HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-2-14, Page 8xeter Markets CHANGED EVERT' WEDNESDAY 48 When Oa is Barley , - 55 alma •;b•t's Bost Flour ,.....,.. , 3.45 Fanny Flour .....,.,. 3.30 Pastry Flour Feed Flour Bra n Shorts .. , New Lad Eggs Eggs, held .,,,.,,,. , Creirn ry Butter Dairy Butter .., 40 to 43 Lard ,,,,,, , 18 to 20 Potatoes ... . 1.00 to 1.25 Hogg ..,. 7.25 190 , 1.50 45 30 49 W. R. Goulding s A. T. C. ,M: eg•Udebates, Usually the following Oddfellows who care for dramatic Organ:sc and Choirmaster James St, P s are observed,—,fattier us- work are missing aotne. fine work if Methodist Church, ed by debater 70 per cent, platform they have failed to see the First De- Teacher of Piano, Vocal a¢nd Zhe.ory, manner and delivery 10, .presentation, gree Team of Exeter Lodge 'exemplify Instructor of Music tun the Public of argunent 10, enunciation and chi ce the work of that degree this mviaiter. Schools of words 10. It has been a real treat to see them. Terms Moderate The usual tie ek-end storm — Bax 57 EXETER prevailed -- - ha this district. Saturday and Saturmoaning - another Literary EXETER ABT E ATE, THUR SJIA , PEB. 14� 1824 This is Va1eri,tine Day. ' • �!►OCat;� Doings firs Stiver, who has been making her li'otne .with Air, ,and, Mrs, E. A,'Foil- ---- Mr.1�a ,W�el,t, 'Johuns is 0n duty again, lick, is quite W. after a week's ,tllneee. • ;. Tuesday afte.raooi a number of Airs Eli • Coultas is on the sick last, fainters attended J. A. Staclair's lee- as, is asap Airs, •senry Squires, tur'e in. Veterinary -Science in;. the tii Town bia'c. Ash Wecitt sday, the beginning of ' • Lent, fails an .Marclm 5th tints year•, The.Ye is some talk of the 't'oivnslimps � Air. Thos Elliott s out again, after er j borne and Blaoshard taking ova' illness of several weeks, l4lrs EI- e. telephone :business of the Kirk - an its ajsxv. rnecompiling from a broken. wrist, but the hand isl stilt some and' stiff . ens Gordon Penhalle has rented Mr. Chas. Isaac's hundred acre feria on the 3rd' cos cession of Stephen, and Isaac and f ni Iyselon April ,y move. t , Lonnrcion, Some. rules to be observed in judg- tars and 42ed,n0,a, lin.,, , Last aeasaon was a, record .one o!tthe lakes, in that not one'. sailor lost his life from "shipwreck, and in the late closing of navigation Mr. H I3+erlini,g this week took laver the store and stack of Tai Mackenzie & Soar, Exeter North, which .he pur- chased a few weeks ago, ,via day nigh* were bead in Senior's Hall, with Miss Stella ,�,m,,m,,a,. ,,,. particularly stormy, f and oat Sunday the }roads were , of de cott in the chair. The subject pretty of debate was,"Resolved thethatc the Chan We l:a•�e a quantity of our own well blacked, The Iano�vplow mm�e.nt up ',s more developed in, the school than shorts, moetly Ontario, and we have the-tiruva on; Sunday afternoon and in the home," The affirmative was reduced the p.ice, back Monday morning so that traffic 1 successfully upheld by 'Madge Dour ,e Have just entalded and se -cleaned on this ls'.nt, was not Interfered with, and Owen Amos; against 4iyrtle Pym anotherarcar of Western Oats—test46 HARVEY BROS. News ��' received last Monday that r and Sari Lawson. 'Harold Hern, >.Zis- MIr, Moses Pierce of Briansley. had &ed It judges.a eay Wood and Rett Rowe were — — as a result of pneumonia, Mr. Pierce age R:ev, H. W. Snell and. Il is the father of >tliss, Pearl Pierce, who axold 1lerzn gave readings. was Stere last year as the School Nurse. RET. T. T. GEORGE DEAD. Notice is b'reby given that persons The. deceased was .a prominent epiarist throwing coal ashes on the town roads and was one of the + t' o the Village' pioneers around Rev. T. = T. ' eo; e are doing, son viola ton I Vill g Brinsley. He is survived byhis Ivied- „ G, • rg , of months, dl, who t kd- has ho_n ill for Some months, died. By-law., and are requested not to do oiv,�and two married daughters—one his home on Saturday, Mr, .George so in future. in, i oronto and one in the West, and \Diss• Pearl, who. is at present in the lsp:nt ,tis early