HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-2-14, Page 1.THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR.
-ApOur Corner
Fable; His wife waved at him across
the street and be blushed with'.pride
and pleasure. •
Of course post mortems •are satisfy -
lag. It is awful not Ito. know of ' what,
you died from.
Onli'good way ;to preseryyour
health is to omit doting all the things
you enjoy: doing.
High blood ,pressure is a sign that
you must never try ties help little 'Wil-
lie with his lessons.
Modesty is at times just a conceitted
man's subtle way of calling attention
to .tow :good he is.
They're now going to make insanity
the. cause for divorce instead of an
excuse for marriage.
The winter frocks arecarrying
touches of ,ermine--.fotnmerly worn by
somebody's house cat.
loony a man who complains that
the world isn't getting any better, is
no onng a thing himself to make it
bet, Na
Na man is prepared for heaven dur-
ing the hour immtedietely elfter out -
tin; the wrong ,end of a -cigar into
his mouth.
The law " requires that that you have
to see a doctor before you can, get
booze, The most of them see trim
The older a woman gets the more
she tile's common sense in man. The
older a man gets the he he likes com-
mon serve in a woman
Excise stamps can be purchased at
Banks only for use on checks, receipts
drafts .retic, An effort is to be :rade
to try to induce the government 'tce
have them sold at the postoffi•ces.
Hon, ,C, Drury has become presi-
dent of a business concern with head
office in Toronto. The new company
will lie known as "Dependable Securi-
ties, Limited" .Hon. F. C. Biggs, form-
er \iinist r of Highways, has become
a heavy stockholder in a Hamilton'
manufacturing concern, and Hon. M,
,Doherty has directorships in iseveral
financial corporations. Evidently "Back
to. the Land" has lost its charm for
these former champions of agriculturre.
The man who, handles the local de-
partment of a newspaper Learns after
due experience not to expect even
breifly .expressed thanks from a coie
tuna of pleasant things, but lee knows as
surely as corneal the winter that a
single line in which there is an unin-
tentional representation will cause
someone to be heard from as if from
a house top, And we may add that
when he has made pleasant mention
990' rtes of some person!, place ,or
thing, but con the thousandth time feels
to do so, he must not expect to f•b+e
forgotten. The omission may have
been from accident, inadvertence, or -
even an entire lack of knowledge. It Per Rev. A. A. Tramper and E, M.
matters not, The simple fact remains Oig,nan--That .Miss K MacFaul be
and he will be judged, by it. secretary -treasurer.
Per Rev. A. A. Tramper and H. T.
Rowe -That Thos. Pryde be repres-
Yotteei'man t Jack yourself up to entative to the Public Library Board
the best that is in you, on that job for 1924-5-6.
of yours. Do not neglect your work be- Tee Chairman named as a striking
cause you think it is beneath your Wail- committee, H. T. Rowe, J. G. Stanbury
ity. The way 'to prove you are worthy and A. E. Fuke, and 'out their report
and fit •yourself for a higher position,, of the standing. committees ;eel/1g re -
is by making a success of the work' ceirVd, it was adopted on motion of
you are engaged in,. It would be amus- J. G. Stansbury and J. Elston, as fo'--
in,e, if it were not so regrettable, to Lows, -
hear a young fellow, who is far from' Insurance -E. M, Dignan, W. A.
giving satisfaction in his intferhor job+,' Turnbull; W. H Dearnng,
telling what he would' do if he were I Fuel and Supplies --H. T. Rowe, W.
the head of the firm. Almost any pro -11-1. Dearing, J. Elston.
sitioa is important enough. to .enable 1 Teachers and Study Courses -Rev.
the worker to demonstrate his ability 1A. A. Trumper, R. N. Creech, W.May
his faithfulness, .his industry, his .en -j! El. T, Rowe.
thusiasm, and if be•'proves himself sat -1 Scholarship, Vocational and Adv'.s-
isfactory he will, without doubt, soon, ory--J, G. Stanbury, W. A. Turnbull.
be ,promoted to a better job, Those ..W. May and Principal W.ethey.
who never do 'their best because they I .Building and Grounds -A, E. Fuke,
feel their work is not worth et, are i Rev, A. A. Trumpet, J. Elston, J. G.
very likely to keep on in the same told Sta:n�bury, B. N. Creech,
rut ='o, e fund th�emseeves out of a • Finranoe-R. N. Creech, A E, Fulce
Ion', ;ltegetfier. E. :VI. Dignan.
The date of meeting was fixed for
the first Monday 'of each month,
They should mark off sparking plac-
es at the.=levies:
� o U
You'll never „et anywhere artless you
make a start somewhere.
