The Exeter Advocate, 1924-1-31, Page 2PEteilgA* choose an led 'Trails I -BY WILLIAM MACLEOD RAINS (Copyright Thomas Allen). CHAPTER XVIII: (Cont'd.) 1 Jack. "But I'm right busy, to It was on the way back from Golden o, So So tiny seemed the little house, II brushed him aside an' walked in." Scarce room for bed and board; ove and happiness thegoldenfields of that' ` sus • of his, Jack had long since lost his In Leaping measure poured. whisper that .they had killed his uncle' for the' fortune, though it couldn't be proved. You know that." "Just as they're goin' to whisper about Rose•. McLean if I don't clear, things up. No, Jack.' You've got the wrong idea. What we want to do is for us all to. jump in an' find. the man who did it. Then all gossip against us stops." (To be Continued.) The Little House. while he was being rushed through i In dealing with this forceful cousin Yet here were 1 H615 e s summer, a indolent insolence of manner: "You But now too large the little house, picion of his cousin- -hit Kirby like I11 , not h..0 IMOSt delicious blend procu �.bI4rr. a blow in the face. Facts began to' can walk out again, then. . marshal themselves in his mind, an talk," he snappep•. irresistible phalanx of them. James' Kirb drew u a chair and seated was the only' man except his brother,' himself. When Vetere James sent a -who benefited greatly by the death of messenger for you to come to his his uncle. Not only was this true; rooms at once on the evening of the the Iand promoter had to die soon to twenty-first, what did he want to tell e - help James, just how soon Kirby man bored straightThe nto.those of Gof the un meant to find out. Phyllis and a nin ham. - � � `�� •> companion had been in the victims «Who said he sent e. messenger for �/'`�. apartment either` at the time of his mei„ death or inimediaiely afterward. That ,� , s It doesn't matter who est now. -----,,% • ' �, Y: ,, =1- .._,, companion might have been James a •and not Jack. James had lost the There are two witnesses. What did ON `"THE CUP THAT CHEERS." I troubles on this account. A veryg y he want?" oun babyis more comfortable sheets with the writin left b the "That's vine business." There is black tea and green tea y g Japanese valet Horikawa. The rage) "So you say. I'm business." beginnin' to won - do you know why? The black leaves a basket than in any crib with open he had vented on his clerk eas- bars,for the reason that no drafts ilyhave been a blind. When James der if it isn't the business of the State have been fermented and are milder, of Colorado, too," the tannin is changed and made less can get in from the sides as is the knew he was going to Golden to look "What do you mean?" soluble, so you get less of the bitter case with the cribs. A clothes basket o ce teied to forese regl�h m by des doat4 "I mean that Uncle sent for you principal in your beverage; and then is the most convenient kind of basket in the information. because he had just found out your the leaves must be carefully fired or to use if the baby's outfit does not gbrother and Miss Harriman were mir- ex exposed to the sun, to check the fes include a regular bassinet. Kirby tried to fight off his suspic- ried." pions. He wanted to believe in his Jack flashed a startled look at him. mentation, and the heat must be just cousin In his own way he had been It seemed to him his cousin showed right, so as to remove the moisture APPLE LOLLIPOPS. ; kind to him. He had gone an his bond an u ilaanny knowledge at times. "You but not drive off the volatile oils. When children tire of the custom -'to keen him out of prison after he think see All along the line, from the band ary and wholesome apple which forms had tried to conceal the fact of Ins . "He wanted to tell you that he was picking by women and children, the a part of the noontime lunch, give existence at the coroner's inquest. But goin' to cut your brother out of his curing, the shipping and the blend- them a delightful surprise by putting doubts began to gnaw at the Wyoming will an' leave you sole heir. An' he ing, your tea calls for delicacy, care in "candy -coated one. man's confidence in him. Had James wanted you to let James know it right and judgment. That is the reason it. Make a syrup of onepound of gran- ;befriended him merely to be in a posi- away." 3 }n p tion to keep closer tab on anything: Kirby was guessing, but he judged is such a culinary crime to abuse it ulated sugar, one tablespoonful of he discovered? Had he wanted to he had scored. Jack got up and be - when it is handed over to you for the' vinegar and two cupfuls of water. be close enough to throw him off the gan to pace the room. He was plainly final making and serving. I Boil this till it spins a thread, but do :track with the wrong suggestions? ? agitated. The Raw Material—The little not stir or it will get sugary. Add a± The young cattleman was ashamed "Look here. Why don't you go back green leaves of the first harvest are little red cake coloring if you have it' of himself for his doubts. But he to Wyoming and mind your own busi- the finest, picked in April in China on hand. Insert thin sticks about four could not down them. His discovery