HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2007-11-28, Page 230 Correspondence The Huron Expositor • November 28, 2007 Page 23 Gladys and Merrymakers entertain at birthday party Gladys and The Merrymakers provided their usual great musical entertainment for the November Birthday party Friday, Nov 23. Keith Tyndall played the drums, Gladys alternated between piano and accordion with George Turner as soloist. The birthday party is normally the fourth Thursday of each month but with the dire weather predic- tions Thursday morning on the radio we decided to reschedule for Friday afternoon. Fun & Fitness started the week for residents Monday morning. with a full range of motion workout, fol- lowed by quizzes and games designed to stimulate mental func- tion. In the afternoon, the women of Exeter Bethel Reform Church pro- vided assistance with the bingo games and then had a hymn sing. Registered Massage Therapist Lori Burt was in Monday as well bring- ing her soothing skills to several appreciative residents. \LII• -ill!)- U4'til1'lilt'114 I1111114' Breakfast group met Tuesday morning over a delicious meal of fruit, eggs made to order, sausage, raisin toast, juice, coffee and tea. Residents enjoyed visiting .with oth- ers that they don't normally dine with. - In the afternoon the church ser- vice was led by Shirley Luther of the Salvation Army with her hus- band Eric as volunteer pianist. Auxiliary volunteer Donna Smale organized the euchre players Annual Sawmill Road Christmas Parade will be held this weekend Winter has put in an appearance in Winthrop. The snow is a reminder that Christmas is less than 30 days away. Rev. John's sermon at Cavan United Church was titled "The Church in the Risen Christ." Greeters and collectors were Bud and Mary Eyre. Ann Bosman and Sharon McClure were in charge of coffee time. Upcoming events for Cavan are: the Needle Club will meet on Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 ish, Confirmation and Communion next Sunday at regular time; Christmas Concert on Dec. 9 as well as White Gift Sunday; U.C.W. Christmas din- ner is Dec. 12. The annual Sawmill Road Christmas Parade is this Saturday, Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. and heads east to Beechwood Line, north to Hullett- McKillop Rd., then west to Hensall Road, to Sawmill Road and east back to Pryce's. Pick a spot on any of these roads and enjoy this colour- ful parade. The Winthrop Quartet participat- ed in the lighting of the tree at the Seaforth Community Hospital. They sang some Christmas songs and led the onlookers in some Christmas carols. As they sang "0 Christmas Tree" the lights came on the tree. I had forgotten how cold it can be on the hill. Ron and Darlene Campbell visited Beatrice Campbell on Sunday. The Seaforth Agricultural Society Collectible, Craft and Keepsake Show and Sale is over for another year. Some vendors reported good sales while others didn't do as well as other years. The weather certain- ly co-operated. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Minds are like parachutes - they function only when open. by Ruth Campbell r6 414 rA el 014 1* HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS GOLF BALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 Dancing 9-1 to Suzie Q AT SEAFORTH GOLF CLUB TICKETS $10 PER PERSON Buffet Dinner Available 7pm $15 per person by reservation only! Proceeds . this emit go towards the Canadian Tour Country Classic Charity— Huron & Perth Hospitals CALL FOR TICKETS - 519-522-0985 North Huron ail Grooming Inc. O.F.S.C. PERMITS ARE ON SALE NOW! Buy unlimited riding all winter long on any O.F.S.C. prescribed trail with a 2007/2008 Full Season Permit Buy before December 1 st/07 $180.00 After December 1 st/07 $230.00 Permits available from local businesses or call 519-523-9624 lilltehicie identification Number A MUST Driver's Training Course - December 15, 2007 Information available by calling 519-523-9624 MCL dji SOUND mu. DJ SERVICE Book youR RECEpTiONS, Buck & DOES EARIy! Jolvd MCLEOd4� cu.. 9-482-9984 Wednesday . afternoon and residents also benefitted from friendly visit- ing. The Thursday morning Coffee & Current events group drew resi- dents who enjoy perusing the week- ly and daily papers and voicing their opinions on items in the news. In the afternoon one to one pro- grams included reading, visits and manicures. Everyone is looking forward to the Christmas Light Tours coming up in December. St rat ford Cinemas :551 Huron St. l 273-6780 1 Show Schedule for November 30 -December 6 Beowulf Nightly at 7:00.9:15 pm, SaVSun matinee at 2 pm Enchanted Nightly M 700 & 9:15 pm, Sat/Sun matinee at 2 pm C Bee Movie. s 7:00119:15, Sat/Sun matinee at 2 pm Stephen King's The Mist MO* at 5AK & 9:15, Sat/Stn maim at 2 pm Mr. Magorlums Wonder Emporium HON at MO i 9:15 pin, Set/Stn matinee St 2 pm 0 1r“ Advs stra(to rduniemas.com 1 1 1 1 1 Gradiation Amy Hainom Amy graduated with honours in the Primary Care Paramedic course at the Canadian Therapeutic College in Burlington on March 31, 4007 and she was given the Outstanding Student Participation Award. She has completed the Ontario Examination; A- EMCA. Amy is a graduate of Seaforth Public School, Seaforth High School and Niagara College. She has accepted a position with the city of Hamilton. • Way to go giro `Love Mom, Dad, Michael and Kevin ;ODERICH 524.7811 Oiv. the gift of .. _iki0agent Entereta; 4.••./"14 Clift C.rtifto.t.s FN & Sat 6:45 & 9:15 Sun - Thur 8:00 Sat & Sun Mat 2:00 �t Nov 30 - Dec 06 Certificates Available at the Theatre or AH Around The House (next door) ., momprixr tO Sat Mat 2:00 8:00 NIhtl• , www.movielinks.ca • \I1,1,dt 1`7 '1 .\\t 11 I; Ai �1-800-265-343 ��