I)on't fear' to swallow your anger;
it won't cause indigestion.
They should call. taxi cabs taxider-
my cabs because" they skin you.
A juryman is a man who must de-
cide which set of scars to bellieve.
Experience is what you get when
you are looking for something 'effete.
Finiatg a bootlegger isn't punishing
anyone but the patron who must foot
the bill.
The man who ;"ells you his used ca
should also turn over his stock of used
adjectives, .
Local News
T rpassedaway at
his home, in
Exeter North, -6n, Feb, 13th Mr Fred
Witwer, at the age of 73 years and
12 days. The ,leceasled had not been
enjoying very good health far some
time, but was ,abiile epibee up and arbund
till about three weeks ago, when he
was compelled to take finis bed, grad-
ually !sinaking until -the end came. De-
ceased was born in the neighborhood
of New •Hamburg, but the greater part
of his life. was spent in, Zurich and
Exeter. For a manlier edf years he
conducted a tannery in Zurich, and
tater was for years foreman of the.tan-
• eery of :Mr. T. I3, McCallum here, Of
late be has been cleaning in hides and
r furs. Besides his wife, who was fo:-
merly ''hiss Dina Ruby, ii,e. is survived
by one son, Ronald, p,t home, and two
daughters, Mrs. Koehler of Kitchene-
and tiers. W, L. 'Gearing of Toronto.
His zee -mina well be interred in the
Exeter Cemetery. At the •time, of go-
in,g to press the arrangements for the
funeral had not been completed,
No community can be in a healthy
condition if the law loo's. rot make it-
self respected.
The theory is that if a man has a
family of seven.,. he should be able to
afford. a seven passenger Cr,a
It is all right to 'train your son for
a white collar job if you don't 'spoil
him by teaching him to ,eat heaartilty.
.A. husband, suing for divorce, says
his wife had eleven hats in one year.
Another case of the overhead being
tooi'htigh, we ,presume.
The directors of the Chamber of
Commerce at a session held in Lon-
on Tuesday afternoon considei:ed
plans to interest the Canadian Nat�xs�.-
al Railways in the. electrification of two
important branch lines radiating from
London the Landon, Hur+,on and Bruce
and the Stratford branch. Sir Henry
Thornton will be requested to come
to• Landon at an early •date to consider
this propositionn.
Several of the radio tans in Exeter
heard President Coolidge speak at the
Waldorf Hotel New York on Tuesday
evening, on the occasion of the Re-
publican Banquet held an the anniver-
sary of Lincoln's birthday. Every
word was distinctly heard. The pres-
ident made a strong pleat. for united
effort to help the interests of, agric-
ulture, which is now in, that country
in a very depressed condition. The
same thing appiiies to Canada, and here
also every effort should be made to
help farming conditions,
The inaugural meeting of the Board
of Education was held according to
statute in the office of the secretary
on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6th.
The recently elected and appointed
members signed the declarations of
Ali. the members were present.
Organization took place as follows -
Per A. E. Fuke and J. Elston --That
R. N. Creech be chairmen.
Per W, May and W. H. Dearing -
That Rev, A. A. Trumper be vice-
The science of optometry has made
t possible for Nearly everyone to yen-
oy good ,cytesight. We call! examine
very' nerve and muscle of your eyes
se can instantly detect any opaque-
Hess of your outer orinter eye lenses
and prescribe the proper eye glass
eeds for you. You should allow us
a da so. • k• i
Phone 70 Main St„ Exeter
The chairman in hes opening remarks
paid a tribute to the worth of the
retiring members, welcomed the new
members, gave an ,e'paaaation, of the
scopeand ideals of the, old hoard, and
expressed the hope of uneon, of ,effort
ea thte part oaf the aueww ar'garniaed
hoard, particularly with 'a view to-
ward solving the difficulty of ac-
commodation. _
Tee reports of the principals of the
High and Public Schools were re-
ceived and fined.. for future referegnce,
The, matter cot:'th,e yearly report to
the County Council wan referred to
the finance committee,
Per A.;E. Yule; and J. G. Staaibury-
That the chairman, or ;vice, -chairmen
and the secretary -+treasurer be em-
powered to ,sign cheques 0r the order
of tate board.
A. few accounts were examined and
ordered to 'be paid..
After a shoat discussion of the -mat-
ter ' of echoes' accommodation it was
laid over until the next meeting.
Per A, E. Fuke-adjournment.
K. MacFaul, Secy,
In Miss Medd's school report last
week the names of 3 scholars were
accidently omitted. In 'second_. class
B, 'Kenneth Hockey was third with
80%; Ruth Fraser fourth, 79 and
Jean Ross fifth, 77.