ness? You're not in this. It's none and Japan they spell delicacy; sue- inches L,ng in the stem ends of bright of the marriage changed the situation. of your affair. What are you staying e.ssive pickings give somewhat lower red apples. Next dip the apples into It put his cousin James definitely into here .for hounding the life out of t iality. In Ceylon, where many of the hot syrup, holding them by the the list of the suspects.. James and me?" • er best known brands originate, sticks; then set them on waxed paper As soon as he reached town he call: "None of my business! That's good, < picking goes on the year round at to cool. You have transformed com-' ed at the law offices of Irwin, Foster Jack. An' me out on bond charged. t is intervals. The tea from dif- mon apples into lollipops,which win & Warren. The member of the firm with the murder of Uncle James. I'd Y pp he wanted to see was M. say it was quite some of my business. rt "gardens," as tea plantations make an instant appeal to the imag- . "I've been to Golden, Mr. Foster," I'm gonna stick to the job. Make up 1 •4. picturesquely called, varies in ination and palate. ,he said,when he was alone with that your mind to that," • aster, so you see that you must If yellow apples are used drop a' gentlean. "Now I want to ask you ; "Then leave us alone," retorted: your tea merchant for the care- bit of butter color into the syrup and, a question." :Jack irritably. You act as though' 1 :lending of the final product. Ad- • pre y golden glazed apples will be' The lawyer looked at him, smiling you thought we were a pair of mur- r Aire till you 'and what suits your the result. t,. -te and stick to it The blending of teas calls for experts along the line,1 TRY A LEMON. and "tea tasters" must have all the An astringent that I have found en _. «X don't want legal advice just you steal that record at Golden? Why s'll, and more, of the connoisseur of tireiy satisfactory is leman juice. It now," Kirby answered. "I want to did James lose the Sap's confession— fine vintages, to produce a product of also has a slightly whitening effect. ask you if you know whether my if it was a confession? Why did he even quality and the sante character - end a lemon in half and rub the cut uncle knew that James and Miss Har -.get Miss McLean to disappear? An- fine from the varying teas received. end over the face, massaging gently riman were married." :sorer those questions to my satisfac- "Orange pekoe" is a general quality with an upward motion for the special Foster looked out of the window tion before you talk about me buttin' designation, not a kind of tea, and p p and drummed with his finger-tips on in with suspicions against you." benefit of sagging muscles. A n spell- the desk.( Jack slammed a fist down on the alone is not enough to designate the cation a week is really enough for thel "He knew?" ' , corner of the desk. `I'm not going to "Test) answer any questions ! Pll say you've "Do you know when he found out?" got a nerve! l'ou'se the man t:iarged "I can answer that, too. He found with this crime—the man that's liable out on the evenine of the twenty- to be tried for it.You've got a rope For one has gone away, .Find through , the high and empty rooms The joyless echoes stray. Still ever round the little house The sweetest memories cling Of laughing face and dancing feet, That made our hearts to sing. Oh, Father, keep the little house; Bring balm and tender care; May smiles again of happiness In. Thy good time be there, —E. Lillian Morley. warily. Both of the James Cunning- derers. hams had been clients of his. 1 If you have nothin' to conceal, "I make my living giving legal ad -a why do you block my way? Why ice" he said. !aren't you frank an' open? Why did sort of tea you may like best. Flowery average skin, as it causesa general pekoe,orange pekoe, and just pekoe, tightening of the tissues, and using mean the three smallest leaves from oftener than this might be unpleasant. the top of the plant, size and quality —J. W. varying in the order named. But? first—two days before his death. I round your neck right this minute— varying also vary according to climate, told him—after dinner at the City and you go around high and mighty 4 SERVICEABLE HOUSE DRESS trying to throw suspicion on men that the tune of Aickine tl� d' ' Club cuing, ei with the altitude at which they are i grown. Like humans, the plants that grow on the heights have the best1 character! The Finished Bez'erage—In the making there are just three essen- tials, very simple ones and easy to attain, and too often they are all ne- glected. First have freshly boiled water. a jumping boil; watch the. tea -kettle as a cat watches a mouse hole and when it "surges wildly" as the Orientals say, jump for it! Second, use an earthenware, porce- lain or china pot—not metal, and pre- heat reheat it by rinsing in hot water. Third, pour on the water (one cup to each teaspoon of tea let it steep not less than three nor more than five minutes. Tea that steeps too long or boils (horrible thought!) is a tannin stew of bitterness and unwholesome ness that one dislikes to contemplate. Its fragrance is gone, its delicacy has