yrs in, the vicinity of Send The Advocate to your lis- Riverdale Hospital, as a nurse. The •• Groton rwo brotherstTh, Robert and flat triend� tor a year. It will be funeral tool,: A1aca on Tuesday last ,James e reside at The •mesviale, •o n Rev, A A. Truro, owing' Georg preached on several occasions appreciated,�to. Rev, 11r. Wh! alen ftheailinnisein E eter, and was known to many lis of tarvn COAL ASHES. FIRERS YY•AN'hED, B xinsley being guaranteed. DAVIS—TR .APLETON, SOLD BLACiSMITH =BUSINESS, "Lost He rte" a book filled with Mr. David Russell, who has con - names for ,oat heirs and missing kin Mr, W. H. Davis of Toronto, broth- ducted a blacksmith business in Ex - from different parts of the world. er of Mrs. Fred. May of Exeter, was eter for s.e iera,l years, has sold the Ci,ancery Court of England, Ireland married on Feta 6, to miss Mary business to Air. Wesley Simmons, who and Bank of England unclaimed list in- Thneapletp,re of the same •city. The learned the trade inthat shop, but eluded. Sind anne dollar bill at once wedding was solemnized at St. Luke's who, has been in the west for several and get book by 'rturDept. ail. Interna- church and immediately after the cer- years. Mr. Simmons took pos,s,essieln rurgll, PClaim U.S.A.. Agency, D t. 181Pitts- York., aeons, whe and tMrs. 'Davis Ieft for New on 1T_onday. Mr, Russell hats not yet two weeks. On. their re urn eheose y will l deci,ied what he will 'do. - be,at home at 89 Walker ave,, Toronto.. ACCIDENT. HOUSEFOR SALE.—A brick Nen - ....e....... ear house on Con, 9, Stephen. For par- SUBSCRIBER 35 'YEARS. Mrs. Harry Parsons had the misfor- ticuiars apply to James Carroll, Cred- \Ir, James Morrow, a one -tine timem- tune at her home on Monday ay into iton bar of the Manitoba Legislature, and to A fall •through a trap-door way into a Stephen Old Boy, in remitting his . the celiac` below. In � foot fall she char g in, contact the with the foot of the coli, subscription to the. Advocate rerri,nds steps, then rolled to the brick floor, us, and which ours books verify, that receiving several body bruises, to - on June 22nd ,next he•will have, beerna g.etdrer with a bad cut in the back ,of: subscriber for 35 years, having start- her head which required several stit-' ed in. Juana 1889. We have had the ches to close. Pleasure est knowing Mr. 'Morrow___ __ till those years, and if there is one DEATH OF WILLIAM DIXON.,,. HOUSE TO RENT, thing more than another he is noted. for is his promptness and res nittir g'his sub - Frame house in gcgod condition, g-ood sct *ion.' ''i'ay his shadow never grow water. Two acres of land. Apply ess. tl+ris office. — Remember The Advocate has a newspaper clubbing list that includes any daily or weekly newspaper or any monthly journal We .save you the trouble of ending for them, and in besides. Mr, Frank Taylor has rented Mr. Word was received here this, week of the death of Mr.. William Dixon who, died in Bruce fseld on Tuesday, ti�ICIETT-SCHROEDER. February 12, at the age of 87 years. The latae kir. Dixon .for many years A quiet wedding took place on Feb- conducted the Bruoefveld Hotel and Thc*rnton Baker's stables, to the rear ruary 7th, at 4 o'clock in the after= was widely -known by the travelling:1 of Taylor's The Shap, and has heal noon, at St. Andrew's xnans;e, L • oam_ public throughout Western Ontario AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES �� brad light parses far Gape or exchange, don, when Gladys elarse second da al After retiring from the Hotel bus:atess I '` rr a' bh- �.e m:::: s -:sem ::. : =e •�� ::.:� :: �� � - - Look over the horses he has on band. ter eof .Mr. and Mrs, Daae 'Schroeder he came to Exeter poi make his home 1:: .. � ,'� � '� ' `�^ "fir �' w `®�. "�a�- �� �qs ,a of Baltymote, formlerly of Stephen Z'p,, and remained here for sa, number oe --�_ „lE 4 4 V • H. 4 $IIONE '32 PHONE 32 'first Arrival of Ladies'. a� asses' Spring Coatsand Dresses We have just placed ars-stack ;our first shipment of Sprung Suits and Coats. We .ave glad to be able, to ann,otu oe