Exeter Council
1 A. most successful and well -attend. -
ed Catnival was held in, theCrediton,
Community Skating Rine on thenight
of February 11th, when a very . en-
thusiastic crowd of skaters in costume
and onlookers atteaded. Crediton, may
well be justly proud of its rink, which
is 165x65, and cost in'the neighborhood
of $800. ,It ie now being operated
daily and many people front/ all aver
the district are taking advantage of
the skgtnng. It is hoped that many
more will avail themselves of the op-
portunity to (take in/ some winter sport,
and help along the goad work of the
Co ninittees in. charge of the Commun-
ity Rank. The comm,lttiees are to be
congratulated on the success of` thee:
venture, and we hope that the town
and district on genieral will give them
their most generous support, not only
now with the rin.1, but at all times
through the ytear, so that their i.'fto.ts
to, make their Community Field and
the sports which take place in it, sue-•.
ces.sfu1 in every way.
Some of the costumes which were
.extterecl at the Carnival Monday night
are omitted from the fallowing as it
is hetieved than, many del not Band in
their names to those in charge. The
fo1lotiti mg were noticed in costumes
�.- which did great credit to their rep
Monday„, Feb. 11th, 19 2
A regular meeting of the Munieip
al Council was held in the office o
the clerk, members all present, Th
minutes of the meeting held Jan'
28th were read and approved.
Letters were read as follows:
From the Canadian Des Moines Steel
Co., Ltd., Chatham, re Municipal
water works system. Referred to the
Utilities Commission.
Letter from the Ontario Goo
Roads Association, Toronto, re an
nual meeting Feb,' 27, 28 and 29th
at'Toronto, asking for a delegate an
annual dues. Filed.
Circular from the Navy League of
Canada. Filed.
Letter from G. M. Elliott, Secret-
ary Children's Aid, Goderich, asking
to hear of homes open for children.
Circular letter from Municipal Re-
view,. Montreal. Filed.
Letter with copies of resolution,
asking that the same be passed by
Exeter Council re Electric energy on
the St. Lawrence River, and approv-
ing of the plans of the Hydro Electric
power Commission of Ontario, mak-
ing provision for an adequate supply
of power to meat Municipal and in-
dustrial requirements of the Prov.
icen. The same being endorsed by
the Council on motion of Southcott
angleHooper. Carried.
Rev. A. A. Trumper and Mr. W.
Pomfret of the Trivitt Memorial
church, waited on the Council, ask-
ing that an electric light be placed.
on Baldwin street opposite the church
shed or school room. Mr. Trumper
also referred to the matter of chang-
ing the date of the annual elections,
the Reeve replying, stated that due
consideration woul1 be given to the
requests as made.
Ensign Stevens, of the Salvation
Army, asked for the previlage to bor-
row any band instruments that were
not in use. Due consideration will be
given,. ,
The Committee reported on the
matter of the removal of a tree ori
John street, opposite Mr. J. A. Stew-
art and felt that it would be a mis-
take to remove this tree.
The Auditor's report for January
was read and accepted on motion of
Davis—Ceultis. Carried.
Complaints have .been frequently
members of the Council
of citizens throwing ashes out on the
roads. As this is contrary to. Village
By -Law, citizens are cautioned not to
do it.
Councillor Hooper asked why the
team harness had been sold without
having. been authorized by the Coun-
cil. The Reeve replied . that he
thought it was good business to dis-
pose of articles that were not going
to be put to use. Per Hooper---Coul-
tis: whereas the set of heavy harness
owned by the Municipality having
been disposed of by two members of
the Council without first being sane-
ioned by the Municipal Council, beg
to move that the action be . not ap-
roved of, and that in future all mat-
ters must be reported back to the
Council for consideration. Carried.
Per Southcott—Coultis: That Mr,
Nelson Wells be offered the position
s bell ringer for 1924, beginning
March lst, salary, $75. Carried
Per Hooper—Davis: That the
lerk call .for "tenders to be 'submit -
4 resentative characters, and helped to
make the Carnival the , success that it
- waste Freeman Morlock, Frenchy; An
f gus Love, cowboy; Miss McKay, hal-
e Law Girl; Lura Clark and Helen Mc -
y Isaac, fairies'; Miss Merle Clark, gyp-'
sy; Mrs England, Valentine; Roy
Finkbeirser, dude; Miss Lily • Falmer
valentine; Lloyd England, Canadian
soldier; Herb Eiaber-Andy Gump; Har
old Gower, Aunt Jemima;, Kenneth
Trick, Indian; Ray Swartz, dude ;
E. Fanner, pawnbt'aker; Miss Loretta
Service Grocery
4 Vanilla Jelly Powders :...2.5c Eat More Fish for Brains,
3 bars. Quick Naptha Soap 19e Health and Economy. Fresh
3 bits. Blue Ribbon Matches 35e Halibut, Salmon and Dressed
Royal Yeast 05e White Fish—Smoked Herring,
1 Ib. Fresh Ground Coffee 55c Kippers, Ciscoes, Bloaters, Had -
Lemons dozen 25c die - Filletts—Saimon Snacks
Elephant Oranges doe. .......50c and Cod --Free Fish Receipts
2 lbs. Pulled Pigs .... .........250 and Hints.