lied, and the whole party is completely spoiled, for either health or pleasure. "You had just found it out your- ( there's no evidence against." eeee self?" KEEPING BABY WARM.. In severe weather every mother knows that it is extremely difficult to keep the baby's hands frdin pushing. down the covers andgetting almost b1'ie with the cold. We can put stock- ings on his feet or let him wear the Iittle sleepers with feet in them and thus protect his Iower Iimbs, but those lively pink fingers are a problem. A. very simple solution for this is to take his old white cotton stockings, which he will not wear in cold weath- er and which would very likely be too small for hint next summer, cut out the feet and stitch across firmly on the machine. These make nice elastic mittens that can be pulled upover his hands and pinned to his sleeves, in such a way that he cannot pull- them ulpthem off. Then mother will not shiver ancr refer to - his fingers as icicles when morning comes. Where a house is not heated by al furnace it is often a good idea to haver the baby wear a little nightcap, as hist little bald head is apt to get. very cold and there is sometimes danger of ear; 4604. Here is a good style for the slender or stout figure. A good model,park the whole fortune was to go to ih d y II . "You said you had a quarrel with "That afternoon." your uncle that night—no, I believe "How did you decide that the James You called it a difference of opinion, Cunningham mentioned in the license , at the inquest. What was that dis- au saw was the younger one?" agreement about?" dis- you the age given." Find out! I'll never tell you." "How did my uncle take the news• "Was it because you tried to defend when you told him?"" 1 James to him—tried to get him toy "Ile took it standing," the :lawyer ; forgive the treachery of his fiancee said. "Didn't make any fuss, but?. and his nephew?" looked like the Day of Judgment for I Again Jack shot at him a look of the man who had betrayed him." perplexed and baffled wonder. That "What did he do?" i brown, indominatble face, back of "Wrote a note and called for a mes- . which was so much strength of pur- senger to deliver it." 1pose and so much keenness of appre- "Who to?" Kirby asked colloquially.' hension, began to fill him with alarm. "I don't know. Probably the corn - seal He man let no obstacles stop him. pany has a record of all calls. If so» He would go on till he had uncovered you can find the boy who delivered the the whole tangle they were trying to message." Minard'si Ljnlment Heals Cuts. Under the Moscow Government marriage hi Siberia is only a matter of taking out a license to wed; divorce is equally easy. A wise man will make more oppor- tunities than he finds, --Bacon. WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia- mond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all col- ors. Directions in each package. NURSES The Toronto Hosplcai for Incur - stales. In atflllatlan with Bellevue and ,,flied Hospitals. New 'root City otters a three yesrs' Course of Train- ing to young women, having -the re- quired eduction. and desirous of be- coming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system, The pupils receive uniforms 'of the School, e :monthly aliowaue9 and travelling exnenaee to and from New 'York. For further Information apply to the k;nnorintnnrinr,h Next Beat Thine. "Can you speak French?" asked the manager. The applicant for a job seemed no plussed. Then she brightened up. "Not exactly," ; she explained, "but I'm engagd to a youzig mail who's a French polisher." Only a.. watch repairer can keep his eye on a timepiece and still tend to ise business. The average temperature of the human body is 98.5 degrees Fahren- heit. For Invalids Delicious, strengthening beeftea and dozens of other tasty and nourishing dishes may be easily and quickly prepared with In tins of 4,10, 50 and 100. ti :ea, e ,,}}A keep hidden. "I'll get busy right 'away." "For God's sake, man, stop this Foster hesitated, then volunteered snooping around! You'll get off. another piece of information. "I don't We'll back you. There's nowhere suppose you know that your uncle nearly enough evidence to convict you. sent for me next day and told me to Let it go at that," implored Jacic draft a new will for hiin and get it "I can't da that . I've got to clear ready for his signature." my name. De you think I'm villin' "Did you do it?" to go back to my friends' with a "Yes. I handed it to him the after- Scotch verdict haengin over ine? He noon of the day. he was killed. It was did it, but ve haven't evidence enough found unsigned among his papers to prove it.' Come clean, Jack! Are after his. death. The old. will still you and James in this thing? Is that stands" iwhy you want me to drop my inves- ,"Leaving the property to James tigations . and Jack?" "No, of course we're not! But— "Yea." damn' it, do you think we want the "And the new ,gill?" name of my brother's wife dragged "Except for some bequests and ten through the mud?" thousand for a fountain at the city "Why should it be dragged through e mu —• you re a innocent?" for a maid's or nurses" uniform an Jack'„ "Because gossips cackle -and