HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-2-7, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, Tau SBA'' , FEB. 75 1924 Exeter Markets s Local Doings pFred Wit\>r is at p n veryry ,poor health, i EVERY VERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ,• ge Mr. Douglas Stewart is on'duty again ...,. �.. Barley Mr. Charles Ford hats taken, a laosi- ":Ii, 45 after being cnaufined to the house for; Swell. 5$ Several fiveteks. T' tido, in the Ford office, with Mr. Malo The \ VV1un•toN'.s Best Flour 3.45 ,M Hector Rowcliffe has moved in- of >✓ducataan, is to be „held this !Wel kam�iy Flour ,. 190 to M. S Parsons bousei on, the. Len- nessdaeyaevening p� 3.30 Pastry Flour �i 3.05 don Road south.. v I Feed Flour ............ ple<1,sed to report that Mr Bran 1•5n For the first time in 28 ytears Feb- i Samuel. Hunter of i,Jsborne is riecov- \v/ Shorts New Laid Eggs Eggs, held Creamery Butter Dairy Butter Lard Potatoes Hogs inaugural e+etirug of the Board m� • ruary will have five. Friday's, • This is ' ering from his recent Iltlnless., 45 Fccnunted for ?by it being leap year. 30 49 Among those who went to Goderich 40 to 43 this week to act els, jurors, were Nes- . ; 18 to 20 1,00 to 1.25 725 W . - R. Goulding A. T. G. ;M Organist and Choirmaster James St. M.ethodi;st Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal andTheory. Instructor of .Music vin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER TENDERS Tenders will be received up ,to Mon- day, Feb. llth, for hauling two cars of coat to W:,achelsea Creamery at a rate per tan of coal. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Address GEO. JAQUES, R, ;R. No. 1, Woodham or W, G MEDD, Exeter, Send The Advocate to your dis- tant friend.s tor a year. It will be appreciated. HEIRS WrANTED• "Lost Heirs" a botok filled with names for lost heirs and missing kin from different parts of the world. Chancery Court of England, Ireland and Bank of England unclaimed list In- cluded. Send one dollar bill at once and get book by 'return mail. Interna- tional Claim Agency, Dept. 181, Pitts- burgh, Pa., U.S.A. Adv. HOUSE FOR SALE.—A brick' ven- eer house on. Con 9,, Stephen. For par- ticulars apply Jam iton. Remember The Advocate has a newspaper clubbing lust thatincludes any daily or weekly newspaper any monthly journal. We save you the trouble of sending for them, and in besides. --- RANGE FOR SALE.—Wood or coal?; warming closet; good c•oa>.•dition; cheap —Gordon Appleton, Exeter.. HOUSE TO RENT. Frame house in good condition, good water. Two- acres of land. Apply at this office.. Mr. Frank Taylor has rented Mr. Thornton Baker's stables, to thehrearr of Taylor's Tire Shop, and has and light horses for sale or exchange. Look over tb!e horses he has on hand. HOUSE TO RENT. Brick house on Huron Street, apply to Byron E. Hicks, or at this Office. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Well built, attractive and modern bungalow, GLAD1AN located, STANBURY G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioi, and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milit- ary District Number one, Landon, Ont. Main Office—Dickson Block, Msji Street, Exeter ,Ont. Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH 'Tuesday only. Phone 79 NOTICE A CHANGE OF TIME Will be made SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1924 For Full Particulars Apply to Any Ticket Agent srs. Westley Dearing and R. Sillery, ;Urs. W J. Beier us recovering from a sprained foot, sustained when she stepped on a bottle., straining the lig- amerit:. John Murray of London was fined $50 and costs for failing -to putt revenue stamps :on receipts of $10 and over. This should .serve as a warning to the general, public.. W. H. Lyon, who for the. past 1.6 years has been C.N.R. agent at Londes- horo, has accepted a similar position at Blyth succeeding Mr. McTaggart. Mr. F. E. Willis has given up the Cockshutt agency which has been taken over by Ur. Rich. Murphy. Mr. Victor Snell and Mr. Leslie Hart of Hamilton sang solos at the meeting for men in James St. Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Hart also sang in •Main St, Churreh on Sunday morning. The early days of the week were again stormy ones. Considerable snow fell, and it became piled up in drifts. On Tuesday morruiag the • weather was such that the mail carriers decid- ed not to mak-e 'their trips. The Carlad,ira,n Olympic hockey team won, the honors of the wlorld in France M• Tr. Lycra is a Londesboro boy. on, Sunday, when, they defeated their nearest opponents by 6-1. United States got second place, and Great Britain (third place. The Canadians won the preli.niinary games by 30-0, 22-0, 33;0, 19-2. 1f the party sending us a letter da- ted Jan. 22ntd, askirpg us to change. the address of his Advocate from Ailsa Craig to Parkhill, R. R. 7, will send us his name wie ,shall be pleased to change his address. The letter was unsigrued. Ur. and Mrs. Amos Doupe• of Kirk - tan announce the engagement of their only daughter, Lucy Marguerite, to Mr. Herman K. Paynter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paynter, St. Marys, the marriage to take place early in. Feb- ruary. On Monday night Clinton and Mil- verton Jr, O. H. A teams at Clinton attempted to play a game. of hockey, but •owinig to a break in the power line there were unable tol finish the game which at midnight stood 3-2 in favor of the visitors. A fresh game was played Tuesday afternoon, result- ing in a score. of 2-2. • "Dace" Blackwell, V.S. a former The Canada Trust Company, exe- resident of London, and welt -known cuter of the estate of the hate Jude here, dle+i at has homein g, in H, Dickson, values1tvs estate at Kansas; a Sew days aga, The deceas about $55,000, g consisting largely of ed for many years 'bought horses in, this section, and was \Vela -known in this stocks; life iussttrauuce and read estate, community His widow is to receive alife interest in the estate, and on her death the property passes to his only daughter, Dorothy K. Dickson., In addition to this both the widow and daughter of deceased receive substantial sums by way •of life insurance. On Monday evening a debate was held in the Thames Road Farmers? Club R o•oms. The: subject was, Re- solved, A country depends more for its advan,cenien+t -on the. natural resour- A very pretty wedding took place at ! ces than upon. the .people,. The affirm - the home of Mr, and Mrs. James ,Col- ativu side won, it ,being represented by l augwood, 227 Balmoral ave, N. Hansl- • J. A. Christie and Russell Radcliffe, tont, recently, when Lila Aifretta, their - and the negative by 'Ernest Pym and only daughter, was u.naited in marriage ;Horace Delbridge. The judges were to Walter Jahn Stone of ;the same. city. John Allison, Edgar Monteith and Jos. Rev. N. R. Cooper of Calvary Metho- . Kern+ick. The president, Fred. Stew - diet Church officiated. The bride, t art, presided. who was gingen: away ,by her father, -en- tered ;the room to the strains of the wedding march which was played by Miss May Wal+sotr, Ibe bride's dress was of sea sand ca,, out, crepe, faced with carat crystal beaeni g, with shoes to match.; also bridal, veil and sliver -- head band with French bows. She was carrying Ophelia and Sweet -heart ros- es. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary B,e11. 'Her gown was shell pink canton crepe, and `he. carried pink, carnations. The groom was atbend+'ed by.the bride's brother, Mervin Collisugw,00d, and Aid- ewin Coilingwolod was usher. The house was prettily decorated for the .erasion. There were about forty guests in the dining -room where dinner was served, :Mr. and Mrs. Stone left on the 3 o'clock train, for Port Huron and ,other points, where a short honey- moon was spent. The bride travelled in a blue 'serge dress trimmed with cerise facing and •braid, also brown coat and red hat. On their returns they will reside an HanaiLton. Many beautiful' gifts were received, among them a cheque from the bride's father and mother. • . While drawing ice at the river on Friday Mfr. R. E. Davis' horses went through to a depth that their • heads only w•er: visible. Considerable diffi- culty was experienced in getting them gut, but they were nonce the worse for the mishap. COLLIN GW OOD—STONE. Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors As we are just starting in the Tailor- ing Business lyre are going. to give to th e gu.b'.ic a bargain, and this is what the bargain 's going to be.. -We have a piece of Blue Serge, guaranteed all wool; fast calor; never fade Indigo Dye. This suit is regular $40.00 and fo..• two dollars we are going to give you an extra pair pf paints of the same cloth. Butt this bargain is limited. Six suits is all will be sold of this patine. So don't delay, assemmIMIIINIMINOMMINS Trucking Dr. Bennett, Pres. of the St. Thom- as Horticultural Society, will deliver an address on "Roses and Gladioli" in the Town Hall, on Wednesday, Feb'y 13th, at 8 p.m., under the aus- pices of the Exeter Horticultural So- ciety. Flower lovers `will remember the interesting illustrated address given by Dr. Bennett last year. Next Wednesday he will have a new set of beautiful slides that every flower grower should see. Admission free. Everybody come. FARMERS' AND DEALERS Get our prices for Blatcliford's Calf Meal., thoroughly STEAM cooked. Th• best known milk substitute for calves and at our prices the best value in calf reveals. Begin feeding now and ge results. We supply bath farmers and dealers. EXETER CREAMERY- CO., Ltd Exeter and Wirucheisea Our Truck :makes a regular trip to London each week.: : 'Consult us /Or Truck Work - and Amer -A Delivery.. EAG -SHAW & EASI'ON On Friday morning last the Exeter Agricultural Short Course held their weakly me.sting of the Literary Soci- ety, Thee subject for debate, was, Re- solved that a farmer with' 100 acres of good land and $1,000 worth of stock and implements, is in a better financ- ial positions than a city manrwith $2,000 salary. The affirmative side lost b,e ng represented by Anna Jeffrey and Gar- net Johns and the negative by Verna Coates and Russell Ratcliffe; The Judges were, \Ansa F. Hunter, Horace Delbridge and Miss L. Harding.. The Evangelistic Campaign ' with Main Street and James St. Churches co-operating, se tieing carried on with unabated enthusiasm. The service, of Sunday were .specially encouraging nsaMadinspiring. The largest number ut em bens in ten years t,ttended the sacra- mental service at James St. Sunday mnmsmimg, and the. communion service at Alain Street was to veritable Pente- cost. In the evening a crowded church of women 'greeted the pastor at Main Street and listerued with r-apt'eagerness to the appeal of the gospel to the biome while over 300 men gathered in the special. men's ane,eting_at James Street and were ;moved and challeaged!by the special, appeal of the gospel to men;. The. services !are continuing each week night at James Street. Everybody should share the •blessing of this spiritual uplift, and pause a while in th e midst of this splendid opportunity of grace to slee 'thee •,sallyAiion of ,Glad. NO SHADOW • Saturday was a cloudy and dual day.. The bear or groundhog .could ru>fot see their shadows that day. According to the old adage the {vin ler will be short - Wad up, as the ;anpmal�sl an question, do e not go back kite, their glens for an,olher t • Trivitt Merr or1al Church 11 a.re,—"°Hidden Leaven" 7, .0,m,—"The Storni." Rev A. A. Trurnper, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"A Shield against Death" 7 p.m -.-"Great Separations" Boy Scouts meet ; Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST` CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor Sunday, Feb .10th , 10.15 a. m,—/Morning - Class, 11.00 a.m.