10 .BOXES SPECIAL 'ILL1TS ,...16c ib.
��� •,�,sem.�:::�.u�..,:��A"►::���•��•��•� ��,�k�; ..,�-mow
Norman Turnbull, who resides on the
Lake Shore road north of Port Blake
and who gained so much notriety by
his mysterious disappearance from his
home last week, and who it was be
du"ted. In the opinion of the crowd
that thronged the court room, the sum -
min; up of all cases by His Lordship
was brilliant, concise and conclusive,
d 1-Iaist, Miss Canada; Ham and BevNewelhad been carried out on the ice Let S
Gladys Wolfe, bride and groom; Miss returned to his home four days later
V. Mawhinney, .Miss Canada; Mss in. a weakened condition, having been
d Turnbull, 1875; Royal Hoist, dude. ; salt that time without food. Ha seems
Gerald Zwick r, King of Hearts; Es- to have had a lapse of memory and
ther Filbpr, sailor .girl; Edgar +1 Iawhin-' does not say where he spent the time
ney, Uncle. Sam; Mess Nola Fa ist Cant since his disappearance,
ada; Gertrude Hoist and Kathleen itior
lock, bride and groom; Gordon Hoist,.
clown; Elgin Smith, Charlie Chaplin.;
Miss C. Schroeder, vulcanizer; Russel
Either Jack Canuck; John _'v1c:Isaac,
comic; Lorne Goner, comic; Alf
Wuerth conic, Melvin Wein, comic
Gordon lforlock, comic; Fred Foist
Charlie Chaplin; Clara \%orlock, girl'
comic; Howard Beaver, sailor; H, F
Guenther, McGee from Tennessee
Bob Fab;ner,, Gent's comic; Miss. A
Geiser, farmerette; Lawrence Wein
butcher;.,Kenneth Lillow,. Indian, ,
The.. following were the prize wieners
-Best dressed llady, e iss McKay, I:tal
tan girt; •\foss Losetta Ha .ist, Canada
Best dressed gent, E. Mawhinney, Un
cle Same Howard Beaver, Sailor boy ;
Best dressed girls, Laura. Clark and
Helen t IcIsaac, fairies; Helen Orme
and Gladys Wolfe, bride and groom;
Lady's comic, Mss C. Schroeder vul
canizcr; Miss Turnbull, 1815; Gent's
comic, Alf. Wuerth, Her .Either; Boy's
comic, Elgin Smith, Gordon, Hoist.
The races were won as follows, -
, Meat's free-for-all, 1 mile, Royal Hoist
E. Mawhinney; Girl's race, Helen Orme
' Gladys Wolfe; Boys' race, Gordon
Haiwt, M. Lanap+ort.
The Reception service an,d Sacra.
ted on or before Monday, March loth
for the position of teamster for a
term of seven months. Teamster to
furnish team, harness and wagon.
The following accounts were con-
sidered'and ordered paid: Fred Kerr,
brick for cemetery $36; Jones & May
supplies $1.25 Dr. J. W. Browning,
supplies 13d. of Health, 87.58; Clyde
Heywood, snow ploughing, $8, Jona-
than Kydd,::,ditto, 6.50; Thos. Web-
ster, labor 4'2e John Parsons labor
$9; Thos. Sanders labor 7.75; Jas.
Parsons labor $4; Rd. Quance labor
$5; Fred Cornish labor 1.7 5; A. Lit-
tle, labor 3.20' Bert
Batten labor,
3.20; John Morley, labor 4.50; Thos.'
Houlden team labor, $3.30.