that the larices of these gar- meut:ts are much lower than, last season. Call ,early and look them over. Summer Dress Fabrics Marne people wish to get their summer dresses early, , Our stock of Spni st and Summer Dress Fabrics is mew nearly complete. We have a very large range of Voiles, Limens, Ratines, Ginghanis .Etc;, to select ,from at very r+easonrable prices. A Bargain in Black Taffeta Dress Goods We place pis; sale, this week 1 only web of Bonnlet's. Cejebrated French Taffeta. Silk, color black, width 36 inches, guaranteed for 1 year, reg. ular price $,3.00 yard; clearing foe early February setting at $2.45 yd, Bargains in Men's Woollen Underwear Lot No 1 1vfenl"s heavy rib all wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44' Clearing this month at :$1,35 garment, Lot No 2 -St. George brand, same sizes, extra heavy weight, clearing at $1.75 a garment. Men's Heavy Wool Socks 49c' Pair 8 dozen Merits Heavy weight Worrk Socks, regularly up to 75c. a pair; clearing for February selling et 49c ,or., or 2 pair for 95c, Monarch Sweater Yarns for Spring and Summer The new Sprung and :Summer Sweater Yawns are ,now steady. New colors in Monarch Down, Dove, Starlite and Sitvertwlst are being shown. We have a very large si'ack to select from Ladies White Skating Sweaters Only 2 pair all wool blankets left 7 lbs weight, ,large stize, whipped singly, Very fine quality, to clear at $8;95 ,pais Woollen Blankets $8,95 Pair 3 only Ladies' Heavy White all wool Skating Sweaters, regularly $5,00 each; to 'clear at S3.75 each, NEW CURTAIN NETS, SATEENS, COMFORTER CHINTZES, ETC NOW READY, Wall Papers THE NEW SPRING WALL PAPERS ARE HERE. 1,0 per cent. off all Stanfield's Underwear for Men during February 3 ONLY BED COMFORTERS 'GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. w. JONES & MAY 1' i.. f )4 , HOUSE TO RENT. Brick house on Huron Street,(apply to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Welt built, attractive and modern bungalow, centrally located, Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Oritatalaa, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milit- ary ilittry District Number one, London, Ont, hfain Office—Dickson Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont. .Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Pbone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH Tuesday only. Phone 79 NOTICE A CHANGE OF TIME Wa'l1 be made SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1924 For Fust Particulars Apply to Any Wicket Agent Elliott an. Johns Merchant Tailors As we are just starting in the Tailor- ing Dueness we are going to give to the public a bargain, and this is what the bargain 's going to be.—We .have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast color; never facie Indigo Dye. This suit is regular $40.00 and for two dollars we are going to give you an extra pair of pants of the same cloth. But this bargainis limited. Six suits is all will be sold at this price. So don't delay. Trucking -Our 'Ts`tick makes a regular trip to London each meek. Consult its far Truck Work and eneerel Delivery. 3AG'SHAW & EASTO became time bride of Basal I3. rj ett, son of VIr. and Mrs. J, H,:,Wickett of 195 Wellington street, London„ The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. C. .MacG.regor. me bride, tvho looked charming in brown vel- vet •with hat to mach, was attended by Mrs. F,torence, Wood, and the. groom was assisted by Mr. J. C. Mil- ler. The happy coupee ,deft on the evening train for Detroit, where they will reside, years, wji'eve he. made ,many warm 1"Mr. Jas. Walker of the London Road. A flew years ago he, returned 3still continues very ill and little hope to Brucefi!eid where he has since made is held out for ibis rcovery. hi, •shone an -long some of his - friends. ,o,6d friends. He was a man of strict i,n, Mrs. H. N. Anderson 'of Sault St. tegrity, kindly and 'obliging, and hes Marie, is visiting her mother, Mrs, host of friends will .regret to learn of Richard Delliridge, who is 111. his demise. His wife predeceased hien, tile. C. I. ;Iji rg of Strathroy is the many. years. He is survived by only new junior at the Bank of Commerce., one daughter, Mrs, Thomas Snell of Lansing, Mich., whoformerly resided ed in Exeter. The funeral takes place vis BrucefLeld to -day (Thursday.) EXETER 12 LO .Drum the world over and- you can't beat Harvey's Western Flour. NOTICE 'r0 TEAMSTERS. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned, up to 7 pan., Monday, Mar 10, 1924, for the position of t'eams'ter for term of seven au;oxsths, •beginning at optiola of Council. Teamster to furn- ish team, harness and, wagon.; State price per month • By„order' Jos. Senior, Clerk The Exeter Junior Hockey. Team took the London East Enders, under the management ;of Gerald Fitton, for- merly of Exeter, into camp on Friday night when they defeated them by a score of 12-4. A fair crowd saw the game, and the spectators ,saw plenty of good play to make it interesting. The scores by •periods were 4-2, 7••3„ 12-4. Goldie Cochrane was referee, and be let the gamerun loose enough to avoid undue hold-up, but was fair taking the ,place of Mr. G. Pollock. Mrs. Mills, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cjyscla,fe, returned to: her home in Blyth Tuesday 'morn- ing. airs Walker and her granddaughter, Miss Mable Wacker, left last Friday to: visit:. at Wa'1;laceburg, Toronto and. Marlette, Mich. ,af&r. Paul Coates left on Saturday for the Old Country with three cars of cattle shipped by Mr. Byrom, Hicks. Paul is a good sailor and likes the trip. They sailed from, St. Johns. Crystal City (Man.) Courier :—"Mr,. Russell Redden of Exeter O.nt, s 44144,RS AND DEALERS • to both sides. Few penalties were ,in,- has been on a• business trip out to flicted. After the game Goldie treat- Saskatchewan spent a few days bast .Cel: ear prides - Si' Blatclltbi'd's Calf ed t11a boys to eat oyster supper at week on his way home with Mr, and Meal, tlforowg ly STi.AMVI cooked The his ,honiet N7rs, Wtu, Hedd+en,.of'toyn,," best knewn milk substitute for calves, The line up and at our prices the best value azo London—Goal • Biggs; defen.>e, Mrs. Wm.. Fans,oan, who, has been via- caif meaals...'B•egin feeding now and get Bush`an.d hvarts; centre J. Mills; wings kung bene for several weeks with retia- resullts' We supply both farmers and Donahue and Reynolds ; sttlas , R. ;Mills hers and old friends, ,left Wednesday dealers ` Haldane' and Fitzgerald. accompanied by Mrs. Samuel Sweet. EX&TER CREAMERY CO., Ltd. lxeter—Goal, Ford'; Defense, Brok for. Coition, They will visit in that Exeter and Wisnchels,ea enshire and Hey; centre, Hind; wings, city;. and at Ingersoll and Toronto be Wells and Statham; sub., Nelson. fore, Mrs. Fansctt'll returns ;to her bonne in Winnipeg. Trivatt Memorial Church 11 ann.—"In the beginning—God.” 7 p.m,—"The backside of the desert." Rev A. A. Trumpet, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHUR xa Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Mialster 10 a, m,—Sunday School and •Bible Classes. • 11 atm.—"Things the God Reveals and Conceals" 7 p m.-"God`Armeth the Patriot," Boy : Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES,ST•.METHODIST CHURCH It..v, W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor <..: Sunday, Feb .10th 1015 a.: in.—Morning .sluts. .; 11 a m:-aloreimg ' Worship Subject—"The - Conflict of the Christian." 3.og p.m,-Deciaiaoin, Day in the.:Sti Scizcral idly 7. r=:Yt . tent.: rho ilich Young Id ua2r;" EveryleedyV ieleeniel Mrs Garnet McFaljls':has returned from Detroit. Mr, C C, Pilon 'of Detroit was' haute Over Sunday. ,* J. G ••Stanbury ,was in Toronto on. busiaees, Gast week. .Air.Reg. Beavers was home from Ayr for a Lew days, NIrs. James Taylor is in .Lucart at the home ,oif Rev. Gifford. A.fr. W. J. :Ileamajn is in Hain,:i(ton attending a hardware convention. err, Geo•. Willis of London visited here over Sunday with his mother. Mr .Douglas Stewart is 'spending a few days in London and St. Thomas. tris Jessie Manson of London visit- ed here over Sunday with her parents. ,42'r. J. F. Krueger of London :spent Wednesday, with his sister, ,Mrs. A. E. Fuke, in town. . Charles Acheson .af„ the ivlgtsoILS' For Sale Buck Baseburxver,: 'wink,. omen $12.