peo one that' is suitable for any' of the «So that if he had lived twenty- 171e never forget. If there was some materials now in vogue for morning four hours longer James would have evidenceagainst her and against dresses. been disinherited." James—no matter how little --twenty The Pattern is cut in 7 sizes: 34, Foster looked at him out of eyes years from now people would'. still 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust that told nothing of what he was measure A 38 inch size requires 7% thinking• "That's the situation ex-! yards of 27 inch material. The width actly.'' further comment' at the foot•is 2 yards. Kirby made no , Patternany address mailed to en. nor did the lawyer. Within two hours the man from) receipt of 15c in silver by the Wilson Twin Buttes had talked with the mes Publishing Company, 73 West Ade- senger boy, refreshed his memory with$ laide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks a tip, and learned that the message' for receipt of 'pattern. Cunningham had sent from the City CIub , had been addressed ' to his Merely Prevention. nephew Jack. Willie was under orders never to go in swimming. And .mother meant to see that he obe;=ed. So one day she became suspicious. Do Not SUFFER or Loose Your TEETH SOHRCU m Paste will positively remove ail Soreness and infection, rendering the gurus firm and healthy, correcting bleed- ing gains and a bad breath.Mail sixty cents to SOHRGU':4I Labora- tory, Box 445, Toronto, for trial. Money refunded if not. satisfied. ' ISSUE. No. 4-14. "Willie, your clothes are wet," she said. "You have been in the water again." • "yes, mother; I went in to save Charlie Jones." "My noble darling! Did you jump in after him?" "No, mother. _ I jumped in ,first so as to be there when he fell hi."" Five > thousand acres of - essenp- yielding flowers are under cultivation in Grasse, France. rlinard's Liniment for Dandruff. 1> CHAPTER XXIX... "COME CLEAN,: 7ACK." Jack Cunningham, co -heir with James of Ina uncle's estate, was busy in the 'oface he had inherited settling up ane of the hundred details that had; been left at loose ends by the promoter's sudden death. He looked up •at the entrance of. Lane. "What do you want?" he asked sharply. "Want a talk with you." .,,"•� , iwith you. VTell, l' donxt care to talk w th y o What "are you doing here anyhow, I ` A cu 9f hot Bovril the boy to telleyou I was toe busy P Ito see you." • Is this the 'best Bovril Poster?. What Is VoUtZ Favorite Instrument Violin, Mandolin, Cornet, Saxophone, Banjo? Haven't you wished you had one of these instruments of your own? Nearly every - ane has. See our new catalog. It contains exact reproductions of every home instru:::ent, It makes a special free trial offer. It contains a startling easy -term proposal, which will enable anyone to enjoy the in- strument of his choice while it is being paid for. FREE LESSONS A complete course of lessons on how to play each instrument is also outlined in this novel catalog. It shows just what every music -lover wants to know. And it's free to those who send in this coupon at once. Just tear it out, sign your name to it and slip it in an envelope to -day addressed to us, and the complete book will arrive in your mall right sway. WILLIAMS TH.E &ONS SGO. Established 1849 145 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. r rnea.seesteese rhe R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Limited 145 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. Send me your new book, "Musical Instruments of Quality," entirely with- out obligation or expense to me. NAME .- ADDRESS (W.) 4 briidges.the gap betwbetween zneal- "i That 's what he' said, Kirby " op- ened his slow, whimsical smile on IN VIEW of the great demand for farm help existing in. Canada the Canadian Pacific Railway will continue its Farm Help Service during 1924 and will enlarge its scope to in- clude women domesticsand boys. , THE COMPANY is in touch with large numbers of good farm laborers in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Holland, Switzerland and other European countries anid through its; widespread'organization can promptly fill applications for help received from Canadian farmers. In order to have the help reach Canada in time for the Spring operations farmers needing help ' should arrange to get their applications in early, the earlier the better, as naturally those applications which are received early will receivefirst attention. Blank application forms and full information regarding the service may be obtained from any G:P.R. agent or from minof the officials listed. below. THE SERVICE IS ENTIRELY. FREE OF CHARGE. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY) Department of Colonization and. Development WINNIPEG.—M. E. Thornton, Superintendent of Colonization T. S. Acheson. General Agricultural ;Agent 13ASICATo0N.—w, 5, Cerow, Land Agent 1Y. F. Karam, Special polonlzatton Agent CALGARY.—T. 0. 5'. %terser, Asst. to Supt. of eolonizatish .EDMONTON. -J. Miller, Land Agent MONTREAL. --,I'. Douai!, General Agricultural :A.dent Sc• Lti 'Pae Norwood,, Lpnd ,Agent E. G. WHIT, Assistant Connt3ssioner, . 8. FENIv'X8, Chief Commissioner.