Adjournment by Coultis.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Tri conduct three separate trials of
three men in three days for murder,
and sentence'all three to be hanged.
is somewhat of a record for Westera°
s Ontario. Murrell, Will'ams and Top -
mug were or Saturday morning sen--
' tented to be hanged on April 10th
• by Justice Lennox at London, The
Judge received praise on, all sides for
the speedy and efficient manner in
wbich"all three murder trials were con -
ment was ho't held in, the Methodist
Church last Sunday awing to the
storm. Neat'Sun.day these special ser-
vices edit be held and the pastor will
preach on the subject of the "Atone-
On Friday evening, Feb, 15, in the
Methodist Church here the pastor will
give a lecture on Missionary work
among the Indians. This lecture watt
be accompanied by lantern slides. Ev-
erybody welcome.
The Dashwood Dramatic Club will
give a concert in the Town Hall,
Crediton, ,i*s Tihursday, this week,
entitled "Aaron, from Pumpkin Crick."
Mrs. French of Detroit is visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. L1oydEngland. `
Mr, and Mrs, Maynard have return-
ed home, after spending three weeks
in the United States, on their holi-
Mrs. Nelson St. Clair is expected
home in a few days and is reported
well on the way to recovery.
`,Ballaar.tyne.-In Usbornce, on Feb. 4, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Ballantyne, .a soot,
Hadgert-In Usbomnea on Feb.• 4, to
\2r. and Mrs, James Hod'• ,ert, a son.
\IcRalls-Int B.iddulph, on Feb. 7th,
to, Mr. and Ars, Arthur McFall% a
Wiilid--Elston,-In Windsor, on Feb. 2
Miss iss Nita E.lsori of Byron, to Mr.
Tliontas 'Walls, son of \Ir. and Mrs.,
James 'Willis, of Stephen
Barry -At Lucan, on Feb. 9, William
Barry, formerly of Stephen Town-
ship, aged 32 years
Witwer in Exeter, .on Feb 13th, Fred
Witwer, "aged 73 years, 12 days.
Db o;a - In. Bi ucefieid, o+n Feb. 12th,
'William Dixon, -formerly of Exe-
ter, aged 87 years. •
Horne -1n loving, memory of Lyda ee
Horne, who passed away four years`
ago, February -17th.; ' ,.
We watched her suffer day by day,
It gave us bitter .grief
To see her slowly pine away.
And, could not give. relief.;
'Twas the breaking of the day,
God saith• ",Come, come this Way;,,
Our darling 'daughter .took.) -lis hand,
Then left us. for a better land.
-1loth•er, Fath{er' and Sister.
Help You,
To See Better
Better may not mracnl to see more.
1 It often means to sere with leas strain
Good cash prizes for Costumes.
Admission 30c. and 25c.
Sand in attendance on both occasions.
It is well to remember that the ane
pair .ef eyes have, la ;fast you your life
time, and in order to give them the
beat care all eyestrain should he re-
moved, which we do by properly ad-
justed glasses when necessary.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Sweaters & Sweater Coats
Ladies' & Girls' Pure Wool Pullover Sweaters $1.75
Every sweater in this group is worth at least three tines the
,price we are asking, but they are odd lines and must be cleared,
All sizes and color combinations and a variety of styles_ You
will, have to see them to appreciate the bargain. Values up to
$8.00 -your choice for $1.75.
Ladies' Sweaters in Tuxedo & Jacquette Styles $3.49
These are attractive sweaters in the newer styles -not ev-
ery size in the group, but a good variety to choose from, and
every one a bargain at $3.49.
Pullover Sweaters in the Popular Pineapple Knit $2,49
These popular sweaters corn in. a variety of colors -and the
style and weightare just right for school or home, Sizes for
both women and girls, and all et the special price, $2.49.
SWEATERS 35.98 . SWEATERS - 34,75; 9
Men's Fancy Sweater Coat, $5.65
This is the class of sweater coat which has been Belding for
37.00 and $8.0O -Every Coat guaranteed' pure wool, and color
combinations to suit •every taste, Vour Choice for 35,65.
Men's Sweater Coats on sale at $2.49
This group includes all our odd lines of nn;ni's sweater
coats. Many pure wool coats in the lot, and a variety of
weights and coclors-values up to $5,00, for $2,49.
PIJLLOVhRS• - $1,49 - PULLOVERS $2,49.
3 bars, any Laundry Soap for 20c.
Our Special Tea, black, green or riuxed-85c; value for .65c. lb.
3 Ile .pail pure Lard 59c.. 6 lbs. guaranteed Oatmeal 25c.
Royal Yeast Cakes 5c, pkg.
r Larep's Jelly Powders 3 for 25
Fancy tvlixed Sweet Cake.s,' 7-9c lb
Golden Table Syru,; •,. 7c, lb.
Fresh 'Soda Biscuits 15c. pkg:
2 cants 'choice Salmon. 'for 35c•
J. A. STE'