--Morning' Worship, ' "The Rights of God.". 3.00 p m—Dtecatsios; Day in the Sunday. Se -hoof 7.0p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Sub.`— six weeks. Mr. F Bayle spent Monday in Lan- don t j' ' i 11'r. Thos, D)tnaey visited int London Tuesday, Miss Winnie Miller is visiting her sister in Mitchell, it J R. Carling vva s. qiai London on business this week, Mrs. W. J. Heansatrn was in, London a few days .this iv,eek. 11r. W. D. ; Sanders was in, Toronto on business - last :week. Ur Wilfrid Stewart is in, Toronto this week' on business. \ir. Lesliie Hart of Hamilton spent Sunday in town with .Ei-ae,ntds. .Fred Deana{ was home from. Lion- don: ion-•do : Collegiate for the week and. lressrs. Edward Davis and Will Dav- is were in London Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blatchford of Toronto are visiting friends, here. Mrs. Frank Wood returned last week from a visf.t with friends in Londoori., Mrs Oren Wilmer visited over., Sun- day with ,111r. Winer in St. Thomas. :qrs. Duncan Graham of Rodney is visiting her son, Dr. Graham, initown, Mrs. Skelton of St. Paul, II.imm., is vis,itinn .her daughter, , Mrs. W. ' J. Neaman. 1 tt PHONE 32 pp1 11 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 First Arrival of ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats and Dresses We have jest placed' in, stock ;our first shipment of Spring Suits and Coats. We hale ,glad to be. able, to announce that the • prices• of these gar- menits are much lower than last season. Call early and J+olok•thlem over. Summer Dress Fabrics Many people wish to gest their summer dressesearly: Our stock of Spring and Summer Dress Fabrics is now nearly complete.. We have a very .large range of Voilie.s, Linens, Ratines, Ginghams Etc„ to select from at very reasonable prices. A Bargain in Black Taffeta Dress Goods We place On sale this week 1 only web of Bonnet's Celebrated French Taffeta Silk, color black, width 36 inches, guaranteed for 1 year, reg- ular price .$.3.00 yard; clearing for early February setting at $2.45 yd. Bargains in Men's Woollen Underwear Lot No. 1—Menu's heavy riball wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44 Clearing this month at :$1.35 garment, Lot No. 2—St. George brand, sante sizes, extra heavy weight, clearing at $.1,75 a garment.' Men's Heavy Wool Socks 49c. Pair 8 dozen 11/Lents Heavy 'w.eight Worrk Socks, regularly up to 75c. a clearing for February selling at 49c pr., or 2 pair for 95c. Monarch Sweater Yarns for Spring and Summer The new Spring and, Summer Sweater Yarns are now ready. New colors in Monarch Down, Dove, Starlite and Sisvertw,ist are being shown We. have a very large stock to select from Ladies White Skating Sweaters Only 2 pair all wool blankets left 7 lbs weight, large 'size, whipped singly. Very finie quality, to clear at $8,95 ;pan Woollen Blankets $8.95 Pair 3' only Ladies' Heavy White all wool Skating Sweaters, regularly $5.00 each; to 'clear at '$3.75 each. pair ; NEW CURTAIN NETS, SATEENS, COMFORTER CHINTZES, ETC NOW READY. Wall Papers THt. NEW SPRING WALL PAPERS ,ARE HERE. 10 per cent. off all Stanfield's Underwear for Men during February 3 ONLY BED COMFORTERS GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES S �.. ���r-:�� ��.�..y �V ,: -,.. �j.�. r��� i'.r�js '� �.lo�sr��?�,i •"__ � *�'�� ��cs:<;?v�io�:ta� �..�.:.��`:-.-.".�/.cPx::a\'�i".�:.� /-.s.-' A:' :.ta,.. �o-�:;:a� a `ti'i:ia'a Miss Gladys Ward of London, is vis- iting with her brother, Dr. Ward here. • Ur,s. $, J. Staslake, who has been. visiting yier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ford, Exeter North, left Saturday for ber home in Carnduff, Sask. Mr Thos. Boyle. of Toronto is vis- iting relatives here for a few days. "Mr. Boyle has be•e,n off duty since Christ- mas, but is now recovering. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'MacKenzie of Detroit and Mrs. D. H. McDonald of Ripley are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. MacKenzie, Exeter North. Mrs. W W. Taman 'spent , 'several during "A Zing on the ' Scrap H.ea{p-" days is, London. with friends Everybody Welcome. t' a week, Ur. and Mrs. G. E. McTaggart of Watford spent Sunday with the for- niers -mother, Mrs, P. McTaggart{. Theyhave sold their home, iib Blyth and are preparing to inove;to Watford. Winchelsea A pretty !event took place at the rectory Blyth, on ;Saturday., Jan. 26 when Moss Pearl Paryne of Bluevale became the bride of Alfred Anthony Fowler •of Wanch+elsea, Rev. W. B. Hayek -ins, ,of Blyth Anglican nhurch officiating. '.Mr. and Mrs, Fowler will taker up their residence hear Exeter. JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfactiion. guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. , Phane—Kirk ton, 54r2 Address—Kiakton R. R. No. 1 DR., H, H. COWAN, L.D.S., D.D.S, Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday Main Off ice,— Eiartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY, Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reastonable, Satisfaction. guaranteed. Exeter Ontario For Sale FRANK TAYLOR Lie -wised Auctioneer for Counties of /Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario COAL HEATER, with oven in beat shape. First $15 takes it. - A quantity of bang and cut straw; also some bean. straw. Buck Baseburner, with wen $12. Antique Walnut Furniture-Sette and Arm C1 -air, hair cloth, cheap. Vacuum Cleaner, Lawn Mower, bath in good order and vary cheap, GAS ENGINE, Stickney, 3 h.p., $7 buys a good TJaisy. Churn. Knitting Machine, good ordbr, cheap. Golden. Rod Vacuum Cleaner cheap. Number of 1 gal. bottles,' for oil , Portland Cutter, nearly new. Good 5 h. p. gas engine. : ,, Small Blazer Heater cheap. •, Portland Cutter, cheap. Good Range -Social Jewell. Good Single Light Sleigh. Hand Cutting Box., Oil Heater, cheap HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL WANT ED Old Faslsaoned. Walnut Rocker. -Box Stave about 24 inches long. R eat good cutter, cheap. For ,information 're, above articles Bazaar Exeter unwell s � , Plume 35 ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and . stock safes a specialty OSCAR, KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Au;ctioneering. Spec- ial ,,Course taken in Reg tiered Live Stock, Merchandise, '' Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured_ Write or 'wire 18-93, Zurich Oscar Kltopp, Zurich, Ont. DR. A. E. TENNANT Vetiainailr Surgeon ucDoeuei's Stables, ' John St.," Rube. (lately ocelroied by Ds, Vining) Plitooe"ZQw, The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known as appllicatioat. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50, Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, ,each inser!ti,+on 50c. Lost and Found dot!a1,s 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c...per line per insertion] No notice less that 25c. Card of Thatik' 50c. Auction Satles S3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fife inches in length. Legal advertit&ng IOc. and 5c. aline. Farm or Reaa Estate for sale 50c. each insertion four one month of four iets'ertacros, To Our Many Customers -- WE EXTEND TO YOU OUR SIN- CERE APPRECIATION OF YOUR VALUABLE CO-OPERATION DUR- ING 1923, AND WISH YOU ALL. A BRIGHT AND. PROSPEROUS 1924. i : R N. ROWE Conductor of Funeral. Services Phones—Business, 20w. Residence, 20J L R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc - Lc'aats, ' Investments Insurance! Office, Calling Block, Main, St. Exeter Dr. G, F. Roulstont, L. D. S., D. S. DENTIST Office > over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan cm farm and village property at low rates of interest' GLADMAN 8i STANBLTRY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A. R..KINSMAN, L. D S„ D.43. S. Honor Graduate Taroaito University' Office--+oie+r ' Gladman & Stanburr't Office, 'Meta Street, Exeter,