- A quantity of long and cut straw; aisrvsome bean straw, Vacuum Cleaner, Lawn Mower,both in good orcle,r and very cheap, GAS ENGINE, Stickney, 3 h.p„ $7 buysa good Daisy Churn. , Knitting :Machine, 'good order, cheap Golden Rad - Vacuum. C1'eaner cheap.., Portland Cutter, ?nearly new.. Goad 5 h: p. gas enginie. Small Blazer Heater cheap. Portland Cutter, cheap. Hand Cutting Box. 3 -Tube Radio .Set, complete: Will ins tall. 2.lncubaators, very the ap. Power Cutting Box. Easy Chair, hair cloth, cheap. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL Bank staff 'S holidayamg. at London, St. WANTED is Thomas and Grimsby. 2,01c1 Fashioned Wallanut Roc Miss` May. Armstrong after a leas- Boa Stove -about 24 inches ant -e+isit with' rela'ivtes nal' Chicago, re- Real good' tither, civeao turned home Mondale 'i,n +atformation re. above y._ a�xpiy: : ker. long. articles 1Trs James Murray... is s,erbously ll' Powell. sazaar Exeter in a Toronto Hospital, and 1tilr. .Mitr- ,� r � .ray is in the '.city'`6with hen t r Pilau E45' JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office' promptly at- tended to. • Phone—Kirk ton 54r2 Address-Kirkton R. R. Noel i DR. It H. COWAN, L,D.S,, Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, ,every Thursday and Saturday Main Of£ice,— Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT, ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY, Orders left with • Advocate Or at the Central Hotel: Princes reasonable. Satisfact en guaranteed, Exeter Ontario FRANIC TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pbone 138, hxeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and, stock sales a specialty OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Gxaduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School af Acetioneering. Spec- ial Course taken, in Regiis;tered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices.` Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar K1opP ,Zurich, Orit DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterr ccs:€ggy oh Sorenson 'etJohn ` . cload,', Stab i i J n Si„ Erct* (laaeely occupied by 1}r. Vining) Pine* w The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising --Made known on app1lrcatiori, Stray Animals—Ons insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five Wanted, each lineal � se insFor ertion Lost To and Found logs 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c -..per line per insertion., No notice lass than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales S3 for ooe iusertiosa and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if uncles fivle inches in length. Legal adv'ertiismg.10c, and 5c, a zine: Farm Or Real Estate for sale SOc, each insertion foal one month af four in. ert ons, Bargains in Furniture Everything Away Down in Price tw,•••r R N. ROWS Cannductor. of Funeral Sea -vices Phones—Business, ZOw. Residence, 20J I. R. Carling, E. A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance Office, Calung Block, Main St. Exeter Dr, G. F. Roulstan, L. D. S., 1). S, DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed' Wednesday afternoons. , MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private fnntids;-to. loan on farm and village: property at low rates of interest, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A.R. KINSMAN, L.DtS, P.D. Ho,uoa Gradua te'-rorodta LJniTCrsit7 tlffice—over. Gledman & 'Steeku y Udl , Mat Street, 1$seter. ma te: be the W w rut b7 of it . deo Hu th ti[it .t are Hit Jun Rrti 2nd you ure jut con to Les pro eno eno day T the dist 404 be' wer $11• ural hint all er 1 all of of tote clud Driv T. was 1750. in in 1 Can pop wen not ter ed for shorn Can migi tura, wou gnea dian tion be C Cana gnea Can: Caapi grea clud —in pop It Kay Anv eased' stra sis tea ced failiin ''of t] sof o and they