ton), and,Caledon (Peel). touches it. I think unnecessary shak- In 1921-22, when they. were'Instruction is.given for boys in.ani- leg machine e iia be .a cause' of twelve. four such courses were, mal, field and poultry husbandry, i=,g o. the machin 1 yjust organized, veterinary ,science, some of the' chicks failing to develop held, and in the winter of 1922-23, on farm dairying, aerly, or dying in the shell.—K. t of popular demand the -num- thorticulture and vegetable growing, pr. o • • , _ accoun , e' winds are -blowing, and bet' was increased to eight. The soils, a eertible lest irigrmbotany, mechanic, eco When th . th.. Agnelli- dram g , P man for- " b- reel- nomies; and. pu is spec •ing;, .an in with an.tuxa chars and visiting specialists. household scence, nurse}g, sewing and We pay weekly and off steady em• dent tea 1 2 being 211,- 597,969 11 also higher than in 1922, crop , would `be' plenty of 'timber for the 597,969 -bushels, compared with 187, -coming generation.: But bees)! they are 600,052 in 1922. Canadian ports re- being kept now, in another century ceived 156,094,675 bushels, United beinge will be no in t speak. of. States ports 140,625,386,bushels, and .f.. 196,300 bushels were - shipped direct to Trees from To Pro Europe in .foreign bottoms. ' In add- tion, 180,308,636 pounds of " mixed Rabbits. grain and 135,143 tons of screenings To were shipped. then is the courses are conducted by g i k' d ALES E the storm raging, assistedYb tunate who has a work shop°1 Representative, ambitious stove in it, for he can spendThey are being held this year at:the many, a ,pleasant hour tinkering following' places: around and incidentally getting things Barrie (laces: North and South} , ready for another season. . `Keene Peter • '' Lindsay (Victoria) , ( L y 'nac B xin- I to 1 Fron Meeting tax..obligations taxes the boyo).; Kingston ( ) , ingenuity of most of us. 1 ston (Dundas) ;, Renfrew (Renfrew) ; millinery for girls. The schools are ployment selling our complete and ex - held during December, January and cludive. lines of whole -root fresh -dug - February, and their object is to give to -order trees and plants, Best stock We teach and equip you . a to those who and serviceq it practical- instruction have been unable to take up this work free, A money -making opportunity, in regular institutions. Luke Brothers Nurseries, Montreal prevent rabbits from chewing trees, rub the bodies of the trees, as high as necessary, with smoked pork rind. This is an old German remedy which is much more valuable at pres- ent than the German mark. It is getting to be seed catalogue, time. Has the mail man delivered your supply of picturesque pamphlets yet? . If not, it may your: fault. for not having sent requests for them.